MC`s Forest Adventure

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Well-Known Farmer


Well-Known Farmer
Ha Ha ! Found my son`s knife in the last picture! He keeps leaving it all over the place.

Well it`s already hot and just got the chores done . Still need to fetch water. Seams this time of year it`s a full time job in it`s self! I had to use my old cell hub for the internet cause I mush have left my cell phone down by the creek yesterday. I stopped in the heat of the day and tried to get one more load that night before it got to dark to back up to the Spring/creek. Must have dropped it or? Hope I can find it!

Still need to catch up some of the projects. Didn`t do any yesterday because of the late trip to get water. still need to go to town and get a script, pipe fittings for the new water tanks, and? In a heat wave today and tomorrow. Projected 104- 105 then back down in the 90`s. I don`t even want to think about how hot it is in the valley! Death valley was 124 yesterday!!! I`ve seen it get 129 in Red Bluff/ Redding in the summer and stay that hot for weeks!


Well-Known Farmer
I found my cell phone down in the creek! pulled the battery and letting it dry out. Hope it`s OK. all stocked up on water! Now lets see if I can get anything else done or maybe just watch some dvd`s and hang out in the RV under the AC. Um ? Have to have another bowl and consider how productive I`m feeling today.


Well-Known Farmer
Wonder how long I should give my cell phone to dry out? took the otter case off , then took out the battery which was drained and leaving it outside in a shady spot to dry out before I charge it and try it out again. It didn`t have very much water inside. just a few drops at most. I have insurance on it for loss or damage but I don`t want to lose my pictures and info, hope it still works ok. It`s a tuff Galaxy 4 with an Otter case. Dropped down a cliff , stepped on .kicked , ran over it with my truck twice and still worked ! Oh this is far from the first time it`s been in water. It was in the sink over night and in the shower once also. I`ve dropped it in the creek a number of times, once from up 40 ft. in a tree! it hit the rocks first before going in the creek. I think this is the first time it`s had water inside of it though. Well time for a dvd and will work on projects some more after it cools down.


Well-Known Farmer
Just left it opened with the battery out. It only had a few small drops in it that I could see. It`s all dried out under the AC now and charging. Looks good came on and showed 8% charge so far. Has a new battery in it . Just have to see if it will take a full charge. I already know it powers up and comes on. Haven`t answered any texts or made any calls yet. Internet works as I checked out the weather channel.


Houses are Looking to be in good Shape. :-) off to a nice start .. someone already suggested the Rice.. it does work.. lol
we found a phone that had been out side here all winter .. totally thought it was ruined.. took apart set in a bowl of
rice,and let it sit for a few days.. put it back together it took a charge and works fine.. keep Hydrated in that
crazy heat .. Grow strong


Well-Known Farmer
Your right about the heat. I got up early anticipating a trip to town and wanting the chores out of the way first. Didn`t work out because I forgot to charge the battery used for running the 12v water pump. It was hot as hell under the plastic by the time I started watering. I got it all watered and soaked the second GH with ferts. I headed to town and got fuel, supplies and the fittings for the 1500 and 1100 gal water tanks. Getting closer to being ready for that trip down south. Oh also started 10 clones for a sage plant. Not sure if any will make it because of the heat wave.


Well-Known Farmer
Came back from getting my recommendation. it was hot in the motorhome so I turned on the generator/AC and took a little nap. Just woke up with a horrible back ach ! I got nothing for it, thought about growing a few poppies the spring but never got around to it. Kick`n myself in the Ass for it now!


Came back from getting my recommendation. it was hot in the motorhome so I turned on the generator/AC and took a little nap. Just woke up with a horrible back ach ! I got nothing for it, thought about growing a few poppies the spring but never got around to it. Kick`n myself in the Ass for it now!
not good .. not even any ibuprofen??
hope ya figure somthin out .. or it Subsides itself... maybe find something good to Smoke anyway :-)


Well-Known Farmer
Man I can`t take ibuprofen ! feels like a jackass kicked me in the stomach when I take that stuff. I can take aspirin or Tylenol but that doesn`t help my back that much. It`s the A.S. I think or maybe just a storm coming? All of my bones are hurting now so it could be a storm but I don`t see any clouds anywhere.


Well-Known Farmer
We got some rain and it was nearly dry by morning. I watered like hell soaking the first two beds before I realized I`d used 4/5s of the water in the 1000 gal tank. So I got two loads of water and filled it back up. I`m going for an other two loads tomorrow before working on some other projects. Going to have to get an early start on it in the morning. I`m determined to work on my BBQ for the 4th! the oak wood is cut for the handles and the slats are also sanded. just need to drill the holes for the bolts and sand the handles round. I`s all been painted with heat resistant black paint and the lower grid that holds the coals off the bottom has been replaced. also want to cut some more clones and maybe wash the trailer off with the pressure washer. It has some moss growing on it from winter as well as a ton of dust all over it! Tomorrow going to start packaging up my weirs for the trip south so it`s all ready then work on some other chores. Monday is a Dr. visit , pay some bills and may take off Monday some time down south. When I get back I`ll need to fix the 1500 and 1100 gal. water tanks and get stocked up. then there are a number of chores to pick from. Hum , seems lik


Well-Known Farmer
I decided to wash the trailer after getting 3 loads of water. Got about 2/3s done and had to stop to BBQ. I`ll finish it up today and maybe work on the BBQ ? Dam where did I put that extra pack of energy set aside for when I get old? Well they say the mind goes first , mine started out gone!


Well hope the 4th has been good to you.. sounds like all is going well (-:
hope you get that BBQ finished.. and good luck on your trip ,be safe
and watch out for Morons they're everywhere LOL ..


Well-Known Farmer
I finished pressure washing the travel trailer today and worked on the BBQ a little. I need to sand down two more pieces of wood for the other handle and put the staves on for the shelf. I don`t have the right size bolts to finish the project . Tomorrow I`m going to town for a Dr. appointment and will be picking up a few things I need, including the bolts. I`ll be heading down south tomorrow night so don`t think I`ll have time to work on the BBQ until I get back. But I`ll have the parts and more time to work on things.


Well-Known Farmer
Ok woke up to clouds and a flash flood warning! Radar shows massive cloud cover with thunderstorms running a muck almost on top of me! I need to once again put everything away just in case. Pumps, charcoal, cover what I can. Seems like I`m spending way to much time doing this and yet very little rain and no relief from the drought, only worries about dry lightning!


Glad ya Made it Back .. Just 27 hrs? lol
Bummer about the storms & drought conditions .. Hope you
got what ya Needed and All..

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