Medical Marijuana is 'Sham' Just to Get High, Obama Official Says

  • Thread starter oscar169
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I don't know if I want cannabis completely legal, if it ever is then the majority of the market will get taken over by Corporate America. Just like alcohal, how many people use to brew there own beer or had there own distilleries a couple hundred years ago?? Alot of people did. Now think about how many people brew beer and distill liquor, not many at all. There will always be a small market for high grade A+++, but the majority of people will buy the mid grade, just like the majority of people nowadays buy the mid grade beer (Coors Light and Bud Light, ect.), liquor (Smirnoff, ect.) and wine at gas stations and liquor stores. Medical Marijuana is a MUST, because there is already enough scientific proof of some of its medicinal properties, but if its fully legalized then we are basically handing over the majority of the market to Corporate America, thats who I don't want to have control of the market.

Right now there is already a company, I forgot the name of them, but they call themselves the "Wal-Mart of weed" (or something like that) and they supply everything for cannabis cultivation except for seeds and clones, so people are already trying to monopolize the hydro industry and its still Federally illegal. I could just imagine what happens if/when cannabis becomes fully legalized, I hope it doesn't happen in my life time because I don't wanna see huge corporations take over the cannabis industry and ruin it, but I still believe people need it for medical reasons and people should be able to use it for recreation, its alot safer then alcohal and tobacco.


Not surprising that right-wing politicians see it like this. Will certainly be interesting to see how it develops over time. It is a shame that those with a legitimate need for cannabis as a medicine may suffer due to those abusing the system to just get high. Not that getting high should be a problem in the first place!

Since when is 0 & Co right wing? Ron Paul & a Dem put up a bill in favor of US using cannabis. It's not just the right or the left. It's some of each on both sides of the issue.

If elected, Ron would really call the feds off MMJ outlets. Dr. Paul would pardon ALL non violent 'drug offenders' across the whole country as well.

I dig your last sentence. Why is it OK to get high with a drink but not cannabis. If they can say "Drink responsibly" we can smoke the same way. Idiots!! Two faced to boot!!


Since when is 0 & Co right wing? Ron Paul & a Dem put up a bill in favor of US using cannabis. It's not just the right or the left. It's some of each on both sides of the issue.

If elected, Ron would really call the feds off MMJ outlets. Dr. Paul would pardon ALL non violent 'drug offenders' across the whole country as well.

I dig your last sentence. Why is it OK to get high with a drink but not cannabis. If they can say "Drink responsibly" we can smoke the same way. Idiots!! Two faced to boot!!

Your damn right bout that, all this "right wing, left wing" bullshit. Why did George W. Bush, a "conservative" and John Kerry, a "liberal", join the same secret society called Skull and Bones?? Because when you look at the big picture, its not about political classes, its about powerful people, regardless of political prejudice, having the same agenda (in there favor).

So the majority of Americans can believe what they see on CNN, Fox News or MSNBC, but we will never know the truth about what our Government is doing being our back. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I don't trust just about anybody in politics.


Grandpappy Prescott Bush. An interesting piece of the puzzle to say the least.
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Since when is 0 & Co right wing? Ron Paul & a Dem put up a bill in favor of US using cannabis. It's not just the right or the left. It's some of each on both sides of the issue.

If elected, Ron would really call the feds off MMJ outlets. Dr. Paul would pardon ALL non violent 'drug offenders' across the whole country as well.

I dig your last sentence. Why is it OK to get high with a drink but not cannabis. If they can say "Drink responsibly" we can smoke the same way. Idiots!! Two faced to boot!!

Oh yeah, just because Ron Paul "says" he'll pardon ALL non-violent drug offenders across the entire Country, If he did become President it wouldn't happen. Politicians say what they want just to get votes, 90% of the time its all lies.


they all lie look at obamas fucked up campaign ..its not going to be legal for a while .... the presidents all lie.. and do what they are told.. they are puppets... they just tell us what others want us to hear... they guard the media and every other form of communication we have to keep us in line.. if they were smart.. end the war on pot.. and keep other drugs illegal.. let people do what they want with there body without being bothered .. if we dont harm anyone but ourselves then y is it illegal>????? the country is not free............. if u have enough money... u r free.. if u have nothing u are nothing


end the war on pot.. and keep other drugs illegal.. let people do what they want with there body without being bothered

Not only that, but cannabis has an abundance of medicinal properties that scientists and Md's found out and there are probably still more that we don't know about. Its so sad that our Fed. Gov. keeps it illegal, even after all the benefits people with ailments get from it.
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well if big pharma cant get ur money.. then they dont wana make it legal ... it seems they like to control the population by allowing certain drugs to be used and shit like that...

keep hiv and aids patients dieing.. instead of keeping them alive with weed and there other therapys..

its all politics.. how strong are army is defines us as country.. instead of being free and being able to do what u want wen u want as long as ur not harming anyone but yourself.. we are a prisoner of the feds ... if the president was smart. theyd legalize regulate and tax.. and get the economy back on its feet by stopping the spending on are troops being in other countrys.. bring the troops back.. and keep our country safe.. not other countrys safe fuckn this country is fucking WAR HUNGRY.. love having wars with its own citizens


well if big pharma cant get ur money.. then they dont wana make it legal ... it seems they like to control the population by allowing certain drugs to be used and shit like that...

keep hiv and aids patients dieing.. instead of keeping them alive with weed and there other therapys..

Exactly, they know if they make it legal anybody can grow it themselves so they don't have to go to the pharmacy to pay for and pick up pills, thats 1 reason why its illegal. Its very hard to make your own pills, so we have to go to the pharmacy and that keeps billions of dollars in there pocket, which in turn, puts millions of dollars in politicians pockets. So the politicians (including the presidant) won't legalize it because they will lose soooo much money.

My little cousin died of aids at 15 (she was born with it) back in '07 and I think if she had MMJ she would have been alot better off. They allow so many to die for the love of money, its fucked up.


dude seriously legalizing would make big pharma lose money.. the cotton industry will lose money.. the paper industry.. lose money.... the oil industry will lose money... and more people will live longer which makes over population and that makes everyone lose money.


Your damn right bout that, all this "right wing, left wing" bullshit. Why did George W. Bush, a "conservative" and John Kerry, a "liberal", join the same secret society called Skull and Bones?? Because when you look at the big picture, its not about political classes, its about powerful people, regardless of political prejudice, having the same agenda (in there favor).

So the majority of Americans can believe what they see on CNN, Fox News or MSNBC, but we will never know the truth about what our Government is doing being our back. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I don't trust just about anybody in politics.
Preach brother preach!


Foolish...I don't think so.

It will happen. It's inevitable. Look at the kids today who will be running the country in 40 years. I understand where you are coming from though, I would have said it was foolish if 12 years ago someone told me there would be hash bars and medical dispensaries by the hundreds in Los Angeles.

Are microbreweries and vineyards global corporations? No. There will be a market for excellent AAA+++ indoor super bomb homegrown ALWAYS. I am still getting very good reimbursements for my hard work. Prices could drop another 50% (which they won't for a very long time) and I would still be happy. Too low now? nope. I think they are still high. I think meds should have a 30 dollar cap right now and people should stop whining about the best job in the world. What other flowers sell for as much (besides tulips during Hollands tulip frenzy back in the day).

Check out this cognac: 3.4 million for a bottle:

Now that outdoor bammer weed... there will be fields of that shit run by the big boys no doubt, and it will be in the liquor stores for 10 bucks a pack or whatever.

I doubt you will be done growing as long as you are smoking. Growing is a hobby. Dude, I can go buy lettuce at the store for a dollar and I still would rather grow my own.

this is my exact argument to any grower who votes against legalization. Ive been saying it for years. Do you know how much assholes in Los Angeles spend on a bottle in a club? I saw some idiots the other night buy a $100,000 bottle of Cristal along with about 10 other regular sized bottles and then proceeded to dump the half empty bottles on the floor when they left. They literally dumped half of a $100,000 bottle on the floor!!!!! Imagine if you had a high end club with the finest organic ganja on the planet. Hot chicks bringing out ounces on a platter with a bong and papers. Are you kidding me? The finest top shelf organics would go for $1000 or more an oz. Legalization will only bring higher prices for the skilled grower. Everyone else will get trampled by the big dawgs. So bottom line is, up your growing skills and you will be raking in dough if it gets legalized. And hydroponics probably won't cut it in the high end market Im speaking of. It's gonna have to be the highest quality soil grown cannabis cured for 6 months to perfection. Then you will ensure your herb will be going for outrageous prices to all of the celebrities/wanna-be celebrities. Nowadays people wait tables all week so they can spend anything extra they have on a bottle with their friends and feel like a big shot. They'd do the same if weed were legal.


likes to smell trees.
this is my exact argument to any grower who votes against legalization. Ive been saying it for years. Do you know how much assholes in Los Angeles spend on a bottle in a club? I saw some idiots the other night buy a $100,000 bottle of Cristal along with about 10 other regular sized bottles and then proceeded to dump the half empty bottles on the floor when they left. They literally dumped half of a $100,000 bottle on the floor!!!!! Imagine if you had a high end club with the finest organic ganja on the planet. Hot chicks bringing out ounces on a platter with a bong and papers. Are you kidding me? The finest top shelf organics would go for $1000 or more an oz. Legalization will only bring higher prices for the skilled grower. Everyone else will get trampled by the big dawgs. So bottom line is, up your growing skills and you will be raking in dough if it gets legalized. And hydroponics probably won't cut it in the high end market Im speaking of. It's gonna have to be the highest quality soil grown cannabis cured for 6 months to perfection. Then you will ensure your herb will be going for outrageous prices to all of the celebrities/wanna-be celebrities. Nowadays people wait tables all week so they can spend anything extra they have on a bottle with their friends and feel like a big shot. They'd do the same if weed were legal.

I dont know yumyum... me hydro es fantastico.


this is my exact argument to any grower who votes against legalization. Ive been saying it for years. Do you know how much assholes in Los Angeles spend on a bottle in a club? I saw some idiots the other night buy a $100,000 bottle of Cristal along with about 10 other regular sized bottles and then proceeded to dump the half empty bottles on the floor when they left. They literally dumped half of a $100,000 bottle on the floor!!!!! Imagine if you had a high end club with the finest organic ganja on the planet. Hot chicks bringing out ounces on a platter with a bong and papers. Are you kidding me? The finest top shelf organics would go for $1000 or more an oz. Legalization will only bring higher prices for the skilled grower. Everyone else will get trampled by the big dawgs. So bottom line is, up your growing skills and you will be raking in dough if it gets legalized. And hydroponics probably won't cut it in the high end market Im speaking of. It's gonna have to be the highest quality soil grown cannabis cured for 6 months to perfection. Then you will ensure your herb will be going for outrageous prices to all of the celebrities/wanna-be celebrities. Nowadays people wait tables all week so they can spend anything extra they have on a bottle with their friends and feel like a big shot. They'd do the same if weed were legal.

The problem with legalization is that people won't be allowed to grow it themselves just like how people now can't distill there own liquor and grow tobacco. So alot of people that need it for medical purposes will have to pay out the ass because it will be taxed so high. Its gonna get to the point where medical patients are not allowed to grow there own so everybody will have to buy it and the Government will have control over who is allowed to grow and sell marijuana. I know alot of people grow bud illegally anyways and it won't stop them from doing it now or then, but alot of medical patients who can't grow it are gonna get fucked over if it is legalized. The taxes are gonna be so high and I'm sure the license to grow and/or sell will also be outragously high and the Government is probably gonna control who does what. I believe your right and there will be a high end market, but it won't be us who are allowed to grow, the Government will have control over everything just like liquor and tobacco. If this happens in my lifetime, I'll just become a marijuana moonshiner :cool:


The problem with legalization is that people won't be allowed to grow it themselves just like how people now can't distill there own liquor and grow tobacco. So alot of people that need it for medical purposes will have to pay out the ass because it will be taxed so high. Its gonna get to the point where medical patients are not allowed to grow there own so everybody will have to buy it and the Government will have control over who is allowed to grow and sell marijuana. I know alot of people grow bud illegally anyways and it won't stop them from doing it now or then, but alot of medical patients who can't grow it are gonna get fucked over if it is legalized. The taxes are gonna be so high and I'm sure the license to grow and/or sell will also be outragously high and the Government is probably gonna control who does what. I believe your right and there will be a high end market, but it won't be us who are allowed to grow, the Government will have control over everything just like liquor and tobacco. If this happens in my lifetime, I'll just become a marijuana moonshiner :cool:

that's like saying you aren't allowed to make your own wine or beer. I highly doubt they'll be able to stop people from growing at home considering there has been an indoor horticultural industry for the past 35 years. They'd have to shut down companies like hydrofarm and the like to ever have any type of control over that. And are you sure on these laws against growing tobacco? I figured people didn't do it cause it's a pain in the ass and not worth the effort when you can buy high end tobaccos all over the place. and just as you can own a microbrewery im sure you could have a marijuana microbrewery.
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