Hey guys, noob here needs help!

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In my 4x4 tent with 1k light I use a single 6" fan.

carbon filter > fan > duct work to exhaust thru the light > hot exhaust out the tent.
Air is set up to come in passively thru filters and light traps.

With an intake fan, your exhaust is limited to how much air you can blow in.


Thanks guys, yeah I think the one of the tents Im interested in has flaps at the bottom. Wouldnt that let out smell by leaving them open though?

Also, would the tents I mentioned be reliable as in no light leaks? The last thing I want is my grow to be fucked up due to light getting through during the dark period.

Also where would I vent the ducting to? Here in Ireland we have bad weather so we dont have any AC vents, and Im limited as to where I can grow so I may have neighbours that could get suspicious if they see unusual stuff at a bedroom window.


If your exhaust fan is pulling out more than your intake is bringing in, an open flap should only pull air in and not let air or smell out.

And the tents mfgers cannot sat "no light leaks" A lot of things come into it. when you assemble your tent...be careful not to stretch it too much.
try to avoid that as much as possible. if your exhaust fan is way strong and causes your tent to suck in... that can loosen seams. but even the best will prolly have a few leaks. I've taken a tent in a dark room and put a 400 watter inside. so light shine out. then got some black shoe polish, the thick pasty kind in a can. used a que tip and pushed it in the lighted holes, then wipe up any excess. any thing dark you can put in/over holes.

build a window box to put over inside your window. this may take some 'splaning.... the use of flat black paint is that it will be on the side of box facing out, so if someone tries to peek in. it will look like its just a dark room.
use cardboard, oooh inches to centermeters.... a 2 foot x 2 foot window = 60cm x 60cm for example.
you want to over extend window on all sides, so to keep it simple, say 4 cm all sides so that will be 68cm x 68cm.
plus about 4cm from wall another 4cm all sides now 76cm x 76cm.
plus the 1cm flap all sides. 78cm x x78cm.
cut 5cm x 5cm out of each corner.
now you need to put in your folds.
mark your 1 cm lines
then 4cm from that one.
fold your inside line down, use a straight edge, table edge...
then your next 1cm line the otherway.
tape your corners. hope this helps...............
make your exhaust hole.
tape and tack to wall.
Window box


Thanks Bannacis, great idea! Unfortunatly there are very high burglary rates around here these days and an open window would be an invitation to robbing scumbags, and theres also the possibility of nosey neighbours wondering why a room is always dark even on a bright day etc


A good check for light leaks is to turn on all the lights OUTSIDE a tent, climb inside where its supposed to be dark and get zipped in. In 5=10 mins your eyes will pick out the slightest leaks. Hit them with a magic marker and repeat.

Neat idea about using shoe polish, Id be scared of the mess. I always used aluminum tape.

Venting: a rule of thumb is to have 2x the passive intake as you do exhaust. So your 6" exhaust needs 2 6" intakes. If your tent is getting sucked in too much, you need more air flow in.

I had a hole punched in my closet at one time to send my exhaust out of the room. Used it to heat the house. Some vent into the attic, but the high humidity combined with heat is a recipe for molds.


I guess its all how your home is set up, never been to Ireland. some houses (here) have rooms that could be just spare room or an unused bed room. with the window box flat black paint, and curtains hanging...in the box... it looks normal, even during the day. I had a window boxed that you could put your cupped hands to window and putting your nose on the glass and it looked like a dark bedroom with the doors shut. (which it was).the flat black is the trick...

Certain situations it might not work.

If there's a second window that not boxed, it will not work
if its a high traffic area...eye level...
easy for peeps to approach...put trash cans or parked vehicle, large bush. dog on chain...
If your windows are currently lit, exposed, and neighbors see activity thru such....then going dark all of the sudden will be a Bright light so to speak.

probably best... use a good charcoal scrubber and find the best way to bring in fresh air or recirculate and use CO2.......A/C...

Good ideas all around, I guess I should of mentioned I check for light leaks both ways, but easier for me to use one big light inside than the outside light that is not on every side of the tent. I put an 85 watt spiral cfl in middle of tent....if your inside have a friend move your light on extension cord around the seams.
put the shoe polish on the black side of tent. inside you could use the white silicon in a tube, I would put some on a piece of cardboard and use a Q- tip.
do they have black silicon?
tiered of using F@$&ing tape...

Keeper green.


Thanks guys, guess I should be good with the window box then. Just after having a brainwave too, I could use one of those see through net curtains.

You know, the ones where you can see out of but not in. And put the box around that.

It will all depend on what kind of apartment or house that I get. Not many available in my price range so Im having trouble finding a place.

All set to go apart from that! I could have my equiptment within a few days so its finding a house thats holding me up!

Thanks so much for everything guys, Il be back with more questions when Im setting it all up lol


Hey everybody, back again with a few changes of plan and need more advice. I have since found a perfect apartment but my electricity bill is already high so I cant afford to run a 600w right now.

Instead I will be using a 250w hps with a cool tube reflector and growing DP Auto Mazar. Im thinking 1 or 2 of them and still intend to use SCROG & LST.

So would the 100cm x 100cm x 200cm tent still be ok? (after 2 or 3 grows Il add in another 250w to reap more results)

What changes should be made regarding ventillation?

Thanks in advance guys!
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