how much are dispensaries paying for a pound?

  • Thread starter danko
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Buddy thank you for taking the time to explain Im looking at Oregon right now
Go to Cali, no room up here unless you don't mind selling 1800 a lb indoor 1200 for outdoor.
It's a buyers market but not a sellers.
Just saying, killing us already and then out of staters flocking for legalization in OR has made for a extremely competitive market.
Some guy I work with today told me he gets a half oz of half decent BHO for 150. That's 10.70 a g! I blast from time to time, prefer pressing BUT I wouldn't ever sell for that cheap unless more bulk.

Edit: Terpy amber gold wax (worth $25 a g all day IMO)


Go to Cali, no room up here unless you don't mind selling 1800 a lb indoor 1200 for outdoor.
It's a buyers market but not a sellers.
Just saying, killing us already and then out of staters flocking for legalization in OR has made for a extremely competitive market.
Some guy I work with today told me he gets a half oz of half decent BHO for 150. That's 10.70 a g! I blast from time to time, prefer pressing BUT I wouldn't ever sell for that cheap unless more bulk.

Edit: Terpy amber gold wax (worth $25 a g all day IMO)
I've gotten zips for like $180 of amber stuff and can get high quality for $10-15 a g for just 1 gram in Cali, people can't even get rid of the oil they make a lot of the time.. Lots of peeps that grow Oregon move the weed to somewhere else... just sayin..


Here's a hypothetical situation............guy flies to a west coast area finds what he thinks is good, (what he thinks is good, not the market). Then flies back home waiting for his presents. The littel college huslter in town slings 3 zips a day when it's that available. Don't have to be super duper, just have some damn trichs left and actually have a decent stone. Disp are getting their asses kicked by the black market in some states!

Dispensaries grow NASTY weed in some states! Come to Az, nothing even smells like weed. Calis reject bud is AZ private reserve.


Well-Known Farmer
I have a hard time trusting new people but I'm willing to ship if prepaid. Got to have a good safe address to receive and it takes a week or so to set up but I won't deliver over state lines. Also not worth my time for orders under 10 units. Generally like repeat clients. Trust is earned. Hey good idea for dispenceries to use a safe addy when state lines are involved!


Dispensaries grow NASTY weed in some states! Come to Az, nothing even smells like weed. Calis reject bud is AZ private reserve.
i agree az is not a good state for medical herb.. its all about the fucking growers. not the paitenst. fuck them all.. grow your own.

if i would of known how bad the herb was i probably would not of got of the opiates *i just remember how herb worked for me as a young next thing you know here i am.).. true statement, thats how bad it is. i wish i had a low tolerance like most of the old people buying this shit.


Well-Known Farmer
It's about that time of year when we start to see prices increase . Still a lot of competition but supplies start to dwendle about this time of the year. Good for those who hang on for better prices bit not so much for those who had to pay the bills earlier in the year. Most of us sell at least some earlier in the year because of needs. I only got a few units off early as I wasn't hurting for cash flow. But I also had 2/3s of my crop ripped so won't make that much this year.
Hopefull Stoner

Hopefull Stoner

It's about that time of year when we start to see prices increase . Still a lot of competition but supplies start to dwendle about this time of the year. Good for those who hang on for better prices bit not so much for those who had to pay the bills earlier in the year. Most of us sell at least some earlier in the year because of needs. I only got a few units off early as I wasn't hurting for cash flow. But I also had 2/3s of my crop ripped so won't make that much this year.

times are what they are now. that's why so many growers didn't want to see full blown legalization. they were, of course, thinking about their profits and themselves obviously.

too bad about the crop, but sometimes karma catches up to us ijs.

was surprised to see you here, not sure if you're the original MC or not.
if you are then you fully can relate to my last comment. rofl


Wow...those prices are outta control...
Too shelf in Colorado...lucky to bring 1200 a pound.


Made an account just for this. 2 weeks ago got 20s and 21s. Socal. Honestly I think I could have gotten 26. He was the middle man who took it


Well-Known Farmer
Well maybe legalized but only very limited. Many people don't have a place to grow and will still need mess. They can pay the high prices at dispensaries, pay the until it is companies, or they can turn to there friends. Anyway you look at it the black market will do just fine. It may even do better. There are only so many good spots to grow because of local laws and those who are established have the best places already.


I'm reading this, and know what it takes to grow a "unit" of pot for. Fuck anyone that would allow themselves into being manipulated into accepting less than they felt their work , their attention and knowledge that they put into their harvest was worth. This shit doesn't grow itself, nor is it easy to do. All of these new "carpet baggers" capitalizing on this temporary situation need to be neutralized, however that's possible. Just saying, we need to re-learn these preliminary concepts from those farmers who sent their milk and butter down the drain rather than sell it cheap.
Cali clouds

Cali clouds

The problem isn't all the lil guys. One of the thousands of big buildings full of weed grows more weed then a thousand lil growers do. When you bite off the overhead that one of those buildings takes, you have to sell weed. If I had a 1000 light grow I could let em go @14 and be laughing all the way to the bank.


What sucks is being the little guy trying to compete with the corporate grows...
Cali clouds

Cali clouds

They have a hard time to. Being the Lil guy means you have no taxes, insurance, regulation, worker comp, security, shitty employees, and crazy overhead. Most of those places have to move 100's of P's a month just to stay alive. Then you still have to make a dollar to. I don't mind being the Lil guy


Before retiring I felt a similar situation. As very small (one man shop) licensed contractor, (I) we had all the overhead, licenses from every local big enough to have a stop sign, and liability insurance. The little and not so little guys didn't have any overhead except keeping gas in their truck, they didn't know what or how to even figure what their overhead was. They were always beating our prices. The state licensing bureau didn't give a shit and just gave us (licensed contractors) lip service whenever we'd complain that these guys outside of the "law" were eating our lunch. The customers no matter what were always going for the lowest price. The dispensaries have a similar place as did general contractors with this analogy, they'd whore out all the sub contractors giving them bids. Lying to everyone trying to wring the lowest possible price out of everyone, fucking all but themselves during the process.
The state just kept taking our licensing money. The only way this doesn't parallel completely that situation is MJ has a different cachet. There's lots of people who have always made money off the back or indirectly from MJ. Those number in the thousands, and now that numbers increasing. If these municipalities and other assholes making money off the "rules" side aren't careful and mostly aren't, if they get too greedy which I have no doubt where they fall regarding that. They'll heap all these sin taxes and fees on MJ until everyone says fuck it and goes back to doing it outside of their little regs. Then it will be right back where it's been, with one subtle difference, way more smokers, dabers; users. Econ 101, excess demand raises prices, excess capacity or availability lowers prices. Who's going to have the lower overhead?
Let's take a tip from the oil cartel pricing moves, Saudi lowered prices till lots of big companies, with high overhead went broke. (Another obstacle to that logic was the advent of electric vehicles and fracking methods that increased the availabile supply of domestic oil, and there's no counterpart to that in the MJ quotient.) Then OPEC is starting to raise pricing afterwards.
How about some MJ co-ops or a professional "union"? (International Brotherhood of Marijuana Growers; IBMG)

PS I know this counters some of my emotion based statements and position in my first posting, but in following my own logic, I'm changing that position.
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