Marijuana Tracking Program

  • Thread starter Bud Spleefman
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expect this to happen more if prop 19 passes

tax, regulation of cannabis act
sky high

sky high

Like I said, there's quite a difference in what's Actually goin on, semi approved and what the law says. Money talks.

Same as it ever was :fubar
Same as it ever was :fubar
Same as it ever was :fubar
same as it ever was :fubar

Read the law, laugh, and do as you please because it is ALL illegal. Make it while ya can!

I seriously doubt the folks blowin' it up in a huge way who hold all 3 licenses are all that worried about STATE law, especially @ this point in time when State enforcement is damn near nil on all fronts.

@ least one dispensaries here is setting up houses as fast as the hydro store can bring in the equipment....all in an effort to grow as much supply off-the-books as they can BEFORE the inspections and shit get rolling in full force.
Any product they can't move here they are sending out of state.

From what my inside sources tell me, they are hiring 18-25 year olds who are dying to get in the industry for $15 cash per hour + a small percentage of the harvest to run these grow houses.

so the shenanigans continue.... but don't none of you <patients> even think about selling any bags cus..well...that is illegal!

wot a mess....

s h
true grit

true grit

Exactly....lemme put it this way- I know people with warehouses, that have gotten the actual OK from the state to get crankin....hella scrutinous to get there, then it was just an- "ok, youre good to go, if anyone other than the (state inspector) shows call them- cuz no one else can harass ya..."

And like you said- there are dispensaries still runnin houses, still buyin from cg's- on and off the books, buyin off books and moving product elsewhere...etc...
true grit

true grit

expect this to happen more if prop 19 passes

tax, regulation of cannabis act

From what ive heard thats not too likely to go thru... Plenty of anti prop 19 support and info out there now. Along with the churches now lobbying against it....

And if it does, it will create two seperate markets- legal and med. So let the med market value shoot up, when everybody thinks they are gonna get good bud from their own closet or joe blow.


Exactly....lemme put it this way- I know people with warehouses, that have gotten the actual OK from the state to get crankin....hella scrutinous to get there, then it was just an- "ok, youre good to go, if anyone other than the (state inspector) shows call them- cuz no one else can harass ya..."

And like you said- there are dispensaries still runnin houses, still buyin from cg's- on and off the books, buyin off books and moving product elsewhere...etc...

There will always be a criminal element to every industry, some thicker than others...I mean compare the automotive repair industry and waste management with the companies that make children's books or toys or some crap... the latter will have less corruption, but man, I saw a toy warehouse in LA go down for a link to one of Mexico's biggest heroin busts... Now, my point is, my wife is 50% owner of an MMC in Steamboat, I'm the operations supervisor, our other owner is a grower with another fellow. We have NO REASON to buy our meds from anyone besides other MMC's that we have always worked closely with. The new laws are absolute bullshit, don't get me wrong. We saw the benefit that came with the M.I.P.'s License. I went to the DOR & met personally with Matt Cook. When I look at someone's wrinkly paperwork and trust that the person REALLY has been waiting 8months for their card and that they weren't denied along the way....I sell this person meds possibly at the "peril" of our business if this person is full if crap and there is no way for me to verify a damn thing about anything. Do I want all the people to be fingerprinted? NO. But, I also, don't want to be in a situation where the DOR and the MED can set me up and fuck me.

my 2cents

Natural Choice ~ Steamboat Springs
sky high

sky high

Everyone involved in this "industry" is considered "criminal element"...because EVERY DAMN BIT of the "law" the State cooked up (1284 and A20 too) is in direct violation of Federal law. 1284 is one SERIOUS flip of the bird @ the none.

I find it insane, sad, and completely against the historic "laws" of growing that those who paid out the nose to the State think they are somehow protected above and beyond or have any sort of elevated "right" over any other person selling marijuana if they follow a set of "laws' set by the State that are so fuckin illegal it truly ISN'T funny to think about.

C'mon.....a patient with a wrinkled card is the LEAST of your worries. No patient walking through the door can/has set you up as badly and as easily as you set yourself up by giving away personal/private info to the Federal Gov't and admitting in writing that you are Manufacturing a Schedule 1 controlled substance in direct violation of Federal Law.

wot a mess...

s h



Let'em come.



~Mental Note: Sky High is paranoid.
sky high

sky high

20 years ago when I had my ass hangin out Federally like all of you (OK, without giving them my info, which is why i'm writing this from home and not prison) I was paranoid and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

these days I'm so far down on the ladder I'm pretty sure I'll see a buncha folks falling off and whizzing by on the way down before they ever think of coming for me.

I'm sleepin much better since 1284 established the pecking order. Thank you for taking a position a few rungs above me! LOL.

~Mental note: Never ask to let them come. Always remember the times they came >without invitation< and how much fun it was seeing them!


Sky,'s all good, believe me. The local law boys stop by every now & then... make sure alls good. I got nothin to hide my brotha. I feel ya bout the rungs on the ladder tho, there are many others climbing this ladder above US..... Don't fool yourself. You're on the ladder too.

Glad to meet you.

sky high

sky high

I stepped on the ladder as patient #700 in March 2004 when the ladder was the same height for all patients. Damn I sure do miss those days.:sick0004:

Have some good friends up that way who moved there right after college in '80 and have been there ever since. @ the time most of the condos at the base of the hill were bank owned and cheap as fuck and we were damn close to calling the place home ourselves until better opportunities arose a bit farther south.:bubblez: Sure did a lot of partyin/shroomin at Strawberry Park in the day...

fun town, fer sure. :icon_spin: Be safe

s h


I live in one of those condos at the base of the mountain, I've watch it's value go up, then it came right back down. I was a couple years after you on the ole registry and yes... I miss the old days too. But, we try our best to make our MMC different than the rest. Strawberry Park is a gem on the earth. I love that place. I love SS. It's fantastic. I'm ready to :character0180: the slopes on some pow pow, but the :sun2: has me wondering if it's gona snow at all this year....I'm sure it is.....just ready for it. :itwasntme
sky high

sky high

I've seen the entire gamut in Steamboat as far as snowfall goes. In Dec '79 there was so little snow they had bales of hay sey up in the maze to ski on and get on the frickin chair.
A couple of places there was plywood set up so you could cross the frickin creek that was running down the middle of the run....

A year later we were there for NYE...already a >100 inch< base....and we hit like 4 days of straight pow....the deepest day it snowed 36" overnight and it was their largest 24 hour toal EVER at the time. Problem was...after the front went through there was a temperature inversion...-35F at the bottom...0F at the top. Brutal shit. Colder as you went DOWN.....but the snow was waist deep everywhere and because they were blasting/etc there were rope drops all day long and freshies for all.

dunno when ya bought yer place...but there wasn't anyhting above 150K on the entire hill. My friends bought their first 2 bedroom 2 bath place in Ski times Square for 32K in '80. We were inches from signing/buying a 3/3 Yampa View condo for 45K that was right next to the run...

crazy shit...

s h


Good times in the 'boat.....things have changed.

Come see.

:scared0016: <that what I do sometimes! LMAO
sky high

sky high

We've seen a lot of changes here in 25+ years, real estate values being just one of those changes.

I've only stepped foot in a couple of dispensaries since all of this began. I'd forgotten what it's like to actually BUY weed and it didn't take long to figure out I'd go broke if i had to medicate via such a route. An eight is just a couple of joints worth here...LOL. BAM. Gone!

BTW...the snow will be here before ya know it. Hopefully the nice weather will hang around a bit cus all the early stuff is just a pain/melts anyway...

be well

s h


I hear ya guys.... Not sure how people do it. But, they do... They pile in every day. I couldn't either. They spend ALOT of money. But, we are about 20% under the average retail prices of front range centers and we give our patients free meds monthly, so that helps some of the ones who DON'T use very much daily. But, I hear ya. It's insanity.


I am not sure how they think this 'Seed to Sale' tracking going to curb reselling by patients.

I suppose if someone was in buying 2z's/day, and the sales are now recorded, some might think twice about doing it, but we are talking about a government agency here...

I think the only ones capable of 'tracking' like that is the DEA. They do it all the time with various prescription meds(Oxy), animal meds(K), steroids, etc. Even then, the flow through the clinic has to be pretty high to get looked at/investigated.

So who would be at fault here? The MMC or the patient? Can a rec be revoked?
sky high

sky high

IMO, as things tighten up with fingerprints and cameras and general BigBrotherism in the dispensaries we will see many of these folks lookiing for a patient/caregiver relationship once again....not only to protect their own game/privacy, but to tap into the profit margin that exists between "wholesale" and "dispensary" pricing scenarios.

s h
true grit

true grit

I am not sure how they think this 'Seed to Sale' tracking going to curb reselling by patients.

I suppose if someone was in buying 2z's/day, and the sales are now recorded, some might think twice about doing it, but we are talking about a government agency here...

I think the only ones capable of 'tracking' like that is the DEA. They do it all the time with various prescription meds(Oxy), animal meds(K), steroids, etc. Even then, the flow through the clinic has to be pretty high to get looked at/investigated.

So who would be at fault here? The MMC or the patient? Can a rec be revoked?

They won't be able to track that crap well enough to make a difference. You brought up the perfect example- big pharma. If you don't know they have "roving pain clinics"...where barely legit docs (much like ones writin recs at shops) bring in a patient and write a legit RX for narcotics or diet pills. They go straight to the pharmacy and fill it asap- as often as they dump their money. The pharmacis reports these doctors with constant recs, report excess purchases from patients, etc- and long story short- nothing happens. They occasionally get one of the pain clinic doctors on something and get them...
sky high

sky high

and once again...if/when the DEA decides to do something about all of this I'm seriously doubting they will start at the point-of-purchase patient-level and the guy resellling a 1/8 to his buddy for a $5 profit when there are 150K sq ft warehouses and 3000 plant grows in colorado.

As far as the long as THEY sell to a legit patient w/documentation they will hold no liability for sales after the fact, transfer to non-patients/minors/etc. >exactly< as a liquor store is not held responsible if they follow the LAW at the point-of-purchase.

s h
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