How to dry cannabis in 7 days?

  • Thread starter StudentGreen
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Looks like I’ll be moving them to the other facility, I’ll try doing it as fast as possible to avoid further issues.

Thanks for helping me make this decision guys, really appreciate your support!!!


wow didn’t know 7 days is way too less, but everyone here is in agreement that it is way too less for drying cannabis.

What would you guys say is a minimum then for a top quality dry? The 60 60 I guess lol

I’m sure Ive watched a few videos of commercial growers stating they dry in 7 days 🤷‍♂️
not all cannabis, just most ;)

Lots of commercial growers dry 7 days minimum. Im not aware of any who keep anything set in stone by day count when drying. Definitely none that dry in 7 days across the board. TBH thats a little bit absurd when it comes to strains with volatile terp content. Source: Was a commercial cannabis grower for several years lol. No commercial grower is going to dry some SSH and gelato in the same amount of time each for example, you will completely ruin the SSH if you did. It'll smell like green tea and taste like grass clippings. Promise. If you did that to gelato or GG4 though, it would prob be 100% fine.

What your remembering is probably the phrase "At least 7 days"

I would not transport harvested flower that isnt dry yet, youll end up with lots of flat spots on them. Ff its only for a bit of time though, not like a day or two, it shouldn't increase PM or mold risk, it will prob diminish the bag appeal a good bit though, just make sure you fluff the branches back up a bit before rehanging.
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Honestly, if your going to be gone less then 3 weeks, id just hang entire un broken branches with fan leaves ONLY removed, if even that, and then just just trim and jar them when you get home. Keep temps cool.

If there a little too dry on your return, buffer em up with some 2 way humdity packs.

That'd probably be what id do. Can promise from lots of personal experience that this will damage the volatile terps (the ones you smell before a bag even opens) way less then drying quickly would. More cellulose and chlorophyll will already be broken down on first burn too, meaning better flavor, and a cooler burn temp.


I just got done trimming my last plant today from my 8x4 grow.
My tent was sitting at 65-68 with 58%-65% humidity, all were dry and ready to start trimming in 7 days.

It took my a few days to trim it all but on the first day of trimming, my Grove Bags with hygrometers in them sat at 62% humidity. My Grove Bags from the plants I trimmed today and yesterday are sitting at 59%.


I just got done trimming my last plant today from my 8x4 grow.
My tent was sitting at 65-68 with 58%-65% humidity, all were dry and ready to start trimming in 7 days.

It took my a few days to trim it all but on the first day of trimming, my Grove Bags with hygrometers in them sat at 62% humidity. My Grove Bags from the plants I trimmed today and yesterday are sitting at 59%.
Not to be a contrarian, im just a rambler. So here's more information because why not.

as long as temps and humidity are proper you can leave buds ganging as long as you want, and their moisture content will not drop below the moisture content of their atmosphere. Isnt possible. However with extended oxygen exposure, terps will begin to oxidise.

The reason drying that quickly also damages volatile terps, is also oxidation. For plant material to dry that fast, assuming it isnt super fluffy, there has to be a certain amount of airflow, or a certain lack of moisture to the atmosphere. One or the other. There are lots of terpenes in many cannabis genotypes that just do not survive such conditions, there are even cannabis terps that wont survive ANY dry time at all, and is a big part of why live resin is so popular. Others can even boil out of your buds during the dry time if you harvest during inclimate weather with super low atmospheric pressure. The lower pressure significantly lowers their boiling point.

Only 7 days Doesnt mean it wont burn great, it probably will. doesnt mean it will taste bad, itll probably taste fine. Doesnt mean it wont be potent.

But if your buds dried in 7 days, theres no way that there isnt room for improvement on that, isnt possible. If you dried them to the same in 10 days, they will, 100% beyond any shadow of any doubt, taste and smell better then they do at 7.

7 days is about as short as it can get, and a grower still expect a good smell, a good burn, and a good taste. If you can come up with a way to make that take longer, you will be impressed with the difference though 100%.

Even genotypes that do fine with a quicker dry, are significantly tastier and smellier with a slower dry. All of them are lol, 100% across the board.


Not to be a contrarian, im just a rambler. So here's more information because why not.

as long as temps and humidity are proper you can leave buds ganging as long as you want, and their moisture content will not drop below the moisture content of their atmosphere. Isnt possible. However with extended oxygen exposure, terps will begin to oxidise.

The reason drying that quickly also damages volatile terps, is also oxidation. For plant material to dry that fast, assuming it isnt super fluffy, there has to be a certain amount of airflow, or a certain lack of moisture to the atmosphere. One or the other. There are lots of terpenes in many cannabis genotypes that just do not survive such conditions, there are even cannabis terps that wont survive ANY dry time at all, and is a big part of why live resin is so popular. Others can even boil out of your buds during the dry time if you harvest during inclimate weather with super low atmospheric pressure. The lower pressure significantly lowers their boiling point.

Only 7 days Doesnt mean it wont burn great, it probably will. doesnt mean it will taste bad, itll probably taste fine. Doesnt mean it wont be potent.

But if your buds dried in 7 days, theres no way that there isnt room for improvement on that, isnt possible. If you dried them to the same in 10 days, they will, 100% beyond any shadow of any doubt, taste and smell better then they do at 7.

7 days is about as short as it can get, and a grower still expect a good smell, a good burn, and a good taste. If you can come up with a way to make that take longer, you will be impressed with the difference though 100%.

Even genotypes that do fine with a quicker dry, are significantly tastier and smellier with a slower dry. All of them are lol, 100% across the board.
Some really solid information there mate, seems like you know your shit!
Appreciate that though, it really does help when you explain it like that in detail.
Kind of like knowing the answer to a question by copying my mate next to me in an exam compared to knowing how to do the calculation and getting the same answer haha. Feels way more fulfilling knowing the know how’s. Cheers 😁👍


Some really solid information there mate, seems like you know your shit!
Appreciate that though, it really does help when you explain it like that in detail.
Kind of like knowing the answer to a question by copying my mate next to me in an exam compared to knowing how to do the calculation and getting the same answer haha. Feels way more fulfilling knowing the know how’s. Cheers 😁👍
those bags you get sometimes, you know the ones...

You smell the buds before the container is even pulled out of the handbag. And the container is stinking the second you open it, and the room fills with smells.

The only way a terp can even do that, is if it is highly volatile, and easily evaporated. Thats the entire reason those terps penetrate the way they do. The ones you are smelling are the ones that have already evaporated lol. And they work like this entirely because they are so fragile and easily destroyed.

When you get those rare bags of bud so stank you dont even wanna smoke them because its just too beautiful a thing.....

Those buds we very carefully dried, probably for close to 2 weeks or a little more even, they were trimmed AFTER drying (although you can get around this in certain ways if you can control dry room conditions carefully enough, gotta start with high humidity around 85%, and once the moisture content of the buds hits that 85, you slowly bring the atmosphere humidity of the room down so the buds drop at the same rate over a couple weeks ), and they never once dropped below the desirable humidity of the particular flower once curing, and never once exposed it to temps above 65f after harvesting, nor any light whatsoever beyond ambient for any extended periods. And chances are they were drying during nice pretty high pressure weather too lmao.

If anyone has noticed a bag of stinky buds not smelling as strong after storms come through its because the most volatile terps boil off during the lower atmospheric pressure in some flower. Yay chemistry

If you dried those same buds in 7 days, and cured them for a week and started smoking. Theyd burn fine, taste dank, and smell fantastic. But you definitely wont smell it double quart bagged from the trunk lol.

For some people though, buds smelling that strongly may even be a bad, or dangerous thing. Ymmv
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Ah and if you don’t mind, I’d like to dive a little deeper down these rabbit holes.
Come the chop day when I’ve done my “extended” dry of around (minimum) 14 days, I’ll be needing some machinery to help me trim as I’m riding solo and don’t have anyone to help me. 😢 Probably got like a min of 5kg of dry weight to trim
I was looking at the twister t4 but way out of the budget right now, so thinking about purchasing something a lot cheaper that’s electric. Don’t mind spending around £1000 - £2000.
Any experience with these trimmers?
Hopefully you've had some good experiences 🤞


Ah and if you don’t mind, I’d like to dive a little deeper down these rabbit holes.
Come the chop day when I’ve done my “extended” dry of around (minimum) 14 days, I’ll be needing some machinery to help me trim as I’m riding solo and don’t have anyone to help me. 😢 Probably got like a min of 5kg of dry weight to trim
I was looking at the twister t4 but way out of the budget right now, so thinking about purchasing something a lot cheaper that’s electric. Don’t mind spending around £1000 - £2000.
Any experience with these trimmers?
Hopefully you've had some good experiences 🤞
i would use hand crank trimmers for my fluffier and larfier stuff. sometimes used em for outdoor plants that didnt turn out as i had hoped.

They work fine, but dont get close and tidy, and mangle up the surface trichomes of the flower. If alone though, go for it, ive made that decision many times solo trimming, and just did the main colas by hand

I shoot for a 10 day dry time on my personal grows, but roll happy with anything from 7-14 days. 14-20 day dries can keep unreal terp content in the flower, but you do risk mold and stuff drying that long, flower structure/consistency dependent. Although Ive never had mold but once single time drying in my entire career, and it was flooding outside for over a week during and it was an impossibly dense bubba x gelato that just would not dry out. Running 2 dehumidifiers i struggled to keep it under 75% humidity inside, even with the AC running. Basement was literally flooded at the time. All of reality was fighting against me, and i still only lost a little bit.


Ah and if you don’t mind, I’d like to dive a little deeper down these rabbit holes.
Come the chop day when I’ve done my “extended” dry of around (minimum) 14 days, I’ll be needing some machinery to help me trim as I’m riding solo and don’t have anyone to help me. 😢 Probably got like a min of 5kg of dry weight to trim
I was looking at the twister t4 but way out of the budget right now, so thinking about purchasing something a lot cheaper that’s electric. Don’t mind spending around £1000 - £2000.
Any experience with these trimmers?
Hopefully you've had some good experiences 🤞
to be specific, i personally used a hand crank vivosun trimmer on my own grows. Was like $89 and it worked ok. When i was growing commercial i had very little to do with the trimming of the flower or the dry and cure process even if privvy to the process. I designed and managed irrigation systems mainly. I got lots of opinions of water pump brands and styles. Can hugely help someone design a large hydroponic system. Got lots of useful information bout shit loads of stuff.

But im a cheapskate and i use cheap stuff at home. Even when my cheap led panels fry, generally i just open the driver and replace a 10 cent rectifier diode and a $1 capacitor, and good to go again. Im the worst guy ever for opinions on gear or equipment unless it's tools being honest. Im entirely a DIY'er from the ground up on just about everything. Not just growing lmao.

I used an electric turky slicer once, and it worked incredible for a couple plants, but then there was no way to keep it clean enough to stay working lmfao.
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those bags you get sometimes, you know the ones...

You smell the buds before the container is even pulled out of the handbag. And the container is stinking the second you open it, and the room fills with smells.

The only way a terp can even do that, is if it is highly volatile, and easily evaporated. Thats the entire reason those terps penetrate the way they do. The ones you are smelling are the ones that have already evaporated lol. And they work like this entirely because they are so fragile and easily destroyed.

When you get those rare bags of bud so stank you dont even wanna smoke them because its just too beautiful a thing.....

Those buds we very carefully dried, probably for close to 2 weeks or a little more even, they were trimmed AFTER drying (although you can get around this in certain ways if you can control dry room conditions carefully enough, gotta start with high humidity around 85%, and once the moisture content of the buds hits that 85, you slowly bring the atmosphere humidity of the room down so the buds drop at the same rate over a couple weeks ), and they never once dropped below the desirable humidity of the particular flower once curing, and never once exposed it to temps above 65f after harvesting, nor any light whatsoever beyond ambient for any extended periods. And chances are they were drying during nice pretty high pressure weather too lmao.

If anyone has noticed a bag of stinky buds not smelling as strong after storms come through its because the most volatile terps boil off during the lower atmospheric pressure in some flower. Yay chemistry

If you dried those same buds in 7 days, and cured them for a week and started smoking. Theyd burn fine, taste dank, and smell fantastic. But you definitely wont smell it double quart bagged from the trunk lol.

For some people though, buds smelling that strongly may even be a bad, or dangerous thing. Ymmv
Mate, the grin on my face was getting bigger the more I read it, surprised i didn’t climax by the time I was done lol 😂
But bro I’ve always dreamt of being able to produce that “cali” bud, here in the streets of uk we refer to those packs of highest quality buds that get imported as “cali” for some reason, even if they don’t come from cali 🤷‍♂️
Nevertheless, whenever I do come across one, which is not that usual as 3.5 gram sells for around £100, I cannot stop sucking those terps through my nostrils, your so right lol.

Ah didn’t know about this atmospheric pressure having an effect too, here we almost always have dull weathers, rain and wind, (had to do a quick google search on what atmospheric pressure is lol) so probs another reason why they not stinking like they should. But mine have probably evaporated way before then TBH, probably even before the dry hahaha


Mate, the grin on my face was getting bigger the more I read it, surprised i didn’t climax by the time I was done lol 😂
But bro I’ve always dreamt of being able to produce that “cali” bud, here in the streets of uk we refer to those packs of highest quality buds that get imported as “cali” for some reason, even if they don’t come from cali 🤷‍♂️
Nevertheless, whenever I do come across one, which is not that usual as 3.5 gram sells for around £100, I cannot stop sucking those terps through my nostrils, your so right lol.

Ah didn’t know about this atmospheric pressure having an effect too, here we almost always have dull weathers, rain and wind, (had to do a quick google search on what atmospheric pressure is lol) so probs another reason why they not stinking like they should. But mine have probably evaporated way before then TBH, probably even before the dry hahaha
you dont see it much anymore, but theres a bubblegum terp out there. I have no clue what the hell the terpine would be. But Smells straight up like the classic "bubblegum" flavor tastes.

Thats the very terp im thinking about. Storms come through and those buds just smelled like weed afterward every time. No more bubblegum. Very volatile compounds that easily evaporate, not just terps, are hugely affected by atmospheric pressure. The lower pressure gets the lower their boiling point gets. Most of these compounds are usually also easily oxidized, and easily damaged by UV exposure etc.

If you put some rubbing alcohol thats like 70% or higher into a jar, and start vacuum pumping it, itll start to boil in the jar while getting colder as the evaporation pulls heat out of the solution. long before it hits a total vacuum. Water will too, just not as violently.

Rarely do the "bubblegum" strains even smell like bubblegum anymore by the time they hit the consumer let alone the pipe. It doesnt surprise me those have drifted largely into obscurity honestly.

Some growers here have probably even noticed the bubblegum terp in their fresh flower, and wondered where it went in the cured flower. Well, goog luck keeping that terp around, its not even worth the effort lmao. Ive only managed a few times, and if the clouds form wrong, it literally goes poof.
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Not to be a contrarian, im just a rambler. So here's more information because why not.

as long as temps and humidity are proper you can leave buds ganging as long as you want, and their moisture content will not drop below the moisture content of their atmosphere. Isnt possible. However with extended oxygen exposure, terps will begin to oxidise.

The reason drying that quickly also damages volatile terps, is also oxidation. For plant material to dry that fast, assuming it isnt super fluffy, there has to be a certain amount of airflow, or a certain lack of moisture to the atmosphere. One or the other. There are lots of terpenes in many cannabis genotypes that just do not survive such conditions, there are even cannabis terps that wont survive ANY dry time at all, and is a big part of why live resin is so popular. Others can even boil out of your buds during the dry time if you harvest during inclimate weather with super low atmospheric pressure. The lower pressure significantly lowers their boiling point.

Only 7 days Doesnt mean it wont burn great, it probably will. doesnt mean it will taste bad, itll probably taste fine. Doesnt mean it wont be potent.

But if your buds dried in 7 days, theres no way that there isnt room for improvement on that, isnt possible. If you dried them to the same in 10 days, they will, 100% beyond any shadow of any doubt, taste and smell better then they do at 7.

7 days is about as short as it can get, and a grower still expect a good smell, a good burn, and a good taste. If you can come up with a way to make that take longer, you will be impressed with the difference though 100%.

Even genotypes that do fine with a quicker dry, are significantly tastier and smellier with a slower dry. All of them are lol, 100% across the board.
Thanks for the info!
I started drying on the 5th, trimmed my first plant 7 days later, I didn't trim anymore for a few days after that and today is the 22nd and I just finished my last plant so the majority of them dried for a bit longer.
I kind of have a tradition that I smoke 1 bud from every plant I trim while I trim it. 7 day plant didn't smoke bad at all, has a citrus with a hint of pine sent but flavors were a bit hard to pinpoint at this point.


Thanks for the info!
I started drying on the 5th, trimmed my first plant 7 days later, I didn't trim anymore for a few days after that and today is the 22nd and I just finished my last plant so the majority of them dried for a bit longer.
I kind of have a tradition that I smoke 1 bud from every plant I trim while I trim it. 7 day plant didn't smoke bad at all, has a citrus with a hint of pine sent but flavors were a bit hard to pinpoint at this point.
well, by dry longer, i dont mean sit there longer once dry, i mean try to make it take that long for them to get dry enough to jar.

And yea if my flowers dry in 7 days i dont feel like i messed up or anything. I shoot for 10 days, because that tends to always land me in that 7-14 window pretty reliably.

And if were spilling beans here, i tend to start smoking on a flower as soon as its dry enough to smoke, especially if i have a lot of it. I imagine a lot growers prob do and just dont say they do, but would say of course if asked lol.

I like to see how it changes over the process. Ive always done this, even if i had plenty of other smoke to get me through lol.

I start making concentrates before the plant is even dry.

Another trick i use sometimes when harvesting a lot alone, is harvest just the main colas and leave the rest of the plant, slowly working down over a few days. keeping everything separated by day. This Makes timing a trim with a jar-up when by yourself a lot easier to manage, and gives the less mature stuff down low a little more time to boot. Do it right it feels like barely any work at all and the amount you get done pretty perfectly and without stress will go up tremendously.
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well, by dry longer, i dont mean sit there longer once dry, i mean try to make it take that long for them to get dry enough to jar.
5th-22nd is 17 days, 4 were trimmed within 10-14 day window. 1 was trimmed at 7 days, 1 other trimmed at 17 days.
No Stems ever snapped, moisture content of the 17 day plant was 9%


Good morning everyone, I just finished growing some critical that I planted on saint pattys day , very very small batch she flowered 14 days in to veg, clipped /harvested her 4 days ago, and this morning she passed the grinder test , badly trimmed cause she was covered in trichomes , I'm not selling it so who cares , 😳

I hung it on its branch for 24 -36 hours then alternated her in a wine cooler and ac set at 73 in my office , keeping humidity between. 50 and 70 percent . After a day I then later then popped the nugs off the branch , when she would get near 70 % in the cooler I pulled the nugs out of the cooler open it up and left containers open until it stayed near the ambient room with a RH at 50 % . Did this back and forth 2 days and viola could be slightly drier but nothing stuck to the grinder , but for the most part she grinded fine and about to smoke her !🤪
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Good morning everyone, I just finished growing some critical that I planted on saint pattys day , very very small batch she flowered 14 days in to veg, clipped /harvested her 4 days ago, and this morning she passed the grinder test , badly trimmed cause she was covered in trichomes , I'm not selling it so who cares , 😳

I hung it on its branch for 24 -36 hours then alternated her in a wine cooler and ac set at 73 in my office , keeping humidity between. 50 and 70 percent . After a day I then later then popped the nugs off the branch , when she would get near 70 % in the cooler I pulled the nugs out of the cooler open it up and left containers open until it stayed near the ambient room with a RH at 50 % . Did this back and forth 2 days and viola could be slightly drier but nothing stuck to the grinder , but for the most part she grinded fine and about to smoke her !🤪
Hang drying the plant whole is easiest and with such a slow dry it also cures as it sets. Takes 10-16 days depending on plant size and if you can keep your area within range you can keep them drying 60/60 indefinitely until you trim and jar. Try this next time and the smoke will be even better smoother and light better.


Hang drying the plant whole is easiest and with such a slow dry it also cures as it sets. Takes 10-16 days depending on plant size and if you can keep your area within range you can keep them drying 60/60 indefinitely until you trim and jar. Try this next time and the smoke will be even better smoother and light better.
Added some damp rid to the cooler and got it !!
Screenshot 20240603 091145

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