My first grow (gulp)

  • Thread starter Werebad
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Thought I would share my first attempt at growing my own medicine. I found a dozen seeds in a bag (I know, I know, lol)...I put them in a glass of water for a day or so and then moved them to a wet paper towel. Then I saw someone on Youtube using one of those Jiffy seed starter packs and so I put them in one of those. When I came back the next day things were happening. Now its Sunday and I just took a pic of them which I will attach below. Cheers!
My first grow gulp


Today when I got home from work, I saw that 10 of my seeds sprouted into seedlings. Some still had the seed shell on them, so I gently took those off. In the pics you can see how far the tap roots travelled in just a day or two. I removed the webbing around the peat, assembled the solo cups and put the seedlings in with Fox Farm Ocean Floor soil. The only problem I had was on the first and best looking seedling. I think I ripped part of the tap root off! I still put her in a cup and will see what happens. The rest went without incident.

I put holes in the bottom of the solo cup and put water in an intact cup, then slid the holy cup into the intact cup in order to water from below. I saw this on youtube and thought I would try it since it looked kind of neat.

I am getting a 150 watt equivalent CFL light tomorrow and will put them under it till they are ready for the HGL. I took some pics to share which are below. So far so good. Cheers!
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Welcome to the farm!
Looks good, should be interesting seeing what you pull out of those seeds.
Keep us in the know with a grow diary and lots of photos please and thank you!
Don't know where I am at times...Seems I am in the right place now:D
Watching & hoping to see great things!
Jack og

Jack og

Don’t double cup them, it’ will hold water and rot the roots out, use the single solo cup that has drains and use a tray to collect run off, water very little , get it to near dry then a squirt of water maybe daily to every other day. At about 3 weeks start cal mag. It has nitrogen and will get you to about week 5 then up pot and start the feeding regiment .
Welcome to the farm!
Start figuring out a grow area. Figure out soil, and feed/nutrients.
In the cheap get miracle grow organic soil. 3-5 gal container, all at home cheapo, also their Alaska line of fish emulsion for veg and bloom is great. And they have cal mag there too. All in all, under $70 and u will have a great start with enough stuff leftover for the next go.
As they grow about 6-9 weeks in we will need to sex them, look for males to either kill of or to use for more breeding and seeds . Female plants are the keepers.


Don’t double cup them, it’s will hold water and rot the roost out, use the single solo cup that has drains and use a tray to collect run off, water very little , get it to near dry then a squirt of water maybe daily to every other day. At about 3 weeks start cal mag. It has nitrogen and will get you to about week 5 then up pot and start the feeding regiment .
Welcome to the farm!

I think I will do that, I don't want to have any rot. I only put about 1/5 of the cup full but I don't want to take any chances! And thanks for the welcome!


Don’t double cup them, it’ will hold water and rot the roots out, use the single solo cup that has drains and use a tray to collect run off, water very little , get it to near dry then a squirt of water maybe daily to every other day. At about 3 weeks start cal mag. It has nitrogen and will get you to about week 5 then up pot and start the feeding regiment .
Welcome to the farm!
Start figuring out a grow area. Figure out soil, and feed/nutrients.
In the cheap get miracle grow organic soil. 3-5 gal container, all at home cheapo, also their Alaska line of fish emulsion for veg and bloom is great. And they have cal mag there too. All in all, under $70 and u will have a great start with enough stuff leftover for the next go.
As they grow about 6-9 weeks in we will need to sex them, look for males to either kill of or to use for more breeding and seeds . Female plants are the keepers.

Thanks for the tips, I'm relying on Youtube for most of hwat Ive done so far, lol. I am using Fox Farm Ocean floor soil, I heard that you shouldn't start nutes for the first three weeks or so while the plant uses up the stuff in the soil. Does that make sense or will I starve my girls to death?

Im using a closet with a grow tent, I am ordering it tomorrow. The size I have chosen is 32x32x62, but I do have a little more room in my closet. My light is an HLG 135 Watt V2 Rspec QB, but I'm using a CFL for this stage. I have some Foxfarm Grow Big which is 6-4-4, will that be ok to use? Not trying to pepper you with questions but I want to give these plants the best chance I can. Thanks again!
Jack og

Jack og

Thanks for the tips, I'm relying on Youtube for most of hwat Ive done so far, lol. I am using Fox Farm Ocean floor soil, I heard that you shouldn't start nutes for the first three weeks or so while the plant uses up the stuff in the soil. Does that make sense or will I starve my girls to death?

Im using a closet with a grow tent, I am ordering it tomorrow. The size I have chosen is 32x32x62, but I do have a little more room in my closet. My light is an HLG 135 Watt V2 Rspec QB, but I'm using a CFL for this stage. I have some Foxfarm Grow Big which is 6-4-4, will that be ok to use? Not trying to pepper you with questions but I want to give these plants the best chance I can. Thanks again!
Yes that soil will work, one advice however, and many options out there on it. Cut that soil with coco perlite mix like promix hp or royal gold basement mix. Watch for fungus knats. Use mosquito pellets in soil. As an amendment. FF is great by itself and won’t need much feeding if any if done right but since u plan on feeding cut it and get ahead of the curve to learn. It’s a loamy soil/ dense and doesn’t drain well and gets water logged. Adding amendments like perlite mix helps it drain better , aerate it and allows for some feeding and it’s forgiving if you happen to over or under do it.


Yes that soil will work, one advice however, and many options out there on it. Cut that soil with coco perlite mix like promix hp or royal gold basement mix. Watch for fungus knats. Use mosquito pellets in soil. As an amendment. FF is great by itself and won’t need much feeding if any if done right but since u plan on feeding cut it and get ahead of the curve to learn. It’s a loamy soil/ dense and doesn’t drain well and gets water logged. Adding amendments like perlite mix helps it drain better , aerate it and allows for some feeding and it’s forgiving if you happen to over or under do it.

I have seen other cut the soil like that, I will get some stuff and do that. I'll look at the options you provided, thanks. I will wait to feed and use a light touch with it, I've heard a lot of people say they messed up by using too much. Thanks again, Ill keep this thread updated so we can see what happens, lol
Jack og

Jack og

I have seen other cut the soil like that, I will get some stuff and do that. I'll look at the options you provided, thanks. I will wait to feed and use a light touch with it, I've heard a lot of people say they messed up by using too much. Thanks again, Ill keep this thread updated so we can see what happens, lol
Copy that! And hey it’s a plant and Boise’s back and you will get parental jitters but it’s gonna be aight!!


Good morning girls! One night in the solo cups...I have 11 in the cups and the 12th is doing something in there but hasn’t poked her head out yet...I may have accidentally put a seed shell on top of the plant thinking it was a seed..but 11 out of 12 is pretty good for bag seeds lol...
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I got my CFL light in today so I moved the girls (and some boys I imagine) into the closet for an 18/6 light regimen, using my Alexa plug as a timer. I'm trying to keep the light no more than 6" away from the plants. They seemed to stretch quite a bit today, I hope that isn't too much, especially since I will have only 62" in my tent (arriving Thursday). I guess I will begin training them soon. I gave them a very light mist, but they didn't seem to need water yet. The cups were only a little lighter than last night. I can see now how people may overwater, it took all my strength not to pour some in, lol. Thursday night I will have the tent and vent fan put up and have them inside where they will remain for the duration. Cheers!
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I added a bowl of water and that brought the humidity up to 50% as of this morning. I also re-potted the plants deeper to alleviate the stretch from yesterday, a strategy I saw on YouTube. Hopefully that will work, they seemed ok this morning. Tent, filter and fan will be here tomorrow so they will have their permanent home soon! I could really get into this...
39E5A619 B146 4E69 92D0 43E645AD631C
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Jack og

Jack og

I added a bowl of water and that brought the humidity up to 50% as of this morning. I also re-potted the plants deeper to alleviate the stretch from yesterday, a strategy I saw on YouTube. Hopefully that will work, they seemed ok this morning. Tent, filter and fan will be here tomorrow so they will have their permanent home soon! I could really get into this...
At this stage they will stretch. I wouldn’t worry about that an I wouldn’t stress them by replanting it over and over. Just let it go and establish roots, and leaves.
Training once they are 3-5 sets of branching is where u can achieve the short height. Look up mainlining and scrog methods, LST, light stress training. All you can do while u wait is read . Do not over parent them, that’s where newer cultivators run into problems. Understand this that it’s a weed, it’s grows regardless of technique and what you do is guide it along when she is bigger! Parenting jitters my friend! Lol


Thanks for the info and the tips! I’m trying to restrain myself, I didn’t know it would be this hard to do, lol. I’ll keep on truckin’ and will heed your advice no matter what parent brain is yelling lol

I have a blink camera on them so I can keep an eye out from work. I’ve gone a little nutty lol
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