Mimed’s Perpetual Thread

  • Thread starter MIMedGrower
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gonna b enough, then, med? for ur needs?
just once... i want an oops free, affliction free, "season"!

Yeah i dont want to raise the ec too fast with the damaged roots. They are taking too long to drink still.

And my truncheon has all the conversions on it like the chart. It is not just .7 conversion. But i guess australia is. Thats where the company is from.

Also overfeeding ruins flavor and ultimately potency in my opinion. I never get much over 1.6 or 800ppm.


u know my take- oil- nerv pain... high thc, regardless of whatchamacallit- um... sat/indi/hrbrid. f opioids... the cbd topicals... awesome- but i dunno... never tested n it always gets done, with whatever other trash (thc based), lyin around. med, u tried stretches in a bathtub of hot, with ur ailing parts- under, or as much under as poss? try? it's helping me...

We only have a shower at this old lake cabin but wet heat is recommended. I have been blasting and steaming my back in the shower.


omg... :(

so so so sorry. i was too fat, when mom suggested, but inverting, table?

it's "funny"... because they call em pill mills, but i wasn't able to p.t. and nothing else, but the opioid poison... "helped". must've been 50 ailments caused, downstream from em... including, exasperating, um... um... heart issues...
so sorry, skol.
no issues now,4 brand new valves made from the vein in my leg,split ribs on the other hand are giving me the blues,let me put it this way,when a women say her boobs hurt dont touch her,that aint no joke hahaahh my freaking left tit hurts like hell,dont seem like the ribs on that side want to fuse back or something


no issues now,4 brand new valves made from the vein in my leg,split ribs on the other hand are giving me the blues,let me put it this way,when a women say her boobs hurt dont touch her,that aint no joke hahaahh my freaking left tit hurts like hell,dont seem like the ribs on that side want to fuse back or something

Dont worry bro. We wont touch your boobs. ;-)


I've been using a microwavable moist heating pad for years for back pain and I love it. This set is the most affordable I've found recently. Its also great for stiff shoulders, and if it's filled with flax, you can also toss in the fridge in a bag for cold treatment. You will not believe how deep the heat can get into your back. (I have no affiliation with this person, just a good price and free shipping.)


I've been using a microwavable moist heating pad for years for back pain and I love it. This set is the most affordable I've found recently. Its also great for stiff shoulders, and if it's filled with flax, you can also toss in the fridge in a bag for cold treatment. You will not believe how deep the heat can get into your back. (I have no affiliation with this person, just a good price and free shipping.)

Thanks. I finally ripped my hot and cold gel pack.


I also take it to bed on cold nights. They normally come with a washable cover and the only time I ever ruined one was by over nuking it, and burned the corner of the bag. Had to toss it because of the burned flax smell. Otherwise, they should last years.


The good big ones are hard to find. Even walgreens didnt have one. Just little ones. Like for lunch coolers.

My physiotherapist sells the big ones and little ones. Big ones are $75 Cdn, but they're really heavy duty and hold heat for a looong time.

A tip he gave me is to keep the big ones in a pizza box and little ones in a shoebox, so nothing in the freezer can poke at them. His that he uses in his practice are going on 8 years old being used almost daily.


The good big ones are hard to find. Even walgreens didnt have one. Just little ones. Like for lunch coolers.
best place to get a good one is a physical therapy place,i got 2 of them 12in by 12in,then i got 2 of the 45% wedges ,i keep um in the frezzer,when i need to heat one i just throw in the wave then sandwich between towels and take cold off then hot on,shit i had them for about 15 yrs now


My physiotherapist sells the big ones and little ones. Big ones are $75 Cdn, but they're really heavy duty and hold heat for a looong time.

A tip he gave me is to keep the big ones in a pizza box and little ones in a shoebox, so nothing in the freezer can poke at them. His that he uses in his practice are going on 8 years old being used almost daily.

I had mine for like 20 years. Mrs. MMG used it 3 times and it was done for.


I hope others with similar health issues find this thread. It has some great pain management info lately.

Funny we havent discussed how weed fits in to this much.

I wanted to say that until i learned to wait to harvest until the buds were truly done growing and producing trichomes i got very little medical benefits from my flowers.

Once i realized not to flush or use bloom boosters which both shorten the flowering time it started taking up to 3 weeks longer to flower a plant properly. Usually 2. 8 week strains take at least 10. And 10 weekers always 12 for me.

But the extra yield and visible layers upon layers of trichomes under the scope are proof enough.

I like to try to get the most potential out of every seed i plant. I find vegging to maturity is key for max potency as well. Not just potency. But complexity.

My 12/12 grows never match a good 6 week veg for effects.


Yeah i dont want to raise the ec too fast with the damaged roots. They are taking too long to drink still.

And my truncheon has all the conversions on it like the chart. It is not just .7 conversion. But i guess australia is. Thats where the company is from.

Also overfeeding ruins flavor and ultimately potency in my opinion. I never get much over 1.6 or 800ppm.
same. i got greedy... 800 fried tips n most cases.


We only have a shower at this old lake cabin but wet heat is recommended. I have been blasting and steaming my back in the shower.
i had a post surgical, ice machine. I'm sure the watts were high, with the lil a/c kinda unit. ruined it, with regular water- one of the most helpful tools n the shed. i know... cold... shocking! has lil attachappees, that belt around whatever part. think they run $150, up to 4k-ish. also helped in the 13 day withdrawal, from hospital deloted, whilst still takin oxy n oxy... at that time. but if I'd had a working one... I, or g, would still b usin it. ain't the same as a bag o ice, or freezable, gel. just- ALL NIGHT LONG/whatever...
thinkin for both med n skol.
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