Is Anyone Using Oco Labs' Superc Co2 Extraction Machine For Cannabis?

  • Thread starter CannaOilGirl
  • Start date
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Hi everyone,

I am hoping to find other users of the OCO Labs' SuperC extractor to share ideas, tips, tricks, and whatever else comes up.

I have had my unit for a little more than a month, and I'm loving it. I get a nice oil that goes straight from collection vessel to vape cartridge, after a few trials-ending-with-errors. :) I'm waiting for my lab results, but I've sampled this batch and it is, of all of my runs, "Max Flavor and Max Potency." (If you read the included "Quick Start" guide, that phrase might sound familiar to you. Lol)

Let's connect, if you want to share experiences with other SuperC Users, WOW us with your fantastic extraction run stories, make us laugh at funny happenings, and let us cry with you when you learn what not to do. Tell us about your experience with the unit, ask for help if you need it, and answer questions if you know it. :)



Hi everyone,

I am hoping to find other users of the OCO Labs' SuperC extractor to share ideas, tips, tricks, and whatever else comes up.

I have had my unit for a little more than a month, and I'm loving it. I get a nice oil that goes straight from collection vessel to vape cartridge, after a few trials-ending-with-errors. :) I'm waiting for my lab results, but I've sampled this batch and it is, of all of my runs, "Max Flavor and Max Potency." (If you read the included "Quick Start" guide, that phrase might sound familiar to you. Lol)

Let's connect, if you want to share experiences with other SuperC Users, WOW us with your fantastic extraction run stories, make us laugh at funny happenings, and let us cry with you when you learn what not to do. Tell us about your experience with the unit, ask for help if you need it, and answer questions if you know it. :)

If you buy me one CannaGirl, then I can help you out here LOL. hahaha I checked those out, they sure do look nice. Just recently got a heat press and have now added rosin to my methods of consumption. Maybe someday..... :cool:


If you buy me one CannaGirl, then I can help you out here LOL. hahaha I checked those out, they sure do look nice. Just recently got a heat press and have now added rosin to my methods of consumption. Maybe someday..... :cool:

I wish I could get everyone this machine. As it is, I lucked into getting one. I'm really happy with it -- working really well and is not too difficult to operate.

Last night, I made some oil that I'd call, "okay." It's a little cloudy, although it does work well -- this is only my fifth extraction, but my best one yet (I've been using trim while I learn, but flower last night). It's really satisfying to extract my medicine myself.


I wish I could get everyone this machine. As it is, I lucked into getting one. I'm really happy with it -- working really well and is not too difficult to operate.

Last night, I made some oil that I'd call, "okay." It's a little cloudy, although it does work well -- this is only my fifth extraction, but my best one yet (I've been using trim while I learn, but flower last night). It's really satisfying to extract my medicine myself.
How much oil are you producing per oz of flower?


How much oil are you producing per oz of flower?
I have only run one flower, so I was very conservative in the length of my run -- only 45 minutes for THC. I managed to extract 4.5ml of oil. Once I get the test results back (by the end of the week, I was promised), I'm going to make adjustments to try to improve the amount and the strength.


I have no experience making oil but the super c seems very user friendly just trying to figure out if that $3200 price is worth it. Keep us updated on progress.


...Keep us updated on progress.

The test results were delayed because of a holiday. Here's what I got from my first flower run. I will use these results as my first baseline to improve upon.

Screenshot 20180710 175210


I have only run one flower, so I was very conservative in the length of my run -- only 45 minutes for THC. I managed to extract 4.5ml of oil. Once I get the test results back (by the end of the week, I was promised), I'm going to make adjustments to try to improve the amount and the strength.

Hi CannaOilGirl:

I would love to share my variables and yield that I got from my first run of Super C.

Please share your variables and yield

Can you share the following info:

Start THC %?
Start Weight?
Decarbed? if so, for how long and at what temp?
Temp and pressure that you run the Super C at?

This is my first run variables and yield,

Start Material: 12% THC, 30 grams, decarbed at 240f for 40 mins
Super C temp set to 65c and pressure at 3000psi
total run time was 1 hour and did not flip the tube
yield was almost 1ml



Hi kamShok,

Thanks for jumping in here. :) I was starting to think I was the only person with one of these units. <snicker>

To learn my device, I purchased several ounces of trim and ran them through with terrible results, but I learned a lot by doing that -- I have so much more to learn. I put my lessons to the test in my first flower run. I wanted to "survey" all of the compounds I knew how to find by getting a little from each range to test.. Consider this my first serious test run.

Here are my log notes, walking through my process for my first serious run:

Untested Sour Diesel -- this usually tests at 20% THC and nearly 0% CBD, but this flower was not tested prior to extraction. I used 26g of flower.

20 minutes @ 45C & Ambient pressure ( Heat bath)
45 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes)
15 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN)
15 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi ( CBD )
15 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi (CBD - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 55C & 2700 psi ( CBG )
15 minutes @ 56C & 2700 psi (CBG Reverse tube)
Place reaction chamber in 220 F oven for 60 minutes
20 minutes @ 60C & Ambient pressure ( Heat bath)
45 minutes @ 60C. & 3200 psi ( THC )
Extract sample for analysis (report above)
15 minutes @ 60C & 3200 psi ( THC ) -- nice clear oil
30 minutes @ 60C & 3200 psi ( THC - Reverse tube) -- nice clear oil for 15 minutes, then some chlorophyll... :(

The sample was extracted from 4.5ml of output oil medicine. Then I extracted more, to push the limit, and got 2ml more of useable oil and 0.5mi of chlorophyll-contamination.

What I learned:
The percentages do matter -- only buy plants with test results.
I don't need that much of the terpenes, so limit extraction to 15 minutes in each direction next time.
Pick a strain testing with CBD, or don't bother with those cannabinoid extractions.
Reduce the cannabinoid extraction time to a number appropriate to the amount tested (don't spend an hour extracting something that is only present at 1%).

I have enough Sour Diesel material for two more runs, so I plan on being more cautious. I'll go only a short time for some terpenes, and then skip to the THC settings for an hour in one direction and then 15 minutes reversed.

When I need more medicine, I'm going to choose a strain with more cannabinoids.

I look forward to your reply.



20 minutes @ 45C & Ambient pressure ( Heat bath)
45 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes)
15 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN)
15 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi ( CBD )
15 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi (CBD - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 55C & 2700 psi ( CBG )
15 minutes @ 56C & 2700 psi (CBG Reverse tube)
Place reaction chamber in 220 F oven for 60 minutes
20 minutes @ 60C & Ambient pressure ( Heat bath)
45 minutes @ 60C. & 3200 psi ( THC )
Extract sample for analysis (report above)
15 minutes @ 60C & 3200 psi ( THC ) -- nice clear oil
30 minutes @ 60C & 3200 psi ( THC - Reverse tube) -- nice clear oil for 15 minutes, then some chlorophyll... :(

The sample was extracted from 4.5ml of output oil medicine. Then I extracted more, to push the limit, and got 2ml more of useable oil and 0.5mi of chlorophyll-contamination.

What I learned:
The percentages do matter -- only buy plants with test results.
I don't need that much of the terpenes, so limit extraction to 15 minutes in each direction next time.
Pick a strain testing with CBD, or don't bother with those cannabinoid extractions.
Reduce the cannabinoid extraction time to a number appropriate to the amount tested (don't spend an hour extracting something that is only present at 1%).

I have enough Sour Diesel material for two more runs, so I plan on being more cautious. I'll go only a short time for some terpenes, and then skip to the THC settings for an hour in one direction and then 15 minutes reversed.

Hi Cannaoilgirl,

I'm glad to have found this thread. Looking forward to sharing the info from my future extractions! I will prob run 2-3 extractions per month. I will run a second extraction on Wednesday and will share all info.

Sooo, you ran the same material for the above extractions right? you didn't switch out for new material and your total yield was 4.5ml of medicine from 26g of flower and 2ml of useable oil correct? I'm just a little curious.

I will be running an extraction with flower that has very little CBD thus my extractions will be focused on THC and yield. I will share my results on Wednesday.



Hey Kam,

I'm glad you found the thread, too... I was looking for others since May, but finding no one. I finally overcame my fear of posting, and I'm glad I did. :)

I expect to run about 2-3 extractions a month too, but I plan to do a bit more than that at first, as I learn the system. I started with 4 runs of trim, within the first two weeks. Those were learning exercises, and I got very little that was useable. I've been really happy with this first flower run -- I got almost 7ml of oil from my 26g of Sour Diesel, and I learned a lot more about how to make it better for next time.

I'm sorry my results were confusing. I'll summarize everything again, in a clearer way, I hope.
  1. I started with 26g of Sour Diesel.
  2. The extraction went well to 4.5ml of oil.
  3. The 0.5ml sample of oil was extracted for testing.
  4. Then, I worked the machine again, until I started getting chlorophyll.
  5. I did extract another 2ml of oil from the same material, after pausing to remove the sample (not to add any material). I wanted to push the plant to its limit, and I did.
The useable end result of the 26g was 6.5ml.

I have attached a JPG for comparison of my medicine (left) and a professionally-produced oil (right).

I look forward to reading about your Wednesday extraction.

-COG (lol, CannaOilGirl)
20180623 184703


First, you might enjoy this short video of my extraction vessel during a run -- I hope link sharing is allowed. If not, I'm sorry.

Also, after I uploaded that last picture, I found a better one. Here it is now. Same as before: Mine on left, with white tip and the pro-version on the right, with the black tip.
20180716 184439


Hi Canna,

First, I like the process that you have come up with to push the material to its limit, preserve the Terpenes and extract the CBN, CBG, CBD, and THC. How did you come up with the process?

Secondly, I’ve been going over your process and I think I will be following it with a slight variation on Wednesday and push my material to its limit as well. I think I will modify it to the following:

20 minutes @ 45C & Ambient pressure (Heat bath)
15 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes)
15 minutes @ 45C & 1400 psi (Terpenes - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN)
15 minutes @ 52C & 2300 psi (CBN - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi (CBD)
15 minutes @ 53C & 2500 psi (CBD - Reverse tube)
30 minutes @ 55C & 2700 psi (CBG)
15 minutes @ 56C & 2700 psi (CBG Reverse tube)
Place reaction chamber in 220 F oven for 60 minutes
0 minutes @ 60C & Ambient pressure (Heat bath) Can you explain why this step is necessary since the chamber is coming out of the oven?
45 minutes @ 60C. & 3200 psi ( THC )
45 minutes @ 60C & 3200 psi ( THC – Reverse Tube )

Some questions:

How did you identify chlorophyll in the extraction vessel? Because it was green?

Your collection vessel is interesting. I really don’t like the Jar that OCO Labs provides, so I’ve been trying to come up with something smaller that stays warm during the process. So, from what I’m seeing, the collection vessel is placed in a water bath which is on a hot plate correct? What is the Temp on the water bath? Can you provide a better picture of what you’ve created? What is the black parchment that you have over the collection vessel?

This is a jpg of my extraction, the yield from the previous extraction was little under 1ml from 30grams. Definitely looking forward to better yield for my medicine.
20180717 1300591866


First...How did you come up with the process?

I started researching this process December, last. I was discouraged until I found the SuperC in March. Serious experimentation with trim began as soon as I received the machine (all runs were bad, but it was the material and I learned an enormous amount). From my results, and my reading, I came up with that plan to do a "survey" of the process. I'm changing my next run, based on what I learned, too.

20 minutes @ 45C & Ambient pressure (Heat bath)
15 minutes @ 45C & 1400 ...
...30 minutes @ 55C & 2700 psi (CBG)
0 minutes @ 60C & Ambient pressure (Heat bath) Can you explain why this step is necessary since the chamber is coming out of the oven?

Taking it out of a 220F oven and going straight to extraction is the wrong temperature, so I let mine cool until I can lightly touch the chamber and carefully reassemble it. I figure the outside is probably around 120F when I can "juggle it" back into place. I load it into the machine and let it heat-soak at 60C for around 10 minutes, in that case. Sometimes, I am doing a late run, and I don't pick it back up until the next day, so them I let it soak for 20 minutes.

How did you identify chlorophyll in the extraction vessel? Because it was green?

Basically, yes. I saw it coming out green and was suspicious of it being chlorophyll. I took it to a friend, who knows a guy that does this professionally. The message I got back was, "Stop using trim. Trim will always give you that...chlorophyll." LOL

So I bought some flower. :)

Your collection vessel is interesting. I really don’t like the Jar that OCO Labs provides, so I’ve been trying to come up with something smaller that stays warm during the process. So, from what I’m seeing, the collection vessel is placed in a water bath which is on a hot plate correct? What is the Temp on the water bath? Can you provide a better picture of what you’ve created? What is the black parchment that you have over the collection vessel?

I agree, the one provided was a huge disappointment. Thankfully, it was an easy fix. Good, that video was clear about what was going on. You nailed it. This is what you are looking at:
Mug warmer:
Rubber sheet: (I used my hair ties to attach it to the vessel.)
Glass breaker:
Silicone tubing:
Rubber grommet (not this, but like this):
...connected to the sheet with this:
...and to a lesser degree, this (although I am looking for a better design for the tube heat)...
Heat tape:
Of course, two of these...
CO2 cylinder/tank:
...and the required tank heater:
My first run kept almost freezing, so I started with the tube wrap. Then I was losing some "thick" gas from the silicone sheet covering, so I put the mug warmer under it. I didn't want to overheat the collection vessel, so I put it in a Bain Marie to provide thermal protection from getting too hot or cold (water won't go below 0C and the warmer won't go above about 49C). The water provides protections from rapid changes (by making the mass being cooled by the CO2 a lot larger).

This is a jpg of my extraction, the yield from the previous extraction was little under 1ml from 30grams. Definitely looking forward to better yield for my medicine.

That does look like good oil, but I wonder why so little?

Remember, CO2 extraction efficiency declines over time, so it gets more difficult to get what you want as time goes by. I was reading somewhere about material fatigue too, but I don't fully understand how it affects yield. My basic understanding is that there's a limited amount of effective extraction time, after which the unwanted stuff starts breaking down and coming out to ruin your run. I don't yet know when that happens, though.

I hope some of this is helpful, but mostly that it is understandable. I've got my fingers crossed for your run tomorrow. Good extracting!


Hi Kam,

I had a thought overnight about your 1ml vs. my 6+ml... Are you using very dry leaves? Water is referred to as a Mass Uptake Inhibitor (or something like that) as it relates to CO2 extraction. Your material should be less than 10% H2O before extraction.

Also, I've moved my decarb step to occur after terpenes, in hopes of converting some of the CBN-A, CBD-A, and CBG-A to more useable compounds. I'm also testing a different drying technique. When I get my flower, it is too wet. I have been setting the open bag aside for about two weeks before I process it. This time, I have 2 ounces "getting ready" -- one open-site drying, and the other ounce is being freeze dried in the freezer. I'm going to run them both through the same process, and have them tested to see if freeze drying is actually better (there is some evidence that puts a better reaction when it dries cold, so I'm testing it).

My next run will be something like this:

20 min@45C & Ambient Heat bath
15 min@45C & 1500 Terpenes
Place reaction chamber in 220 F oven for 60 minutes
20 min@52C & Ambient Heat bath (as needed)
15 min@52C & 2300 CBN
15 min@53C & 2500 CBD
15 min@55C & 2700 CBG
45 min@63C & 3200 THC
Reverse tube
45 min@63C & 3200 THC

(I indicated my run would be something like that because I always fiddle with it during the run. I keep my notes correct, and I'll do the same thing for both runs.)

I'll let you know my results when I have them. I won't be doing either run until sometime next week.



r 60 minu
Hey COG,

Thanks so much for all the info you’ve shared! So much help and knowledge

Sorry, unfortunately, I was not able to do the extraction on Wednesday due to some technical difficulties. I have made a new collection vessel, following your design. The pic is below.

Since I have only a 10lbs tank to work with, I currently have little less than 4 hours of CO2 left (lost some because of the issue mentioned above lol) so I had to make a decision on which steps I should test. I opted to test your most recent process which only takes 2hours and 45mins and will include:

30 Grams of Material tested at 12% THC. I’d say the material is pretty dry as its regulated, tested and milled before shipping, although I will be getting un-milled flower to work with soon.

Further ground it down to 1mm-3mm sizes

And the steps:

20 min@45C & Ambient Heat bath
15 min@45C & 1500 Terpenes
Place reaction chamber in 220 F oven for 60 minutes
20 min@52C & Ambient Heat bath (as needed)
15 min@52C & 2300 CBN
15 min@53C & 2500 CBD
15 min@55C & 2700 CBG
45 min@63C & 3200 THC
Reverse tube
45 min@63C & 3200 THC

Result: 2.9ml

Not bad at all. Very happy with the result. Looking forward to learning what the results from your extraction will be. Have a great weekend!!!

By the way, do you know if the temp inside the chamber is the same as the outside? Getting 3 different temp readings and all are different from the heating plate.
Setup 2


Hi Kam,

That looks like you got some great medicine. Congratulations! (The medicine I extract myself tastes better to me than the commercial stuff, and I think it helps me more -- but that might all be in my head.)

Your new rig looks quite nice and I find your collection-vessel redesign interesting. Tell me more about that, please. What is the extra hose doing (the one bent back onto itself, with the exit in the water)? Is that a bleed-off into the water? How did that work out? Was there oil in the water afterward? Were you able to recover it? I hadn't thought of trying to process the exiting gas like that. My mug-warmer with stretchy-rubber lid was just designed to slow the escape of the gas, passing tightly between the warm vessel and rubber, to capture the oil on the inside. Before I realized I should be heating it, I would sometimes see a white vapor cloud of transitioning gas escaping (especially from the provided vessel), so I heated it and now the gas escapes transparently (a lot less dense gas, means less oil escaping, I think/hope).

I purchased my second tank after I was doing a run and ran out of gas in the middle of it. The stress and anxiety of that made the purchase make sense. Lol -- I didn't want that to happen again. I also found that the tank gets quite cold during an extraction, so the output pressure may drop below the required 800psi minimum. I wrapped my tank in an electric blanket to keep the pressure up, and it helps me get more CO2 out of it. I was having to throw away many pounds of CO2 because the tank has to be empty to fill, but when the tank gets low, the pressure drops.

When I load the reaction chamber, I don't grind my material beforehand. I just remove the stems and drop it into the tube, tapping it down lightly. I usually can get around 26g of material in each run. The directions indicate that if it's packed too tightly, some areas get shielded from extraction, so I keep it slightly loose (tight, but not packed). I only mention this to point out differences in our process -- so we can develop investigation points for quantity and quality experimentation. How are you weighing your material? I am going to start measuring exactly how much material I am putting in the tube, so I'll be able to stop saying, "...around 26g...." LOL The scale I was using (my roommate's Weight Watchers scale, <snicker>) wasn't very accurate, so I purchased a better one.

Did you get very much oil during the reversed 45 minute extraction? I wasn't sure about that part of the plan, and I actually meant to write 15 minutes for the tube reversal (sorry). My schedule changed, so I think I'm going to run an extraction tonight or tomorrow. More later on that.

As for the heating temperatures, I assumed that the temperatures (as displayed and as needed) were approximate. I read somewhere that the range for THC extraction using this equipment is between 57C and 68C, so nature is looking for approximates, and the device has a target temperature it maintains. This means, if you set it to 60C, it'll fluctuate a few degrees in both directions as the heating element cycles.

I think I recognize your blue heating plate -- is that the one with magnetic stirring capability? I think I bought that very one several months ago, and returned it (I feel like it was broken, but the seller didn't seem to think so). I found it beyond difficult to get it to do what I needed, and when I did, it didn't do it very well, so I returned it. I'm sure it's fine for this, though -- it only needs to provide a little heat. You don't need the water hot, just above room temperature. The gas is going to be cooling the collection vessel constantly, so the temperature of the plate isn't as important as the temperature of the water. Basically, if the water is frozen, it needs to be warmer. :) The water around the collection keeps the vessel "protected" from rapid temp changes. To increase temperatures, you have to heat all of the water, and that mass' energy doesn't change that quickly.

Thank you. You have a great weekend, too! I'll let you know how it goes.

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