Boy what a screwed up 2 weeks, first room was getting into the 95+ range, so added a 6" cooling line to the chillers, well got colder than I thought, checked the room 12 hr later and both res were at 50 degrees. holy shit bat man. Found the issue and fixed it, back draft damper, big $$$$. Took 6 hours to get temps back to 62. One plant looks like it thought it was time to go...
O did I mention the filler hose fell out of the RO tank and drained on the floor!!!!! my mistake took the clamp of for something else.
O ya it gets better, look in 4 days ago and I got Fucking Spider Mites the 2 spotted types. I used
Avid on them and than nuked them again tonight and will do it again in 5 to 7 days. Get them all, little bastards, think I got them from bring in wood to burn, note to self change clothes or garden first. So other than that it's all good. Will get some pics in a few days.
Did I mention the computer died and had to get a new one.....