MC`s Forest Adventure

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Living dead girl
I have very high triglycerides as well as A S ,IBS and Gout. I also have had positive tests for RA and Lupus. Falling apart at the seams I guess. I have know idea how I get anything done. Been sick all my life. I think it is the cannibis cookies my Grandmother gave me when I first got sick at 6 yrs old and the continued medical cannabis use that`s kept me going!
Did you know that people with RA should avoid Solanaceous vegetables? That's tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and potatoes. I have a friend with RA who controls it with cannabis and diet, and she absolutely can NOT eat tomatoes, peppers are not quite as bad but they still aggravate it, she's fine with potatoes and eggplant though. I learned this via a registered dietitian, so it's clinically sound advice.
Thanks urbanfog much appreciated let me know! I don`t have anything available to make oil right now for my daughter but I`m going to make her some strong butter for starters. Didn`t get to gleaning today, just didn`t feel that good. I did get some help getting some fire wood logs to cut up. My trimmers showed up for some medication. Gave them a few oz to keep them for now. Both have real needs. The kid helped me bring home some 4 ft green pine logs from where someone downed a pine tree on Forrest Service land by a road and just left it. I`ll get the chainsaw sharpened and cut it up later.
I have so much trim I don't even know what to do with it.


Well-Known Farmer
Well never heard that before! I live off tomatoes ,peppers and Potatoes ! Not so much egg plant. Always been a meat ,potatoes and gravy kind of guy but with lots of fruits and veggies.


Living dead girl
Then you might want to consider dropping the tomatoes and peppers, see if your condition improves. I'm glad I don't have RA, I live off those foods and it's incredibly difficult figuring out how to season things without those foods for me. I mean, what's the basis for a good sofrito? It starts with peppers.

The Solanaceous thing isn't widely known by doctors, and maybe not even all that many dietitians. I learned about it reading through one of my mother's listserves, she's been an RD for over 50 years now.


Well-Known Farmer
Well so much for the Chargers this year! Had a friend of mines brother come out and pick up 3 old broken generators so that`s less for the dump. Got some cleaning done and that`s about it for today. Everything seems a little harder now. I`m hoping it will get better by next planting time!!!


Well-Known Farmer
I see on face book my daughter is having a time of the chemo so going to town today and swinging by to make her some fresh canna butter. When I get back I`ll work on gleaning the stuff on the vine for hash and then start trimming up a storm. When it turns colder at night I`ll run my tumbler with the trim and what I glean from the garden area. At some point I`ll need some help from my son to take down the plastic and get the ground ready for next year. He can spend the night and we can get his car out of here the next day.

Got a list of things to get done for next year`s grow when I get the $ up. Also need to see what it`s going to cost to survey the property , fix the road over the creek and put in a pad. I`m thinking $12,000 to$ 15,000+. Add an other $40,000+ for a tall fence ,gate, well, septic, cement pad and cover for the RV. I figure in all I`ll need at least $ 160,000 to have my forest turned into a proper farm. It isn`t going to be cheep! I really want a large greenhouse that will stand up to the snow and set up for year round use. Lights, heat ,air, co2 etc. First comes my health as nothing else will happen if I let that go! I can just taste the organic goodness for the fruits of my labors !


Well-Known Farmer
Brought stuff for my son he left here, saw my daughter and made butter. I shopped for some food and picked up my new eye glasses. Got home just in time to catch one of my dogs get loose from his chain and he and Bruit got into a dog fight until I could park the truck and brake it up. I`ll unload supplies in the morning.


Just read all 80 pages.
That's one hell of an adventure you're on. Much respect.

Stay healthy and pray for enough rain here in northern Ca. to keep your creek flowing all through the coming season.


Well-Known Farmer
Because of the topography I`m pretty sure the spring that feeds the creek is from very deep in the ground. It comes out under it`s own pressure at below freezing even in the summer when it`s up in the 100`s. I`m hoping it will continue to flow for ever. You never know what`s going on under ground though, when I was a kid I found a vein of cole and black diamond running up from the ground in volcanic soil. To bad it was on Lassen National Volcanic Park property. They also have semiprecious stones in the park. If I remember I was arrow head hunting and keeping and eye out for old dump sites for bottles.


If that spring keeps flowing all summer you will be sitting pretty.

Local news article, the other day said that if this drought continues, the state will only have 5% of the water of an average year. Expect the Governer to declare a state of emergency when February's snow pack results come in. Don't know how accurate that is, but it doesn't sound good.

I used to hunt for arrowheads in the hills above St. Helena when I was a kid, had a buttload of 'em, no clue what ever happened to them.


Well-Known Farmer
What a day. I been sore all day from braking up a dog fight. Didn`t realize how hard it is to hold two determined pit bulls apart from each other. They seemed to be two big mussel bound freaks intent on killing each other. I really need to get them fixed, maybe that would help. Also have my mind on my daughter and her surgery tomorrow. Seemed all I could do was sleep the stress away.
What I should be doing is working my ass off as best I can and getting stuff done. I`m getting kind of upset with my self! again, been getting all kinds of flack for not getting the seeds out there like I intended and people have been contacting me for bud as well. I might contract out some of the trimming I`d usually do to catch up. Only reason I haven`t so far is because I wanted as much as possible for working on my farm project. It`s going to be costly and one can never count on eggs that haven`t hatched. I know between this crop and next years I should have a chunk of what I need in funds to work with. I`m just not sure if I switched to doing seed grows I`d be able to match the funds I`m getting with bud grows. I did very well on the last try until the mj site started ripping all the venders and many of the customers off. I should have went through the Farm! I was getting steady bids on auction for $600+ a pack for Talk of Kabul and other strains. I still get a lot of requests from well known breeders for my genetics.

Well it seems to be warming up so maybe I can get some work done in the morning. My daughter is going to text me after she is out of surgery as the cancer is in her throat she will not be able to talk. I just hope they get it all the second time around! Even her soon to be Ex has been being extra nice to her she said yesterday!


Well-Known Farmer
Well going to town early tomorrow cause I got a late start today. I need to get a fasting blood test done before my next Doc visit. Charging everything up and having a late breakfast today and going to glean. May take some pics of the tunnels and how they didn`t take the snow to well.


Hey bud,

Meter will be here in a day or so for ya , Ill know more once I get a call

My buddy has been slacking, but it will be to me in a couple days, like new "accucheck" system. Your doc can upload data from it to get your results, you can keep track via your computer if needed, does all kinds of stuff. All you will need is either buy, or get a script from your doc for the test strips.

Ill be in touch :)


Well-Known Farmer
My buddy has been slacking, but it will be to me in a couple days, like new "accucheck" system. Your doc can upload data from it to get your results, you can keep track via your computer if needed, does all kinds of stuff. All you will need is either buy, or get a script from your doc for the test strips.

Ill be in touch :)
I can buy test strips but Medicare should cover them really. I hope that thing isn`t to difficult to figure out how to use! I`m not good with new gadgets.


Well-Known Farmer
Got started gleaning today. It`s going to take a lot longer that I first thought. Spent a while on it and only got part of a row done. Going to have some sweet hash material from it when I get done! Got the word my daughters surgery is done and she is resting at home. She isn`t up to talking yet but made a brief text to me. We won`t know if they got all the cancer this time around for awhile yet. but I`m praying hard they did. Got to go to town early for that fasting blood test. Wish me luck as I`ve been doing everything I can .


Well-Known Farmer
X-ray and fasting blood draws were done today. Got a few days before I see the Doc again. Dam took all day!


Well-Known Farmer
I worked on gleaning again today. Almost done with the first two rows or the first tunnel. I think trimming will be easier as I can set on my ass just fine but twisting through those raised beds and cutting off buds while trying not to get any fans is hard and slow work. I need to get this done before I lose it and so I can work on prep`n the beds for the next crop. Dam I hate being disabled! I`m doing everything I can but it isn`t helping fast enough, I got so much to get done! Good thing is I do seem to be getting a little better ,if ever so slowly.


Well-Known Farmer
I got to step up my game a little. looks like it`s going to be raining a week from Monday and it doesn`t look like it will be stopping much after it starts as far as the weather is predicted. I need to finish up the gleaning and get to other jobs that need done like trimming. I also need to fill my 1000 gal water tank again soon and need to get some camp cleanup going.

I almost feel like getting my trimmer back up here to help out but I can`t really afford the gas and food to do that right now. I just wish I could get caught up on things. Would have been doing fine if I hadn`t got sick. I should be getting the soil all ready for next year`s crop and starting seeds. Can`t afford to be starting planting late next time around, really cuts down the yield.
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