Happy 420 my friends

  • Thread starter Kendo
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Twisted pleasure

Twisted pleasure

Happy 420 & Easter brothers and sisters. Hope Peter Cotton Tail brought everyone some treats...:hungry:

Hope everyone gets a good dose of Family,Food,And Smoke....:happy:


We are a funny breed aren't we. Up in the WEE hours working. EVERY DAY/7/365 .

same here! at 4:45 she popped in the bloom room and ordered me upstairs. she had designs on my body...

...glad she knew where to find me!


4/20 has come and gone....no major problems and the city is back to normal...mostly. Glad all had a good time but SORRY THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. This is not what the voters approved by allowing us to consume/smoke marijuana in the privacy of our own homes. Our children are watching this, the world is watching this and there is going to be a backlash by the feds. Could you imagine 80,000 drunks walking around with vodka bottles in the park? You would go straight to jail. With the bad publicity and problems concerning over dosing on edibles and stoner's flaunting this in the publics eye we are going to bring a backlash down on ourselves. Edibles, for example are going to be outlawed soon just watch. Packaging it like candy? What the fuck do we think we are doing? The fed is coming and its our own fault.
I am all for the freedom of using marijuana in private but you/we can't continue to walk down the street toking on a pipe no more than you can walk down the street with a bottle of booze.
We all need to grow up or we are going to loose the freedom we fought so hard to get.


Well-Known Farmer
I smoke in public all the time in Cali. I don`t do so and drive and I don`t do it to flaunt it. Just when I need to medicate. I`m also careful to keep it away from children. But under our state laws you can consume MMJ anywhere smoking cigs would be allowed. I used to be surprised at the lenient responses people gave me. Now days I don`t get much of a second look. I did have a cop ask me if that was weed one time. After saying yes I asked if he wanted a hit and he said maybe after work, LOL!


@putembk According to media outlets the CO 420 was a a raging success. San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Denver, Seattle, ETC ETC ETC all went off fantastic. I believe the curtain has been pulled back and there is no pulling it closed. The feds ridiculous stance on Cannabis has been exposed as the pathetic lie we all knew it was. Grandma and Uncle larry the cynic all now know that Pot is safe and not the reefer madness drug that it has been wrongly touted as.
Smoking in public as Markscastle said is old hat in Cali and will be in Co as well soon enough.


Agreed, you miss the point however. Smoking in public is one thing but blowing smoke in leo's face is another. You fuck with them and they are going to retaliate. The law clearly states NO PUBLIC CONSUMPTION. Thats fine for those who like being in the cross hairs but I chose not to do that. It's just like speeding down the highway...go ahead and pass me, you will get the ticket not me. Mark says he smokes in public but doesn't flaunt it, just as I do. When I walk in the afternoon I always take a J with me but nobody notices. It's against the law to drink in public and the current law is the same for marijuana. But if you like crossing that line...so be it.


Agreed, you miss the point however. Smoking in public is one thing but blowing smoke in leo's face is another. You fuck with them and they are going to retaliate. The law clearly states NO PUBLIC CONSUMPTION. Thats fine for those who like being in the cross hairs but I chose not to do that. It's just like speeding down the highway...go ahead and pass me, you will get the ticket not me. Mark says he smokes in public but doesn't flaunt it, just as I do. When I walk in the afternoon I always take a J with me but nobody notices. It's against the law to drink in public and the current law is the same for marijuana. But if you like crossing that line...so be it.

@putembk 30 years ago was my first 420 celebration in Golden Gate park. About 1,000 people were there that day. The last 420 I attended there was more like 20,000.
For years the law stated that MJ was ILLEGAL and ANY possession or smoking at all was punishable by serious jail time. We said, " Fuck that!" and we pushed the envelope until THEY said, "Uncle"
I, like many others am an envelope pusher. We pushed the envelope in open. televised smoke sessions on City Hall steps in 1995 when we were working to get Prop 215 passed.Just as you now, many then said we were inviting the wrath of,"THE MAN!" People got arrested, but the message got delivered. What message was delivered from the massive 420 celebrations this year? How many Brawls, stabbings, deaths, car accidents did not occur??
The usual serious incidents that occur when alcohol is involved are not present with Cannabis consumption. Seeing that all those damn potheads got incredibly tore back and...No real serious incidents to report.

We are not even close to done pushing the envelope... Until Cannabis is recognized as the innocuous herb and classified as a safe and harmless substance there is envelope pushing to do. We still got a lot of states to get straight yet...


Premium Member
A little common sense makes sense.
There is a time and place for everything....
Once a year if the kiddo's wish to gather and huff away so what? No harm no foul.
If your going to smoke in public, then just do not flaunt it till it either becomes acceptable or not.
Still for me its fun to break the law just a little and get away with something, so minor really, like huffing it up outside of Coors field, my way of saying fuck you, I do what I wish, like the good old days hiding in the bushes, we have come a long way but still restrictions that now are all about the evil$$$...


I personally don't go around smoking conspicuously in public anymore either. I just aint got no time for the hassle or local exposure. But 420 has always been such a pleasure, I really miss it.
When I see all these kids OPENLY getting high as fuck...LEGALLY......it makes me all warm inside.


Agreed, you miss the point however. Smoking in public is one thing but blowing smoke in leo's face is another. You fuck with them and they are going to retaliate. The law clearly states NO PUBLIC CONSUMPTION. Thats fine for those who like being in the cross hairs but I chose not to do that. It's just like speeding down the highway...go ahead and pass me, you will get the ticket not me. Mark says he smokes in public but doesn't flaunt it, just as I do. When I walk in the afternoon I always take a J with me but nobody notices. It's against the law to drink in public and the current law is the same for marijuana. But if you like crossing that line...so be it.

I got your point brother, no worries. It will be a point of contention for LEO obviously but these celebrations are going to happen. Organized and supervised with the right approach will tear down the barriers that exist. The very barriers that forced the authors of the CO initiative to have to include that clause regarding no public consumption. We must hide with the DEVIL WEED or the children will become Heroin addicts.
The welfare of the children is always the alibi of the tyrant.


Wow Kendo, as this thread is progressing you and I agree more and more. The thing is, peeps on forums like this are growers and we are and see things differently than the average marijuana user. I no longer want to provoke I want to win the public over and get them to accept. When I wore a younger mans clothes I thought it was funny to fuck with the establishment. Many at gatherings like this have that attitude. All went well this year, thank God, but it is a tender box I think we all have to admit. LEO and the media are just waiting for something to go wrong so they can use the old saying "I Told You So".
There are several things going on in Colo right now. Colo lawmakers are: First working on bills to limit or totally eliminate edibles because of kids overdosing on them. One jumped out a hotel window and died. Second, you can bet that all concentrates are next. Third, Doctors and now being pressured to NOT give additional plant counts to caregivers. Think of what will happen to patients who cannot get their meds because of this new oppression. A caregiver who could legally grow 99 plants yesterday can only grow 6 today??? Could happen. There is more but you get the point.
And remember, It's still against the law in the Fed's eyes. A Conservative President could change everything if enough negative press starts to turn public sentiment away from marijuana.
Back to trimming. Later


@putembk I would venture that we probably would agree on a great deal of stuff after talking with OP, that is everything but....FOOTBALL!!! lol!
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