Living And Learning In Oregon

  • Thread starter Oregonak
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Hello all. Ommp here finally stepping out of the shadows to learn from others and possibly share what I have learned. Had lights on for 10 years nonstop
Living and learning in oregon
. After a divorce i have had some instability but have still managed some grows, just didnt have my head in it. I now have a plan and am super motivated. My little girl wants to go to college in my hometown so i am moving home in a couple years to buy land and build her a cabin to live in while shes attending. I can't do that if I'm not healthy. One of the first steps in recovering my health is growing something to feel good about. I am also currently overhauling my grow space to be disabled friendly. I have back surgery in the near future and need to make sure I can handle my garden with one arm while scooting around on a wheeled mechanics stool with a 10 lb max lifting capacity for about six weeks. If anyone has any tips for making chores easier I'd love to hear about them. Id like to use the making chores easier question as my first post but am still learning about where topics go and all that jazz. I think I'm doing this right, say hi, a little about what you're up to and touch on what projects you have on the burner yah? Future plans: grow some scary strong indicas for myself, find some good seeds for males to put all cutting onlys down to seed. That way I CAN take em with me. It'll be my first seed run. Gonna be a blast!!!! Thanks for all the Info I've picked up over the years. Peace and love to all. Hope you like the pic. It's a landrace afg from hand carried seed.


happy holidays and welcome to the farm :)


Hi Oregonak,, Welcome to the Farm.. Peace and love to you too!!
Happy Holidays and what a beautiful plant you shared with us..

Best of luck


Hi all! Not really sure where the proper section for this question/comment/observation/rant is so I'll try here. Ive been a compliant ommp patient/grower/caretaker for many years. I have grown some absolutely terrible meds, and have grown some of the best meds I've ever had. When dispensaries became legal in Oregon it seemed like progress was being made. It was nice to think that patients would have a safe place to obtain good quality meds at a fair reimbursement. Most folks seem a little fuzzy on the definition of reimbursement. When I first began doing this with success I used #5 nursery pots with loose flock rockwool hand watered from the top dtw. At that time a bail of wool was 38 dollars. I used light manufacturing company house brand nutrients called golden grow. It cost 10 dollars for a one pound box. One box per month for three plants in veg under a 1k mh. Bloom required about one and a half pounds for approx six weeks of feeding. A twelve week cycle yielded just over one lb. Which at that time was considerably over the limit. Consequently I ended up giving away a lot of meds. In veg I would supplement with some powdered maxicrop and super thrive. In bloom they would get 50 ppm of some Peruvian bat guano at 3-4 weeks. The end result was good hydro. What I call Budweiser. Don't get me wrong there is some really good budweiser, but a well grown chemical Budweiser is pale by comparison to a well grown organic microbrew. My drawn out point is that most medical dispensaries are plum full of overpriced crap. It seems like people are still excited about the whole buying at a shop experience and aren't demanding quality. Or maybe they've never had good meds and just don't know any better. Like i said before ive grown some of the worst and some of the best ive ever had. Most shops carry mostly c grade at best. Stay away from the pre rolls. Ever break one of those open? Several places use the prerolls as garbage disposals. At ten dollars plus a piece thats robbery. Can anyone direct me to a proven dispensary? I have been to several dozen and can't say that one has been completely satisfactory. My most recent bummer disp visit was stony only farms in clackamas off 224. The people were nice. The flowers looked pretty rough. I went after viewing their menu on leafly that had been recently updated. I went specifically to purchase p-91 and pit bull seeds. According to the menu they were in stock. They had neither. The only example they had of the two was pit bull, which was not grown by them. It should have been embarrassing to show someone. It looked and smell like something that had been hiding under a couch cushion for a year. I asked them why they would even show it to people considering the shape it was in. Its just that those are their strains. One would think that they would choose to show no example as opposed to one that might prevent a purchase. While trying to mentally digest the situation I got frustrated, said thank you and goodbye and left. This one was a real bummer. Id been reading up on localy available genetics for a few weeks and had decided on the p91 and pit bull. Both very strong pure indicas. Does anyone local know a source for the p91 and pb seeds? Please everybody, we can change this. Stop buying bad, overpriced pot! If we continue to support the efforts of unscrupulous businesses then that is what we will have. me out on being spoiled butt hole if that is the case. I may be a little negative right now. My almost 14 year old girl dogs kidneys have failed. It's kind of eating me. She been through a lot with me. Only woman that puts up with all my crap. But yeah, anyways. Stop buying bad pot!!!


Living dead girl
Welcome to the farm. May I suggest that you break up the text into paragraphs? That makes for much easier reading and parsing.

I cannot tell you where to find those genetics, but I do have some tips for bad back gardening. You've got the stool, now you'll also need to make certain you've got room to get around in there. I suggest growing in a sea of green, no larger than 2gal pots. I can get 16 1-2gal pots under each 600W light, which is over each 3'x3' tray.

I also suggest getting a sump pump and watering wand with valves on both ends. This makes feeding and watering a WORLD easier, lots less bending over and such, and depending on the quality of the watering wand it's one thumb to turn it on and off.

I also suggest getting everything UP off the floor as much as possible, for me that is key to being able to complete my garden duties. If I have to do much of anything in a stooped position I'm hobbling for days and usually can't finish what I've set out to do.
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

Stop buying bad, overpriced pot!
Budweiser being the #1 selling beer wasn't enough proof enough that a lot of us Americans have horrible taste?
I mean eagles and freedom and heck yeah 'Merica!

Sorry to hear about your pups though, that's tough


I vend at cannadaddies sometimes.
They do have some bomb in there.
It's always nice when a couple dispensaries have a fight to get my stuff.
The place on 39th and Gladstone that is open 24 hours gets some straight fire too.


Thank you all for the tips and support. Akstoner, where abouts are you up there? I spent my first eighteen years in the interior. I'll be back up there in the next year or two. Can't wait to get home.
Seamaiden, I will do my best to break things up. It's just that I think in long, drawn out run on sentences so that's how it comes out. I will try.
I do have a stool and sump pump/hose/ wand set up. It did make a world of difference. I would love to do a sea of green. Unfortunately in Oregon that would make me non compliant. I have my card and one other so I can have 12 mature.
Currently I am remodeling. Trying to spread out the workload. Almost done with the framing and wiring. Two 8Lx9Wx5'10"H bloom rooms with 4k each and a 2k veg room. I'll post pics in the next few days.
Something to note: I spent the last three months mostly horizontal and my back feels great. I was scheduled for surgery in Dec last year. I went by myself, was having a bad day, let fight or flight get the best of me and fled the hospital. I felt kind of silly, little embarrassed. Here I am a month later wondering if I even need the surgery. According to the doc it was really, really bad. I was ordered to bed, no lifting, and here's a few hundred mg's of oxy and morphine a day. Now it seems I just needed rest. Grrrrr!
Smoky503ski, I will try cannadaddies. I am late to the races on this part due to some personal time off. But i am up again and running! I have had a few places chase me to my car after showing them what was in my pocket. Most places seemed like used car lots that lowball all the good guys. A pearls to swine type of situation.
Does anyone know what the taxation is looking like for that scene? I'd like to be a part of the industry doing something I love while helping people and paying taxes.
Off subject, i have some strains im trying to clean up. All of these i carried since about 2002-2003. My brother has been carrying them for me since my life got bumpy with the divorce a few years back. Unfortunately he's got the broad mites. Ive been holding off on bringing them home for lack of wanting to deal with the broads. But I miss my girls and want to preserve them through seeds. I've got a bottle of avid and some ogbiowar foliar that I'm hoping will clean em up. I have a 4x4 tent in my bedroom for quarantine and can give the first application before bringing them inside. All avid will be applied outside the house not in the bedroom. My concern is being able to keep them contained to the tent and not letting them find their way to the uninfected garden in the basement. ( i plan to shower and tyvek up before entering the basement) Once the broads are eliminated I plan to chuck a little pollen. Here is a pick of the blue mango male that will be the dad. The females are: og kush, new York city sour diesel, Bobby b's sellwood thunder, my all time favorite frosted flakes and a couple of other oldies I miss. The og and the d have a great story. In 2002 I lived out in canby OR on a Christmas tree farm. One day in early April I woke and could see snow on the peaks of the coastal range. Being the odd fellow I am I grabbed my snowboard and gear and went to find that snow. A few miles down i5 south I picked up a hitch hiker. I told him I didn't really have a destination but could likely take him wherever he needed to be. To shorten this story a little I'll skip to: right about the time im thinking I'm about to get robbed and left naked in the woods we come to a house. He goes inside and gets his friend to meet me. Out walks a medium height crusty looking hippie wearing American flag suspenders and American flag welders cap. He motioned for me to get out of the truck and I approached him. "My friend here tells me you have some medicine" I nodded yes. He asked to see it. Pours out the contents of the film canister in his hand, gives it a peak and a sniff. "Well, it smells real". With that he turned and returned to the building and said come on in. Once inside I about had a premature ejaculation. Wall to wall bongs!!! Multiple lathes and kilns. He had somehow ended up with a bunch of jerome bakers equip after operation pipe dreams took him out. For the next few years I frequented that barn in the coastal range. I would sit and watch him blow and we would talk for hours. He gifted me the d and the og. At that time hardly anybody had heard of either. The og story was that the cut had come directly from snoops grower. Truth or not I don't know or really care. It's a good story.
The sellwood thunder is a cross Bobby b made. It's atf crossed with a strain local to sellwood grown by one of bobbies friends since the late 70's. She's a massive plant with practically no smell for a hard hitting indica.
I don't think anyone here knows the frosted flakes. She's old. At least 30 yrs in cutting form. She saved a friends dads life due to the devastating potency that encouraged a 3 am er visit that turned into an emergency triple by pass. She is the only strain I've had that kills any kind of nausea/diarrhea discomfort. She hasn't been tested yet but she was crossed with an ak-47 cut last year. The plants from that cross are hitting around 28% thc. Canna man farms in Vancouver is running one under the name morning frost or morning ice. So I am expecting the ff mom to test on the high side. Sorry for the book everybody, I don't get out much these days and this is a much needed distraction. Update on the white dog: last night we had a sleep over with the ex wife and the kids. She is so much more comfortable being there with all of us together. Till next time, peace love and hippie poo
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Happy days to all. I have been trying to set up a filtered fresh air intake for the new rooms and have a few questions for anyone with active intakes. I've always run high cfm pushing through the hoods and passive intake to keep the smell manageable.

My questions are, is it better to have the filter at the point of entry from outside? Or place the filter in the room. Also is it better to push through or pull through the filter. I've seen some diy boxes using plywood and weather stripping that utilize home furnace filters from home depot.

There is a local place that specializes in custom fittings for HVAC. It's called diy HVAC. I'm going to take a sketch in tomorrow to get a quote. Thinking of getting the biggest high end filter they have at the depot and having the diy place make a box that I can weatherstrip and fix to plywood that is screwed to the window frame with latches for replacing the filters that exits with an 8" flange. All depends on what they want to charge me.

Had a suggestion of blowing the fresh intake air through a carbon filter. That didn't sound up to par to me but I dont know.

I have been told to use insulated ducting from point of entry to growing area to prevent condensation.

Does anyone know of a graph or any kind of info regarding the cfm ratings of commonly available furnace filters. I looked on the packages and didn't see any. The fans used are 8" at 745/cfm.

Thanks in advance for any kernels.
Og Gong

Og Gong

Rip Geologic
Welcome to the farm buddy.

My questions are, is it better to have the filter at the point of entry from outside? Or place the filter in the room. Also is it better to push through or pull through the filter.
I like to have my intake filter and intake fan outside grow space. And pull air through the filter.

Does anyone know of a graph or any kind of info regarding the cfm ratings of commonly available furnace filters. I looked on the packages and didn't see any. The fans used are 8" at 745/cfm.
Are you wanting to go from square to round so you can use a box filter on the intake and adapt to a round 8"duct?


Thanks for the quick reply og. Yes it will go from the square window frame to 8" round. Two 8" inlines feeding one room each. Each room has a matching 8" with a carbon filter. I'm hoping the restrictions from the intake filter will about match the restrictions of the carbon. There are four air cooled hoods with and 8" moving air through them. The exhaust duct from the hoods points at the carbon filter so that when the exhaust kicks on the hot air being blown at the filter is exhausted. I have built boxes around the carbon filter with flanges for this purpose but am gonna try without it and see what happens. Hoping the active vs passive intake will be enough to keep the room cool. The carbon filter exhausts through the chimney.

I know the air through the hoods seems a little meh but the cielings are less than six feet. By mid bloom the canopy is within 18" of the glass.
I'd try bare bulb but am not sure I can manage the heat without ac. It is fairly cool in Portland for the next few months and the rooms will have an active filtered intake?

Also wasn't sure what would be the optimum layout for lights on a 4 lamp bare bulb. Most 4 lamp grows I could find utilize a tiered grow with many plants. I do one plant per light.
I will likely layout like usuall with the air cooled hoods. If anyone thinks I can keep it cool with bare using existing equipment I may give it a go.

Hope all are well on this beautiful day!


Couple pics. Estimating another week to dry run. Still lots to keep me busy. Think I've settled on the dust shrooms for intake due to the clean and re use factor. Phresh has an 8x16 that's rated at 750cfm for about the same price that cannot be reused.
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Hello all. Ommp here finally stepping out of the shadows to learn from others and possibly share what I have learned. Had lights on for 10 years nonstopView attachment 557107 . After a divorce i have had some instability but have still managed some grows, just didnt have my head in it. I now have a plan and am super motivated. My little girl wants to go to college in my hometown so i am moving home in a couple years to buy land and build her a cabin to live in while shes attending. I can't do that if I'm not healthy. One of the first steps in recovering my health is growing something to feel good about. I am also currently overhauling my grow space to be disabled friendly. I have back surgery in the near future and need to make sure I can handle my garden with one arm while scooting around on a wheeled mechanics stool with a 10 lb max lifting capacity for about six weeks. If anyone has any tips for making chores easier I'd love to hear about them. Id like to use the making chores easier question as my first post but am still learning about where topics go and all that jazz. I think I'm doing this right, say hi, a little about what you're up to and touch on what projects you have on the burner yah? Future plans: grow some scary strong indicas for myself, find some good seeds for males to put all cutting onlys down to seed. That way I CAN take em with me. It'll be my first seed run. Gonna be a blast!!!! Thanks for all the Info I've picked up over the years. Peace and love to all. Hope you like the pic. It's a landrace afg from hand carried seed.
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