MC`s Forest Adventure

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Well-Known Farmer
I planted 6 Alien Dawg,6 Sensi Star,7 Toxic Lemon,1 Pre 98. There are a lot of ToK starting to pop and some Dogbite and Pre 98, but they don`t have long enough tails yet.Now it`s starting to rain lightly so I think I`ll spend the day cleaning up the trailor and call about the truck but may wait until morning to have it worked on.

I`ll be making choises on the next 6 strains to start soon ,some of my options are;Chocolate Deisel,1972 Himalaya Gold ,Chemdog x LA Con,White Ruskey,Sour Kush,1969 Skunk,Sour Deisel,Chemdog 91 x ToK,Extra Sour Deisel,Tripwarp,Bluedog,Matanuska Thunder Fuck,Super Hero,Chem valley Kush, Tahoe OG, Danberry Blue(older Blue Berry,One pheno is sometimes called Dabney Blue) ,Blackberry,Double Twisted OG Kush,Skywalker,Chemdog D, Chemdog 91,Time warp,Deep Chunk,Bubba Chunk,Skunk Chunk,The White S1`s,AK-47 citra 1967,Honduras Hybred (hash plant,Sat/indica).


Premium Member
Nice List To Chose From

My choices would include extra sour diesel, MTF, 69 skunk, 67 AK47, danberry blue, and any chem (d) or 91. Hope your truck is an inexpensive fix, and all seeds soaked pop. Everything else is going great for you and yours hopefully, take care
p.s. where do I send my used soil?



Well-Known Farmer
Mal thanks for your input on choises. The truck is fixed,wasn`t as much as I thought it would be.
My ToK,Pre 98, And Dogbite are now popping and what I had in cups is coming up over night! Almost 100% so far! (just a little slower on some strains).

Yesterday was spent on having my truck towed and fixed. I did have time to get some propane and gasd but it was late and dark so unloading the truck will be done today along with my other chores.

I`m going to set the cups out in the sun for the day and plant some sprouts.I`m also going to work on my pop up greenhouse because My friend doesn`t have room for all the strains I want to get started. I want to put in a few Floro`s and a 400 watt Hps as well as a fan and maybe some kind of heat. I was thinking of a gas light for warmth at night as it will also increase co2 and doesn`t depend on the generator. I`ll run the lights when I have the generator on in the early evening to extend the light cycle closer to 18/6. There should be enough light from the sun in the day time.

The days will be longer and warmer soon enough as the plant will need to be 2 months to start showing sex. I`ll shift all female to the grow room and all male here to the pop up tent to collect pollen. After I have the pollen I`ll clean up the pop up GH and use it to pollenate some females. I`m thinking of sending my 120 hydro clone machine over to my friends to use it there. I need to make a cover for the greenhouse so I can force 12/12 and may just sex clones also. Still have some thinking to do on this. I should get an other couple pop ups I gess. At some point I could sell some clones to the clubs in Sacramento. Don`t know though I have so many irons in the fire right now.


Well-Known Farmer
I planted all the sprouts today.I thought I had 25 Talk of Kabul seeds as it was a test run but only counted 24,of the 24, 20 germenated.I only planted 8 of those.I`ll do the same when i germenate the Banana OG Kush.I`m running way to many strains right now to plant to many multible seeds of any one strain.Most of the strains I`m running are f6`s or better and not to many pheno types involved anyway. Shouldn`t lose any, but I`ll repeat the process again in a year just to make sure.

When I`m working on a new strain I need 200+ plants to get all the pheno types to show,but I`m not really working on any new strains right now,just a refresh.


Premium Member
Glad You Got It Fixed

Cheaper than you thought is always a good thing, hope your greenhouses aren't messed with by any stray critters. You might wan't to put a fence around whatever you've got going outside for peace of mind at least. Our winter has been extremely mild this year and spring is coming soon. I was gonna get my seeds out and look for some good ones to run outside this year, been growing indoor the last few years in the summer and it is just to hard on my central air working against the additional lights. Will have a nice outdoor crop this year, what to grow is my only problem. I've got too many seeds to choose from myself, might go all feminized for the summer crop just to make it easy. A couple years ago I grew several 8' plants that finally showed male and had to kill them after taking care of them for 3-4 months. Lots of times I will run clones in the summer, takes the guessing out. Good luck with all your endeavours and I hope all is well with you and yours



if you don't got enough room,you can giveum 12/12, when there 4-5in tall(1month)..I do that all the time...Takes 10-14days to show nubs or the the V..I then transplant them from the beer cups there in,to a bigger pot(1gal.).A small dose of high N nutes(ageold organics)and 18/6.


Well-Known Farmer
I`m planning on taking cuts from every plant and running the clones 12/12.If I mark what mother they came from I`ll know which ones are male. That way no stress to speak of on the mother plants. I can then run just the males 12/12 and collect the pollen.later I`ll pick the female moms to flower for seeds and pollenate them first.IPollen will be killed with water vaper after the females are hit.Then I can flower them all together or not. I only want about 30 for Buds.

I may have to slow down my seed project because last night my propane light used most of the air up in the pop up green house and almost went out.It`s still to cold at night without heat to use it. I can`t leave the generator going all night to use an electric heater so will have to depend on my friend`s grow room for all the growing until the last chance of frost.I`m having good results germinating even the oldest seeds,except the Cali O. I also only got 2 of the Sierra Leone to grow but Bodhia Sativa said he has some seeds of that strain and offered to help. Chances are not good I`ll get a male with only 2 plants,I always have problems getting enough males for some reason. Even other people have made comments that my seed produces a greater amount of females than other peoples.I have never figured out why.Maybe something to do with the processes I use to sprout or increase root mass with my organic methods? I gess that`s a good thing for customers but not for breeding!


I read somewhere that when a seedling is exposed to colder temps then norm,has more N then norm,and get less then 18hours of light.Its more likely, to end up being a female..


Well-Known Farmer
I planted a few extra afgoo seeds outside last Fall and they have servived the Winter so far. The seedlings are growing if but very slow. Last snow caused them to wilt a little but they put new roots down where the first set of nodes are just starting.I just wanted to see how far they would make it in the cold up here.

Why is it always between 2AM and 5AM when the propane needs changed out for heaven`s sake? Everytime! Never in the afternoon,nope! Most the time in the rain or snow! This is one of the things I really don`t like about RV living.Will love it when I have wood heat around here! and it will cost so much less as well!


Well-Known Farmer
I got a hold of a logger who will be coming out in the next few day.He said we could log out 3 acres and then go through the dead and dieing wood without a forest plan.I`ll talk to him again but after he cruzes the property I`ll get an Idea if it would be worth logging the whole 10 acres and filing a forest plan. Hope to have the road done and a clearing of 2-3 acres or more soon. I can also make some money on the hard woods for fire wood.


good news on the logging bro - 3 acres will be a nice open spot for you to blow up

hope it works out




Premium Member
Sounds Great

Make sure you have your I's dotted and T's crossed with your logger before he starts. There's usually 2 ways the money is done- 1- they will give you a check before they start logging(works better if you have several loggers bid) 2 you split the logging check 50/50 with the logging company, this way they log your place and when the logs go to the mill you split the take/check in half(you have to trust the logger some to not work a deal with the mill, he knows them much better than you probably)

The guy you have coming will probably want to do the 50/50 which is good for both of you. Make deals like where you want roads, what you want done with the tops( either left where they fall, or you could have them drag them to an area/s for your wood pile/s, big one or a few). If you don't want them working if its too wet(gets sloppy) good to talk about. You could ask for a ballpark time line on the job, and a ballpark for what you'll get when they leave and they can get pretty close on the numbers. Feel free to pm me with any questions you may come up with. Glad to hear your having good luck with the seeds popping, take care Mark. That propane is a mofo, thats why I got my wood stove



Awesome Mark!

Good to hear about the logging. Progress coming along! This will be a good year most definitely!


Well-Known Farmer
It`s looking very up at this point! Although I`ve had my share of problems It seems to make me stronger.


Premium Member

That which does not kill you makes you stronger, and what comes around goes around. You may be getting a good batch of both, I know that a good logger could help you cross a lot of your headaches off the list. They should be able to rough you a road in, as well as some trails here and there. Clear any area you want cleared, can have the stumps ground or blast or burn them (any that are in the way or unsightly if you are so inclined). Make you some wood piles with the tops, these are wood sources for many years. My tree tops will last until the next logging is done (8-10 years) if I wanted to use them all. I just have my tops left where they fall, had a deal with the logger that he would come over each fall and we would skid up 10 or so tops onto/into the middle of my driveway and I saw them up for my winter wood. Have never heard of filing a forest plan, probably one of those great california ideas/pain in the asses IMO. Sending good vibrations and smoke signals your way, hope all is well with you and yours amigo



Well-Known Farmer
I talked to the logger and asked that he pile up the tops where I can cut up what I want for fire wood and burn the rest later. Branches and small stuff will be burned. Some of the ash will be used in the garden. I sure would like to get an idea on how much $ there will come of three acres but the logger hasn`t had time yet to cruze the timber,maybe monday?


Premium Member
Great To Hear

Hope you enjoy your weekend, Take it easy and be well



Well-Known Farmer
The Logger just left. He said it wouldn`t be worth it to him as much of the timber is tan oak. He said he could do the road as far as the creek for about 5 grand but wouldn`t put in a colvert because of all the agencys that would be involved. If I had him do the road and put in the colvert over the stream he would log it but didn`t think I`d get enough to pay me back the cost of the road work. Still I`d have access and some money from logging and a clearing.I`d also have acess to a ton of oak fire wood and could sell some and make more money. Problem is I wanted in before Spring planting. That`s not likely now. Not sure what to do. It takes money to make money.

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