man dies cleaning up marijuana in park...cartels giving us a bad rep.....

  • Thread starter clockworx
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marijuana grows are looked at like they are toxic waste plants its crazy how they paint tht picture for the masses, its as big a lie as the reefer madness shit

Read the article again. It's not the plants themselves, it's the toxic chemicals, INCLUDING PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES, many of which are illegal for use in this country.

2,4 D is nasty, environmentally persistent shit that almost wiped out a whole class of our apex predators in this country, including the bald eagle.

Yes, many if not most of the large scale grows on national forest property ARE cartels, not all of which are Mexican.

The more of my hard earned tax dollars they use to go after this particular bunch of environmental terrorists, the better I like it!

Got a problem with that? Legalize it, so it isn't as cost effective to ruin our country's last few wild places.


These fuckin scumbags let millions of americans eat that pork after drenching the pigs in fucking pesticides and shooting them up with all that shit and the only regulation is "as long as the animal can walk its edible" ooooo my pool of pig shit so toxic people die from the fumes, and if you fall in your instantly dead...hahahananananana SHHHEEEESSSHHH WOWZERS. YIKES.....thats same water overflows and seeps into the towns water......and we are destroying the,, that was the nastiest shit I've ever read....but at least the owners safe in his 50 million dollar park have estate ....that's what matters


These fuckin scumbags let millions of americans eat that pork after drenching the pigs in fucking pesticides and shooting them up with all that shit and the only regulation is "as long as the animal can walk its edible" ooooo my pool of pig shit so toxic people die from the fumes, and if you fall in your instantly dead...hahahananananana SHHHEEEESSSHHH WOWZERS. YIKES.....thats same water overflows and seeps into the towns water......and we are destroying the,, that was the nastiest shit I've ever read....but at least the owners safe in his 50 million dollar park have estate ....that's what matters

This is all legal according to the congress you vote in. We even have the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts to go after them with, but we allow corporate interests to influence our political process- and then we pretend to be surprised with the results!


This is all legal according to the congress you vote in. We even have the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts to go after them with, but we allow corporate interests to influence our political process- and then we pretend to be surprised with the results!

You read my post and liked it so you know where I stand.....but yea....did you read the pork link I posted......I don't think ANYONE knows its that bad.....I was shocked to read that....I'm from brooklyn and have never been to a pig farm....


This is all legal according to the congress you vote in. We even have the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts to go after them with, but we allow corporate interests to influence our political process- and then we pretend to be surprised with the results!
The problem is that its to late and people in this country are not unified, they love the fact that we look at our fellow man as black, white, this, that ,,,,it keeps us are a bunch of weak, materialistic, american groups going to fight a bunch of billion dollar empires.....they just pay the fines and keep it moving...and we continue to buy their products or use their services......until we can come together as one america and stand strong we will never win


The problem is that its to late and people in this country are not unified, they love the fact that we look at our fellow man as black, white, this, that ,,,,it keeps us are a bunch of weak, materialistic, american groups going to fight a bunch of billion dollar empires.....they just pay the fines and keep it moving...and we continue to buy their products or use their services......until we can come together as one america and stand strong we will never win

Educating ourselves and one another is the first step. What were doing now is valuable. What next?


Living dead girl
Clockworx, this is conventional, aka CAFO production. All CAFO production animals are treated in generally the same manner. So, along with the pork you can toss out the beef, chicken, and turkey.

Or, go with organically produced meats.


Clockworx, this is conventional, aka CAFO production. All CAFO production animals are treated in generally the same manner. So, along with the pork you can toss out the beef, chicken, and turkey.

Or, go with organically produced meats.

I don't eat much meat now, after reading that I'll never eat it again. That is disgusting !!! and I'm willing to bet money that the owner would never est one of those pigs....who would have thought that Jeffrey Dahmer was eating healthier them us....


What people need to stop doing is leaveing there trash in the woods so these fucktards can't bitch about it.

Well said sir. First thing your Mommy or Daddy or "Caregiver" should beat into your head as a child is "CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF, NOBODY IS YOUR MAID"

Idiots Idiots Idiots.


How much fossil fuel do they burn every time that heli fires up to go looking for a spot to clean up? And each person that is on it, how much do they add to the problem they are on a "crusade" to correct when they drive multiple SUVs to their fucking important cleanup job?

I dunno. I am beginning to think that even those that try to "do good" are doing it just to be seen by someone else they want a kudos or pat on the back from. Is there anyone that intelligently goes about a cause? Are all humans just total fucking retards?

Fuck..... Am I one of the retarded as well? WTF people.


Living dead girl
Meh, as far as I'm concerned we're bizzy munkees. We're fascinating, but we still pick our noses and asses and do really, REALLY weird things. Comes with the hairless ape territory.
Oregon Grown

Oregon Grown

How much fossil fuel do they burn every time that heli fires up to go looking for a spot to clean up? And each person that is on it, how much do they add to the problem they are on a "crusade" to correct when they drive multiple SUVs to their fucking important cleanup job?

I dunno. I am beginning to think that even those that try to "do good" are doing it just to be seen by someone else they want a kudos or pat on the back from. Is there anyone that intelligently goes about a cause? Are all humans just total fucking retards?

Fuck..... Am I one of the retarded as well? WTF people.

I for one am glad someone tries to clean up after some of these grows. In my opinion the people leaving this garbage behind are doing a much bigger disservice then those trying to stop it. I highly doubt that driving or flying in to clean up some of these grows is causing more harm then it helps. I don't know how you get around but I live in a rural area and it usually requires driving to get where I need to go.


I for one am glad someone tries to clean up after some of these grows. In my opinion the people leaving this garbage behind are doing a much bigger disservice then those trying to stop it. I highly doubt that driving or flying in to clean up some of these grows is causing more harm then it helps. I don't know how you get around but I live in a rural area and it usually requires driving to get where I need to go.

I know, I was being facetious for the most part. Just pointing out that we are just chasing our tails. My post before that really sums up what I think about it. Everyone should just clean up after them damn selves.

And if I misused "facetious" I apologize. It was the word that felt about right when describing my humor on the matter. Maybe Snarky???? I dunno. I need a dab.


Living dead girl
I still think that, by and large, humans are tards.
I for one am glad someone tries to clean up after some of these grows. In my opinion the people leaving this garbage behind are doing a much bigger disservice then those trying to stop it. I highly doubt that driving or flying in to clean up some of these grows is causing more harm then it helps. I don't know how you get around but I live in a rural area and it usually requires driving to get where I need to go.

I don't disagree that IF there's a grow that is that dirty it should be cleaned up. However, let's be fair. How many clean-ups are occurring when a farmer overdoses his fields with (fill in the potion of your choice)? There's no way to clean up spray drift, so I guess that's a non-starter. But I think a good point is made regarding the helicopter. How come we can have all these river clean-ups (locally) that don't require a helicopter? Driving in is one thing, but going for the chopper action is flashy and so much more fun. Until someone gets dropped.
Oregon Grown

Oregon Grown

For every disagreeable action you can find an example of something else some people will find more offensive but it doesn't lessen the effects of the first. I guess we can be fair and consider any activity ok because somewhere something worse is being done.


Living dead girl
That's not what *I'm* saying at all. I'm saying that we should also care about this other stuff, because it has a far greater, wider, and deeper impact than the weed does. Yet, because it's so widespread, it's just accepted.


If you're on the N Sierra Nevada west slope, the land you're standing on was completely denuded and reshaped by hydraulic mining. The magnitude of this devastation truly is incomprehensible. The sediments were washed down the Sacramento River and began filling in San Francisco Bay to such a degree that people became alarmed, resulting in some of our country's first environmental regulations.

People are happy to go swing by the Home Depot parking lot and get some Mexicans to do work for them. But if some amigos decide to grow some pot in the woods and make a little money everyone screams CARTELS!. In the mid seventies exploring through the brush I encountered many old grow sites. There's nothing new under the sun.


Well the rapid growth of humans in this country is creating demand for products that these company's manufacture. In no way do I support the hiring of illegal workers and just because some people "pick up mexicans at home depot" does not make it acceptable, the people doing such things are taking jobs from americans that are here legally, and the includes mexicans.


Living dead girl
If you're on the N Sierra Nevada west slope, the land you're standing on was completely denuded and reshaped by hydraulic mining. The magnitude of this devastation truly is incomprehensible. The sediments were washed down the Sacramento River and began filling in San Francisco Bay to such a degree that people became alarmed, resulting in some of our country's first environmental regulations.

People are happy to go swing by the Home Depot parking lot and get some Mexicans to do work for them. But if some amigos decide to grow some pot in the woods and make a little money everyone screams CARTELS!. In the mid seventies exploring through the brush I encountered many old grow sites. There's nothing new under the sun.

BEST fucking post in a minute. I wish I could drive down to my local Lowe's and find someone who is willing and able to actually do work for me. We've finally found a guy who's reliable and a hard-worker, and he's always booked up!

Dagwood, I've seen some old archival pix of the area, it does look like it was logged heavily in the 19th century, but according to county records hydraulic mining wasn't used in the particular section of the county I'm in (insufficient water flow, perhaps?). We did, however, have to sign a disclaimer when we bought our property stating that this is mining country, and people have been digging mines for over a century that no one has mapped, so if something bad happens, tough titty. It happened a few years ago up in El Dorado Co, after some really hard rains. Man was standing in his living room talking to his 8mo pregnant wife, and WHOOSH! The living room floor just opened up and swallowed him alive. Turned out to be an old mine some 49r had dug out that no one knew about. I just said, "Damn....!"

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