Looking for amateurs

  • Thread starter Crabgrassfarms
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I’ve never been to or lived in a state that sold weed that you could buy at store.

It sounds like a dream come true to a kid 14 year old that started smoking about ‘84

I’m in my 50s now and it’s still illegal here! fuck ‘em 😍🤩✌️
Me either bro, and yes, fuck ‘em mightily, my state needs to get its head out of its ass…..


When I was young medical marijuana wasn't even thought of as a tactic for legalization, that I was aware of in the 70s. I thought it would go legal as any other fruit or vegetable, or the worst being a liquor store type set-up. When states saw how much revenue could be made the "moral" objections melted away, didn't they.
I live in Maryland where recreational marijuana will kick in 1 July with only 2 plants per household, which is absurd, bit I grow indoors.
To get back more on the subject, the price for products have gone down a bit here. When shops first opened $60 an 1/8th was the price, but fortunately all shops give us veterans a discount of like 21%. Now what some call "premium" still goes $50 or so.
To continue my ranting I am equally disturbed by the developing interstate business as well. I think each state should keep their business and profits in the state. My state has plenty of shops and competition, we don't need carpetbaggers coming from other states, and I am sure many of you all feel the same.
There is a word no one uses anymore that was quite common in the marijuana culture, "anti-establishment", now my loved culture has become the establishment.
I am going to use my current lights until they quit, I am not going to buy new lights because some new manufacturer gives out a thousand lights as promotions with the obligations that come with them. Of course these new lights have a trace more purple or green to run the last two weeks of budding. I am exaggerating of course but I think I am making my point. It is the same with seeds, more companies are producing seeds with a million new strains a week to drive sales.
Well thanks for listening and I will end as I started, I am just a misfit and not slamming this site.


I’ve never been to or lived in a state that sold weed that you could buy at store.

It sounds like a dream come true to a kid 14 year old that started smoking about ‘84

I’m in my 50s now and it’s still illegal here! fuck ‘em 😍🤩✌️
Although not legal, for me, until 1 July, I had three in pots I moved outside and they were stolen in a week.


I been growing deep in mountains as boy and many years indoor.

Commercialization has fucked someone like me....drove prices down, watered down genetics, and now everybody whos got a tent and a youtube channel are giving advice?

Even if it did become legal in my state, i couldbt get no license nor would i want one.

Paying damn government to grow something i got a god given right too.

I used to sub out work to greenhouse ops...i dont even do that no more. Aint no fun no more,


Fifty years ago, I was 21 and managed to plant some seeds. It sure would have been nice to have a forum like this back then. The plants grew and I was happy. At the time, I didn't know a bud from a fan leaf, though.

Legal recreational marijuana isn't what I expected it to be. That's for sure! In some ways it's better and in some ways it's not. I like the broad range of products. I didn't come close to imagining how product development would expand. I also didn't expect the popularity of cannabis stores. They're just about everywhere here in Washington State.

Commercial enterprise hasn't detracted from the joy of growing my own. It's even more enjoyable when I can do it legally and not have to worry about trouble with the law. I'm surprised to find so many products for indoor growers. I suppose I shouldn't be, however. Folks have been trying to grow it in a controlled environment for that same fifty years.

Growing food crops under lights at commercial scale is beginning, too. That's slowly becoming a major industry. Soon, every city will have factory food growing facilities. Future historians will look backward and understand that indoor-grown crops began with marijuana.
Being from Minnesota I am curious what this new law will bring to the state. I’m just excited to start my first grow in August and this forum has so far been very helpful!


Being from Minnesota I am curious what this new law will bring to the state. I’m just excited to start my first grow in August and this forum has so far been very helpful!
Congratulations! The end of this prohibition is glorious. The laws, however, are quite different in each state where it's legal. Will growing be legal according to your new law?


I been growing deep in mountains as boy and many years indoor.

Commercialization has fucked someone like me....drove prices down, watered down genetics, and now everybody whos got a tent and a youtube channel are giving advice?

Even if it did become legal in my state, i couldbt get no license nor would i want one.

Paying damn government to grow something i got a god given right too.

I used to sub out work to greenhouse ops...i dont even do that no more. Aint no fun no more,
You are so fucking right. More space is wasted here with product names as well as blown-up photos of labels, directions and shit. I wonder what the rules are to hype these products, I mean does the product name and producer have to be mentioned every other paragraph. One that caught my attention was a mention of the high quality of the seed seller before the plant barely got out of germination.
The bottom line is I believe nothing in product reviews and appraisals because their is no credibility. I will believe someone who bought the product and offers an opinion, but when they are supplied for free, not many look a gift horse in the mouth.
There are not many reasons to produce 1,000 supposed new "strains" everyday, other than to drive sales of seeds up. So often the term "bag seeds" is used in a derogatory manner for seeds found in dispensary purchases. I have a 4X8 with "8 bag weed Amnesia OG (3) and Poochie Love (5) whose mothers rated 41% and they are beautiful at 6 weeks veg.
Good God almighty, one will find any and all opinions on YouTube. If everyone agreed to anything more here than that the plants need water and light, it would be frightening to me.
I wish everyone the best of harvests, no matter how they got there.
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Being from Minnesota I am curious what this new law will bring to the state. I’m just excited to start my first grow in August and this forum has so far been very helpful!
There is great information available here and folks ready to help.
Not knowing what your method will be, indoors or out, urban or suburban, and all that, take it slow unless you are a gardener in a previous life. Too late for outside to start?


The only thing legalization destroyed was the black market. But don’t tell that to the cartels.
Yep, it also will crush every small craft grower in existence. Good for the personal grower when said state permit personal recreational growing for sure, but for the industry as a whole it's bad, regulations laws always regulate the small craft quality ones out of busines, leaving the big BS ones to dictate the market with their marketing BS and the very known old ways of doing business. You watch, next 10 years how much of the industry will be owned by that same 4-5 huge groups of pos as usual, they will buy everything and control the market, and laws, to perpetrate them in this industry forever, leaving the small to slowly die with taxes, rules and permits prices that no average company could pay.

Always like that
The Big fishes regulates, pass laws, and eat all the small fish in the next decades.
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The only thing legalization destroyed was the black market. But don’t tell that to the cartels.
I am one who has left "alternative" markets, but I also received a "cautionary" type letter from the USPS about a questionable package and whether I wished to continue delivery. Fast Eddie still lives around the corner though and cheaper.
I don't know what the deal is, no pun intended, for younger folks and med. weed qualification and whether it is harder to get.
I am way out of touch with that group, but would bet they still cop off-legal.


If the small craft grower can’t supply the demand, then that is the way it is. There is a huge demand for it now and it needs to be met. The small craft breweries have adjusted and managed to survive. Maybe the small craft growers have to reinvent their strategy! But there is always the possibility of the government subsidizing them if they can’t! Most of this crap doesn’t apply to us home growers anyway. The days of making a living off of it I have long since passed. But if you grow decent shit and know if you people you can still make your money back and may be a few bucks on the side.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
And money aside, by far the biggest benefit is that there are a lot less people sitting in jail for participating in it. Unfortunately, it took a lot of people to sit in jail to affect this change.
Preach, I know waaaay too many heads who earned their wings the hard way. Imo, these are the saints of the movement. Especially the ones who got out like a day never passed. I salute you crazy bastards!


And are still earning them in your neck of the woods! It will happen someday there. But until then someone will pay the price so people can bellyache about it being legal! It might even happen in Australia in three or four generations! Lol!


And are still earning them in your neck of the woods! It will happen someday there. But until then someone will pay the price so people can bellyache about it being legal! It might even happen in Australia in three or four generations! Lol!
Gee thanx for the sly kick of the Aussie mate Fair dinkum😂 we have medical now at 3-400$ an ounce that’s progress right🤷‍♂️ Oh nah I forgot if your a politician or family living in Canberra u can grow up to 2 plants per person per house outdoor only but everywhere else nah😂😂👍


Fuck yeah it is. I didn’t know that. That’s a good sign that public opinion maybe changing. And that’s what it takes. And it’s people like you that will help drive the movement! And captain Spaulding, and whoever else lives in an illegal place! And me, for that matter. I grow in an illegal county in California! If it was legal, I probably wouldn’t even grow it! Ha ha ha!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
And are still earning them in your neck of the woods! It will happen someday there. But until then someone will pay the price so people can bellyache about it being legal! It might even happen in Australia in three or four generations! Lol!
Oh believe you me I’m still dodging that stupid bullet on the regular. I sure hope the aussies get their day in the sun too man.

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