My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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The Beast Slayer
I wonder if mr R continues to horizontal out his branches for the first few weeks of flower like you would in a SCROG to give himself that nice flat canopy.

I keep the plant flat until it reaches the pot width, then I allow it to grow upwards. Once vertical height is reached I then flower.

The goal is to bush them out sideways. Then once they grow vertical it strengthens the manifold for a strong foundation.

Then as the branches get vertical they support their load like a column with the forces running vertically.

The more you stray from vertical towards horizontal the load placed upon the branches becomes much much higher and increases the chances of breakage under the weight of the buds


I keep the plant flat until it reaches the pot width, then I allow it to grow upwards. Onve vertical height is reached I then flower.

The goal is to bush them out sideways. Then once they grow vertical it strengthens the manifold for a strong foundation.

Then as the branches get vertical they support their load like a column with the forces running vertically.

The more you stray from vertical towards horizontal the load placed upon the branches becomes much much higher and increases the chances of breakage under the weight of the buds

do you use a net?

how are you today?



The Beast Slayer
do you use a net?

how are you today?

I do not use the net personally. I always focused on letting the plants veg long enough to where their branches were strong enough to support their own weight. Not only that but if you have enough tops next to each other. They tend to lean up against each other and support each other vertically until you remove it from the tent.


The Beast Slayer
As far as how I am doing today. You guys already know the story and the emotions are still the same I feel very devastated. But now I just classify the days between good days and bad days. Today was a bad day.


thank you.

i wont worry a bout its genetics and just grow it best i can. iv just read about sativas being more paranoid high which does not sound fun.

so iv always just got indica since it was suppose to be the strongest they had..
but yeah. im learning its not so good to have to depend on other growers.. since everyone has to eat just think they should have some pride. but if its a time thing, its a rat race and i just do not fit in it.. im a country boy.
There are some really feel good sativas. Green crack is my fave and the Chemdog 91 I had recently was awesome. Watch out for dat haze tho- that shit can get to your head if you're not ready for that type of high. Peace.


i bought these months ago. juts now looked at them they seem to be good quality and i think i paid 18.00 for 4. i open them to see if i had 5 or 4.. if i had 5 would grow a start gate og in it.. but ill just grow it in a solo cup. so i think this makes sense.

can a sativa induce couch lock.. that is my goal..
i just want shit that kicks my ass when i need it too.

i was gonna use your method to germination a staargat og.. but i figure ill just toss a seed in a solo cup and let its do its thing from veg to flower.. hopefully get a clone( have to set up a ghetto clf chamber yet )
also have to order a another thing of clonex since what they sent me blew up in the mail..
I believe a sativa might not give you couch lock (maybe brain waves, end up in lala land) but I DO believe a good sativa can make your walk home with a big bag of dirt less of a pain and maybe even a bit pleasant. Hit the indica when you get home


Never thought of mixing say 150 is ideal? How so, if you don't mind I'm new to this. Thank you.

In any growing guide for fertilizing any plants 150 ppm is the the base suggested to properly buffer the water for stability when nutes are added or it is added to a medium.

The amount of calcium in the water (alkalinity) determines how your medium reacts over time.

I don't know why mixing ro water with hard tap is not discussed as it is common greenhouse production practice. And again in every good pot growing book as well.

The forums propogate hydro store bullshit like ph'ing in a limed soil mix and using flushing products.

Growers of our food supply do not add acid to their fertigation tanks unless the water is very very hard.

Search alkalinity and watering plants.


There are some really feel good sativas. Green crack is my fave and the Chemdog 91 I had recently was awesome. Watch out for dat haze tho- that shit can get to your head if you're not ready for that type of high. Peace.

Both of those first two strains are hybrids. Grown well they can have a full and balanced high.

And haze is too but much closer to the land race sativas it was bred from.


mins before lights on. they are getting there stretch on.
i will have to shorten the steel cable yoke, as im losing a foot easy by using them like i am..
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lights on:
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#5 is the female.. the other one in the 2g pot sitting next to #5 is not showing sex yet.

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Am wondering what about the weather ? Cuz seriously I am growing some radishes,but idk there are got a bunch of mites , I am failed ...........So sad about that ........Idk if because of the wether
im not sure i understand. you mean my hot environment?

the only thing im gonna be growing is a jalapeno plant outside. i think once it grows up a bit, and tossing my male plant outside just to fuck with his head. once i get a clone off his ass.

bowl up,



Thanks mate.I used it like a couple days ago , right now I am not sure if it's gonna work .The only thing I can do just wait lol.
Nah the only thing you can do is keep using it every day or so until the problem is gone, then every other day or so for prevention. But if you got a bunch of radishes maybe a fogger or something may be more appropriate? Good luck bro.


my help showed, shock! hah.

anyhow, gave my male a new set of flip flops, he thinks he has a chance with the gals now, with his fancy flip flops, pfft.

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once i get a clone off him ill stress test him some more, then maybe even flower his ass.. if he continues to have the smell and gets frosty ill try to keep him.. for all i know he will die on me, but this is a fun learning experience on keeping a mother plant.. im amazed he is doing as well as he is since he is getting shit for light from the T5. but he seems to be cool with whatever the fuck i do to him, so i say he may make it. i do love his kushy smell :D

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such a shame to cull two fucking healthy plants. when space is limited, and you have new seeds/genetics to try, and i also have a few more kush seeds to explore these genetic more at a later date. its the logical choice.

this big bottom affgani is a mind fuck so far.
its leafs are just to big for its little body.

last night:
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its not much of a visual cue;ill take whatever it gives me.

the new kids on the block:
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critical kush. and of course every pepper seed i planted is probably gonna sprout. ill cull the little ones by days end.

it was on tv so you know its legit yo!
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i have all the shit i need i think now.. so i can water inside my tent... fear me green thumbs.. im faking this shit the best i can.

thank you everyone for the help you given.. if it was not for you guys/gals i doubt id be here to be honest.

we all must bowl up,


Hey Chris Hope your having a stellar day. You get more traffic than my thread and being pressed for time I have a question that needs answered by those who know more than I do. Lights were to come on at 2:00 But they need water and nutes and I wont be able to do that until 5:00. Is it ok to leave them in the dark until then?


Hey Chris Hope your having a stellar day. You get more traffic than my thread and being pressed for time I have a question that needs answered by those who know more than I do. Lights were to come on at 2:00 But they need water and nutes and I wont be able to do that until 5:00. Is it ok to leave them in the dark until then?

hey no problem ask away. im not sure i follow you on time tho.

so lights on at 2pm lets say, and you can not do anything with your plants until 5 correct? if so just water/nute then at lights on.. h ell that what i do.

maybe im not thinking this through very well, shock.

hope you are doing well man.

hey @SimplyCmplex here is your 93 Afghani update:
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ignore the hair, ha! its a mutant Afghani!

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