Let's see your 2023 outdoor grow!

  • Thread starter shaganja
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
And you have a pretty good amount of experience! That is worth its weight in gold! You’ve always done well outdoors, that I have seen! At least when your plants haven’t grown legs overnight, and disappeared! Lol!
Ah I heard of that strain, it’s called “abscond” 😂


Jesus man, the tribulations y’all have been going through this season…..it’s to be commended how well y’all deal with on going issues with out going postal. 🤯
Just takes time and patience I guess. I'm out here every single day combing through every single branch. Looking at almost every single bud day in day out. Cutting out the bad treating it with different sprays and fungicides. It is a constant battle. I know for next year if I'm still at this property and I grow outdoors again, I am definitely going to have to take consideration about building some type of canopy that I can stretch over the top of them to prevent the rain getting all over them. Gotta do something because if next year is like this year holy s*** I think I might actually go insane.


I still say you have to look at TSD’s‘s threads! She went to 10 foot route and failed miserably! But to her credit, she tried different things, and finally went with Scrogg in them, and keeping them small, so she could cover them up! And she came closer than anyone I know to finishing! You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again! She realized that she had to adapt her style to her environment! In the Adirondacks!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Just takes time and patience I guess. I'm out here every single day combing through every single branch. Looking at almost every single bud day in day out. Cutting out the bad treating it with different sprays and fungicides. It is a constant battle. I know for next year if I'm still at this property and I grow outdoors again, I am definitely going to have to take consideration about building some type of canopy that I can stretch over the top of them to prevent the rain getting all over them. Gotta do something because if next year is like this year holy s*** I think I might actually go insane.
Just watched an episode of this old house the other weekend bro, they threw down a hoop house for dirt cheap, a bit of wood, 6 20 ft pvc segments and a cheap ass screen door. Actually…..here. Down and dirty and nice if I say so myself.



I still say you have to look at TSD’s‘s threads! She went to 10 foot route and failed miserably! But to her credit, she tried different things, and finally went with Scrogg in them, and keeping them small, so she could cover them up! And she came closer than anyone I know to finishing! You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again! She realized that she had to adapt her style to her environment! In the Adirondacks!
It looks like you might not be able to get back to her 2022 grow! Forget it!
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