Grow diary mission impossible (low to medium budget lol)

  • Thread starter BearWater
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
and THAT you call a small budget? That's a great future harvest!
It’s totally “relative” (I love that word lol) the shed came with the house and just sat in the back yard with crap in it from when we moved in. I guess you could consider it the medium budget hahaha! There was a point in time I thought I was going to have to shut it all down because my ac wouldn’t run correctly and the power bill was crazy (had it set up wrong and JJ saved the day) I would already have more lighting (had to build mine with lights I had been purchasing for my outdoor gardens) and the nutes are all I could afford for these runs. I would of already had the lung room built but waiting on supplies to finish that : ) its a hodgepodge of stuff I had and slowly build over the last year : )

With all that said I really appreciate what I got and how it’s working for me (not all smooth but working) and thats what im really enjoying is the dialing in of the space and learning the plants. And hopefully the harvest will be more than my last (thats my goal) 😃 thanks for the kind words on the harvest man! Fingers crossed : )


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
And yes, that last comment was 100% sexist to drive the analogy home!😉🤣
My wife doesnt complain so I have to do that part for the relationships sake 😂


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Hey guys and gals! Things are settling down from my wife getting super sick and being in the hospital. She came home Wednesday and is trying to get back to her old self (she needs to take it easy and cant overdo it) that is giving me time to get out into the shed a bit more. Things are alive and moving along. JJ sent me that pump and emitter set up for the tote cloner (it’s badass) I’ve been sneaking off to the shed since the mrs got home but haven’t spent any quality time out there. Im hoping today ill be able to get the cloner finished and up and running enough to see if ill need to make any adjustments or improvements to my container. I got the good the bad and the ugly for you here this morning. The dry back shot was a few days ago, the XX’s already snapped back and look great. Im still fighting a little fade in the leaves but I think I had that soil so overloaded with crap nutes they’re still feeding those things. Im seriously considering getting the sweet candy flowering nutes that Captspalding runs, I need every advantage I can get. More to come, slowly, but surly!
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Hey guys and gals! Things are settling down from my wife getting super sick and being in the hospital. She came home Wednesday and is trying to get back to her old self (she needs to take it easy and cant overdo it) that is giving me time to get out into the shed a bit more. Things are alive and moving along. JJ sent me that pump and emitter set up for the tote cloner (it’s badass) I’ve been sneaking off to the shed since the mrs got home but haven’t spent any quality time out there. Im hoping today ill be able to get the cloner finished and up and running enough to see if ill need to make any adjustments or improvements to my container. I got the good the bad and the ugly for you here this morning. The dry back shot was a few days ago, the XX’s already snapped back and look great. Im still fighting a little fade in the leaves but I think I had that soil so overloaded with crap nutes they’re still feeding those things. Im seriously considering getting the sweet candy flowering nutes that Captspalding runs, I need every advantage I can get. More to come, slowly, but surly!View attachment 2295194View attachment 2295195View attachment 2295196View attachment 2295197
Yeah, that’s one hell of a dry back!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Finally started getting the shed turned around once again. AC got moved and the “flower” room is getting constructed. I need to get the exhaust fans placed in a good spot (im going to beat my head against the concrete of outside air cooling the shed again) until JJ tells me to knock it off and try something that works “like using the AC”😂 but at any rate it should all be done ish by the end of the week. My wife has been home from the hospital for a week now, she is feeling better overall but the medications she has to take are kicking her ass. The stuff to help with that just knocks her out lol! So it’s still pretty Wild West around here, on top of that my littlest got sick and my god she is not cool when she doesnt feel good. And I was able to pick up some sweet candy for the flowering process! I dont know if it’s organic or not but at this rate I dont give a darned tootin squat! I need me some sticky stanky buds and im certainly not going to get them with the light im running so hope this stuff gives the buds that little extra kick! Don’t mind the “bear bomb” in the background 😂 that’ll get moved around for a few weeks then dealt with🤦‍♂️
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Logistics has never been a strong suit of mine. So this is me trying to be proactive. And yes Capt’s seeds sat in their own spot in my seed collection bag awaiting selection for a few weeks! Hahaha! Almost busted the hat out for drawing seeds. That is not an easy selection! Thanks again to the @Captspaulding for making that happen! Still waiting to run the Frostete under a better light, really all this gear deserves a better light but thats not an option at this point so here we go! Keep in mind the Hindu Kush x SFV is from my friend (got a bunch of bag seed from him this last re up, in the buds) line up as follows: landrace Maui 86’ cherry gas 86’ and the HinduKush x SFVog
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Got some tails on beans in bowls! And that makes me excited! Wifey is feeling ever so slightly better each day and things are mellowing out more. Still not as mellow as I would like, but that might just be the “life” aspect of… life? Hahaha! And the room is looking good (in my opinion). Im really anxious to get to feeding the girls again, they are going on almost a month without any nutrients (the soil is fire) on its own, I think it will need flowering food but damn they are growing without food : )
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
It’s Saturday! It’s been a minute, got really busy this last week. Usually that’s just an excuse I use to procrastinate but damn, it felt like I was going non stop! Had a friend call on me for some help doing some things around his house (trying to sell and move). He had to get some lights out of a room and kicked them down to me! One light is a 600watt metal halide with a blue hue, I have know idea if that is what I need for flowering, im going to look into it though. He said he was growing the shit out of some stuff with it. It came with a the ballast and everything! The others are the fluorescent t5 veg lights with like 8 lights in them, going to use one or two of those in the veg side of the shed and use the others to start my micro green project inside for the fam and I!

I finally flipped the flower room! I have some more work to fine tune button down out there but the lights on the timer are 12/12 : ) the room is coming together for now. I really have zero control over the climate right now other than keeping the edges of heat or cold off lol. I really need to spend a few days totally focused on the controller and temps to see how im going to ride this pony! Dynamic doesnt even begin to describe what the heck I got going on with it hahahah! I plan on using the veg and flower on a circulating airflow type set up and also want to incorporate the outside air for cooling and exhausting. It may take more than a few days.

Got a bunch a seedlings that are doing there thing! Got all but one HK to pop, 4 out of 5 cherry gas 86, and : / 0 for 0 on the land race ( im not worried about it all though) I was informed that that could be the case with some : ) ill tell you what though, out of the gate those cherry gas 86s are the winner lol! Really wanting them to be females 😍

Thats about all I can think of for now. The pics are all over the place and a few days old, I was snapping pics all week : ) I’ll get some updated pics of the seedlings. They are stretching too much under my goofy little 42watt led so im going to try and get the big veg light out into the shed today. Pics of those to follow too : )
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Ok after the shortest internet search and read ever I’ll toss the MH bulb on the shelf and get a HPS! I really want some decent end product and my homemade LED set up just wont get me there. I think that 600watt light would fill the footprint I have (and even if it’s a little smaller I think the end result will be better than using my LED for flowering).


Ok after the shortest internet search and read ever I’ll toss the MH bulb on the shelf and get a HPS! I really want some decent end product and my homemade LED set up just wont get me there. I think that 600watt light would fill the footprint I have (and even if it’s a little smaller I think the end result will be better than using my LED for flowering).
I think GNick Uses that type of set up! Switches bulbs between veg and flower! He seems to do OK with it!


Hey Bear.....I love the MH/HPS lights!! I'm getting used to LEDs, but nothing, maybe except the Sun, compares to MH/HPS.....

Awesome grow areas!! You're gonna be a busy one I see!! 🤹‍♂️ between plants and life are fun times for sure🤔🥴🤓 I'm glad everything is working out with the wife and grows!!

Thank you for sharing your journeys with us!!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I think GNick Uses that type of set up! Switches bulbs between veg and flower! He seems to do OK with it!
Yeah i was going to send him a message later or at least tag him. I think I know what he’d say though lol! So no need to bother him if I dont need to hahahaha!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Hey Bear.....I love the MH/HPS lights!! I'm getting used to LEDs, but nothing, maybe except the Sun, compares to MH/HPS.....

Awesome grow areas!! You're gonna be a busy one I see!! 🤹‍♂️ between plants and life are fun times for sure🤔🥴🤓 I'm glad everything is working out with the wife and grows!!

Thank you for sharing your journeys with us!!
Me too! I was scared shitless for a while and trying to hold it together for the kids was not an easy go! They are baking a pie this morning all together : ) things are getting way back to normal! Thanks for the kind words man!

And yeah im way out of my element with this bulb stuff but I’ll get it figured out. I liked the LEDs because of the heat and what not but dang I could totally use this for keeping the room a little warmer during the colder months.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Here’s the new (to me) light for verging! I have one more that size but it might need a new plug, the ground prong is missing so ill need to fist that before I feel comfortable running it. and im going to add redundant hangers for the just in case scenarios. Mikedin planted that seed from the very beginning: )

Edit: adding that I messed up on my landrace popping! I had one that cracked and I have it in solo amongst the group of solos you see in the pic. So they are 1 for 3 : ) my bad
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