MC`s Forest Adventure

  • Thread starter markscastle
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Premium Member
Sorry To Hear

Wish you knew more loggers in the area, sounds like he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. 5,000 sounds like a lot to me for the road, but I'm not there. I'd think logging your place and clearing 3 acres would provide enough wood to make the job appealing to several loggers. Some of those guys don't want to do anything unless they're going to make a bundle, especially if he's been in the game for a while. Sounds like there is a bunch of red tape with any move you make, you need a logger with a skidder and a chainsaw. Those smaller guys will do what the bigger guys won't, I'd look for another logger personally. I wish that would have gone better for you, hope everything else is going well for you and yours



Well-Known Farmer
Part of the problem is most of the trees are tan oak.Good for fire wood but not lumber.And an other problem is he is State licenced and the red tape in Cali is harsh when it comes to water ways. He said if He put the road in and I got the colvert in he could log my property but didn`t think there was enough soft wood to make much on it. I might get 3 grand? It would still cost me alot. I`m looking into other people who I could get to just put the road in for less. He said it could be done with a tractor with a loader bucket instead of a dozer. It would take longer is all. There is also still lots of wood that needs to be cut off so trees don`t fall over the road and block it. I just need to find someone who is intrested in a very large supply of fire wood and has the right equipment. He said there must be at least 3000 cord of oak that could be taken out. I think seasoned oak is going for around $250 a cord.So If it was all cut and stacked a year from now it would be worth some money. It would be a lot of work though. Got to be someone intrested in fire wood and has the equipment somewhere!


Premium Member
You'd Think

I might try another guy but the wood you have is the wood you have. Oak is supposed to be a good wood, I know white oak, red, and black oak all get bought. Hope things work out for you, time to burn some weed. Hope things turn out for the best, your friend



Well-Known Farmer
There isn`t a market at the mills for oak around here. It is used for fire wood. There are some cedar and pines but the woods are mostly thick with tan oak trees. It`s to bad they don`t take it at the mills around here as the trees are tall and straight for the most part.I was thinking maybe some of it would make a great Roman style fort.There is also a lot of quarts rock in one area that would make great footing and maybe even a harth for a fire place.Maybe I should use some to build something with? Maybe a lodge or maybe even a castle instead of a log cabin? I found two tick bites tonight from my last trek down to my property and are they red sore! Going to check on line as to how to treat the bites.


Premium Member
Small Ticks?

Been eaten by loads of ticks but the very small turkey ticks(probably 1/6 th the size of a regular tick) these carry the lymes illness. Been feeding the deer around my house for 20 years but my wife got 3 ticks on her(the small ones) around her neck and by the time we found them there were big red spots/areas around each tick about the size of a quarter. I tried to pull these out but they just broke up when any pressure was applied. Brought her to the Dr and he did what I woulda after trying what I already did pulling them out, he took a pin and dug the rest of the little suckers out. They gave her amoxacillim and she ended up going to a bunch of Drs until she found 1 that told her she had lymes. Put her back on antibiotics for months until it was gone. Hope you don't have it and that you find an answer for your woods. Cedar is worth money and quartz could mean gold, we can only hope. Take care man



Well-Known Farmer
The ticks were on me maybe a little more than 24 hours. Little flat black ones. I got two bites all red about the size of dimes. Very red and sore.I got one under my arm pit and one on my right upper ab. I got the ticks off but tore holes in my skin doing it.I only realized what they were after the sores started to hurt.They bite me but hadn`t fed yet. Very little chance of getting lime. have to keep watch and see if I get rings around the sores.

I already have all the symptums of Lime from my AS so that won`t help me find out if I do get Lime.I have a very over active ammune system from AS.Before they took a DNA test on me they thought I might have Lime. DNA and other tests came back positive for AR,AS,IBS,Lupis And Royal Disease. I`m also Diabetic and have such high colestrol they can`t get a reading. My blood seperates without a centerfuse at about 86 % blood fat. I was told that is a record and I have so little red blood cells per unit I shouldn`t be able to carry enough oxigen to be alive. I was told by more than a few Doctors that they wouldn`t bet on me even making it home alive. Been years now and 4 of them Doctors are dead and I`m still here! I think I`ve got tuff old Scottish Highland blood!


Your a fighter Mark! I love how you are so positive about life and dealing with its situations that arise. Seriously should write a book about your trials and tribulations in this world of marijuana. The complete outdoor grow bible! Few have the experience and ability to document and explain with entertainment as you do.


Yuck....ticks make me itchy Castle! Messed up my warm mornin vibes bro. You owe me a couple pack the Limer you are hoarding from everyone! ha ha We git ticks in Co in the warm months but aren't tropical ticks nasty? Nothing like a North american species. Things get huge! Last time I was in Jamaica some the dogs had ticks as big as marbles all bulging on thier necks. OOOOH come hear n snuggle daddy cute lil'puppy. UHHH Puke....swear ya got me itchin bro you owe me....time for a benadryl and some wax.

Stay Wild.....much love.....peace


Well-Known Farmer
That`s kind of funny DreamChaser cause the Limer keeps coming up all over the net.Every time I say something about it! I had a clone mom given to me by Elite just before he moved out of my rental and left Cali. My friend is still holding a mom clone made from it for me but I lost the one Elite left me. When Elite was renting from me he was working on the limer.About the only thing I saw him do here except make simple crosses and he called it his Holy Grail. He made some crosses and one he made about three BX`s of with the mom. I still have those seeds but have not got around to them. I think he used the BX`s in many of the crosses he made after he left Cali.Seeds are just marked Limer Bx so not sure what he used with the first cross. They are on my list to refresh but I`m not much of a Limon/Lime taste guy and I have much older seed that needs to be run first.

As for the ticks, yep I`ve been itching and had trouble sleeping every sense finding them on me! We have dog ticks here in Norcal as well as the Deer Ticks I had on me.Lots of bugs in the forest! Some I`ve never seen anywhere else before!


pulled a few ticks of my dog this week

ticks in January/February is very strange!


Well-Known Farmer
Last year was a normal rain fall year in Norcal but so far this year has been warm and much drier. Flowers have been in bloom for awhile up here in the mountians.Still I didn`t expect to get ticks walking onto my property in Febuary! Next time I`ll spray my self down I gess but I really hate it.


Dude I check back and you make me itch again! WTF dollar store benedryl isn't cheap!
LOL love ya bro even though you know I'm a are my friend.

Well I remember Green's worked the limer a lot but I know it was older than he n I been around to play. Some 70's original west coast kil is all I can say certainly but I remember it in southern Cali early-mid nineties. I honest 100% hope Green's is hangin tough gettin back on his feet? Doubt he left the stage for good at all! LOL
Miss argueing with his nastiness n he totally didn't deserve trouble he has saw over beans.

Best wishes to your 2012 farmin bro, hope you need chainsaws for the MaryJ's come fall......



Well-Known Farmer
Greens will be out of the game for many years because he got busted on a Fedral rap. I can`t say it suprized me, he didn`t work very safe. Also I understand he was running some sports card scams on Ebay. I`ve also been told he was making copies of other venders work without even giving any credit to them. Bad karma for sure! Should he be in the pen over cannibis,no I don`t think anyone should be,but he was also not playing 100% fare with others at the same time.He stiffed me for some small change even after I mailed back the lap top with all of his info intact on it that he left behind by accident.He left me a big mess to clean up in the rental as well. So we ended up not being friends but I don`t wish the kid any hard luck ether.


Dude if all that oak gets felled I would spend all summer cutting it up into cordwood for you. I'll live in a tent and shit in a hole, I don't give a damn anything to get back to cali and get some sun, exercise and get off the narcotic pain meds. Serial.


Well-Known Farmer
You are on Narcotic pain meds for what? I remember kicking Morphine and it was tuff for a few days then weeks of no energy and being weak as shit.MJ helped me get off the morphine and don`t think I could have done it without good smoke. It was a choice with me because I had thousands of pills at the time, all legal prescribed by a pain med Doctor so I could have stayed on it for life at no cost to me. I`m not sure you would be worth much for a while while kicking but I do wish you good luck in kicking narcotics,it can be done just cut back your dose and then go cold turkey. Make sure you can stay in bed a while as needed and have someone to help you with what ever needs done for the first month to six weeks.


Well-Known Farmer
Well the guy selling the property next to me popped up again so I checked and it is listed at 15k. The guys who were looking before desided it wasn`t sunny enough for them.LOL! It also didn`t have any water souse like I do. I checked out the web site on the new mortgage deal agreement and I maybe offered 2 k. Better than a sharp stick in the eye but not by much.

In talking to Mota in pm`s he said we seem to be doing alot of the same crosses so I agree with him that great minds think alike,LOL! Good to know we are on the same page alot when it comes to breeding.I consider him a great breeder!

I recieved some more Sierra Leone seeds from Bodhi the other day but they are from the cbay days and old.Also you can`t get these anymore because of the conflicts going on there.Hope to get a few more to pop.

I also am making a lunch meeting with OBSoul soon and he said he would gift me some more of his Aliendawg seeds.How kind is that? Looking forward to meeting up with him , smoking out and having lunch.


Just wanted to say I think your a cool cat markscastle, your living my outdoor dream.

One day I wanna move up there and build a cozy cabin and rock in and outdoor on the mountain! One day!!


I got arthritis in my back pretty bad, without meds I can't sleep a wink and move kinda slow. I'm on a relatively low dose, been kicking it every month for 4 months the last week of each month. Takes about 4-5 days for the withdrawls to end, it's not a monster multi-week thing. What I mean is if I was in cali and had a supply of buds to rely on I could wean myself off the pills pretty easily without discomfort.


Well-Known Farmer
Problem is I also grow poppies so don`t know how well that would work out. I make a cup of tea every once in a while for pain but not that often.


Well-Known Farmer
Just read the THC Farmer Public Service Anouncement and was wondering where the site`s rules are. I thought there was a tag for them so you could go to it easy somewhere but it`s been awhile and I`d like to re- read the rules again.
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