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Sure but they are all different strains. Lol. First grow in years so I'm looking for a good mother. I'll send you a pic of each and the strain they all are a little different but all are super healthy. My favorite is the bubba Kush because I've had great success with it back years ago. Third largest in the bunch. Skittles Kush is the largest but is needy. Keep her healthy and the rest will thrive. She is my alarm. Had a few brown spots on her. Added more cal mag to reservoir and a mild cal mag spray for a few days and problem solved fast. She is the one up front on the left. Second largest and fast growing is the second one in the left. Poscotti Sunday or something like that. Excuse my spelling but I think that's what the dispensary wrote. I'll have to check. That one is a beast. Grows super fast, bushy and super healthy. Probably going to keep her and bubba as mother's. Have 3 other strains in that system and 2 more strains in fix farm that are also super healthy but not as good as the ones in the system but super healthy and strong.