High Demand: Price of legal marijuana soars in Colorado

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Farming 🌱

John Wark / AP

A long line of buyers trails from a store selling marijuana in Pueblo West, Colo., on Wednesday.

By Erik Ortiz, Staff Writer, NBC News
The high times in Colorado are coming with high costs for cannabis consumers.

Hemp hunters who waited for hours early Wednesday to be among the first to legally purchase marijuana from state retailers found sticker shock at cash registers.

“I think people were a little bit surprised at the price,” said Rachel Gillette, executive director of the Colorado chapter of NORML, a national nonprofit seeking to make marijuana use legal nationwide. “We are concerned about that.”

On the first day of legal weed sales, Gillette said she found retailers selling top-shelf marijuana to recreational users at prices close to $400 per ounce, not including taxes.

For comparison, medical marijuana users, who’ve been able to buy weed from Colorado dispensaries since 2010, are currently paying around $250 an ounce plus taxes, she said.

The state does not impose any pricing structure for pot purveyors, leaving the market open to supply and demand. One dispensary was selling high-quality marijuana on Wednesday at $70 for one-eighth of an ounce — a markup from $25 for the same amount the day before, according to The Associated Press.

But Gillette and other observers keeping careful tabs on the landmark law say they expect costs to eventually stabilize, although it won’t happen overnight.

Colorado residents, purchasing marijuana legally for the first time on Jan. 1, reveal how they plan to enjoy permissible pot smoking.

“It’s a new industry, a new market,” Gillette said. “I think things will work themselves out in a few years. We saw the same thing happen with the medical marijuana industry before prices came down.”

But Gillette said she’d still like to see the “high tax rates” associated with marijuana sales addressed by state lawmakers.

Colorado State Rep. Jonathan Singer, who sponsored the House bill on legal marijuana sales, said he doesn't want to see the 10 percent special sales tax added to each transaction changed just yet. The state won't know how much those taxes will provide to Colorado's coffers for at least another month.

“If marijuana continues to funnel into the black market, I am happy to look at shocking the black market out of the legitimate industry by slashing taxes, but this is way too early in the game,” Singer said in an email to NBC News. “And judging by the thousands of marijuana consumers lined up around the block yesterday, Coloradans appear comfortable with taxes as they are.”

A Colorado State University report released last April forecasts retail prices settling at around $185 per ounce.

Colorado residents can buy no more than an ounce per transaction, while out-of-state tokers can purchase up to a quarter-ounce.

Phyllis Resnick, lead economist at Colorado State’s Colorado Futures Center, said she also expects prices to lower.

“My sense is that competition will eventually arise … and costs will fall below what the black market wants,” she said.

Medical marijuana users, meanwhile, shouldn’t be affected by a ramp up in prices or long lines, said Mason Tvert, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, which advocates for medical marijuana bills.

Medical marijuana sales aren’t subject to the special sales tax and similar local taxes that drive up costs to the general public. In addition, there are dispensaries that are dedicated to medical marijuana sales only, so patients won’t have to wait hours for service.

On the recreational side, the anticipated opening of more pot stores would ease demand in the coming months.

While only about three-dozen retailers around Colorado opened to adults aged 21 and older on Wednesday, the state has actually approved 348 retail licenses. Many outlets have been slowed down because they also have to get permission from their local municipality.

Prices could also be affected on the supply side by the fact that Colorado allows people to grow at home (up to six plants per adult), and there currently is no cap on how much total marijuana can be produced statewide.

As for any demand driven by out-of-towners, Resnick believes the idea of a booming pot tourism industry won’t be a lasting one.

“How many people are going to fly to Colorado to ride around in a van and get pot, and then you’re limited to where you can smoke it?” she said. “Plus, it’s not like you can bring it home with you.”

Officials in neighboring states, however, aren’t so sure Colorado's weed won't be giving their residents contact highs.

The Albany County Sheriff's Office in Wyoming said they have already seen an uptick in marijuana possession after medical marijuana became legalized in Colorado. They're expecting a similar rise again.

Sheriff Dave O'Malley told NBC affiliate KUSA-TV that the incident reports reveal how people are unabashedly getting blitzed in his county — which borders Colorado.

It’s “almost like looking at a scene in a Cheech and Chong movie,” he said, “where they would pull over a car for speeding and the windows would all come down and the smoke would come billowing out of the cars.”


Living dead girl
On the first day of legal weed sales, Gillette said she found retailers selling top-shelf marijuana to recreational users at prices close to $400 per ounce, not including taxes.
Fucking WHAT????

Anyone else see the new animations done for the old Cheech & Chong stuff? Brought back some memories listening to Sister Mary Elephant screaming, "SHUT UPPPPPP!!!"
(Hey man, I gotta go to the can!) A date didn't get laid during Up in Smoke. He played it totally wrong, man.


One store reportedly sold 50 lbs the first day
@ $400 oz that's a pretty good day if you ask me
I wonder how much these stores will dispense on the average each day


The news this am said dispensaries were running out of product. Imagine all those THC farmers packing up their excess and heading for Colorado. It is their duty to help keep the price down. Will this force law enforcement to add to border control?
I am sure prices will drop soon but it appears that the dispensary owner are making a killing and the farmer is getting what he can get.


$400 an ounce is what half of the clubs in cali sell their top shelf for..

This is very true shawn

The news this am said dispensaries were running out of product. Imagine all those THC farmers packing up their excess and heading for Colorado. It is their duty to help keep the price down. Will this force law enforcement to add to border control?
I am sure prices will drop soon but it appears that the dispensary owner are making a killing and the farmer is getting what he can get.

Shits about to get crazy over there
I've heard of shops already closing as well
Most weren't prepared for the masses
I believe your gonna have to harvest lbs daily to stay alive in this business
sky high

sky high

The news this am said dispensaries were running out of product. Imagine all those THC farmers packing up their excess and heading for Colorado. It is their duty to help keep the price down. Will this force law enforcement to add to border control?

The Denver news featured a couple of stories that interviewed po-po from neighboring states and they said they are waiting with the dogs for anyone who tries to bring weed out of Colorado.....and the Colorado State Patrol is using dogs & traffic stops inside the border to detect/ensure that the flow of illegally grown weed from other states doesn't end up in the legal market here.

Be safe folks
thump easy

thump easy

The Denver news featured a couple of stories that interviewed po-po from neighboring states and they said they are waiting with the dogs for anyone who tries to bring weed out of Colorado.....and the Colorado State Patrol is using dogs & traffic stops inside the border to detect/ensure that the flow of illegally grown weed from other states doesn't end up in the legal market here.

Be safe folks

it already does the surounding state get their weed from colorado.. thats why its so hard to get!! there out sourced it it cost more money in the surounding states lolz


The Denver news featured a couple of stories that interviewed po-po from neighboring states and they said they are waiting with the dogs for anyone who tries to bring weed out of Colorado.....and the Colorado State Patrol is using dogs & traffic stops inside the border to detect/ensure that the flow of illegally grown weed from other states doesn't end up in the legal market here.

Be safe folks
Good luck with that,For every 1 they catch 20 will drive right by.Its gonna be pretty F'in hard to have 1 state legal and expect it to be contained there,they opened pandoras box now.The authorities have been trying to block the export out of norcal forever with very little success so what makes them think colorado will be any different?Or for that matter even mexico cannot be stopped and their is a damn closed border there with elite drug cops all around it.


Seriously whistle, CO is relatively close to the border and all these cops turning inwards to stop weed, are turning their backs on loads of powder coming north and going east. The cartels are laughing their asses off right now, and probably increasing shipments through the CO area and neighboring states temporarily as they know LEO scrutiny is on white stoners.
sky high

sky high

Yeah, it's a random thing...and certainly folks will make it through (and I'm just reporting what was said..didn't say it myself).....but as I have experienced in Utah, they WILL bring the dogs a mere couple of minutes after the stop to parade around yer vehicle. (it seems to be routine there) Fortunately I only had 25 grams and a pipe so it only cost me $1000....but it wouldn't go >as well< as that if there was true weight on the scene. My county has made a lot of stops and has come away with big hauls over the years and patrols will be up/they are gonna be watching heavily for DUI/etc. (smell)

that coming across state lines stuff makes for serious State and Federal charges. Be safe folks.


"It’s “almost like looking at a scene in a Cheech and Chong movie,” he said, “where they would pull over a car for speeding and the windows would all come down and the smoke would come billowing out of the cars.”
Lol, that's funny as hell.


Well, one thing I am happy to see is that they are keeping fair market prices. I was a bit concerned that the legal shops would price chop the shit out of everything and drive the market downward.


Well, one thing I am happy to see is that they are keeping fair market prices. I was a bit concerned that the legal shops would price chop the shit out of everything and drive the market downward.
Fair market price? The prices they're charging reflect artificially inflated black market premiums. Legalization will by nature drive down (stabilize) market prices.

The retail spots are charging so much because they have lines of people waiting and the first fifty people in line didn't set the standard by walking out complaining about the price, they cheered and thought themselves awesome revolutionaries for their purchase- and the price was instantly validated. Not that 90% of the folks waiting in line have a clue what great grass is, they just assume its top quality because they're buying it in a "weed store".
Not "hating on" any opportunists either- if you're in position and prepared- gotta get that prohibition money while you can.

It will be really funny if mmj dispensaries up their prices as a result. Well funny to me because I don't shop there- but would be fucked for other legit patients who don't grow and probably not so funny for them.


Fair market price? The prices they're charging reflect artificially inflated black market premiums. Legalization will by nature drive down (stabilize) market prices.

The retail spots are charging so much because they have lines of people waiting and the first fifty people in line didn't set the standard by walking out complaining about the price, they cheered and thought themselves awesome revolutionaries for their purchase- and the price was instantly validated. Not that 90% of the folks waiting in line have a clue what great grass is, they just assume its top quality because they're buying it in a "weed store".
Not "hating on" any opportunists either- if you're in position and prepared- gotta get that prohibition money while you can.

It will be really funny if mmj dispensaries up their prices as a result. Well funny to me because I don't shop there- but would be fucked for other legit patients who don't grow and probably not so funny for them.

Ok....I could have worded that differently. The whole point that I was trying to make was that I am glad that they didn't open the doors and start selling $20 8th's. Being an indoor type...and one who pays his bills....I for one don't want to see prices drop. I've watched that happen for the last 4 years here in LA.

Oh...and that article said that many dispensaries did up the price.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
All prices will ultimately be the same, retail, medical and black market..thats the formula. Just like in the early days of medical, they tagged the price to the street price because they do not want anybody buying at the club and turning around and sell it for a profit..black market guys are jerkin off right now that the legal market just pushed the illegal market right back up...the cops already pull over just about every car with out of state plates headin out I76, I70, I40, and I25, they will pull over moving vans, uhauls, even heard they were pullin over fedex and ups trucks to get the sniffers on the packages...DUI will be on the rise and if you have out of state plates get ready to be pulled over and hassled..I like $50 bucks an eighth including tax, thats about where it should be based on the street prices moving up...supply and demad, not anything new here...I am pushin up my wholesale to 2800-$3200 in the next week and then $3600-$3800 the week after that, they already cam and bought every little scrap I had in the warehouse at $2400-$2600 the first day..you have to remember that prices of weed in most peoples home state is way higher..Texas is at $6000-$6500 a lb and New York is closer to $9500 a lb for the dank so it is still a major discount to come here and pay top dollar in the local Colorado market.


Do you not need probable cause to pull someone over in colorado tex?I dont doubt that its happening at all but i question how LE can pull over a car with out of state plates for that reason only,sure maybe they can make something up for a few of those vehicles but all of them?Im well aware that an alert from a dog is reason to search but anything found would be inadmissable if they did not have a proper reason to pull you over in the first place,is colorado different when it comes to 4th amendment rights?
Thanks for always giving us the inside scoop TK.
sky high

sky high

Like Cali does with ag products....I'm gonna guess we will see "checkpoints" where they funnel cars through...dogs sniffing madly...

I mean..what give Cali the right to stop folks for a fuckin orange and make em surrender it at the border? I always hated that shit too! Seems like CO could do the same thing with weed...with FED approval..just like CA.... cus weed is "produce" and it is supposed to be CO specific....not an invite for the rest of the country to come and sell theirs or export ours.

I'd hate to see it...but I expect to see it.


All prices will ultimately be the same, retail, medical and black market..thats the formula. Just like in the early days of medical, they tagged the price to the street price because they do not want anybody buying at the club and turning around and sell it for a profit..black market guys are jerkin off right now that the legal market just pushed the illegal market right back up...the cops already pull over just about every car with out of state plates headin out I76, I70, I40, and I25, they will pull over moving vans, uhauls, even heard they were pullin over fedex and ups trucks to get the sniffers on the packages...DUI will be on the rise and if you have out of state plates get ready to be pulled over and hassled..I like $50 bucks an eighth including tax, thats about where it should be based on the street prices moving up...supply and demad, not anything new here...I am pushin up my wholesale to 2800-$3200 in the next week and then $3600-$3800 the week after that, they already cam and bought every little scrap I had in the warehouse at $2400-$2600 the first day..you have to remember that prices of weed in most peoples home state is way higher..Texas is at $6000-$6500 a lb and New York is closer to $9500 a lb for the dank so it is still a major discount to come here and pay top dollar in the local Colorado market.
New york is not paying 9gs for a potato its not the 90's anymore
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