Hey fellow farmers. hows it growin? Love to learn new ways of growin tastey smelly fruit. What strains are best. I'm a Medical patient. need to grow my own meds. praise jah.DrGT
Welcome, Dr Green thumb, i'm sure you'll have a blast around here.. I say anything from Cali Connect or OG Rascal or TD seeds should be bomb, they all carry elite genetics.. Just look around the bay and you'll find something smelly for sure.. Peace
meyellow, welcome to the site.
I would like to direct you to the Cali Connection.. Wanting killer Cali genetics, you are definitely in the right place.
Hey Unitedgrooves thanx for welcoming me to the farm. seems like acool place to hangout and rapout about are favorite things growin this beutiful plant. Talk at ya soon. praise jah for the plant. Dr greenthumb.
Whats up Greenthumbdanny. Gotta love the nameGreen thumbs green hands green everything. Hey how do i get to the Cali connection. Thanx bro. Praise jah for the plant