Growing Some Monsters (outdoor Scrog)

  • Thread starter Greatlakes
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Looks like they are getting there just beautiful! The Green Cure has been doing its job so far for me on mold and rot. Went through the plants and only couple very small buds dried up and gone everything is looking awesome so I'm hopeful that the Green Cure is my answer to mold I never heard of the actinovate probably not available in Canada like most products lol. Oh well we make due happy to see ur still kicking ass GL!
Thank you! Still a very long road ahead! That bud is a random bag seed... that and the hash plant will be done first. (Probably 2 weeks?)
The clone tho is like 4 weeks away so I don't know about that one. I've never gone past mid Oct here.
I definitely need to stick to earlier finishers next yr lol
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Hey GL, I am sure you mentioned it before, but what brand of silica do you use? I know you are growing organic, and am always looking for good organic inputs.


Hey GL, I am sure you mentioned it before, but what brand of silica do you use? I know you are growing organic, and am always looking for good organic inputs.
Technically speaking... (at least my understanding Is) potassium silicate is not in itself organic, but is fully approved for organic gardening.
So I've tried out a few brands...always looking for the best one that is highest in ph.


A little size comparison. They should bulk up now in the next two weeks
20180924 082702
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Technically speaking... (at least my understanding Is) potassium silicate is not in itself organic, but is fully approved for organic gardening.
So I've tried out a few brands...always looking for the best one that is highest in ph.

Which brand are you using at the moment?


Thank you! Still a very long road ahead! That bud is a random bag seed... that and the hash plant will be done first. (Probably 2 weeks?)
The clone tho is like 4 weeks away so I don't know about that one. I've never gone past mid Oct here.
I definitely need to stick to earlier finishers next yr lol
Hard to get anything of real quality and quantity under 8 weeks. I've went until the end of Oct once here with a super skunk x Dutch treat they weren't huge plants cause I neglected them for other patch but were mold free when I finally took them in. I'm planning to ride it out as long as the mold is almost nil going from that experience and with ur's and Julie's advice of hay under the pallets and water if the cold is coming to prevent freezing and green cure treatments weekly hopefully push me well into Oct or all that hard work is just wasted on premature herb. A painful reminder for the entire year of having shit that was almost beautiful but wasn't and ur left with that to deal with. Sorry il, stop now but I completely agree with still really trying to find that gem. Oh and that Hash plant does look so awesome if it finishes nice for u it may find a home with me next year great job


Hard to get anything of real quality and quantity under 8 weeks. I've went until the end of Oct once here with a super skunk x Dutch treat they weren't huge plants cause I neglected them for other patch but were mold free when I finally took them in. I'm planning to ride it out as long as the mold is almost nil going from that experience and with ur's and Julie's advice of hay under the pallets and water if the cold is coming to prevent freezing and green cure treatments weekly hopefully push me well into Oct or all that hard work is just wasted on premature herb. A painful reminder for the entire year of having shit that was almost beautiful but wasn't and ur left with that to deal with. Sorry il, stop now but I completely agree with still really trying to find that gem. Oh and that Hash plant does look so awesome if it finishes nice for u it may find a home with me next year great job
Under 8? Yes it is hard....but I have grown two strains that just fuggin kick ass that finish the end of Sept. (Purple og Kush #18 by reserva privada, and crazy miss Hyde by samsara)
Yes you have to water the roots well yo help insulate the roots before a cold snap.

I'm not worried about the cold but we have had such strong wind and rain lately. All we can do is hope for the best


Yup 8 weeks and under. Humboldt has one their Black dog is 7-8 weeks, industrial plant by dinafem. There are quite a few strains out there that go 45-55 days I've never grown any but it may happen next year, fire a couple of them in the ground see what comes of it. I think anything created by Humbolt is going to be worth growing so the black dog decent option maybe. We had a couple tornadoes roll through just south of me as well with the crazy winds and storms lucky no damage to the girls here either I'm always more concerned about trees falling on them. Well GL ur a wealth of info I'll look into those two strains u mentioned just fugging kicked ass for u :)
no bals

no bals

They're looking good Greatlakes. Nice job, now hoping the weather cooperates with you. I had to hit my outdoor with Serenade this week seeing a bit of mold with humidity over 80% the past week. Weatherman saying our mold spore count hovering in the 15,000's. grrr.

Hang in there. Outdoor growers around the world (and tejas) are watching.
Good luck.


They're looking good Greatlakes. Nice job, now hoping the weather cooperates with you. I had to hit my outdoor with Serenade this week seeing a bit of mold with humidity over 80% the past week. Weatherman saying our mold spore count hovering in the 15,000's. grrr.

Hang in there. Outdoor growers around the world (and tejas) are watching.
Good luck.
Wow...I wonder what our mold count is...
Hmm I bet you can look it up.
Anyways thanks so much and I hope everyone likes the thread :)


Yup 8 weeks and under. Humboldt has one their Black dog is 7-8 weeks, industrial plant by dinafem. There are quite a few strains out there that go 45-55 days I've never grown any but it may happen next year, fire a couple of them in the ground see what comes of it. I think anything created by Humbolt is going to be worth growing so the black dog decent option maybe. We had a couple tornadoes roll through just south of me as well with the crazy winds and storms lucky no damage to the girls here either I'm always more concerned about trees falling on them. Well GL ur a wealth of info I'll look into those two strains u mentioned just fugging kicked ass for u :)
I tried a tester of the hashplant.... wow oh wow! Great taste smell and bag appeal.
(I should have taken a picture...sorry)

It is pretty couch locking tho...but it made me feel very happy and relaxed. Bad munchies off of it tho! Great night time weed :)


Hi there Great Lakes! Been following your grow hats off your're the bomb! I live in SE. Ontario growing some ck outdoors and am worried about mold. It's been rainy lately so I picked this up the other day thinking it could help. I'm in week 7 of flower ( just started) and I found a bit of mold yesterday it's says you can spray it on foliar but the guy at the store said you would have to spray it off after with water. Ahhh defeats the purpose??? It says you can mix it in your nutes too. I'm a newbie sorta and I need some help please any help would be greatly appreciated! I also heard leaf blowers might help with rain don't know if that was a joke or not I shake my girls religiously after rain but it's getting harder to reach some spots here's some pics of the product and my girls only wish I hadn't put the girl in the middle learning curve note for next year!cant seem to upload pics right now bummer it GH Armor Si silica 0-0-4


Your plants look amazing. I've never heard of having to spray silica with ways after application. If that is what is on the directions for the bottle too then I would do it yes. But I never have.

I will be spraying my girls twice a week with that actinovate. We dropped off super cold all the sudden and super wet. Usually doesn't get like this til mid oct. I'm not taking any chances

And thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoy the grow


I tried a tester of the hashplant.... wow oh wow! Great taste smell and bag appeal.
(I should have taken a picture...sorry)

It is pretty couch locking tho...but it made me feel very happy and relaxed. Bad munchies off of it tho! Great night time weed :)
Thanks for the smoke report looks like I'll put two in my garden next year. Thinking on trying out a coupe strains from Humbolt. Your last pic is beautiful of the lost coast and finishes early enough. Is it a really big plant heavy yielder? This is a cherry bomb all stripped couple days ago being alone too much to deal with all at one time with my real job being crazy. No real mold couple very small fluffy nugz and I mean only couple. I'm planning on taking a cutting of her and keeping her for a couple clones next year just a big beautiful girl easy peasy to grow smells amazing and is frosty as hell! I'll be taking sampler in couple days and I'll get back to u on quality and bake.
no bals

no bals


Wow...I wonder what our mold count is...
Hmm I bet you can look it up.
Anyways thanks so much and I hope everyone likes the thread :)

GreatLakes, loving your big ladies maturing. Yep, I've been collecting manure since following you. I have a few new spots picked to try it out.

Yeah most of the local weather stations can provide a spore count. Ours finally dropped below 10,000 spores per cubic foot of air today on the heels of a nice cold front. They were calling this past weeks' rain the most in our area for 87 years. grrr.

I've never seen so many different kinds of mushrooms growing this week. Lots of red ones and psilocybe. The cows sure like the magic shrooms.

It looks like the Serenade treatment stopped all the mold I had on my plants. Even with a few downpours after application I'm not seeing any and all there was has cleared up. I learned my lesson long ago that mold can wipe your whole grow out if left alone. That's my new criteria on strain selection, mold resistance above anything else.

Good luck and thanks for sharing your amazing grow.

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