Grow diary mission impossible (low to medium budget lol)

  • Thread starter BearWater
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I hope mine end up looking this healthy, nice job Bear!!
Damn dude that’s a hell of a compliment!😍 im probably blushing lol!

So I have had my hiccups along the way : ) and these gals are entering the flower stage so we’ll see how things go from here hahaha. My light is less than ideal.

Stay on top of things and watch/“listen” to your plants : ) you’ll knock that shit outta the park!! Thanks again for the very kind words DGT!!✌🏻


Damn dude that’s a hell of a compliment!😍 im probably blushing lol!

So I have had my hiccups along the way : ) and these gals are entering the flower stage so we’ll see how things go from here hahaha. My light is less than ideal.

Stay on top of things and watch/“listen” to your plants : ) you’ll knock that shit outta the park!! Thanks again for the very kind words DGT!!✌🏻
Right on!! Haha. Hiccups or not they look great. I'm gonna follow along and watch the progress!! Very cool Bear, happy growing


Good morning ya’ll! Heres a “another day another dollar” pic! The outdoor girls are starting to come around @Putthataway the new growth is looking good (hoping to keep it that way) im going to continue on the captain jack dead bug regiment (im looking into a whole garden spray) like im talking a whole wash down front and back yard gardens and everything!. I raised the light up even more yesterday and the Raskals seem to be doing even better! Thanks again @Captspaulding (I was typing in the wrong damn name😂)

I was thinking about starting a cutting baby sitting gig! If you dont want your cuttings to root to fast because of vacation or your patch just isn’t ready for them? Bring them to me and they wont root!!!! FUCK! The things are growing! But not rooting! 🤪 is there anything I can do at this point to help stimulate that without harming the cuttings?

I have been putting in a lot of thought and consideration to switching up the time of day (plants day) when I should water. I know it’s early on in their switch along with getting food and water, so it’s hard to tell if they dont like that or not. Im going to keep my regiment the same until I start to see any adverse effects if any🤷🏼‍♂️. Im touching Into territory I’ve never been! So it may slowing things down or inhibiting root growth I just dont know and want to see what’s going to happen. With that said If and when I do decide to switch things up Im going to do that based off the info I received here from the post I made in regards to this topic. (Good info on that)

This made me laugh! I was in the backyard with the kids yesterday afternoon tinkering around and swinging lol when I noticed the backyard was full sun and very warm. So I checked the rooms temp out of curiosity and it was 80 degrees in there!!!! Those are “lights on temps”! Hahaha so I went to check and sure enough the fuckin lights were on! I must have bumped the timer when I was watering earlier that day🤦‍♂️.
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Another good day to you all! How’s it going? I have been struggling with the clone game! Hopped on over to the trainwreck thread for some quick “help me Im going to throw these fuckers out the front door” help : ) @Tumbleweed375 suggested to lower the light setting (again for those who know I cant lower my light setting so I raise them). I removed one of the lights (two was WAY too strong) and raised it to 28 inches above the cloning dome/tray, thanks tumble!

So now we wait and see what happens! not going to lie, Im very excited I was able to keep the cuttings alive this long, but it has been a bitter sweet run. I really want to get these things outside in their 25gal fabric pots! The lesson of the day so far has been worth its weight in gold!!! I love this forum! Thanks to all who stop by and say hey and also to the ones who have suggestion and info!! Invaluable! ♥️✌️


Another good day to you all! How’s it going? I have been struggling with the clone game! Hopped on over to the trainwreck thread for some quick “help me Im going to throw these fuckers out the front door” help : ) @Tumbleweed375 suggested to lower the light setting (again for those who know I cant lower my light setting so I raise them). I removed one of the lights (two was WAY too strong) and raised it to 28 inches above the cloning dome/tray, thanks tumble!

So now we wait and see what happens! not going to lie, Im very excited I was able to keep the cuttings alive this long, but it has been a bitter sweet run. I really want to get these things outside in their 25gal fabric pots! The lesson of the day so far has been worth its weight in gold!!! I love this forum! Thanks to all who stop by and say hey and also to the ones who have suggestion and info!! Invaluable! ♥️✌️
How long have these cuttings been there.


How long have these cuttings been there.
Sterile is key when cloning.if you have them in the pod and used a small amount of clone jell then domed and they live for several days your on the right track.dome must be air tight and little next to 0 light is needed,light is for root development ,new clones are rootless,just make sure the sponge pod is damp,not wet,and spray all clones every 3 days or so.use clonex clone nute mix about half strength and add a drop of dawn soap that's per quart .give um a shot every 3 days or so.keep dome sprayed also.check in 2 weeks.usally 3 to 4 weeks you'll have roots increase light to ambient light say 100 par maybe 150 ,after good root development cup um.and dome them giving a small amount of air.increase air to them every 2 to 4 days till acclimated with full open air.increase light to 200 to 400 par and your off to reces.
There's many ways to clone but this has been taught to me by a pro and works every fine.every time.
Good luck.


Sterile is key when cloning.if you have them in the pod and used a small amount of clone jell then domed and they live for several days your on the right track.dome must be air tight and little next to 0 light is needed,light is for root development ,new clones are rootless,just make sure the sponge pod is damp,not wet,and spray all clones every 3 days or so.use clonex clone nute mix about half strength and add a drop of dawn soap that's per quart .give um a shot every 3 days or so.keep dome sprayed also.check in 2 weeks.usally 3 to 4 weeks you'll have roots increase light to ambient light say 100 par maybe 150 ,after good root development cup um.and dome them giving a small amount of air.increase air to them every 2 to 4 days till acclimated with full open air.increase light to 200 to 400 par and your off to reces.
There's many ways to clone but this has been taught to me by a pro and works every fine.every time.
Good luck.
Also 18 -6 light schedule.


Cool that the outdoor ones are improving. Part of my big business I have going on was what I believe the cube rotting and creating some type of environment for them to survive. I would take them out of block and just stick em in a cup of water, change every day. You should see nubs and then roots.


I would take them out of block and just stick em in a cup of water, change every day.
Are these within a humidity dome while in the cups of water?

Seriously! Im glad they are coming around. It’s funny when you first mentioned them being fucked up from bugs, this is what I thought was going on and then my dumbass realized we had just had a hail storm and that had to be damage from that haha. Regardless im going to keep the bug regiment up with the captain dead bug stuff.


Well this little fucker snuck into the shed! (Cross posted) in trainwreck. I wanted a confirmation before I rip it out this morning : ( damnit! It had the most bud sites and best structure of all of them!🤪 it was the Raskals that didnt show for days!
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i did around 10 cuts a few weeks ago, took form 10 to 17 days from the first to the last , these were done with glassrock and plugs half of each.

I think when I used my aqua cloner they were quicker I think, I did use cloning gel though. I think they should come around though.
Dude I forgot all about looking this up! Sorry man! MAY 13th I took the cuttings! Im only at 11 days😂 my stoner mind for some reason was thinking like 3 weeks hahaha! I’ll simmer down on that and wait a few more days. I have taken all the proper recommended steps to increase success (light moved up) possibly a solution mixture within a few days if I feel like it. Putthataway was suggesting switching up to cups of water VS. the in the cubes( I think he was meaning for cleanliness). Im monitoring them multiple times a day to watch for stem rot and what not.

This isn’t my last clone project by any means! Im going to try the cup and water way recommended by putthataway, and then after that I would really like to make a whole cloning bucket with a tote and water and all. Figured I would chew my teeth on this for a while : )


I did consider saving it for seeds or whatever, was literally talking with the guy I got the seeds from yesterday and HE HAS SEEDS FOR DAYS! So ill save my seeding and mating projects for later ( I wouldn’t know what the fuck I was doing anyways and thats to much not know what the fuck is going on for me at the moment😂)


I don`t think you want them submerged without aeration do you, and sorry I didnt read about your cloning or i did and forgot, but prior to using the rockwool did you soak and treat it.
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