Medical Marijuana is 'Sham' Just to Get High, Obama Official Says

  • Thread starter oscar169
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Farming 🌱

If you thought that the Obama Administration's crackdown on medical marijuana in California was just a political play to please the center in American politics, this might give you pause.

One justice official says the Golden State's whole medical cannabis game is a giant "sham." Even if you, the California voter, believe that folks with ailments should be able to get pot recommendations and buy weed fairly easily, it's all about getting high, says Laura E. Duffy, the U.S. attorney in San Diego:
Here's what she thinks about dispensaries, via New York Times over the weekend:
Most often the individuals who are visiting these places have obtained sham doctor recommendations for really no purpose other than to engage in the recreational use of marijuana. To the extent that blatant distribution of marijuana is not available in commercial businesses throughout California, certainly in this district, I think that's a good thing.​
Maybe there's a bright side of all of this for L.A., however

Her Southern District doesn't extend to Los Angeles, a city where about 500 dispensaries fight for turf.

The Times says the federal crackdown that started in spring has shuttered another 500 pot shops statewide.
But at least some rogue shops, we've been told, have actually opened up in L.A. to take advantage of the legal confusion and lack of regulation here.
In any case, it's pretty clear that federal authorities see no legitimacy whatsoever in pot, even for the little old ladies with cancer who inspired Californians to pass medical marijuana law in the first place.


Not surprising that right-wing politicians see it like this. Will certainly be interesting to see how it develops over time. It is a shame that those with a legitimate need for cannabis as a medicine may suffer due to those abusing the system to just get high. Not that getting high should be a problem in the first place!


All MMJ patients are recreational users is a huge assumption. These politicians are so out of touch with modern society. That is why we have a pill nation and they are still talking about marijuana. They don't have a clue. They wake up and take there doctor prescribed medications to make it through the day to have the energy and health to bash M.M.J. Another clear cut case of politicians pushing personal agenda's instead of public interest. . If they don't like mmj let them go to Kentucky or Tennessee they will welcome these quacks with open arms. There are plenty of states that they can preach there bullshit. As long as our own federal government won't recognize the legitimacy of mmj. These dumb asses are gonna keep trying to ruin it.


All MMJ patients are recreational users is a huge assumption. These politicians are so out of touch with modern society. That is why we have a pill nation and they are still talking about marijuana. They don't have a clue. They wake up and take there doctor prescribed medications to make it through the day to have the energy and health to bash M.M.J. Another clear cut case of politicians pushing personal agenda's instead of public interest. . If they don't like mmj let them go to Kentucky or Tennessee they will welcome these quacks with open arms. There are plenty of states that they can preach there bullshit. As long as our own federal government won't recognize the legitimacy of mmj. These dumb asses are gonna keep trying to ruin it.

I like your post.

I like your signature better.

I really want to center on something here, though. Your first line, "All MMJ patients are recreational users is a huge assumption."

I think what's really wrong with the world these days is the very incredibly low number of people who do their best not to make huge assumptions. Each one of us has become convinced of our own position and its superiority to others--we get away with this because we pretend that we aren't perfect, we're just better than the other guy.

In reality we're attempting to put off this air of perfection--and we couldn't be failing any worse. Ignorance abounds in this atmosphere, with no one to question--and advanced defenses against any questions which might be posed.

We've replaced logic with being right, and reason with self inflicted back-patting.

I like to call this, intelligence entitlement.

This is a species wide event, it is not relegated to any one country.

Layman's terms/TLDR:

People today think they are the shit, and they aren't. They are mostly contextless, perspectiveless, overly pompous, willful ignoramuses.


likes to smell trees.
I have been to many dispensaries in LA. A very large % of the people who frequent clearly do not have any ailment. Most of them are very young (18-early twenties), and do very much look like plain old stoners.

There are BS doctors who are writing scripts with absolutely no discretion. There are shady "dispensaries" popping up all over just to make a buck via the MMJ loopholes. There are definitely lots of people using MMJ cards to just get high.

MMJ needs better regulation if it is going to be medical. Otherwise, just legalize weed and let everyone partake without the need for a dr's note. make it for 21 and up like alcohol, and tax it.

Sorry guys but the point Laura Duffy makes is a good one, and there is a lot of truth to it. The system is abused, and will continue to be until it gets closed down.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Last time I checked pharmaceuticals don't get you "high" at all...they also don't kill either...

I'd also put all my chips on many other systems being abused, shit I think our financial system is a "sham". When medicinal cannabis provides jobs and empowers small businesses to flourish, they need to create realistic guidelines move the fuck on to other issues. These city councils are wasting money/time and coming up with no resolution besides shutting it down. We've been there and we should move foward with attaining patient/peoples rights/freedoms not backwards.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Sham or not, who is harmed here? The patient? People have been smoking cannabis since people have been around and fire came to utilized by them...Oppression seems to be the main agenda they have, as safety is better addressed when we consider drugs that kill and food that kills. Or as they also say, "it's to keep the children safe", well, let's fund some fucking schools and pay some teachers and feed them quality food, when they do that I'll believe they "care" about the children...

edit: I apologize for the mini rant


Im a recreational user who wouldnt be typing this if it wasnt for MMJ. The fed's are just looking for the only angle to come at it without loosing to much face. For Example when the DEA Raided WAMM back in 2004, There where protests, people from the city (Mayor etc) came to join in. A City holiday now marks that day along with an annual festival to commemorate that day. Why? Because WAMM helped sick patients and everyone in the community knew it. Now if they can go in and say "Gangsters and Pimps run these Despensaries" they can start to do away with our safe access as patients. Much like using racism/suggested themes in reefer madness.



likes to smell trees.
Sham or not, who is harmed here? The patient? People have been smoking cannabis since people have been around and fire came to utilized by them...Oppression seems to be the main agenda they have, as safety is better addressed when we consider drugs that kill and food that kills. Or as they also say, "it's to keep the children safe", well, let's fund some fucking schools and pay some teachers and feed them quality food, when they do that I'll believe they "care" about the children...

edit: I apologize for the mini rant

I agree with everything you say Baba. My only point was that the way shit is going, it makes it easy for people to point fingers and start shutting things down...

Medical marijuana could very well be a prequel to full legalization. The longer dispensaries are around, the more people will get used to the idea that weed ain't a big deal. Prescription drugs ARE far more dangerous.

It is almost impossible to separate medical and recreational. It's both. How can you distinguish from the person who lies about an ailment to get a script and someone who really needs it, short of calling someone a liar?

I hope weed goes legal and ends up being just like wine and beer. Not taken over by corporate America, and there for anyone who is skilled and can throw down the fire for everyone to enjoy responsibly.


I agree with everything you say Baba. My only point was that the way shit is going, it makes it easy for people to point fingers and start shutting things down...

Medical marijuana could very well be a prequel to full legalization. The longer dispensaries are around, the more people will get used to the idea that weed ain't a big deal. Prescription drugs ARE far more dangerous.

It is almost impossible to separate medical and recreational. It's both. How can you distinguish from the person who lies about an ailment to get a script and someone who really needs it, short of calling someone a liar?

I hope weed goes legal and ends up being just like wine and beer. Not taken over by corporate America, and there for anyone who is skilled and can throw down the fire for everyone to enjoy responsibly.

Weed will not be legalized in this country anytime soon. At least not in my mind. We all have hopes and dreams of being legal to simply relieve ourselves of the looming danger of being in this business and having friends and family spend time behind bars for having some on them or growing some. Too many right wing wackos and hipachristians running this country trying to instill their morals and values on us while they diddle young boys and girls and catch a hummer from interns while sucking on the politician job front. They would never let it fly.

Foolish to think that if weed was legal that corporate America wouldn't get involved. Corporate America would run over us without a blink, thought or care in the world. When weed becomes legal I will just open a sports bar where people can smoke it at my club at watch the next HBO fight. But I will be done growing because it will be dirt cheap and it wouldn't cover the cost of my electrical bills at all. Prices are way too low now for the growers. When weed is legalized I'm out as a grower/farmer. You think we have a problem now with over-saturation and too much products on the streets now? Give it away-give-it-away-give-it-away now!


likes to smell trees.
Weed will not be legalized in this country anytime soon. At least not in my mind. We all have hopes and dreams of being legal to simply relieve ourselves of the looming danger of being in this business and having friends and family spend time behind bars for having some on them or growing some. Too many right wing wackos and hipachristians running this country trying to instill their morals and values on us while they diddle young boys and girls and catch a hummer from interns while sucking on the politician job front. They would never let it fly.

Foolish to think that if weed was legal that corporate America wouldn't get involved. Corporate America would run over us without a blink, thought or care in the world. When weed becomes legal I will just open a sports bar where people can smoke it at my club at watch the next HBO fight. But I will be done growing because it will be dirt cheap and it wouldn't cover the cost of my electrical bills at all. Prices are way too low now for the growers. When weed is legalized I'm out as a grower/farmer. You think we have a problem now with over-saturation and too much products on the streets now? Give it away-give-it-away-give-it-away now!

Foolish...I don't think so.

It will happen. It's inevitable. Look at the kids today who will be running the country in 40 years. I understand where you are coming from though, I would have said it was foolish if 12 years ago someone told me there would be hash bars and medical dispensaries by the hundreds in Los Angeles.

Are microbreweries and vineyards global corporations? No. There will be a market for excellent AAA+++ indoor super bomb homegrown ALWAYS. I am still getting very good reimbursements for my hard work. Prices could drop another 50% (which they won't for a very long time) and I would still be happy. Too low now? nope. I think they are still high. I think meds should have a 30 dollar cap right now and people should stop whining about the best job in the world. What other flowers sell for as much (besides tulips during Hollands tulip frenzy back in the day).

Check out this cognac: 3.4 million for a bottle:

Now that outdoor bammer weed... there will be fields of that shit run by the big boys no doubt, and it will be in the liquor stores for 10 bucks a pack or whatever.

I doubt you will be done growing as long as you are smoking. Growing is a hobby. Dude, I can go buy lettuce at the store for a dollar and I still would rather grow my own.


Marijuana can be used medicinally for whatever it helps you with. That could be cancer, insomnia, pain, anxiety or whatever. It does not have to be something that is extremely severe. As long as it helps you in some way, you can get a legit doctors note for it. That is what the law clearly states.
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I like your post.

I like your signature better.

I really want to center on something here, though. Your first line, "All MMJ patients are recreational users is a huge assumption."

I think what's really wrong with the world these days is the very incredibly low number of people who do their best not to make huge assumptions. Each one of us has become convinced of our own position and its superiority to others--we get away with this because we pretend that we aren't perfect, we're just better than the other guy.

In reality we're attempting to put off this air of perfection--and we couldn't be failing any worse. Ignorance abounds in this atmosphere, with no one to question--and advanced defenses against any questions which might be posed.

We've replaced logic with being right, and reason with self inflicted back-patting.

I like to call this, intelligence entitlement.

This is a species wide event, it is not relegated to any one country.

Layman's terms/TLDR:

People today think they are the shit, and they aren't. They are mostly contextless, perspectiveless, overly pompous, willful ignoramuses.

I have a similar feeling about the world.
Every person lives in there own reality depending on there experiences in life.
Enough people can not or simply refuse to respect any reality but there own.
I think the standard situation is :
I refuse to except your reality and choose to insert my own.

My signature is the culmination of too many hours watching the science channel.


I have a similar feeling about the world.
Every person lives in there own reality depending on there experiences in life.
Enough people can not or simply refuse to respect any reality but there own.
I think the standard situation is :
I refuse to except your reality and choose to insert my own.

My signature is the culmination of too many hours watching the science channel.

A fuckin' men brother.
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Foolish...I don't think so.

It will happen. It's inevitable. Look at the kids today who will be running the country in 40 years. I understand where you are coming from though, I would have said it was foolish if 12 years ago someone told me there would be hash bars and medical dispensaries by the hundreds in Los Angeles.

Are microbreweries and vineyards global corporations? No. There will be a market for excellent AAA+++ indoor super bomb homegrown ALWAYS. I am still getting very good reimbursements for my hard work. Prices could drop another 50% (which they won't for a very long time) and I would still be happy. Too low now? nope. I think they are still high. I think meds should have a 30 dollar cap right now and people should stop whining about the best job in the world. What other flowers sell for as much (besides tulips during Hollands tulip frenzy back in the day).

Check out this cognac: 3.4 million for a bottle:

Now that outdoor bammer weed... there will be fields of that shit run by the big boys no doubt, and it will be in the liquor stores for 10 bucks a pack or whatever.

I doubt you will be done growing as long as you are smoking. Growing is a hobby. Dude, I can go buy lettuce at the store for a dollar and I still would rather grow my own.

You make some good and valid points cap. The foolishness point was in reference to your corporate America not getting involved should it become legal. Not foolishness on legalization. Will there and should there be connoisseur grades like fine wine and cigars you bet. I agree with you 100%.

Yes I can go buy a head of lettuce for a dollar, would I rather grow my own you bet but its cheaper to go buy the head you need when you need it without the hassles of growing it for profit. I would rather buy your specialty double thrown down bud when I need it than to spend the $10K to 12K on rent, nutrients and electricity to get the same result for my own special grown stash only to have people give it away at less than what it cost you to grow your own.

The other points I would have to debate with you on another thread. Appreciate your point CAP.


likes to smell trees.
You make some good and valid points cap. The foolishness point was in reference to your corporate America not getting involved should it become legal. Not foolishness on legalization. Will there and should there be connoisseur grades like fine wine and cigars you bet. I agree with you 100%.

Yes I can go buy a head of lettuce for a dollar, would I rather grow my own you bet but its cheaper to go buy the head you need when you need it without the hassles of growing it for profit. I would rather buy your specialty double thrown down bud when I need it than to spend the $10K to 12K on rent, nutrients and electricity to get the same result for my own special grown stash only to have people give it away at less than what it cost you to grow your own.

The other points I would have to debate with you on another thread. Appreciate your point CAP.

A 12k/month project seems a bit much for a personal headstash, I agree. ;) But you could do a few plants outside for free, and drop a small closet that I think would be enough to crank out a half p a month... enough for the average bear I think.

I know what you are talking about as far as prices. We all have a beef with dispensaries who lowball growers and turn around and charge members the same fuckin thing they were charging whether they were paying 4k per unit or 4oo. That is a travesty, and that is the problem... and that is exactly why the system is so fucked. MMJ is turning in to a for profit business that caters to recreational users to make $$$ as opposed to non prof collective with members interests in mind, and not lining pockets with cash. Supply and demand principles of economics are fine, but if we are talking real MMJ, prices should be set at the cost to produce/handle the flowers, as opposed to what the market will bear.


1 medically legal
2 decriminalized
3 legal to posess
4 completely legal

We're still fighting for #1 but the more people that try it the more people to fight to make it completely legal. Way to much brain washing....Not just that but the hit on industry as more and more americans will be content to sit at home or get in touch with the enviroment. Less money being spent....Not as much greed.

Biggest problem is all the opposition that supports this current agenda, they have jobs at stake....and huge money for the corporations....It's a tough battle.

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