Hmm can anyone help please?

  • Thread starter BioNI420
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stokes i’m not getting into arguments with delusional people,..
i’ve been on here for yrs and post everything i do, helped many on here to fix and get them to successful harvests,.. more than you’ve done,.
your starting to stand out like a sore thumb with all your dumb stupid posts,..


stokes i’m not getting into arguments with delusional people,..
i’ve been on here for yrs and post everything i do, helped many on here to fix and get them to successful harvests,.. more than you’ve done,.
your starting to stand out like a sore thumb with all your dumb stupid posts,..

Telling people that hot soils and foliar sprays cant harm plants is incredibly irresponsible. Im not going fall in line with your bullshit to get along with a couple of dudes on the internet. And im sure that youve helped people, but with comments like that youve probably hurt as many as you helped.


Telling people that hot soils and foliar sprays cant harm plants is incredibly irresponsible. Im not going fall in line with your bullshit to get along with a couple of dudes on the internet. And im sure that youve helped people, but with comments like that youve probably hurt as many as you helped.
no telling people things you really don’t understand is the problem,.. basically you are and have been regurgitating the same shit from misinformed websites,.
no such thing as hot soil and foliar spraying causing leaf damage,..
phytotoxicity is an over application of a chemical to a leaf surface maybe causing light marks on sensitive plants,.. again human error,.. most times it’s something else causing the problems or the products themselves,..


no telling people things you really don’t understand is the problem,.. basically you are and have been regurgitating the same shit from misinformed websites,.
no such thing as hot soil and foliar spraying causing leaf damage,..
phytotoxicity is an over application of a chemical to a leaf surface maybe causing light marks on sensitive plants,.. again human error,.. most times it’s something else causing the problems or the products themselves,..

Whatever you say dude. Your post is nothing but opinion and has zero credibility. By saying theres no such things as hot soils youre saying its impossible to overfeed your plant. If you dont see the flaw in that there is literally nothing anyone can say that will help you. Nutrient manufacturers have dosing labels and there’s a plethora of information available at anyones fingertips on the usefulness and dangers of foliar applications. Not going to keep arguing with a hardheaded moderator on a forum, we all know how that shit ends. I’ll continue to watch people throw shit at walls until something sticks. Several people on here asking for mentors but none of you want to step up and put your name on it. Have a good day dude.
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Tell you what.
When i run these skunks after i get what ive got out of the barn, im gonna mix up a hot soil and throw a freebie in it. I’ll put an end to this shit then.


Several people on here asking for mentors but none of you want to step up and put your name on it.
Mentoring by a single individual isn't the best way to be introduced to growing. The new grower is only exposed to one style, and that may not be the best style for them individually. It's better to let them decide after they've been exposed to a broad range of facts, opinions and practices. The value of a forum is multiple mentors and thus multiple ideas. Everyone who helps others is mentoring.


Mentoring by a single individual isn't the best way to be introduced to growing. The new grower is only exposed to one style, and that may not be the best style for them individually. It's better to let them decide after they've been exposed to a broad range of facts, opinions and practices. The value of a forum is multiple mentors and thus multiple ideas. Everyone who helps others is mentoring.
Thats a load of horseshit. Watching someone struggle alone for 3-4 months of their life while 10 people chimes in on threads telling people what they do. The use of mentors is sacred in growing, virtually every regarded breeder was mentored by someone at some point. Thats a way for you to back out of any responsibility, and thats cool. Its not your responsibility.


Im not a know it all, i learn shit every day. I ask questions regularly in the skunk threads. I have massive respect for those that have been doing it for a long time, nothing beats experience. But with that said, just because you do something for a long time doesnt mean youre good at it. I still cant shoot a pistol for shit, my wife cant drive. I will continue to call out bad advice.


OP, Thats not light burn

Also, Epsom salt can absolutely cause leaf burn issues as a foliar feed. especially toward the edges of leafs where the water collects before evaporating or being absorbed. There will be unabsorbed salt deposits left on the surface of the leaf, they will build up over time too if the plants aren't being rained on or watered from above.

The "myth" as far as im aware involving light burn and foliars, and why you do it during lights off, is that foliar feeds, when pulled together as droplets on the leaf, can lens the light enough to cause light burn issues. Underneath the sun and HID lighting this is true, underneath your average LED grow light this usually is not.

Also, you can wean a plant to within a few inches of your average modern LED grow light, and it's still not as intense as the sun at noon on the equator. I regularly wean my plants to within 4-5 inches of my panels before transitioning them outside. In that particular instance, lumens are more important then par for avoiding light burn issues after the transition. Id regularly keep an LED panel within 8 inches of new growth to keep node spacing tight on certain plants too. Come harvest id regularly have tops within 6 inches of my panels and they do fine so long as i can manage temps ok. With 480-650w full spectrum high par modern lights.

If you do it right, you can wean a cannabis plant into such intense light that the plant tissues will bleach white without even showing burn or heat stress issues, you just have to be able to adequately manage temps and do it over a transition period, or let the plants naturally grow into the light that intense on heir own (although some plants will grow too fast/too long into flower and will end up light burning their tips anyway.)


im pretty sure im both agreeing and disagreeing, with both sides. So either im being diplomatic or incredibly argumentative one. Depending on how you see things lmao.


im pretty sure im both agreeing and disagreeing, with both sides. So either im being diplomatic or incredibly argumentative one. Depending on how you see things lmao.

Yea i know. But leds are certainly taxing on plants. If anyone doesnt know why they should look up magnesiums role in plants and their function with phosphates and chlorophyll. This has been noted extensively since the introduction of LED’s. That’s probably a myth too tho



direct link to study on the matter if anyone is interested.

I do know i whole heartedly prefer growing plants under HPS or natural sunlight over LED, and will continue to say that the only reason i even use LED's, is convenience of grow room design and setup, and power savings. It is just consistently more difficult to keep a plant in peak health under LED lighting then it is under the sun, or a digital HPS ballast. Assuming temps and grow room design are managed well anyway. Plants definitely dont feed the same, and dont express the same, and deficiencies manifest more quickly and easily under LEDs, thats for sure. I took a bunch of familiar clones with me into LED from HPS and really, i had to completely re-learn them. Some did fine, some were like a new plant to learn.

You have interesting things going on comparing a 50hz HID ballast, to a digital one running at like 20khz too. Even with the same exact bulb being used as well if anyone wants to look into more interesting technical stuffs and how it directly affects the way the plants process elements.

the most effective artificial veg lighting ive used were T5 panels. The most effective artificial flowering lights ive used were digital ballast operated HPS lamps. The highest quality examples of flower ive ever grown though, flowered under mixed spectrum t5 panels. Unfortunately it's pretty annoying to effectively implement any one of these lighting systems to their full potential in a home environment.

We also unintentionally spent 50 years as a culture selecting and breeding our indoor genotypes to perform and thrive under HPS lighting, Not LED, because prohibition + the available technology forced it.

Things will swing in favor of LED over time, but it'll take a while.
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LED is the only thing i know. I would love to run hps in the winter for added heat. I know lots of growers who went back to them because they say theyre much better for flowering. I wouldnt know tho


LED is the only thing i know. I would love to run hps in the winter for added heat. I know lots of growers who went back to them because they say theyre much better for flowering. I wouldnt know tho
long as you have an enclosed hood, and use 600w bulbs, its pretty easy to manage in a tent unless you're doing DWC or something that requires cold root systems.

A couple decades down the line, the plants will have been unintentionally selected to prefer preforming under LED's, will just take time and a lot of growing/breeding to get there. People aren't specifically breeding for this parameter, it's happening natural selection style, but in a synthetic way lol.

Right now though, yea, you still have to buy a nearly $1000 LED grow light (seen some promising ones in the roughly 500 range in last couple years though, havent made the plunge, might this summer though) to truly match the performance potential of a single $160 1kw HPS digital ballast setup from ebay, $10 generic chinese bulb included in that statement.

With certain sativa genetics, ive pulled right at 2lbs from a single plant under a 600w HPS with little training or significant effort or focus on the plant (DWC). I neared 3lbs on 2 occasions in 6x5 under 1kw hps with 2 largely untrained plants. Good luck doing that under a 600w LED without a lot of training, planning, and conscious effort. It happened to me entirely by accident with an HPS sometimes though, and while being a fairly lazy cheap-skate grower

If you dont mind slightly lanky plants, you can reliably pull close to 3 lbs from 7x8 under a single 1kw HPS from the right sativas genetics in a grow room designed specifically for the task/purpose + a solid grower. (not really a tent, more like opaque white vinyl or mylar + some carpentry skills)

That growing niche has largely been driven extinct by today's cannabis climate/culture though. Was fun while it lasted though for sure lmao. All that was really only worth the effort when you could call 300 a zip for the headies lmfao.
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Tell you what.
When i run these skunks after i get what ive got out of the barn, im gonna mix up a hot soil and throw a freebie in it. I’ll put an end to this shit then.
you have taken this off subject a couple times, squirming around,..
now your gonna mix up your own bad soil on purpose (human error),, it was about store shelf pre mended mixes,.
look science has disproved the water droplet stuff and plus i’ve sprayed my plants with 50% isopropyl under 1000 watt MH to kill mites as this is the only treatment that actually works and not a speck on a leaf and i posted all this and daily updates every week of every grow,.,
i’ve already proven my skills and knowledge many times over the years,.. if i start to help someone than i usually stay with them all the way to the end, i’ll even give my phone number in some cases to make it easier,.. anyhoo


Tell you what.
When i run these skunks after i get what ive got out of the barn, im gonna mix up a hot soil and throw a freebie in it. I’ll put an end to this shit then.
@Stokes you already know what’s gonna happen…. fried weed babies! Lol

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