Hello Out there!

  • Thread starter RezDoc57
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I attended graduate school in California and am now in Ohio to care for my elderly Father. My MA is in Clinical Psychology and my B.Sc. is in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies. I am amazed at the lack of scientific knowledge of Phytocannabinoids and Endocannabinoids in the Media and the ignorance promulgated by our Politicians. The politicians do not seem to have caught up with their constituents.

I have had many patients/clients who suffer from debilitating illnesses and have found relief in Medical Cannabis. This is a subject that more and more Americans are learning from medical and psychological clinical studies. The literature is out there. I am a Veteran (US Air Force, 67th ARRS and 18th TFW), and I have met many other Vets who utilize Cannabis as a silent adjunctive medicine for PTSD, pain, depression, cancer, MS, ALS etc, ad nauseum (no pun intended). Personally, I am suffering from Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Cannabis does help with the late afternoon to early evening pain. However, I am frequently tested as a AOD Counselor, but I will be active in this fight against ignorance.

The VA last year released an advisory to their physicians and psychologists that patients cannot be dismissed from their Pain Mgmt programs if they are utilizing Cannabis as medicine. The tide may be turning, ever sooo slowly towards Sanity. It’s about time, eh?

Unfortunately, I am in the state of Ohio, where, as usual, the politicans are stuck in Reefer Madness mode. NORML and Miami Valley NORML are fighting the good fight, and we may see a ballot in 2012! I love to grow, but have not for over 10 years, so I have lots of catching up to do. I have learned alot from this forum, and will continue to learn. When I finally live in a State, or go back to California, I will grow with the knowledge that many forums like yours provide to other Rec and Med Cann smokers. Thank you for that supplemental Knowledge.

Doksha Ake,



Welcome...good to have you here. Thank you for your service to the country and continuing service to our Vets. Looking forward to hearing more of what you have to say.

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