A list of nutes/sups which I am sure I have to much of
An endless battle. I go back and forth from streamlining the recipe to buying every damn additive I think might help or I want to try. Right now I am in the buying and testing of additive mode, so I have more bottles 'o shit than I need as well.
I am not using everything, but admit I am using most of the supplements at 1/2-2/3strength(not the *blooming agents*) or the Master A/B
What can I cut out? what else would help?
Lucas would tell you to cut out everything but GH Bloom & Micro and that the plants do not need anything else.
Looks like you have
three different base nute lines? GH, B'Cuzz & Humboldt? First thing there is make a selection for one of the three to start with. I am partial to GH of those three only because it is tried, true, tested, stable, easy, etc. and I have the most experience with it.
So, start there. Sounds like you found a Lucas like formula with GH 3part. Run with that or follow the GH 3-Part aggressive veg formula 15G - 10M - 5B. That works well too.
EDIT: Run the same ratio - 3/2/1 but at 2/3 to 3/4 strength since you are under T5's and a 400W and multiple strains. Meaning if you need to add, say, 500 mL of GH Bloom, multiply that 500 by .67 to get 335mL. Also, that aggressive veg formula can be a wee bit much for some strains in ebb & flow, even under a thowie.
And then the additives ... Take the long term view. Take a look at all the grows on the web that are sweet and are
not using all kinds of additives. You are having pH ppm issues:
PH/PPM/EC every time I check it whether its a day or .30sec it is different(reading from 4.0-7.1PH 880-1250PPM within 2 minutes?
You have organics in there. That makes it tough to read ppm accurately, and is probably why your ppm readings are all over the place. The pH swing shouldn't happen, in my experience, from organics like the ppm. If it is wildly jumping around I am inclined to think you are growing something other than marijuana in your garden. You have some little microbial fuckers in your res you are feeding with nutes and they are f'ing up your pH, having sex and making more little fuckers to, eating, shitting, etc.
My best, most honest advice is this: Skip additives this run. Change out your res, use GH 3 part and look into some things like H202 to kill whatever else you are growing in your res right now. You have that modified Lucas, use it and know that quality growers have pulled gram/watt with Lucas alone.
Focus first on growing marijuana before you expand your agricultural responsibilities to ranching microbial life forms and dead organic matter in your res.
Do that and you should see stable readings and you will get the flow of it all. Then, next run, start playing with all of those additives. Dial in your room environment this run as well, if it isn't already. I think a lot of growers underestimate the importance of the environment.
After the environment is dialed in, you can really experiment with additives and see what works and what is a waste of money.
but it always show water at 6.8-7.2 with 240-280ppm which is about right for LA/Granada Hills?
As a dude living at 10,000' Colorado on a well in, I ain't got a f'ing clue brutha. But that sounds right. Meaning that both the pH and ppm are in ranges I would expect out of the average tap.
Makes me think your meter works.