Help with Nute Deficiencies in Late Veg

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Plants were asking for water today as it was the fourth day since last watering. I fed them 1000 PPMs and gave each 5 gal pot 1.25-1.5 gallons ph 6.7 Watered to 20% runoff and my numbers were unfortunately what I expected, ph on 3 of the 6 plants was about 5.95 and PPMs around 1400-1500. Seems at every watering or feeding, the ph is dropping and ppM increase by 200.

Interested in any further insight…. Thanks again!
it’s hard for me to give you advice as i’ve never ph, ppm ec anything, no clue of water ph.. vpd ppfd etc.. i do everything by eye/observing..

just asking.. is there another transplant coming or they in their final pots?


it’s hard for me to give you advice as i’ve never ph, ppm ec anything, no clue of water ph.. vpd ppfd etc.. i do everything by eye/observing..

just asking.. is there another transplant coming or they in their final pots?
They in rockwool 4" on slabs. Yes final


Hoping you can possibly help with my ongoing issue
with my first Grow

Some basic info below:

Media - soil FF Ocean forest

2x4 & 4x4 indoor grow tent (6 plants total)

250 watt Viperspectra 1500 Pro LED & Viparspectra KS5000

Fabric pots - 5 gal

Originally spring water for first 8 weeks, changed

this week to RO water.

Indica plants

Fox Farms Trio nutrients, Cal Mag, recharge

Carbon exhaust and clip on fans

Plants in 8th week of veg

Watering/feed at about 1.25 gal per plant

Ran 6 weeks veg without flush and PPMs in runoff got as high as 1800-2000 ppM, runoff ph around 6.0- 6.25… Leafs started to yellow with green veins and then brown spots.

After flush with sledgehammer, ppM down to 550- 700. Did a feeding at next watering and PPMs up to 700-900 runoff after feeding. Did a watering with calmag and fish shit 3 days later and PPMs at 1000-1200. PPMs going in are about 600-700.

Plant do not seem to want to move from lime green to darker green and PPMs continue to rise concerning me that they are not up taking nutes. I talked to Fox Farm and they said don’t go by runoff, do a slurry PH which I did and came out with 6.4 ph. I have been wanting to move these to flower but concerned that they will continue to degrade.

Interesting to note that internal and lower leaves are nice dark green.

A couple of questions:

  1. Do you think the plants are stilled locked out and require another flush? Is only been 2 weeks since last flush.
  2. Am I too concerned with PPMs and not feeding enough so perhaps that is why they will not recover. When feeding, only 1/2 Trio recommended.
  3. Should I top dress with some dolomite lime to increase the soil ph ?
  4. Could high humidity in late veg cause some of this problem 60-75%
  5. I have been delaying flipping to flower for 2+ weeks and concerned that the what I hope to see in improvement may not ever get there…. Do I flip or wait more?
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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ok just throwing stuff out there to get you thinking or someone else, but most of the light green growth is the newest growth with some older light/faded leaves showing spots..
my guess a root issue, meaning ph..


Plant do not seem to want to move from lime green to darker green and PPMs continue to rise concerning me that they are not up taking nutes. I talked to Fox Farm and they said don’t go by runoff, do a slurry PH which I did and came out with 6.4 ph. I have been wanting to move these to flower but concerned that they will continue to degrade.

Interesting to note that internal and lower leaves are nice dark green.

A couple of questions:

  1. Do you think the plants are stilled locked out and require another flush? Is only been 2 weeks since last flush.
  2. Am I too concerned with PPMs and not feeding enough so perhaps that is why they will not recover. When feeding, only 1/2 Trio recommended.
  3. Should I top dress with some dolomite lime to increase the soil ph ?
  4. Could high humidity in late veg cause some of this problem 60-75%
  5. I have been delaying flipping to flower for 2+ weeks and concerned that the what I hope to see in improvement may not ever get there…. Do I flip or wait more?
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You cant treat soil like coco - multiple flushes! Shes Oxygen Starved, and you now have created "cascading issue's". You need to up-pot her into dry -soil/or coco to speed up a dry-back, as she dry's she will pull Oxygen into the root zone! dont do anything else till she gets some Oxygen back in the Rhizome and Dry's out. (3 days). If you flip now youll create addl issues -


Just FYI its not the light. I turned them way down and it got way worse overnight.
I am suspecting nutrient (B) lockout.
I dropped from 3.0EC to 2.5EC input


Plants were asking for water today as it was the fourth day since last watering. I fed them 1000 PPMs and gave each 5 gal pot 1.25-1.5 gallons ph 6.7 Watered to 20% runoff and my numbers were unfortunately what I expected, ph on 3 of the 6 plants was about 5.95 and PPMs around 1400-1500. Seems at every watering or feeding, the ph is dropping and ppM increase by 200.

Interested in any further insight…. Thanks again!
Your overfeeding and over watering, don't do that and your plants will grow beautiful 😍
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