Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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The Banana Crack is a brittle b*tch. Not sure anything much can be done to support her. I'll see if I can get some netting in there tomorrow morning.
20180816 183918
20180816 183940
20180816 183840
20180816 184218
20180816 184114


Grow Log 8/17/18

The Banana Crack has been dropping branches so I net her up along with Banana Ice Cream 1&2. I'll net BIC#3 and the Creamsicle as soon as I'm feeling better. I have a cyst or something messing my stomach up, or I would have already put the tent together and pulled the clones.

May go into the ER tonight or wait to water in the morning first. My CT scan is on the 4th but don't know if I can hold out that long.

20180817 100601
20180817 100615
20180817 100625
20180817 100636
20180817 100647
20180817 100644
20180817 165727
20180817 165748
20180817 165810
20180817 165834


Sorry to hear about your pain man, hang tough. By dropping branches you mean they are breaking off from their own weight?

Grow Log 8/17/18

The Banana Crack has been dropping branches so I net her up along with Banana Ice Cream 1&2. I'll net BIC#3 and the Creamsicle as soon as I'm feeling better. I have a cyst or something messing my stomach up, or I would have already put the tent together and pulled the clones.

May go into the ER tonight or wait to water in the morning first. My CT scan is on the 4th but don't know if I can hold out that long.

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Thanks guys. It shifted back up to the surface so my guts are feelin better. I'm glad, didn't want to leave my girls an anyone else's hands. If I'm gonna be stuck in a hospital, let it be after I get everything harvested and cured.

Sorry to hear about your pain man, hang tough. By dropping branches you mean they are breaking off from their own weight?

Looks like she can only hold so much. Maxing out her weight capacity haha man those plants are so big. I hope you feel better soon Junk!

Yup, they're about as big as they can get without some extreme training and serious artificial support. I've kept an eye on their bases and roots. Their bases aren't getting big enough to support the weight but the roots have completely filled the pots with an excellent density so I'll be able to get nutes to the flowers just the same. Yes @Wishbone , they split away like leaves being shed with the plant actually releasing them. Luckily it was only the lower branches so they didnt have the room to separate away completely. Now that I've stabilised them they should fortify themselves with scar tissue then swell and become stronger than they were originally.

My theory about the nutrient problems has changed. I don't think it's just a potassium or phosphorus deficiency anymore. I think those deficiencies are due to a nitrogen deficiency. I wasn't giving them enough nitrogen for their sise so they've become brittle and atrophied. At this point I think I'm dealing with a circulation issue and will probably have to give them a small amount of nitrogen through to the end when I cut the nutes off completely for harvest. With that in mind I postponed some other purchases and ordered Fox Farm Tiger bloom. I can run it at a quarter strength and bolster it with salts and Krazy Kelp. The Cha Ching had the nitrogen but in too small of a quantity vs the P&K. The Tiger Bloom's lower nitrogen % will be made up by volume. I might cut the nitrogen 2 weeks before harvest and cut the P&K a week later. Do several large flushes in that last week assisted by Sledge Hammer. Then finally not water 24-48hrs before harvest. If they have strong potential for a second harvest I might feed them one more time post harvest then regular watering for a week or two till the final cut.

This plan will probably change but I find it's easier to change a plan than not having one at all. If I would have had a real plan last year I believe my Creamsicle would have turned out better. I'm better prepared this year and will be able to more accurately assess when I need to harvest.


Grow Log 8/19/18

My cousin is not a negative person but when it comes to my grows he is never impressed. Despite the fact that he's sitting on nearly 6lbs of herb from six moderately sised plants I grew last year (half my harvest). He thinks that because my plants are big they'll produce small buds. His experience from years and years of growing with low-moderate yields has made him sceptical. I think he mistakes my obsession for growing with arrogance, but he has no idea how much studying I've done and the extensive support I've received from people on this forum. To him, my success is chalked up to beginners luck. The truth is I couldn't have done any of it without you guys. I'm proud to be counted among a fantastic group of people who love to grow and aren't just doing it for money.

I consider my regular postings to be obligatory and a return on the investment this community has made in me. I hope that new growers can be educated and inspired by my triumphs and failures, and if I'm doing it right, maybe even help out a few veterans.

So, cheers to you my fellow obsessed and happy growing.

Wrapped the last Banana Ice Cream and Orange Creamsicle in nylon trellis. When it was done I was so sticky it felt like someone had poured syrup over me. I have a feeling this is going to be an excellent quality harvest.
20180819 080242
20180819 080325
20180819 080342
20180819 080355
20180819 080417

Need to bring my step-ladder up to the garden to wrap the Idunnoes. Then I'll tie her stalk between the fence stakes for better support.
20180819 080443
20180819 080119
20180819 080134
20180819 080055
20180819 080158
20180819 080215
20180819 080033

The Orange Creamsicle doesn't smell like rotten pears this year. Instead it's a very pleasant zesty grapefruit aroma. It could be because I'm growing differently or whatever cross pollinated with her mother effected her scent. Either way, she smells great and is sugaring up real nice.
20180819 082146
20180819 082239
20180819 082320
20180819 082221
20180819 082708
20180819 082606

20180819 080946
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hahahah ya you're probably get about an ounce or so at best for your total yield this season. They are way too big to get more than that :D

Orange Creamsicle is coming along nicely wit those flower sites. Is she the farthest along in flower?


Grow Log 8/19/18

My cousin is not a negative person but when it comes to my grows he is never impressed. Despite the fact that he's sitting on nearly 6lbs of herb from six moderately sised plants I grew last year (half my harvest). He thinks that because my plants are big they'll produce small buds. His experience from years and years of growing with low-moderate yields has made him sceptical. I think he mistakes my obsession for growing with arrogance, but he has no idea how much studying I've done and the extensive support I've received from people on this forum. To him, my success is chalked up to beginners luck. The truth is I couldn't have done any of it without you guys. I'm proud to be counted among a fantastic group of people who love to grow and aren't just doing it for money.

I consider my regular postings to be obligatory and a return on the investment this community has made in me. I hope that new growers can be educated and inspired by my triumphs and failures, and if I'm doing it right, maybe even help out a few veterans.

So, cheers to you my fellow obsessed and happy growing.

Wrapped the last Banana Ice Cream and Orange Creamsicle in nylon trellis. When it was done I was so sticky it felt like someone had poured syrup over me. I have a feeling this is going to be an excellent quality harvest.
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Need to bring my step-ladder up to the garden to wrap the Idunnoes. Then I'll tie her stalk between the fence stakes for better support.
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The Orange Creamsicle doesn't smell like rotten pears this year. Instead it's a very pleasant zesty grapefruit aroma. It could be because I'm growing differently or whatever cross pollinated with her mother effected her scent. Either way, she smells great and is sugaring up real nice.
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View attachment 823915

The first few picks look like a Griswald Christmas tree!!!


hahahah ya you're probably get about an ounce or so at best for your total yield this season. They are way too big to get more than that :D

Orange Creamsicle is coming along nicely wit those flower sites. Is she the farthest along in flower?

Hehe. Yeah, for sure. No need to cure, a pack of papers should cover it.

Yup, the Creamsicle started weeks before the others. I can't speak for the strain but this cut has a huge yield. They were clones last year and even though this was a seed from an unknown cross her genetics remained strong. I've found no discernable difference in structure or yield from that of the mother and she started to flower exactly the same, to the day. The only difference is the smell. The previous gen had almost a sickeningly sweet smell but she smells like she was X'd with Sour D. If I remember correctly my cousin and several neighbors were growing the same batch of Chocolate Diesel clones.


The first few picks look like a Griswald Christmas tree!!!

Pwaaahahaaha! I know, hugh. I let Banana Ice Cream #1 & #2 grow almost wild because they developed big strong skirts before I was ready to prune. People may say to trim up the base but if nothing is blocking their light they can produce top cola quality flowers, so I mostly left them alone. They have the best circulation of any branch if the rest of the plant is trained properly and will help keep the soil shaded and moist for better water conservation.


I love it when the sky is deep blue and I can catch it on camera. Cobalt blue is my absolute favorite color with this royal blue sky color coming in a close second.
20180818 164943

As a photographer I couldn't ask for a more perfect combination of colors, layers, and textures. My only regret is that I didn't get this with my DSLR as a 20Mp RAW pic. Pretty enough for posting but probably won't hold up as an 8.5"x11" printed photograph. Luckily I know the position and time of day so I can replicate it with my Pentax. Probably set up the tripod so she gets it super clear too.
20180818 164414


Will post up some garden pics from my real camera as soon as I'm done adjusting them to fit within the forum limits. Tried to get some close up frosty nug pics with my 300mm but my illness makes it near impossible to hold my hands steady while using it. My Pentax has a sick built in auto-stabiliser and can usually overcome my shake but the 300 fully extended is over a foot long and my camera is one of the smallest pro DSLRs. So the lens bounces the body all over the place, even braced against the greenhouse. Can't remember where i packed my tripod. Will hunt it down soon.

Too hot right now to run the 6850k beast in the trailer. Doing the adjustments on my laptop outside on my makeshift porch. Haven't had the money to build my deck, fence, and put in the rose garden. The girls, trailer repairs/upgrades, and quarterly insurance payments have me broke this month. I think I'll have the money to get it done next month and finally have a beautiful civilised spot for a bistro/breakfast table set and room to set up my VR equipment.

20180820 163142


Grow Log 8/20/18

These are pics from my phone. Still picking out the DSLR shots to post.

Banana Ice Cream #1
20180820 173523

Banana Ice Cream #2 (can't tell by the pic but she's a giant)
20180820 173845

Banana Crack
20180820 175020

Banana Ice Cream #3
20180820 174208

Orange Creamsicle (she's got a bangin top cola)
20180820 173712

20180820 174340

20180820 175547
20180820 175336
20180820 175259
20180820 175629
20180820 175716
20180820 175508

Banana Ice Cream #1 is the only one with a lot of clawing still. Hopefully it clears up when I start the Tiger Bloom and halve the amounts of Krazy Kelp and Beastie Bloomz.
20180820 173328

In the side of the berm next to my garden, in a little patch of blackberries, is a nest of newly hatched Blue Bellys. They're everywhere in and around the garden. I won't get rid of the BlackBerry vines till they are bigger. I like Blue Bellys and try to protect them when I can. Thay have voracious appetites and no pests on the ground have a chance, especially those aphid herding ants. Haven't seen an ant in the garden since they hatched.
20180820 175811
20180820 180136
20180820 180114
20180820 175930
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I don't understand this uploader program. The DSLR pics I uploaded are a far superior quality than my phone's pics but when I look at them on my phone, the phone pics are clearer. Either the uploader fiddles with them or the phone pics are optimised for the phone screens. I wish I could show you the unadjusted originals. They would print HD in a poster sise.


I can tell they are higher quality pictures. The color rendering is much better. Loving the contrast of the sky to the plants. Sometimes when the file size is so large websites will compress the files to manageable sizes to conserve server space. I'm not sure if that's the case here or not.


Grow Log 8/20/18

These are pics from my phone. Still picking out the DSLR shots to post.

Banana Ice Cream #1
View attachment 824251
Banana Ice Cream #2 (can't tell by the pic but she's a giant)
View attachment 824252
Banana Crack
View attachment 824254
Banana Ice Cream #3
View attachment 824255
Orange Creamsicle (she's got a bangin top cola)
View attachment 824256
View attachment 824257

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Banana Ice Cream #1 is the only one with a lot of clawing still. Hopefully it clears up when I start the Tiger Bloom and halve the amounts of Krazy Kelp and Beastie Bloomz.
View attachment 824264

In the side of the berm next to my garden, in a little patch of blackberries, is a nest of newly hatched Blue Bellys. They're everywhere in and around the garden. I won't get rid of the BlackBerry vines till they are bigger. I like Blue Bellys and try to protect them when I can. Thay have voracious appetites and no pests on the ground have a chance, especially those aphid herding ants. Haven't seen an ant in the garden since they hatched.
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Awesome, I grew up in CA and spent my childhood catching Blues, cool lizards and bonus IPM!


Grow Log 8/21/18

My girls look like some sad sacks right now. I've been holding off feeding until the Tiger Bloom gets here because I don't have anything with enough nitrogen to balance out the bloom nutes. Tips are curling and leaves are knarling. They're using a lot of water but it's barely a bandaid. Last time I ordered from Cult Hydro it took three days so I'm expecting the Tiger Bloom tomorrow or the next day. Will have the tent set up and clones started within a couple days. The weather is cooling enough to start to start them now. The Orange Creamsicle had a fresh breakout of spider mites again but they're only on the OC. I couldn't find them on any of the other girls. Is that weird or what? Same thing happened last year but I thought the Royal Nepal were just resistant. Now I see that the OC attracts them. This will be my last year growing it. I think.

20180821 180954
20180821 181150
20180821 181025
20180821 180929


I switched this response over to my thread so I don't hijack your thread with a bunch of unrelated info.

Always something right? I think you mentioned thinking about going with a no till next year, I have been super impressed with this method of cultivation so far. Clearly the real validation will come at harvest, but adding everything at the start of the grow and a just add water approach has been much easier, and cheaper, than the bottle grow I did last year.

Other than a few transplant stunts, which could have been caused by a variety of factors besides soil/nutrients, the plants have performed absolutely better than I could have asked for my second grow and first crack at a no till. Again, the proof will be in the pudding, but I’m a big fan so far.

My only issue with no till has nothing to do with it's effectiveness. I'm growing on my cousin's property and he has stage 4 cancer. So there is no guarantee he'll be around this time next year. On top of that lack of surety, I didn't have the green light from him to grow this year till February. I'm 99% sure he'll let me grow in perpetuity at this point so next year will be my first opportunity to try it. I buttered him up with s 50% share with no share of cost to make my grows irresistible. I need this harvest to go well to prove to him my garden's high yields are in direct correlation to my skill as a grower. If He wants to start growing again next year I want to negotiate with him to allow me to be in charge of it. Hopefully we can come to some arrangement that lets me keep 100% of my garden's yield. I was so gracious with his share the first year with the caveat that all decisions are made by me alone. This year I carried over that original agreement for the sake of ease. I also produced enough last year that my half nearly beat everyone's predictions for the whole garden so I was more than happy with my share.

The benefit I get from controlling at least part of the greenhouse isnt just to give me the ability to leverage a better position in my own garden. It will also give me a large garden to add to my resume. In the future I want to offer my services to grow under a dispensary's umbrella. Last year I almost got a deal set up to sell to a local delivery service but the laws changed and they could no longer buy from small medicinal growers. The new California laws screwed the small growers in favor of giving control of supply to commercial businesses. It's "big business" at it's f^ckin finest. I'm trying to find my niche in this new bullsh*t corporate market.
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