Landrace Acapulco Gold, would another week do it?

  • Thread starter Glassdub
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Average run off PPM today on 2 out of 3 plants is 1280, hardly overfeeding at this stage of flower, this is a on a straight watering with 1ml of ProTekt.
What I DID overfeed on this grow is Cal, which I foolishly didn't know was a thing until recently, live & learn...
If you don't feed every watering there is no need to flush as you are essentially doing it each time you straight water like today.
As for taste I've grown both organic & non, the former which according to everyone does not require flushing (purportedly) & there is zero taste difference on like strains so I call bunk on that.


Average run off PPM today on 2 out of 3 plants is 1280, hardly overfeeding at this stage of flower, this is a on a straight watering with 1ml of ProTekt.
What I DID overfeed on this grow is Cal, which I foolishly didn't know was a thing until recently, live & learn...
If you don't feed every watering there is no need to flush as you are essentially doing it each time you straight water like today.
As for taste I've grown both organic & non, the former which according to everyone does not require flushing (purportedly) & there is zero taste difference on like strains so I call bunk on that.
flushing does nothing g but harm the plants and there is absolutely nothing about flushing that affects the curing of marijuana ie taste, smell, how it burns etc etc


Today's watering:

2 Gal1ml PT / 5ml B / 8ml pH U / 3ml Z717.9/7.69.6/458
1 Gal1ml PT / 3ml Z71
Runoff PPMs

Amendments: ProTekt, Bloom, pH Up, Zyme

Bloom is really low PPM so subsequently the #s are coming down, AG#4 is on its second relatively straight water with the addition of PT & in this case Z, last watering the run off was 2020 so yeah, huge drop.
Ingoing rate #s are straight RO water / with amendments


I'm tempted to cut this & the ASAP I had to chop the all the main kolas off the runt & NOW I'm finding rot on this, AG#4, far left kola, rather pissed as I thought this & the more genitally landrace AG#5 were in the clear.
Can't see any amber but both this & the runt are far ahead due to the obvious genetic differences.
I've been vaping the clean parts of the rot kolas I cut close to 3 weeks ago & it packs a pretty good punch.
AG#5 definitely isn't there yet but I'm thinking these two might be okay.
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Considering cutting this a week from tomorrow, not a lot of sugar on this, I suspect because of the genetics, so hard to judge, this plant is the most behind & most sativa of the 3, given the health & state of the other 2 I don't want to wait too long.
Its not ready, at least two weeks but prob more in my opinion. I've grown a lot of alcapoco gold but not landraces just autos. They will get frosty if u hold up a lil while. I love that strain. Absolutely love it. Good luck, happy growing.


Its not ready, at least two weeks but prob more in my opinion. I've grown a lot of alcapoco gold but not landraces just autos. They will get frosty if u hold up a lil while. I love that strain. Absolutely love it. Good luck, happy growing.
You do realized the OP was a month ago right? I would love to drive AG#1 & #4 into November like #5 but I fear they to will be a ball of foxtailed rot by then, I just had to chop another whole stem of the runt #1 & now a kola off AG#4.


You do realized the OP was a month ago right? I would love to drive AG#1 & #4 into November like #5 but I fear they to will be a ball of foxtailed rot by then, I just had to chop another whole stem of the runt #1 & now a kola off AG#4.
Man I'm sorry but I don't understand the lingo. What is op? Are u outdoors ?


Second round of rot salvage, trimmed off & clean.
Looks good, my ole man would be calling that red hair sinsemilla . Lol. Thats got lot of red hair n it. Sortive looks like this gsc I just got done with. Give u any energy, that's my fav shit to burn n the mornings. Matter of fact, I'm about to run out of it so I need to crack a seed.
I'll smoke that n morning w my coffee and after that I'm getting it till about noon then I start all over... Lmao, happy growing man. Y'all keep ranching....

I'm gonna put her n the dirt now... Thank u
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