Help With My First Af Grow

  • Thread starter crags82
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Thanks for the insight. Any ideas on how I could generate some heat in there without running my heater 24 hours a day?

I guess I will stay with my lights 24 hours but possibly turn the heater off over night(just reall nervous of a fire).

The humidifier is also generating way too much mist for such a small cabinet so I may try and bowl of hot water and dish towel wicking method instead.


Here it is as of this morning. The 2 larger leaves seem to b pointing up toward the light and the cotyledons getting smaller.

I have managed to get the temps to a steady 70 or so F an RH at approx 40%. Removed the heater and replaced it with a new lamp inside the box running a bulb that generates some heat. The 2 CFL directly on the plant. Small fan running 24 hours inside the box pointing directly at the plant.

Any advice from this point?

The sprout started coming through the dirt approx 9 days ago. I can't help but think that she should be bigger by now considering its an Autoflower. However I assume this could be due to the colder weather?
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Would I be better off keeping the fan running inside the box(not directly on the plant a this age is better, from what I've be reading) or turning it off altogether to allow the temps to stay higher? The cabinet door have spaces around them so I'm wondering if that air flow is enough.


If stressed, transplanted, unhappy because breathed on and the light isnt strong enough with too low/high temps, autos can grow slowly like a runt and produce almost nothing. I have 4 said autos atm, 3 almost dead looking and one still 2 inches tall and already budding after growing for over a month from seed.



this germinated seed went in almost 2 weeks ago. It's been a slow go but I think I've figured out out temps. With the new bulb running ive been able to get it up to mid 70's steady(without the fan blowing). My main issue now is keeping the humidity at a decent %. I have to add hot water in every few hours.

The CFL's are 2-150W 7600 K which I think is enough.

Hoping now that I've been able to get the temps decent that it should get the ball rolling.

This was my first attempt and if it doesn't work out, i'm about a month from being able to start a few outside.


Hey crags, I'm new around here but am very very good with autos. That's actually all I've ever grown. Behind things together for my first photo run. Do u mind giving me a run down of your soil, nutes, current temps and RH? How old is it's some of my autos....I love these things and would love to help get you where u want to b with her. Everything I've ever learned about growing had been geared towards autos...


Hey crags, I'm new around here but am very very good with autos. That's actually all I've ever grown. Behind things together for my first photo run. Do u mind giving me a run down of your soil, nutes, current temps and RH? How old is it's some of my autos....I love these things and would love to help get you where u
want to b with her. Everything I've ever
learned about growing had been geared towards autos... View attachment 590139 View attachment 590140
View attachment 590141

Hi there.

Today I actually decided decided to start again with a new seed. I'm only planning to grow one, possibly 2. Below you will see a pic of my DIY kitchen cabinet grow box. I just finished it this morning. It's only about 10 celsius through the day right now and close to zero at night. The cabinet is outside in in in so temps ar hard to get right.

In th pic you'll see three CFL's(all thre are 42 watt(150 equivilant) 6500 K and 2600 lumens. I wante to run all 3 first to see what I could could box temp up to. If it doesn't get warm enough I may hav to take away from table lamp CFL and use a standar bulb that gives off some better heat.
There is a PC fan at the top of the box pullin air out.

Any insight/questions you have will help me for sure.

Soil is a ProMix potting soil,


That's a sweet little cab! I'm only familiar with promix HP or bx, is the potting soil different than one of those two? What are u using for nutes. What size pot and what strain did u drop?


Thanks. Didn't take me too long to put it together either, I was pretty impressed myself lol. It's just a store bought(Home Depot) Pro Mix Premium Potting Soil.

I haven't dropped the new seed yet, it's currently germinating between 2 paper towels. I was told not to start nutes until a couple weeks in with autos?

Does the lighting seem sufficient to you? For one maybe 2 plants? I plugged a 100 W incandescent bulb in the table lamp a couple hours ago, going outside shortly to the shed to check temps an RH. Just testing the
cabinet right now until the seed is ready.

My goal is to get it to a decent size and then bring outside. Not sure where you are but up here in Canada we won't get good temps until mid May


Ok can u send me a pig of the soil bag so I can look into it before giving u info and being wrong lol. I use promix HP and start using nutrients on day 10 but it's an inert medium so there's no nutrients, I control everything. I also am experimenting with a couple other soils and two nutrient lines to see what works best for autos and my garden. What nutrients are u using and do you have a schedule yet? Are you feeding small amounts everyday of water until run off and do the wet dry method?


Here are the few pics I just took. The 100 watt incandescent was turned on a couple hours ago(you can see the temp is still fairly low). Not sure if I'm just not go to be able to get the heat what it needs to be based on the outdoor temps up here and the cabinet being in the shed. Any ideas on how to generate some? Don't want to risk running a small space heater.

I haven't decided on nutes yet nor a schedule.

I really want to get this right this last one just didn't get to size. I think I've now at least will be giving this one one better start with what I've learned. I'll gladly take any tips though.
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As far as watering, the last one I did I soaked th medium first and then dropped the germinated seed. I reall do think part of the reason the last one didn't work was low light at first and some over watering.

Thoughts on watering to start? It will be in a 6 litre pot with 5 nickle sized drain holes at the base.


Might just turn the fan off and get one circulating inside for now. Help u hold heat. Do u have access to a fan speed controller to slow down the air being removed? What about a 150w hps in there? Ballast connected. Would generate enough heat probably. Is that an option by chance? Would be more productive than cfl I believe to b honest.
Andthe soil I'll do some research on. I've never used it so I can't physically say when to start adding nutrients. What line are u using again? Lol my bad


I don't know much about HPS and I guess a little paranoid of th heat and cabinet being un attended but it sounds like I may have to go that route. Maybe I will try a fan inside instead, the hole in the ceiling could act as a vent. I do not have a fan controller, just a rigged up PC fan.

Lol no nutrients yet


I don't know much about HPS and I guess a little paranoid of th heat and cabinet being un attended but it sounds like I may have to go that route. Maybe I will try a fan inside instead, the hole in the ceiling could act as a vent. I do not have a fan controller, just a rigged up PC fan.

Lol no nutrients yet
Any ideas on what u want to use?


I just went out and checked on it again. Within almost 1 hour the temps went from 62.3 to 66.7 after removing the fan from up top to inside the cabinet. I still plan on being able to use the fan to pull air out during the grow.

I was doing some research and came across this reptile ceramic heater..i may buy it and test it out.

Humidity still very low(mid 20's). What do you use to keep it at a good level?
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