Well, I was going to wait until the end of the week to provide an update but I figured I would now, I think I found what my problem might be…
The water in my watering base was ph down from 7.2 to 6.4. I just check and it was pushing up to 7.5!! My plants been sippin on this for the past two weeks. Fml.
So I went to my local garden store and they told me to pick up some cal mag since high ph can apparently fuck with this and they said to over compensate when watering, essentially ph water down to 5.8 ish and eventually it will balance out.
1. Why would previously ph down water increase ??
2. Is cal mag worth it to keep on stand by?
3. Should I add some form of dry amendment to the soil to lower ph or go with the watering idea??
Also, I did not test the actual soil ph yet..
Any help would be awesome!
Thanks grow bros.