How To Dry Indoors Inexpensively Without Smell??

  • Thread starter jdjosh420
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Wow guys! Thanks for all the input! Sorry been working my tail off and havent checked my post til now... Moth balls? Wow never heard of that before, and yes I know carbon scrubbers are the truest way to eliminate smells and in all reality 'smell' in my actual aspect isn't per say THAT bad of an issue, I need to cut it down a lot but a few questions still remain. On a budget, how is one supposed to maintain 50-54% humidity, (temp is fine inside with A/C as its 110 here) but our humidity is like 5%. I cannot have them dry out too quickly. I want to keep them in a fresh air IN and exhaust air OUT situation WHILST maintaining that 50% humidity area during a 2-3 week hang-dry. Obviously a humidifier is needed I presume, as well as keeping that dank smell down at least 50% of it. As "professional" as cheap can buy, which I know is an oxymoron because its like buying parts for cars to make them fast. 'Cheap. Fast. Reliable.' Pick Two. Unfortunately I cannot afford what I already KNOW what it costs to make a true 'dry room' for my crops. Jail isn't an option as I am licensed in a recreational state and within limits.

Thank you though for all inputs!!

I use a whole house compact humidifier. About $100 for 2500square feet. (I think it's good for 1500) and just keep the house at 50% in winter.

Swamp coolers work well also.


Ionizer will wrk perfect.idk if yur pockets will allow it.and u dnt hav to keep buying filters.i hav a 3k sq ft one for $135.


With my 6 inch and a massive filter i still had issues at harvest. My little 20 x 30 x 36 inch grow box you could smell down the street. I have a licence but I don' t want to be a dick so i fixed it up with bigger filtration. :D
How about sound, if you had a neighbor sharing a duplex wall and you put a tent inside that room with the shared wall, how long before they start knocking on my door asking me what I am running in this room all the time?


First of all. Nobody "expects" you to do anything. You chose to do this, and now you're making it sound like someone is forcing you, or in your own words "how am I expected to" and "I am forced to grow outside"

Most poorly thought out fly by the seat of your pants grows dont work out well. For reasons like this. I suggest not getting in to something before you understand what it is you're getting in to and having the means to accomplish the task before you set out to do it.

I'd say good luck. But I find it hard to care about when the person doing it obviously doesnt care.


Q: Have you ever smelled mothballs?

A: Yes.

Q: How did you get your nose between those little legs?


Ain’t gonna happen cheap unless you leave the windows open. Just harvested my Gelatto33 and OGKush outdoor grow today and trimmed up and was gonna put them in garage cuz it’s like 90in So Cal and the smell was so intense my mother in-law was like, “yeah I’m getting high just by the smell.” Lol, I have them outside under a tarp and there doing just fine, no THC loss. Just blazed a “j” that I micro waved to see and bomb ass shit. This is my first grow and have a bay in the oven for the winter, hopefully a lil more frosty. Happy growing!
By the way 12 spears are missing, couldn’t wait, you know how it is? But now that I know the harvest, patience is KEY. And don’t rely on stats. Miracle grow outdoors worked fine 110 days total 50 veg and 60in flower.

Only God of this world can make such a flower. Praise.


Ain’t gonna happen cheap unless you leave the windows open. Just harvested my Gelatto33 and OGKush outdoor grow today and trimmed up and was gonna put them in garage cuz it’s like 90in So Cal and the smell was so intense my mother in-law was like, “yeah I’m getting high just by the smell.” Lol, I have them outside under a tarp and there doing just fine, no THC loss. Just blazed a “j” that I micro waved to see and bomb ass shit. This is my first grow and have a bay in the oven for the winter, hopefully a lil more frosty. Happy growing!
By the way 12 spears are missing, couldn’t wait, you know how it is? But now that I know the harvest, patience is KEY. And don’t rely on stats. Miracle grow outdoors worked fine 110 days total 50 veg and 60in flower.

Only God of this world can make such a flower. Praise.

Uh. You made the flower.. and the fertilizer and the guys who worked on the breeding. Your imaginary friend had nothing to do with it.


Uh. You made the flower.. and the fertilizer and the guys who worked on the breeding. Your imaginary friend had nothing to do with it.
Who made the sun, the flower you indoor growers grow is completely a false man produced light and if your good with that product happy growing to you. I just like the God of this world and sun HE made and autoflowers don’t need artificial light anyway unless your growing more than you need.


Who made the sun, the flower you indoor growers grow is completely a false man produced light and if your good with that product happy growing to you. I just like the God of this world and sun HE made and autoflowers don’t need artificial light anyway unless your growing more than you need.

Who presupposes an entity. I'm not in to arguing 100 year old refuted philosophy.

Rules are no God talk. So kindly stop please.


Who made the sun, the flower you indoor growers grow is completely a false man produced light and if your good with that product happy growing to you. I just like the God of this world and sun HE made and autoflowers don’t need artificial light anyway unless your growing more than you need.
Who presupposes an entity. I'm not in to arguing 100 year old refuted philosophy.

Rules are no God talk. So kindly stop please.
same here, just was giving my own thoughts but at the same time you close your comments with your phrase. Can I not close them with mine? No worries bro,
May the infinite breeders continue to produce fruit for OUR use!
Is this ok, and not arguments intended.

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