I need help

  • Thread starter chiefcalen
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Nah, my personality is completely fine. I proved my quality and experience through photos you can trace back to my technological devices linked to my government accounts, and I am perfectly capable of being kind to others and sharing a passion of growing while doing my best to help others to the best of my abilities. However, I do refuse to be absolutely stepped on by people who completely refuse to even so much as lift a finger to help, resorting instead to living in hopelessness and depression by accepting your defeat. Your mindset is folly, and strength is required to run a business, not just kindness. Thank you for wishing me luck, I do genuinely need it and I'm not afraid to prove my worth out there even if it costs me my life.

I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with your self assessment of your personality. Reading your posts it seems like you feel you have earned or deserve or are owed a seat at the table. Despite obviously not. I see much agression and ego in almost every sentence you type.

Honestly I'm sure you're a great guy, but some attitudes and personalities are just incompatible with the industry and from what I'm seeing here, I wouldn't want you behind the till of my dispensary, let alone at the table while working out contracts.

Again good luck, hope you find what you're looking for.


I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with your self assessment of your personality. Reading your posts it seems like you feel you have earned or deserve or are owed a seat at the table. Despite obviously not. I see much agression and ego in almost every sentence you type.

Honestly I'm sure you're a great guy, but some attitudes and personalities are just incompatible with the industry and from what I'm seeing here, I wouldn't want you behind the till of my dispensary, let alone at the table while working out contracts.

Again good luck, hope you find what you're looking for.
I wish you could see that literally, YOU are the one trying to push your superiority off as some kind of elitist club. It's ridiculous, and I don't care what you think about my personality. I also wouldn't want you at my table either, and honestly am never inviting you to it, since you apparently just hate helping new people. Get lost.

And fuck your luck.


I wish you could see that literally, YOU are the one trying to push your superiority off as some kind of elitist club. It's ridiculous, and I don't care what you think about my personality. I also wouldn't want you at my table either, and honestly am never inviting you to it, since you apparently just hate helping new people. Get lost.

And fuck your luck.

I havent said a word about myself or my capabilities. You are projecting my friend. You dint even know if I'm in the industry you just assume I am.

The fact that you dont care about others already in the industry and cant even handle the slightest of criticism without flying off the handle should also be addressed if you honestly want to make it.

I am not scared of you comming or whatever silly little threats you have toward the industry and it's people. You're going nowhere and you lack the self correcting abilities to be the kind of person that does make it.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, you wanted information, I gave it to you. Ignore it at your loss. Or maybe, you know.. listen and try.

Yes I will fuck my luck. You dont deserve it from what I see and are incapable of using it.


Look people. I just want to do this legitimately. I don't want to use underhanded tactics and avoid the law to help people, medicate them and I want to use the funds from the business I create to better the world and actually make changes instead of lying to you as a politician and giving you false promises. That's the complete truth. Yes, the legal system and your refusal to even lift a finger to help me OF COURSE frustrates and angers me, because it's CLEARLY a corrupt system that needs to be toppled. However, OF COURSE you do not want to help me either because a majority of these "birthright" growers CREATED the corrupt system to begin with and in fact thrive off of it. Please, words do not change the world, actions do, so don't let what I say, anything that I say, cause your emotions to prevent me from actually providing you all with blessings. "Believe what you see, not what you hear." If you don't think I can do it legally, I'm still going to prove with my actions that my passion for this burns the brightest and my actions alone will speak for themselves.


I havent said a word about myself or my capabilities. You are projecting my friend. You dint even know if I'm in the industry you just assume I am.

The fact that you dont care about others already in the industry and cant even handle the slightest of criticism without flying off the handle should also be addressed if you honestly want to make it.

I am not scared of you comming or whatever silly little threats you have toward the industry and it's people. You're going nowhere and you lack the self correcting abilities to be the kind of person that does make it.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, you wanted information, I gave it to you. Ignore it at your loss. Or maybe, you know.. listen and try.

Yes I will fuck my luck. You dont deserve it from what I see and are incapable of using it.
You literally have not offered a single piece of helpful advice. I have taken criticism countless times, hence why I know so much about growing and why my bud is actually good.


I havent said a word about myself or my capabilities. You are projecting my friend. You dint even know if I'm in the industry you just assume I am.
The fact that you dont care about others already in the industry and cant even handle the slightest of criticism without flying off the handle should also be addressed if you honestly want to make it.
I am not scared of you comming or whatever silly little threats you have toward the industry and it's people. You're going nowhere and you lack the self correcting abilities to be the kind of person that does make it.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, you wanted information, I gave it to you. Ignore it at your loss. Or maybe, you know.. listen and try.
Yes I will fuck my luck. You dont deserve it from what I see and are incapable of using it.
I do not appreciate your energy and you honestly a


You literally have not offered a single piece of helpful advice. I have taken criticism countless times, hence why I know so much about growing and why my bud is actually good.

I have. Several. But you are incapable of hearing them.

Growing good bud isnt hard or special. Literally anyone can do it once they learn. The average new grower working at it, takes less than a year to be able to grow good bud. That is not nor has it ever been the bar to entry. It's like you're applying for a professorship at yale and your like "I can read like Chapman tho".

Your bars to entry are all obvious and have all been pointed out to you and thus proven out by your correspondence.

1. Nobody owes you anything. Stop acting like you deserve it.

2. Your abrasive attitude needs to be addressed before anyone is going to work with you.

3. The industry is what it is. You are not going to change it, from the inside or out. Your bad faith gestures and constant shit talk about the industry is going to hold you back from ever joining the industry. Why would they welcome someone who openly aposes what they are doing.

4. Learn how to take criticism, people who cannot take criticism, lack the ability to admit their flaws and lack the tools to self correct are the very last people any industry needs.

5. Threats and shit talk about the industry is going to keep you out of it forever.

These are not the answers you wanted to hear. But these ARE the answers you need to hear and understand then work to correct should you ever want to find yourself living your dream.

I'm sorry we couldn't have met on happier terms. I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you these hard truths, but I actually wanted to honestly answer your questions.

Ball is in your court man. You can keep down the same path you've been on full of nope, or you can take the criticism that I'm sure many people have already given you and actually try and work for something you want.

This conversation could have gone much differently had these issues already been addressed. But you're going to find it very hard if not impossible getting contacts and breaking in to the industry with these issues in play.

Again in the interest of fairness and my genuine want for you to find happiness, good luck in your endeavors and never stop trying to better yourself. 👍


You literally have not offered a single piece of helpful advice. I have taken criticism countless times, hence why I know so much about growing and why my bud is actually good.
There are people on this board who have 40 years or better growing and smoking,I'm sure their bud is good too,maybe better than yours. Perhaps deal strictly with landraces and learn to breed if you want an "in" or recognition and be appreciated for your efforts. To make a go of it,marketing and knowledge of business practices are necessary and many years of experience. Weed has turned into just a commodity since legalization and unless you break new ground or offer something elite or preserved,you are competing with countless individuals, some who have funds to break the competition and contract support and make connection,you're a decade or more late to the game to establish. I wish you the best of luck .


I say this with as much respect as I can, as I’m basing this off on the conversations being had. From your post, you come across as you deserve your place in an industry with only putting a few grows under your belt.

You ask people to put you in connections with people, but you’re not doing any of the work yourself.

If you truly feel worthy of a seat at the table, you’re either going to have to put up the capital yourself and make your own dreams happen.

If you want to ride on the coat tails of someone else’s venture, you’re going to need a huge attitude adjustment and humble yourself and stop acting like it’s your god given right. Move to a place where you feel like you could see yourself living, move there and settle. After that, continue to grow legally and hone in your skills further while making your own contacts within the industry. Visit dispensary and get to know the people. Provide them with pictures, samples of your product, but really get to know the people on a human level. That is going to be your way IN to the industry, not by posting on a forum hoping and wishing it comes true feeling like you deserve it because you grew a few great crops!

I hope this information helps and wish you the best


"The industry" or "big cannabis" isn't where you want to be if your concern is high quality bud. I'm sure there are some big grow ops that produce good bud, but most just care about quantity since legalization has tanked prices. @SchwiftyGrower hit the nail on the head, you have to offer something special and make connections on a human level... the world doesn't owe you a thing and millions of people know how to grow amazing bud. I'm in a legal state and the amount of red tape to become a legal grower or distributor or seller of edibles for more than personal use is absolutely ridiculous and costs a fortune (and I'm sure that's the case in most places,) so I just grow my own smoke so I know what I'm smoking share w my friends. I'm sure you're a great guy, but the ego/attitude/entitlement that comes across in your posts isn't going to help you gain favor here or anywhere honestly. Being a stoner and getting arrested for weed related offenses are not resume worthy things... you need experience and to offer something that is desired. There are people on this forum with 40 plus years experience that can grow dank that will knock you on your ass....and they are humble and don't need to brag or put on a show because they know anyone can do the same with practice and a proper environment. Maybe realize you don't in fact have anything special to offer currently and that many can do the same as you... then put in the actual work to reach your goals. Start saving some money to try and purchase a home where you can do what you want or money to apply for the licenses you will need, because it will be thousands. That's a good and attainable starting goal. Once you accomplish that, move on to the next goal. Good luck ☮️


Well, I have to admit,, I didnt make it through your entire post. I apologize, but that being said, an old friend once told me that in order to become a successful grower one must achieve a level of indifference in regards of the law that most people are incapable of attaining. Your entire operation (whatever that operation was) was put in jeopardy simply because you neglected to follow a few simple rules.
1: never carry more than you can swallow in public
2: never carry or allow anyone to carry in your vehicle
3: never break the law outside of your operation.

Now, those rules were rules nine and ten in a list that he gave me, the third rule was #1. And this was a very, very long time ago when weed was lumped with heroin as far as being a schedule II narcotic. nobody went to states that were lenient to growers , we went to states where land was cheap, farms and houses had large tracts of land deeded with them and were very remote and we usually farmed them legitimately alongside our growing operations. some of the properties and operations went on to become successful farms and homes to grower who no longer even smoke weed. Collectively we grew incredible amounts of smoke during the eighties and nineties and no one that I was involved with ever landed in jail. We all had one thing in common with you, we understood the importance of weed as not just the income that it provided us with but the medicinal properties that so many in the industry overlook. We pioneered organic growing and biological pest management at a time when the words weren't even being used in ANY industry, let alone agriculture. And we ALL had a passion for growing. You will find your place in this complicated world that so little resembles the world of my youth, but things have become complicated and while so many in this industry lay claim to the "best" products or the "most advanced" techniques, or the "industry standard" the truth is most of them are just trying to make a buck off of you and the old rules still apply, the basic knowledge that served me well back in the day is vastly superior to most of the wobbly pseudo science I read about online everyday. stick to what you know, don't be so sure of yourself that you forget to learn the things you don't know yet, share it with others and the rest will fall into place, and don't rush things, time will even out your temperament and soften the edges of the bad times.


Well, I have to admit,, I didnt make it through your entire post. I apologize, but that being said, an old friend once told me that in order to become a successful grower one must achieve a level of indifference in regards of the law that most people are incapable of attaining. Your entire operation (whatever that operation was) was put in jeopardy simply because you neglected to follow a few simple rules.
1: never carry more than you can swallow in public
2: never carry or allow anyone to carry in your vehicle
3: never break the law outside of your operation.

Now, those rules were rules nine and ten in a list that he gave me, the third rule was #1. And this was a very, very long time ago when weed was lumped with heroin as far as being a schedule II narcotic. nobody went to states that were lenient to growers , we went to states where land was cheap, farms and houses had large tracts of land deeded with them and were very remote and we usually farmed them legitimately alongside our growing operations. some of the properties and operations went on to become successful farms and homes to grower who no longer even smoke weed. Collectively we grew incredible amounts of smoke during the eighties and nineties and no one that I was involved with ever landed in jail. We all had one thing in common with you, we understood the importance of weed as not just the income that it provided us with but the medicinal properties that so many in the industry overlook. We pioneered organic growing and biological pest management at a time when the words weren't even being used in ANY industry, let alone agriculture. And we ALL had a passion for growing. You will find your place in this complicated world that so little resembles the world of my youth, but things have become complicated and while so many in this industry lay claim to the "best" products or the "most advanced" techniques, or the "industry standard" the truth is most of them are just trying to make a buck off of you and the old rules still apply, the basic knowledge that served me well back in the day is vastly superior to most of the wobbly pseudo science I read about online everyday. stick to what you know, don't be so sure of yourself that you forget to learn the things you don't know yet, share it with others and the rest will fall into place, and don't rush things, time will even out your temperament and soften the edges of the bad times.
Good advice and all truth... I want to know the other rules. Don't be suspicious and you won't raise suspicion is my mantra lol.


Good advice and all truth... I want to know the other rules. Don't be suspicious and you won't raise suspicion is my mantra lol.
Growing in the past, thankfully this has changed lol!
Rule #1, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #2, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #3, read rules 1 & 2 🤣


Growing in the past, thankfully this has changed lol!
Rule #1, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #2, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #3, read rules 1 & 2 🤣
Well we're all fucked then cause you know the popo watches this forum lol. There's very few people in real life that I implicitly trust, even within the circle of trust (que Robert De Niro in meet the Fockers) know my business.


Growing in the past, thankfully this has changed lol!
Rule #1, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #2, don’t talk about your grow
Rule #3, read rules 1 & 2 🤣

This, this, and this. It honestly surprises me how often random people will casually mention that I have plants to random strangers. Like what the fuck are you doing.


This, this, and this. It honestly surprises me how often random people will casually mention that I have plants to random strangers. Like what the fuck are you doing.
Seriously! My husband went to a dispensary for something different and said he mentioned to the guy that we grew... and that was my response... what the fuck are you doing? 🤣 Luckily I've had secrecy instilled in me from childhood when my dad explained that "these are not in fact tomato plants, they are medicinal plants that I need for pain that happen to be illegal and you can't tell anyone or mom and dad could get into trouble." And I was like yeah dad, I figured they weren't tomatoes when they didn't produce tomatoes like mom's tomato plants 🤣


Seriously! My husband went to a dispensary for something different and said he mentioned to the guy that we grew... and that was my response... what the fuck are you doing? 🤣 Luckily I've had secrecy instilled in me from childhood when my dad explained that "these are not in fact tomato plants, they are medicinal plants that I need for pain that happen to be illegal and you can't tell anyone or mom and dad could get into trouble." And I was like yeah dad, I figured they weren't tomatoes when they didn't produce tomatoes like mom's tomato plants 🤣

In this case it was my brother, at a family reunion of all places. Like really? You just felt you had to casually bring that up into conversation and even make it seem like I was the one who said it huh?

Did you refuse sex with the hubby for a month as punishment?? lol
  • Haha
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Okay, well connect me to the right people to know, or I'm just going to force my way through this life. I only get one. I'm not playing with yall.
I believe someone did try to connect you, and you just demanded more of what you want. Imagine you and DS worked something out, you work for a year or whatever w/no bills, and spend your time off making your own connection in the state. Meanwhile, you also could have been learning the ins & outs of the industry in that state from DS. Your significant other could have held a separate job, saving for that year so when the internship was up you could get your own place. You now would have gained a year exp, made connections, learned the states laws, had your place with funds to get started, ect..

Yeah but you don't have an attitude problem 🤣


In this case it was my brother, at a family reunion of all places. Like really? You just felt you had to casually bring that up into conversation and even make it seem like I was the one who said it huh?

Did you refuse sex with the hubby for a month as punishment?? lol
Common sense is painfully rare these days... some people just don't get it, but they probably don't think through our paranoid filter either lol.
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