heat burn, nute burn or oil burn or what?

  • Thread starter vonwolfen
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I am hoping the photos uploaded...
These plants are in the 5thweek(plus one day)..They are all 10 week plants..With 3 week veg. This is my first indoor run..Half have of the plants have what look like burns on the leaves but the other half dont...I have added a pic of new clones in the veg run with similair burns, and mothers 4 feet away that look fine...The new clones .."Fire Og", Hells Angels OG, and The White(which is very delicate compared to the others)..The older strain is flowering are CVK, Larry, Banana, Blue Dream Haze, and Fire OG...
Can someone tell me what kind of burns(if thats what they are), and what to do about it..
The lights are 1000watts, and about 5 feet away.
I sprayed neem oil on then a week ago. Doc Doom fogger 4 days ago.1 hour before lights out...
Also PH is good..PPM is high...very high(2100-2200), and has been for 3 weeks..50 gallon ebbandflow system for flower room

Photo.. 1 & 8 are Chemdog D
2 & 3 are Fire, and Banana OG
4 is The Fire OG Clones(5th day in Veg room)
5 is Blue Drem Haze..in 4th week of Flower, but in the same room 4 feet away from the damaged ones..
7 & 11 are mother from seed
6 is part of the Flower room
9 & 10 are Larry OG's, Tahoe..
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 2
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 3
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 4
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 5
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 6
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 7
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 8
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 9
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 10
Heat burn nute burn or oil burn or what 11


I cant tell you exactly what the problem is but a short flush and fix the PH and PPM would be my first step till somone else more experianced may be able to give you a better idea.


Ok I signed up(didn't let me put you for referral)..
I have never had a problem with anyone not helping me on this site..Its a new post so I am not to concerned about not getting help..
Its always a good thing to have multiple places to do research, ask questions, and help others...


I cant tell you exactly what the problem is but a short flush and fix the PH and PPM would be my first step till somone else more experianced may be able to give you a better idea.

When you do a short flush, how long or how many times do you let the water(add clearex or other flushing agent?) recirculate? Add nothing? not even a carb/sugar supplement? correct?


2200PPM? At a x700 conversion that's an EC of over 3! (at the x500 conversions it would hit 4... WAY too strong, even at week 5 in full flower and max nutrients I never go over 2.2 or so.
What nutes are you running and why so much?


2200PPM? At a x700 conversion that's an EC of over 3! (at the x500 conversions it would hit 4... WAY too strong, even at week 5 in full flower and max nutrients I never go over 2.2 or so.
What nutes are you running and why so much?

Humbolt Master A&B
GH Diamond Nector 1/2str
GH Florolisios Plus...full Str
Hydroplex...1/3 str
Atami 13/14....1/4Str
Thrivealive RED...Full str

Veg Room
GH 3 part for Hells Angel OG, and Fire OG 12 each*
GH Flora Nova Grow for The White, and Fire OG 12 each*
(*testing to see which the Fire OG likes better)
Root66 at full str.
Cal Mag...1/4str.
Atami Grow...1/4str

I know(now) that I have duplicate bloom enhancers. I always thought I might so thats why they are at lower strength...I will only be useing one with the next watering..not sure which, but just one)

PPM is high...If 5ml a gallon is good 10ml is better..Right? ok Maybe not with plants
My mistake..I am trying to fix the problem both in the plants, and with me(I cant break the habit of more is better..)

I have added 20 gallons of RO water(what I normally use) to bring the PPM's down, but it hasn't helped. Dropped from 2180 to 2050. I will be doing a full flush tomorrow...
Funny thing is that the "Fire OG", and Banana OG seem to love the high PPMs. Only one is showing browning at the tips...The Chem valley Kush started out bad, and has stayed bad(with one exception). The Blue Bream haze looks great..The Larry/818/Tahoe, and Chemdog D are the ones with the leaves looking so bad..
The other oddity is that the new clones are showing the same leaf problem, but they are only 5 days old(in separated veg room), and the ppms/PH in their reservoir is fine(5.8/650-750)*
*assuming that a PPM of 650-750 is fine for a new clone


If I use clearX I leave it in the res for 4-6 hours with no nutes, just clearx and ph'd water, then flush with ph'd water only for 24 hours, then I add my nutes back at 75% strength for a day then back to full strength. I dont know if thats the best way, but its the way I do it.


If I use clearX I leave it in the res for 4-6 hours with no nutes, just clearx and ph'd water, then flush with ph'd water only for 24 hours, then I add my nutes back at 75% strength for a day then back to full strength. I dont know if thats the best way, but its the way I do it.

Then thats what I will do..

Does anyone have an idea of water use, and evaperation rates..I think I am lossing 2 gallons a day. Which seems high. The room is 8X10X7, CO2, 4X1000watt, 2 6"inlinefans, a 12000btu AC, and 2 ocalatting fans(18"and 6")..32plants each in 2 1/2gallon buckets. Being feed 8 times a day for 15 minutes...


Looking at the plants again, here's an important question: What is the temperature in your reservoir?


I cant be sure, but the air temp around it is 75, and the water is noticeably colder to the touch...Its all about tactile accuracy...maybe 55-65?


You should be sure, it's just as important as PH or PPm. Get a water thermometer asap ($5 Home De Pot) cause your water temps might be the culprit.


Ok thanks I will get one when I get the water to flush the system tomorrow..

I was looking at the new growth of the damaged plants, and they don't have any signs of damage..yet...


bro,,have ya cked for root rot?,,i just lost a plant because of that,,thought it was nute burn,showed the signs of it,,didnt catch it in time..your plants just looked like the one i lost,,& ya your ppms are way to high,,i grow white widow,& there pretty heavy feeders,,but i started to keep my ppms in the 1600 range,,there growing like crazy,,:animal0012:


bro you are roasting those girls! your ppm is way to high! what nute line are you using? i've ran GH and used the Lucas formula and now House and Garden Aqua flakes in this system and i'm just a week into flower with House Garden and i already love it. my plants are healthy with no deficiencies and a perfect green color and i just yesterday bumped the ppm up from around 700 to a lil over 1k (1.4 EC now at 2 EC). no flushing agents should be needed just dump half of yoru res and filler her back up with with half water knock them ppms in half!

With GH i ran 2 strains and they performed fine and i got a real good harvest and never exceeded 1300 ppm. the only issues i ran into was because i was not using RO water. I just used 1 part micro to 2 parts bloom never used the grow and never used any additives. The attached pics are from that grow.


yeah keep your res out of your room if you can. i ran H2o2 a 1 ts a day and i still started to get some rot and my res was in the low to mid 70s outside of the room.


Can someone tell me the way to use H2O2..Its a 55 gallon container with 34 2 /12gallon pots, and a 5 gallon(approx)controller..
I have started the flush..I have moved all the plants into another area(Thank God its raining today(in LA rain in May?))..And will dump all the pots, reservoir, and controller...Run clean RO water through the system, and then add the plants back..Flush for 20 hours and then add the nutes/supp back...sound right?

50th post..can I start getting seeds now?


i dont know much about h2o2 but what i use is hygrozyme,,i love the stuff,,just wished my mom & pop hydro store would stay well stocked with it,,wouldnt have lost that plant..ok if you sepreated your plants from the system you were growing in i would wash everything before putting the girls back.& yes you probbly need to delute your mix ,justuse the basics,nothing that excelerate growth..plants probbly have more than enough stored..gl with them,i hope they pull threw :smoke


i dont know much about h2o2 but what i use is hygrozyme,,i love the stuff,,just wished my mom & pop hydro store would stay well stocked with it,,wouldnt have lost that plant..ok if you sepreated your plants from the system you were growing in i would wash everything before putting the girls back.& yes you probbly need to delute your mix ,justuse the basics,nothing that excelerate growth..plants probbly have more than enough stored..gl with them,i hope they pull threw :smoke

Been up since 6:30am(its almost 7pm now), and I am still working..The more I clean the more I find filthy..Brown sludge in the tubing(84 separate pieces)..Brown algae type stuff on the sides of everything..Tore the whole system down and soaked it in chlorine water(Ok I just throw it in the pool, and scrubbed it..)...The plants are in the bathroom(way past their bedtime..its now 12plus3hours*)..But I(and mom) blacked out the windows..Darker in the bathroom then the flowering room(no little green lights everywhere)..Will transfer everything back out when dark hits...

This brings up my next question about the 12/12..How much time over the 12 hour will force the plants to go back to veg? I am a little concerned about moving them back to there room. Although in the past I accidentally had light get to them 3 times(10-20minutes total) since flowering with no ill effect...

John Smith Esq.

Been up since 6:30am(its almost 7pm now), and I am still working..The more I clean the more I find filthy..Brown sludge in the tubing(84 separate pieces)..Brown algae type stuff on the sides of everything..Tore the whole system down and soaked it in chlorine water(Ok I just throw it in the pool, and scrubbed it..)...The plants are in the bathroom(way past their bedtime..its now 12plus3hours*)..But I(and mom) blacked out the windows..Darker in the bathroom then the flowering room(no little green lights everywhere)..Will transfer everything back out when dark hits...

This brings up my next question about the 12/12..How much time over the 12 hour will force the plants to go back to veg? I am a little concerned about moving them back to there room. Although in the past I accidentally had light get to them 3 times(10-20minutes total) since flowering with no ill effect...

hey, assuming you clean your res often brown slime isnt a very good sign, usually caused by the biproducts of too many bad microbes - you have two options with this, #1 you can do what you did and sterilise your resi, it would be important to sterilise often, once a week or so to keep slime minimal. may need to use something stronger than pool grade chlorine, like hydrogen peroxide or bleech. The second option which is more complicated but arguably more benefitial is to start using microbial products to balance the good with the bad and not sterilise your tank at all, much more healthier for you plants in the long run..if you get it right. there are 100's of microbial enhancing products out there to use..hygrozym and cannazyme instantly come to mind, also canna make something called rhizotonic which may help your issues - think of it as paracetamol for plants.

in contrast if you dont clean your res often then the brown slime is likley to be sediment leftover from all the nutes youve been nailing and you need to clean your res more often to avoid buildup.

one of the best ways to determine root health, other than their overall size, is root colour. Generally the whiter they are the better their health. yellowy or brown roots are not healthy. (some nutes stain roots altering their colour, be wary of this)

in answer to your light question it would take consistent light changes over the course of several days before the plants hormones started to change - however many people report that lots of little random changes for extended periods can cause hermies

also plants arent that disimilar from people, too little of anything they need isnt good but 99% of the time too much of that same thing is far worse.

i hope that helps and good luck..

lil miss lone

2100 ppm is your problem right there, that is about twice the strength of a nute solution for flower. When I feed my girls in veg I don't get above 600 ppm, maybe 700 for the bigger clones that are close to flower.

The other night it was late and I help take care of the veg spot. I had to water and was in a hurry, and there was a bucket of nute solution already mixed in the flower room, so I watered my babies with that, thinking it was only water (dark time in there). I asked my man about it later and he told me the ppm's were about 1000!! I looked and the next day my babies looked about like yours. Lesson learned, Don't take short cuts!!

Anyway, a good flush will help. And drop those ppms down.

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