My $200.00 NFT Rain Gutter system

  • Thread starter Canappa
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My new set up is running great the only problems I have are the stalks are out growing the gutters and I thought I had enough time to put some netting down after the flip. But I was wrong these girls took off so fast I don't have the room to get to put the nets up, they are still don't great ! I can't complaine about them growing to fast lol
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

ihi cannappa
cool connversion! hope you smash it.
I am confused about your diy chiller,
Trich king

Trich king

Would love to see some new pics, especially of them stalks!
My new set up is running great the only problems I have are the stalks are out growing the gutters and I thought I had enough time to put some netting down after the flip. But I was wrong these girls took off so fast I don't have the room to get to put the nets up, they are still don't great ! I can't complaine about them growing to fast lol


ihi cannappa
cool connversion! hope you smash it.
I am confused about your diy chiller,

I took a humidifier and to the cooling coil out it and put it in the water to cool it. Works great Google DIY water chiller you should find some videos on it. Thanks for stopping by...


The electrisity tends to trip every now and the during winter. So I was wondering if u had a plan for those fouple hours the pump is off . I was thinking about maybe a gravity fed res abouve the gutters. But just slowing the flow right down so the roots stay moist and not dry out. I can buy a 12v pump but they r so expensive this side. Do u have any other ideas for this problem


The electrisity tends to trip every now and the during winter. So I was wondering if u had a plan for those fouple hours the pump is off . I was thinking about maybe a gravity fed res abouve the gutters. But just slowing the flow right down so the roots stay moist and not dry out. I can buy a 12v pump but they r so expensive this side. Do u have any other ideas for this problem

It has happened to me a d lucky for me the roots where so thick in the gutters that the end where submerged in the rez that's where she drank from. Just added some battery powered lights to make up for the lights being off. Lost power for a day and they survived. I do have an extra pump as a back up if my pump fails. I guess If I lost power for too long I could put the caps on the ends of the gutters and fill them with water ?


Well its been a few days since the gutters got the case of Root Rot, First thing I did was clean the rez , add only nutes that where not dark in color. Bought some more power heads, keeping temps in mid 60's added some hydozyme and peroxide 3%. I can tell today shes is back to drinking up nutes. She sucked down 8-10 gallons in tw0 days. I am starting to see new growth.This is how I can shes doing well. On average I can put up to 10 gallons a day when she starts feeding regularly.

took some pics plants looks healthy to me
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How much paroxide
Well its been a few days since the gutters got the case of Root Rot, First thing I did was clean the rez , add only nutes that where not dark in color. Bought some more power heads, keeping temps in mid 60's added some hydozyme and peroxide 3%. I can tell today shes is back to drinking up nutes. She sucked down 8-10 gallons in tw0 days. I am starting to see new growth.This is how I can shes doing well. On average I can put up to 10 gallons a day when she starts feeding regularly.

took some pics plants looks healthy to me
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How much peroxide did u put in yr res (per leter)


I could only find 9%. So il do a little maths. Had a major leak last night got to the room early this morning and on water in res. Plant where all drooping. Got some water back in and my beautiful girls look like they going to make it. Mini hart attack.


I started growing the early 90's and was on a budget at that time with no money to work with my and a friend thought of an ideal for growing in the gutters. I had read about it somewhere but did not know how to go about it. This is what I came up with. I just built this set up for about $200 Bucks and I already ran it for many years and got great results about 10 years ago we where getting 5-6lbs in a 10X10 room every 3 months, with 4 1000's two MH and two HPS bulbs. I grew for a year and learned a lot during that time. But me and my girlfriend had troubles and had to shut it down asap if you know what I mean.

I am new to this Forum and did not see any gutter systems like mine. I use 3" Rockwool cubes that fit great in the gutters. I am able to fit about 8 plants in each and row about 24" apart. The Nutrients flow 24/7 through the gutters which are always monitored for proper PH, PPM and temp.the one problem I had when growing this was was the roots will fill the gutters and to the top and had minor leaks that where taken care of.

My NFT is running just fine no problem at all no water chiller being used and no Co2, just keeping it simple and on a budget. Growing for medical use for a friend and I only, not to worried about not using them. Iam sure it would help though. I do have fresh outside air going in at out 24/7 which helps.

The set up is very simple, I dont like running a bunch of nutes "keeping it simple is my way of thinking". I just added a few girls to the room, started them on a Ionic Hydro Grow, Nitrozime and FossilFuel. The room stay at a content 74-77degree lights on 68 light off and 55-60 humidity. Root temp at 72 I covered the gutters in white plastic to make sure the roots get no light. Cool system but not for everone...

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Looks dope bro. Making use of what u have around u. Cd for a cover. Lol. Good thinking cannepa. Good luck and I'm sticking around for sure!


Looks dope bro. Making use of what u have around u. Cd for a cover. Lol. Good thinking cannepa. Good luck and I'm sticking around for sure!

Thanks bro, been working on this system for a long time. Keep it simple and cheap is the way I roll. Its not always about having the most expensive sysyem when growing...


I could only find 9%. So il do a little maths. Had a major leak last night got to the room early this morning and on water in res. Plant where all drooping. Got some water back in and my beautiful girls look like they going to make it. Mini hart attack.

Just ask the guys at the grow store Iam not home right now to give you the product name I used but its in a white bottle with a blue label on it.


Thanks bro, been working on this system for a long time. Keep it simple and cheap is the way I roll. Its not always about having the most expensive sysyem when growing...
I couldn't agree more. Ur doing a great job bro! Can't wait to c what pops off!
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