Good Nutrients For Cheap Free

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Yeah that's kool shit. Hey when you mention she used the fish nutrients. And she killed it. Did you mean she "fucking killed it man". Like it was some bomb weed. Lol. Or she killed the plant like "dead". Lol. Sorry. I have to ask cus I bough some of that stuff and it stinks so
Bad. But if it works good. I'll use it.


Yeah that's kool shit. Hey when you mention she used the fish nutrients. And she killed it. Did you mean she "fucking killed it man". Like it was some bomb weed. Lol. Or she killed the plant like "dead". Lol. Sorry. I have to ask cus I bough some of that stuff and it stinks so
Bad. But if it works good. I'll use it.

It's was Dank with a capital D. C99.


Kool. I guess I'll have to to a few test plants with it. But right now I need my medicine ASAP b. This street crap is killing me. Money wise and it sucks too. That's one reason I went with the two I did. White widow X big buds strain and I just started a Money Maker from strainhunters A OJ Kush strain. And a BUBBAS Gift all three from seed tho. I have some clones trying to start too but I wasn't patient enough. I should have waited to take clippings. I was thinking it only needed two nodes and it would root but it's 3 nodes your suppose to have on a clipping. I take clippings from bottom. I have a trifoliate that I want to clone but I'm just not sure I can root it. I want to cut the top so the three bud branches will become three Colas on top. And root the top into a clone plant and grow t out too and keep doing it. But I'm not skilled at cloning enough. I have rooting powder and Superthrive. But I actually had one rooted. Put a hole in soil and Put a little root powder in and planted. Two or three days it was ok. Tonight all the sudden it died. Idk. That was the only one I had that rooted. All the rest are dieing. I put them in the bubbler tank with my other plant that was in there but fell over and I am growing it out like a mini SCROG style. But I think when we moved here two week ago the PH is off now and I've been trying to get it down but it's tough water here so in going to have to buy water. I only need 6-7 gal and change it every 10days. Here I have to change every 2-3 days and the plant still isn't doing good cus PH is like 7-7.5 and it's just not good for hydro at all. Tommorow I'm buying water or hauling water from the old place. Perfect 6.1 -6.2 out of the tap. It was perfect for the Bubbler Tank. Plant was great. When it fell over a week or two before we moved and then I cut the leave that were useless off of t so the new growth of bud branches got light and could all grow straight up into new plants almost if I want The stem is laying sideways and when they get tall I'm going to set it right at the top of the water so more roots start. And I can either cut into separate plants then. Or do a SCROG style grow with it and it has like a dozen branches starting to grow up See how it works and I may do another like this next grow too


Humboldts? Or is it hunblots. Wasn't sure if it was a typo or it really it hunblots. Lol.
Sorry it's Humboldt County's Own - they offer a out of this world sample packs $15.00 worth every penny - highly recommend you get the sample pack Sorry again


Is that the Grow. micro N Bloom sample pack. Comes 2 oz of each? That's the one I have been using and it wasn't quite enough to finish my grow. Plus I didn't really see much result with it. I mean I understand nutrients don't make the plant blow up in size. But you definately should be able to tell wether you give it water or nutrient water.


I support cheap salts, to me a fertilizer is a fertilizer, the npk in miracle grow is the same as any other. I like maxibloom (hot pink only muahahaha) or jacks/peters. A mj plant is not going to consume nutrients much differently than a tomato plant will. Its just about applying the correct nutrition levels at the correct times.

Organics/soil is a whole different ballgame though.

edit: It is awesome how much you can pick up at home depot/lowe's in the legal states. Cracks me up every time I see something clearly for mj growing.


Yeahhhh!!!! That's what I was trying to say. Lmao. I was talking about the NpK values. This thread. Or my other. Idk. I get confused. Lol. But yeah that's basically what I was saying. Nutrients are nutrients but the "Brand" is just their formula to Mix those nutrients all certain levels that THEY think is the best! But nitrogen is nitrogen. phosphorus is phosphorus and so on.. so on That's why I mean ruined if you were to buy plain Nitrogen food. phosphorus food. And Kelp food Say even from Walmart and mix it to Idk say...7-5-4 for veg and then another mix for 5-7-5 for pre flower and a 4-10-6 I don't know. Just shooting some numbers But a nutrient mix is the same. The values or each nutrient within that brand are what's different. That's all. Miracle grow is SUPER CONCENTRATED I MEAN SUPER. For cannabis I use a teaspoon at the most for 10gallons. Yes. 15gal for starters and work your way up to what the plant needs. But ImI would start lower than that at first and work your way up.


So here's a laugh for everyone. So I'm in Florida. Illegal still here. So after seeing Home Depot picture posted. I decide to stop today and asked a hippy looking guy. Hey man where's you mr plant nutrients. He says "for what kind of plant are you needing for". I said. Do you really want me to answer that. The less you know the better ". Lol. He said gotcha and said everything we have is outside on the wall. I went out into the garden area and NOTHING NO hydro nutrients. Not Bloom or grow nutrients. Nothing useful here. Go figure. Oh well. I figured they wouldn't have any. But what really baffles me is that HOME DEPOT DOES NOT HAVE any COCO medium whatsoever. That surprised me


So here's a laugh for everyone. So I'm in Florida. Illegal still here. So after seeing Home Depot picture posted. I decide to stop today and asked a hippy looking guy. Hey man where's you mr plant nutrients. He says "for what kind of plant are you needing for". I said. Do you really want me to answer that. The less you know the better ". Lol. He said gotcha and said everything we have is outside on the wall. I went out into the garden area and NOTHING NO hydro nutrients. Not Bloom or grow nutrients. Nothing useful here. Go figure. Oh well. I figured they wouldn't have any. But what really baffles me is that HOME DEPOT DOES NOT HAVE any COCO medium whatsoever. That surprised me

Yeah I came from Texas. Nothing like that there. Buddy said at one point up in Cali his local Home Depot had Botanicare Ebb tables in the garden section lol.

Just one thing on NPK and Nitrogen being Nitrogen. There are different sources of macros and micros so it's not always the "same."


Yeah I know but basically Basically same as everything else. There's different qualities and sources. Natural and organic comes into play too. But tha basics are easy enough. It's kind of like the Vaporizers I deal
With and vapor juices and I add nicotine. Different companies have their version or their mixture of nicotine and even tho it's basically all the same you can tell they are different tasting sometimes. Some smoother. Some have a hint of cat pee when it's the straight up full strength nicotine liquid Companies all have the different sources and mixtures they do


I got the humboldts own sample pack they were super generous with how much they gave. their micro, grow and bloom 8 ozs Krystal burst, deep breath, g 10, Magnum and snow storm 4 oz. 2 ozs of purple max and a quart of their killer tea plus a 5 gram bag of their sonic bloom all for only 15 bucks
IMG 20160625 111212612
IMG 20160625 105844984


I was told from a local hydroponics store here that I shouldn't bother trying it. I had Humboldts for my first two plants this year. They are almost done flowering but honestly. The Humboldts didn't seem to do anything. Once I ditched to Coco and General Hydroponics Nutrient sets my plants started loving it. I use regular GH for Veg right now. And then I switch to CoCo Bloom a/b and MonsterBloom. Seems to be working ok. I think I may save up to try another one tho. There's a newer one that is really getting popular fast. I just can't remember the name of t right now. Every shop I've been to has it only display now and recommend it. Next time. I'll have these for a few grows yet I think. Atleast to finish out this one and the plants I have in Veg. So I have time yet


Where did you order that from. For $15 for all that. I may give them another try. Lol.


Plus I forget to. There's Humboldts own. And Humboldt county's. I think they are two different brands. Not sure on that. Have to look


I got the humboldts own sample pack they were super generous with how much they gave. their micro, grow and bloom 8 ozs Krystal burst, deep breath, g 10, Magnum and snow storm 4 oz. 2 ozs of purple max and a quart of their killer tea plus a 5 gram bag of their sonic bloom all for only 15 bucksView attachment 611486 View attachment 611485

Hey. Where did you order that from? For $15 I might as well give it a try again.


I like soup
what nutrients or what can people use that want to start out growing a little but their budget is low. Many people try miracle grow and things that they probably shouldn't. So I wanted to post this for those people. Cus in the beginning I didn't know. I still don't know what I can use locally here so this may even help me since I have to order online right now for decent nutrients. I used Humboldt Farms. Grow. Micro and Bloom this past grow. But looking for something else
Cns17 ripe is a single bottle that will get you through veg and flower... its made by botanicare and its cheap


Yeah I found that stuff. It's a sample kit for free with $15 shipping. Not bad. I use General Hydroponics Coco Nutes right now and Monster Bloom. But for a kit for $15. Might as well get it. I had Humboldt county's own before and Thot is was kind of Umm. Well. It did absolutely nothing for me. Not that I could tell. And I wasn't risking my plants to try that much more and they were little bottles before. Grow micro and bloom But like I said. For $15. I will give the full kit a chance and give the brand a second chance. If not I know others that just play around and grow one or two plants that will really love that deal.

And as for the one bottle for veg and Flower. I just don't know if I like the idea of that. Maybe for an auto I would feel better. But really any plant would need SOMETHING when in flower to adjust it to less nitrogen mainly. That would be my main concern is nitrogen levels making it taste horrible. The P K levels I guess just wouldn't let the buds get quite as dense but that's tolerable. Harsh taste and headaches aren't tolerable. (I have a Tumor and I get headaches easily and if someone doesn't flush or has too much during flower. I can tell usually).

I'm sure it's designed to use for both and works good for certain situations. I just will have to read up on that one more. I also just prefer more complicated nutrients. Lol. Gives me something to do while mixing and I get to spend time around the plants more too. Others want simplicity. So it may be for them I'll check t out for sure tho

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