Nevil's Passing and the start of Operation Green Merchant

  • Thread starter agseedco
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Robert C. Clarke comes out of closet finally admits that scientist were working with law enforcement to identity where cannabis and hashish shipments came from, He and David Watson Mel Frank 1st name basis witl Carlton Turner Reagan's 1st Drug Czar. The cannabis cup in Amsterdam was intelligence gathering event. Clarke thanked Carton Turner in his 1st book Hashish for his help writing that book. Can you imagine being called DEA or DIA by DEA and CIA undercover in Amsterdam? Todd McCormick a pathetic figure on cannabis scene whose nickname Hungry Ho 3as given to him in Oregon, but that's another story. Ray Cogo a good guy used and abused by Nevil, they even rip off his 1 part nutrient formula and created 12 different products from that. Dutch scene 2nd worst thing to happen to cannabis other than making mother nature illegal.


why argue? the purpose was logic and reason not argument

i mean you kids come on a site that is a cop magnet and tell them exactly what you are doing lol and laugh about can people be so condescending and ignorant at the same time is beyond me... and it is funny
Talk about condescending and ignorant.
I get that you're defending your client... But still... Kindly, go fuck yourself.


lets see how and who is crazy...if you are going to break the law do you go down to the police station and tell them that you are going to break the law? of course not ...but here you all are talking about growing illegally because it is still federally illegal... ordering seeds illegally on a public forum and using the internet to do it... now that sounds fucking crazy
Its called civil disobedience... been around forever.....and its how this community has managed to change the world's opinion on the legality and use of cannabis. If we all ran and hid from the government or were afraid to take the risks involved, we wouldn't be where we are today 👍 It's the snitches and shit talking we need less of.

Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

In reality, weed isnt legal, and people in allegedly legal states go to jail everyday. Until its Federally Legal, its Illegal. Its Illegal ( ie-Federal Crime ) to use the Post Office to send seeds across a state line. Unless you have a license from the Gub'ment to grow hemp.

Big thing about using mail is that one cannot be held responsible for whats sent to you in the mail.
Your worst enemy could set you up, call the cops and say you are getting seeds in the mail. So unless you OPEN the package, they cannot hold you responsible, and is to expensive, and they dont have the man power to go after shipments.

But weed, or anything about it is really Illegal.
The Banking Systems cant be used. Cant take equipment off on taxes. No wear and tear write-offs/taxes ect.

I did from 97-2009 under the thumb of the feds. I hate a fucking snitch.


i mean you kids come on a site that is a cop magnet and tell them exactly what you are doing lol and laugh about can people be so condescending and ignorant at the same time is beyond me... and it is funny
I know what you mean. If weed were still illegal here, I damn sure wouldn't be posting. I won't order seeds either(never have), because I heard they sometimes get seized. Besides, they sell them at the grow stores now - no card needed. We come a long way since green merchant.


the government has come along way since green merchant i agree we now have a computer where it is actually easier and more efficient to bust people especially when they incriminate themselves
I agree. I think as long as I don't sell, and stay within the state limits they won't fuck with me. If I were growing pounds and sending it to Texas, I damn sure wouldn't be here bragging.


Maybe in the US but not in Canada. Getting a license for indoor out door is extremely easy and it is federally regulated here. Everyone can grow legally or at least not criminally if they stay under the limits.
Do they allow workplace/employment testing in Canada?
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Do they allow workplace/employment testing in Canada?
Only for certain things like safety sensitive jobs, driving a train or pilot etc.

Hell even the cops are mostly under a fit for duty... no testing unless there is an incident.

A company cannot just institute a test policy without justification such as safety. Many of those are being overturned by courts now


Only for certain things like safety sensitive jobs, driving a train or pilot etc.

Hell even the cops are mostly under a fit for duty... no testing unless there is an incident.

A company cannot just institute a test policy without justification such as safety. Many of those are being overturned by courts now
USA has a long way to go. Profits for drugtesting labs outweigh personal rights here.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Some cities have no period of time and just plain fit for duty.

Remember this is about as safety sensitive as it gets.

Regular companies here i dont believe would have a hope in hell of instituting a random testing program or abstinence period. Even some police forces don't.


First thing the DET in 2012 asked was if I had a medical card. Got one in 2013 and ever since. They also wanted me to snitch, but only asked once. He could tell he wasn’t going to get anywhere I assume. Still in the same house with 400$ electric bills, I been waiting!
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This threads all over the place. Quite the read.

my takeaways:

1) the old guard went through some paranoid shit back in the day. Man are we lucky these days
2) people are assholes even if they might be right
3) @ARAM8611 thinks the US is the whole world.
4) Canada ain’t so bad even though we extradite to the US

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