Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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Dude I need to get a monkey dong!
I just use the flask. But if they have some pervert looking at your junk while you pee you might need to spend that extra cash.
It says "Novelty use only" on their site. That's something they added on at some point to avoid harassment by some gooberment agency somewhere.

I haven't needed to use it in quite a few years. I actually loaned mine to a friend atm.
They had 2 guys get caught smoking on the job, (union electricians). Now they're talking about doing randoms.

Nice thing is that they only need 10 seconds in the microwave. So any convenience store along the way will work .
As long as you don't crack the seal it lasts forever. just order extra heat packs right away as they can not be reused ;)


I just use the flask. But if they have some pervert looking at your junk while you pee you might need to spend that extra cash.
It says "Novelty use only" on their site. That's something they added on at some point to avoid harassment by some gooberment agency somewhere.

I haven't needed to use it in quite a few years. I actually loaned mine to a friend atm.
They had 2 guys get caught smoking on the job, (union electricians). Now they're talking about doing randoms.

Nice thing is that they only need 10 seconds in the microwave. So any convenience store along the way will work .
As long as you don't crack the seal it lasts forever. just order extra heat packs right away as they can not be reused ;)

I forgot. I get tested on a regular basis. It never effects me so I don't even think about it. I'm on 180mg of morphine and 20mg of Norco daily. My "drug contract" requires I be tested at least once every 90 days. When I first signed the contract at the clinic I go to the doctor said I had to quit smoking pot. I said "no". They referred me to a pain management doctor and I told her "It helps me with my anxiety and I'm not going to stop." I've tested positive for pot in every doctor ordered drug test for the last 4yrs and they don't say sh*t to me. Someone in my position must stand their ground and not flinch, or the docs will take their pot away. Fake piss wouldn't help me unless they sold it with morphine, hydrocodone, and valium in it. They seem more interested in whats not in it than what is.

The key for me was to always tell the docs that my test would be positive for THC before hand so it wouldnt be a surprise..


I forgot. I get tested on a regular basis. It never effects me so I don't even think about it. I'm on 180mg of morphine and 20mg of Norco daily. My "drug contract" requires I be tested at least once every 90 days. When I first signed the contract at the clinic I go to the doctor said I had to quit smoking pot. I said "no". They referred me to a pain management doctor and I told her "It helps me with my anxiety and I'm not going to stop." I've tested positive for pot in every doctor ordered drug test for the last 4yrs and they don't say sh*t to me. Someone in my position must stand their ground and not flinch, or the docs will take their pot away. Fake piss wouldn't help me unless they sold it with morphine, hydrocodone, and valium in it. They seem more interested in whats not in it than what is.

The key for me was to always tell the docs that my test would be positive for THC before hand so it wouldnt be a surprise..
I always say I don't do drugs when the dr asks me. I don't consider cannabis a drug ;)
No one has called me on it yet.

At this point I'm giving up on drs. The regular dr is only interested in pushing "their" drugs, i.e, flu shot, tetanus shot, shingles vax, etc.
None of those things are gonna help me in the slightest bit.

Ortho dr sent me for an MRI to rule out spondylosis, prob not spelled correctly, in my neck. Couldn't even get all the way in the tube let alone get the thing cranked up. MRI people told me to call the dr and ask for something to calm me down for the test. I was treated like a junkie looking for a quick fix. Two weeks later I was still waiting for them to get back to me.

So I filed a complaint with the hospital he works under. Someone sent me an email saying they would like to help my situation. Unfortunately I'm on Medicaid. And there's only one dr within a half hour drive that takes this insurance. I'm not going back there again after the way this was handled.

I'm hoping I'll not deteriorate too much till after I move 3 hrs away at which point I'll be in a different county/hospital and switched to Medicare at that point. If all goes smoothly, HA, I'll be approved for SSD sometime in June. But my understanding is that Medicare isn't any better than Medicaid :(

I also have 5 buldging discs in my lumbar. No one took a pic of the discs in between yet. But I'm willing to bet they aren't in too good a shape either.
I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, so I could be wrong ;)

Oh yeah, the last round of PT made me worse soooooooo


I always say I don't do drugs when the dr asks me. I don't consider cannabis a drug ;)
No one has called me on it yet.

At this point I'm giving up on drs. The regular dr is only interested in pushing "their" drugs, i.e, flu shot, tetanus shot, shingles vax, etc.
None of those things are gonna help me in the slightest bit.

Ortho dr sent me for an MRI to rule out spondylosis, prob not spelled correctly, in my neck. Couldn't even get all the way in the tube let alone get the thing cranked up. MRI people told me to call the dr and ask for something to calm me down for the test. I was treated like a junkie looking for a quick fix. Two weeks later I was still waiting for them to get back to me.

So I filed a complaint with the hospital he works under. Someone sent me an email saying they would like to help my situation. Unfortunately I'm on Medicaid. And there's only one dr within a half hour drive that takes this insurance. I'm not going back there again after the way this was handled.

I'm hoping I'll not deteriorate too much till after I move 3 hrs away at which point I'll be in a different county/hospital and switched to Medicare at that point. If all goes smoothly, HA, I'll be approved for SSD sometime in June. But my understanding is that Medicare isn't any better than Medicaid :(

I also have 5 buldging discs in my lumbar. No one took a pic of the discs in between yet. But I'm willing to bet they aren't in too good a shape either.
I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, so I could be wrong ;)

Oh yeah, the last round of PT made me worse soooooooo

I'm very fortunate to live in Cali. SSI gets MediCal here. I have to admit, MediCal gives the Cadillac plan I was paying $900mo (+$500mo for scrips & copays) when I owned my own business, a run for it's money. There are fewer doctors that take it but my care has not suffered in the slightest. If you get SSDI, move here. I get $1018mo and $0 in copays.

So you know I understand what your going through...

My L4-L5 are bulged and compressed to near nothing and the S1 nerve root is impinged. I have narrowing and osteophyte build-up throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. I fell 40ft from the roof of an industrial building in '99 during a very bad acid trip. I landed on my feet, the left hit asphalt and right hit a steel man-hole cover. Completely fractured and sheared both cancanius, my right foot exploded out the left side and broke nearly every bone including a complete shearing of the heal bone. Took a full day of reconstructive surgery to put my feet back together. Spent six weeks in the trauma unit of UC Davis medical center. I developed osteonecrosis in both hips. Had bilateral hip replacement in 2012. The right hip/leg nerves were damaged during surgery. As well as being fused, my left foot has severe drop toe (the left developed it later from my illness). The nerve damage triggered a genetic autoimmune disease call RSDS (reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome), now called CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). My nerves will dystrophy over time and any pain in those areas is 10x+ what would normally be felt. They symptom list is basically a small novel I'm not going to write it here.

Adding insult to injury, the RSDS puts me in a near constant state of "fight-or-flight" and I now have panic attacks so severe I've been hospitalised. (I can handle a lot of pain, but those panic attacks really scare me.)

I'm saying all this to let you know I have empathy for you in your situation. If you need someone to talk to about it PM me. I won't judge. I don't presume that your pain is any less severe or disabling than mine. Pain is a very personal thing and noone can understand the severity of yours, but if it's even a fraction of what I feel I can very my sympathise.

I also have fatty liver disease and prominent lymph nodes in the porta hepatis. I freaked when wrapped like a burrito in the PET CT (it's a bit tighter than an MRI). I took one of my valium 10 to get me thtough a second try. I feel ya.

There are a number of other things I'm sure I forgot but I'm sure you get the gist.

I hope you get the SSD quickly.
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Grow Log 05/08/19 #1 (daily)

Today I will be up-planting everything in 1gal pots into 2gal.
20190508 075155


I'm very fortunate to live in Cali. SSI gets MediCal here. I have to admit, MediCal gives the Cadillac plan I was paying $900mo (+$500mo for scrips & copays) when I owned my own business, a run for it's money. There are fewer doctors that take it but my care has not suffered in the slightest. If you get SSDI, move here. I get $1018mo and $0 in copays.

So you know I understand what your going through...

My L4-L5 are bulged and compressed to near nothing and the S1 nerve root is impinged. I have narrowing and osteophyte build-up throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. I fell 40ft from the roof of an industrial building in '99 during a very bad acid trip. I landed on my feet, the left hit asphalt and right hit a steel man-hole cover. Completely fractured and sheared both cancanius, my right foot exploded out the left side and broke nearly every bone including a complete shearing of the heal bone. Took a full day of reconstructive surgery to put my feet back together. Spent six weeks in the trauma unit of UC Davis medical center. I developed osteonecrosis in both hips. Had bilateral hip replacement in 2012. The right hip/leg nerves were damaged during surgery. As well as being fused, my left foot has severe drop toe (the left developed it later from my illness). The nerve damage triggered a genetic autoimmune disease call RSDS (reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome), now called CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). My nerves will dystrophy over time and any pain in those areas is 10x+ what would normally be felt. They symptom list is basically a small novel I'm not going to write it here.

Adding insult to injury, the RSDS puts me in a near constant state of "fight-or-flight" and I now have panic attacks so severe I've been hospitalised. (I can handle a lot of pain, but those panic attacks really scare me.)

I'm saying all this to let you know I have empathy for you in your situation. If you need someone to talk to about it PM me. I won't judge. I don't presume that your pain is any less severe or disabling than mine. Pain is a very personal thing and noone can understand the severity of yours, but if it's even a fraction of what I feel I can very my sympathise.

I also have fatty liver disease and prominent lymph nodes in the porta hepatis. I freaked when wrapped like a burrito in the PET CT (it's a bit tighter than an MRI). I took one of my valium 10 to get me thtough a second try. I feel ya.

There are a number of other things I'm sure I forgot but I'm sure you get the gist.

I hope you get the SSD quickly.

To correct myself, it's "calcaneus", not "cancanius" (typo & misspelled, hehe) and it's my right foot that has severe drop toe.


Grow Log 05/08/19 #2 (garden)

Had to bend most of the tops back over. Now I know why I've seen them tied down.
20190508 101813
20190508 101849

My macro tubes got here today. Looking forward to the trich shots I'm gonna get during flower.
20190508 103143
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After reading that Non comprehensive list of ailments I don't feel so bad. You're much worse off than I at this point in time :(
I don't want to highjack the thread with medical stuff.

But I think you may be on to something...
"Adding insult to injury, the RSDS puts me in a near constant state of "fight-or-flight" and I now have panic attacks so severe I've been hospitalised. (I can handle a lot of pain, but those panic attacks really scare me.) "

Maybe at the first MRI 3 yrs ago I didn't have this but now progressed and explains why I couldn't do the MRI?
I felt like I was having a heart attack, sweating. I honestly felt like I was in a coffin.

I used to date this chick who had RSD. She was on percs 24/7. Pain for no reason other than the ancient initial injury.
She was crazy... but the crazies are fun ;)

I don't do that kind of crazy anymore lol


After reading that Non comprehensive list of ailments I don't feel so bad. You're much worse off than I at this point in time :(
I don't want to highjack the thread with medical stuff.

But I think you may be on to something...
"Adding insult to injury, the RSDS puts me in a near constant state of "fight-or-flight" and I now have panic attacks so severe I've been hospitalised. (I can handle a lot of pain, but those panic attacks really scare me.) "

Maybe at the first MRI 3 yrs ago I didn't have this but now progressed and explains why I couldn't do the MRI?
I felt like I was having a heart attack, sweating. I honestly felt like I was in a coffin.

I used to date this chick who had RSD. She was on percs 24/7. Pain for no reason other than the ancient initial injury.
She was crazy... but the crazies are fun ;)

I don't do that kind of crazy anymore lol

You're not hijacking my thread. As long as it's not excessive, and I mean really really excessive, I've got no issue with going off topic for a little while. I do not believe this is off topic. Learning about the OP grower and our compatriots is just as important as the plants, so this is not in my definition of "off topic".
The worst attack I thought I was dying of a stroke or heart attack. It was so real. If they're really bad, IMHO, get meds dude,

The RSDS can make us crazy. After 3-9yrs (maybe as many as 20) of what I know now to be paranoid delusions, I'm almost okay. Good even. I avoided psych meds for 20yrs because of their side effects. After experiencing being put into a state of pure terror almost every night and not having any real sleep for almost a year, I accepted an anti-anxiety med called Olanzapine (Zyprexa). 10mg daily, for the first 7 days I slept all the time. The panic attacks were gone but I couldnt go through life awake only 5-8hrs a day. Had the doc drop it to 5mg daily. Duuuude, after nearly 20yrs I felt alive and clear. No more fog and confusion. The attacks are gone and I'm sleeping 6-7hrs a night. Perfect. I do avoid triggers still cause I can feel it itching to break through at times, but still no panic.


My solar bench is now a rolling/work bench. It's nice.

20190508 110740
20190508 113138

Thanks @Axel Rose for the tip rolling tutorial. That jay had Banana Ice Cream #2 (flower & kief), Royal Nepal Kush (kief), Girl Scout Cookies, Chocolate Nepal, Banana Ice Cream #4 (indoor), and Banana Crack (flower & kief).
20190508 114458

<--Banana Crack, BIC#4-->
20190508 113649

TOO my HeAd!!! Oooh, I'm bake'O'd.
20190508 120631

I like the tweed stash bag for this kit.
20190508 121058
20190508 121048


I always say I don't do drugs when the dr asks me. I don't consider cannabis a drug ;)
No one has called me on it yet.

At this point I'm giving up on drs. The regular dr is only interested in pushing "their" drugs, i.e, flu shot, tetanus shot, shingles vax, etc.
None of those things are gonna help me in the slightest bit.

Ortho dr sent me for an MRI to rule out spondylosis, prob not spelled correctly, in my neck. Couldn't even get all the way in the tube let alone get the thing cranked up. MRI people told me to call the dr and ask for something to calm me down for the test. I was treated like a junkie looking for a quick fix. Two weeks later I was still waiting for them to get back to me.

So I filed a complaint with the hospital he works under. Someone sent me an email saying they would like to help my situation. Unfortunately I'm on Medicaid. And there's only one dr within a half hour drive that takes this insurance. I'm not going back there again after the way this was handled.

I'm hoping I'll not deteriorate too much till after I move 3 hrs away at which point I'll be in a different county/hospital and switched to Medicare at that point. If all goes smoothly, HA, I'll be approved for SSD sometime in June. But my understanding is that Medicare isn't any better than Medicaid :(

I also have 5 buldging discs in my lumbar. No one took a pic of the discs in between yet. But I'm willing to bet they aren't in too good a shape either.
I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, so I could be wrong ;)

Oh yeah, the last round of PT made me worse soooooooo

I forgot to say, which will help make more sense of up above.

I have bone spurs in my neck and something else I can't remember, but c-3 thru c-6 is what's messed up.
T-12 down to S-1 all have a range of issues.....🎉🥳🎉

I know I could be worse, but at 54, I'm too damn young to feel this old ;)


I forgot to say, which will help make more sense of up above.

I have bone spurs in my neck and something else I can't remember, but c-3 thru c-6 is what's messed up.
T-12 down to S-1 all have a range of issues.....🎉🥳🎉

I know I could be worse, but at 54, I'm too damn young to feel this old ;)

Yup, I've found that arthritis in the neck is one of the more painful types. Thoracic is pretty rare, harder to get help. Sorry about that. I'm glad that isn't one of my serious problem areas.

I have type 2 like your ex. That's the rare and vicious type (2 can have type one symptoms as well). Pain can hit anywhere, anytime. It sucks a big ol bag o a$$holes.

I'm 44, but I fell off a building... Even so, it wasn't that or the osteonecrosis, but the nerve damage from the first surgery that triggered it. Is that f^ckin crazy or what???! I've heard of people with just an ankle sprain triggering RSDS.


The first real step to my VR/growroom.
20190508 145640

Hung my 40" from a wall. That freed up the stand for the 32" and Acer netbook. The Acer covers the music/movies/power outages/& some gaming (it can play Fallout New Vegas on medium settings). The 32" cheapo Seiki uses very little power so it's perfect for my solar genny when the power goes out. Most importantly it's needed to calibrate the Rift.

The speaker up top is one of two very nice battery powered Bluetooth speakers. Once I set up a platform that fits both they'll have a direct connection to power without tying up a plug.
20190508 153434

It's all coming together perfectly.


Once I get settled into my new place I’m gonna have to get serious about solar. I’ve been reading up here and there. But haven’t absorbed nearly enough info “yet”.


Once I get settled into my new place I’m gonna have to get serious about solar. I’ve been reading up here and there. But haven’t absorbed nearly enough info “yet”.

Keep studying, it can be a little tricky. It's hard to ask the right questions until your well into installation. By then you'll realise half the parts you ordered are wrong and you've thoroughly f^ckered everything up. Talk to me when you're ready and I'll do my best to walk you through it. It's much like growing. You can just copy other people with a pretty fair chance of success...

...or, you can be like me, diving in head first with your own ideas, and get a little bloody. I made a whole lot of f^ck-ups, and it probably cost me 25%-50% more, but I learned soooo much. I'll do mu best to help save you money and problems, but think of it this way...

...every component that's wrong ends up in the solar "spare" components box and you'll probably end up using it later anyway; ie, I bought some of the wrong sise cable on the battery side but found I needed it later on the incoming solar side and didn't have to wait for an order to arrive. Even if you dont use it right away, solar is a bit addictive, and youl probably use it on an expansion or seperate array down the road.

The best way I can help you is to teach you how to keep your solar genny from catching fire. Now, that's some valuable info there.


@jumpincactus , CactusMan please HELP me brother!!! I am really stuck and frustrated. I'm trying to upgrade my single CXB3590 from a stock non-dimmable 60w MW LPC-60w-1400 to a dimmable 70w MW ELG-100-24B with a PWM dimmer but I can't figure out how to wire the dimmer and can't find a diagram anywhere. I know this is probably wrong but I think I'm on the right track. I'm pretty sure the driver current has to pass through the dimmer but I'm not sure exactly where/how.
20190509 132757
20190509 150205

The fixed wattage driver I'm replacing.
20190509 073631

Thought I would just crack open my 200w and see how it's done, but to my surprise (for how much I paid), it's voltage regulated. No PWM.
20190509 111715

I'm pretty decent at makin sh*t work but this'n's got my brain all twisted up.

Thanks bro. I sure hope you know this. I'd figure it'd B all over the net but it appears that most mo'fos are lazy a$$es and don't take advantage of the PWM's precision, optin for potentio-meter instead.
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Premium Member
Bro, I sure wish I could help you out. Shyt you know me I love sharin knowledge :D But you have me stumped on this one. I only speak to what I know and sure would hate to have you fry your system based on bad intel. I do know your dimmer seems it would be wired with power from the wall coming to the dimmer and wired before the fixture so it can regulate the voltage. But I cannot say fur sure

I would reach out to ole sixstring a member here and see what he can share. He is a diy led guru. :)


Bro, I sure wish I could help you out. Shyt you know me I love sharin knowledge :D But you have me stumped on this one. I only speak to what I know and sure would hate to have you fry your system based on bad intel. I do know your dimmer seems it would be wired with power from the wall coming to the dimmer and wired before the fixture so it can regulate the voltage. But I cannot say fur sure

I would reach out to ole sixstring a member here and see what he can share. He is a diy led guru. :)

Well the dimmer's schematic shows +/- in from the driver then +/- out to the fixture. Thats for a single pair driver. This model has 2 pair (1 pair voltage, 1 pair dimmer) and is supposed to be able to hook for a true PWM. So I'm figuring the driver pair has to hook in-line somewhere in the mix but can't find anything on it (I don't read schematics so well anymore, forgot a lot over the years).

I would ask @sixstring, but he doesn't appear to be a member any longer.

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