New Caregiver Law

  • Thread starter Disco Duck
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Disco Duck

So, I spent the last year and all my spare money for a 6 months to be about 2 months away from harvest. The plan had been to sell about half to a dispensary and keep half for myself. Now, apparently, us peasants are not allowed to make any money on this like the nobility is.

So, is there a legal way for me to sell this, or do I just have to do it the American way that says "Nobility? If you are allowed to do it then so am I, this is America, go fuck yourself I'll sell it to whover I want. I have the same rights as they do."

If anyone else is allowed to grow and sell weed, then so can I. My hope is that the garegiver system is still in place. Can I get 5 other people with MMJ cards to list me as their caregiver and sell to them? I have a real condition, and would even find other real patients as my 5 people. I could charge them 1980's prices of 50 per quarter. Is that still legal, or are us peasants simply not allowed to make a dime. Only the nobility is allowed to make any money and that's all that matters?


Disco Duck, I hear ya. This is bullshit and everyone knows it. They screwed the patients when they screwed the caregivers. It's all about money. The few patients lucky enough to find a spot under a caregiver generally receive similar pricing as to what you mentioned. The rest are stuck paying a lot more, sometimes double if they want really good quality. A lot of caregivers charge what it cost to grow to their 5 patients since hb1284 mentions something about selling at cost. Some caregivers take patients that need a lot of meds just so they can cover costs. Some stay on the conservative side when interpreting hb1284 and others are still on craigslist advertising. I did read on riu that their watching and acting so its not a good idea to do that, probably not smart to even advertise looking for patients on there. But to answer you're question, yes, you can be a caregiver for 5 patients that need you're meds.


You have to sell to your patient at cost. Profit is reserved for dispensaries.


Yeah except you can charge for other services which will compensate you for ALL the work you do for you're patients.


If the laws are unfair or ridiculously stupid I don't think that you should be bound to obey them.

F*** the laws it is all one big grey area anyways. Stand up for yourself like a man and handle your business!

Disco Duck

If the laws are unfair or ridiculously stupid I don't think that you should be bound to obey them.

F*** the laws it is all one big grey area anyways. Stand up for yourself like a man and handle your business!

Well, there is no question that I won't be paying any money to any health insurance company just because a delusional lunatic who believes he is a dictator commands it. That's for sure. But that is different. In that case I have the 4th Ammendment of the Constitution on my side, so the law is actually on my side and Dictator Obama is just a delusional lunatic who believes others must obey his commands or be punished.

So on the day I allegedly MUST begin giving my money every month for the rest of my life to some rich people on a list the dicator made and then commanded everyone pay, I will instead be buying a gun. Never a penny in tribute to anyone on the dictator's list, but I will shoot anyone who attempts to punish me in any way simply for disobeying a danggerously unconstitutional dictatorial command. Anyone obeying an order to punish or imprison a free American citizen simply for refusing an unconsitutional dictatorial command is on par with a Gestapo Agent and deserves to be shot. They've earned it. The 4th Ammendement of the Constitution protects me from government sizeing my property, that outranks Dictator Obama's laugable commands. Of course, the fact he would even attempt to issue such a command proves that he is evil in nature, that is history's #1 lesson "those who believe themselves to be your master are evil". History says this means he is an evil man by nature, he honestly believes others must do as he commands or be punished.

But this is different from defending freedom and the Constitution from a domestic enemy who seeks to take it all away and be lord and master. So I am definately not one to obey just any law, for example I don't obey laws that directly contradict the Constitution. But I am going to stay legal with the weed. So I guess now I will need to find people to be a caregiver for and might eventually have to open a dispensary once I have the money too. I really would have preferred to just be a grower and stay out of everything else.

Well, assuming the dictatorial command is repealed and civil war is avoided, anwyay. All us Americans may have to go to war within the next few years to save freedom and America from those who believe that they are our new masters. Hopefully the supreme court will save us all by laughing the Dictator's command to turn your property over to whioever's name he writes down on a list out of court.


Well, there is no question that I won't be paying any money to any health insurance company just because a delusional lunatic who believes he is a dictator commands it. That's for sure. But that is different. In that case I have the 4th Ammendment of the Constitution on my side, so the law is actually on my side and Dictator Obama is just a delusional lunatic who believes others must obey his commands or be punished.

So on the day I allegedly MUST begin giving my money every month for the rest of my life to some rich people on a list the dicator made and then commanded everyone pay, I will instead be buying a gun. Never a penny in tribute to anyone on the dictator's list, but I will shoot anyone who attempts to punish me in any way simply for disobeying a danggerously unconstitutional dictatorial command. Anyone obeying an order to punish or imprison a free American citizen simply for refusing an unconsitutional dictatorial command is on par with a Gestapo Agent and deserves to be shot. They've earned it. The 4th Ammendement of the Constitution protects me from government sizeing my property, that outranks Dictator Obama's laugable commands. Of course, the fact he would even attempt to issue such a command proves that he is evil in nature, that is history's #1 lesson "those who believe themselves to be your master are evil". History says this means he is an evil man by nature, he honestly believes others must do as he commands or be punished.

But this is different from defending freedom and the Constitution from a domestic enemy who seeks to take it all away and be lord and master. So I am definately not one to obey just any law, for example I don't obey laws that directly contradict the Constitution. But I am going to stay legal with the weed. So I guess now I will need to find people to be a caregiver for and might eventually have to open a dispensary once I have the money too. I really would have preferred to just be a grower and stay out of everything else.

Well, assuming the dictatorial command is repealed and civil war is avoided, anwyay. All us Americans may have to go to war within the next few years to save freedom and America from those who believe that they are our new masters. Hopefully the supreme court will save us all by laughing the Dictator's command to turn your property over to whioever's name he writes down on a list out of court.

:sign0065: :party0022:

Disco Duck


:sign0065: :party0022:

I'm a free American citizen, protcted by the Constitution of the United States. It gives me certain rights and protections, one of them being the 4th Ammendment which says that government does not have the authority to sieze my property. It among the more important protections it gives me, personally, because it specifically protects me from tyrants and dictators commanding me to turn my property over to whomever they command. It's right there in black and white in the Constitution.

Americans are willing to fight and die to defend their freedom and the constitution, or had you not heard that? Or did you not realize until now just how serious Dictator Obama's dictatorial command is? It will be repealed, by any means necessary. Freedom and the constitution will be restored. This is America, or had you forgotten? Did you think all us American had just dissapeared or something? Nobody will ever pay one penny to anyone simply because a delusional lunatic has commanded it. The Constitution says so, which is all you really need to know.

Less confused now? If so, start reading and learning about America, freedom, and how they are maintained.
sky high

sky high

Can we leave the "dictator" shit out of this? Don' get me started on the chimp who got us in this mess....(not obama)

Yes, the new law sucks for the average patient. Amendment 20 and it's RIGHTS...passed by the VOTERS. 1284, passed by politicians and greedy "patients". "Two peas in a pod", as my Grandma would say....

But in the long run things are gonna work out. Folks will get TIRED of being gouged by the dispensaries, and once the new system of photo'in your ID and license on EVERY purchase comes in, a buncha "resellers" out there are gonna be rethinking their game and little Jimmy John may not be coming in 5X a day to buy pot for his "non-legal" friends sitting outside in the car anymore. time will tell.

In the end, selling pot is ILLEGAL on all fronts...A20/1284 or not. 99.9% of the folks running the show now were illegal growers and sold illegally for years, so anyone who looks down on anyone else NOW who sells bags, legally, or illegally....simply because they had the $$$ (from dealing) to set up a fuckin cocksuckin hypocrite.

Do what you've always done. Grow better weed than they have (not hard) and tell as many folks as you can that 'availability' is never a problem.

If you grow it, they will come.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
You have to sell to your patient at cost. Profit is reserved for dispensaries.

Where in the world did you read that? it doesn't say that at all.


I swear sometimes I can't decide if the news media puts out more false information or the actual movement... doesn't seem like to many have actully read 1284 at all.

Want to sell to a despensary? just go do it, I think you'll find that not much has changed from a year ago at least right now in the perverbial interem.

Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
If you look at it another way, 1284 just insured that all caregivers are in a much better position to make pure profit than any despensary ever thought about makin...despensaries are now regulated to the hilt and caregivers are not, no liscense, no taxes, no nothing required to just keep on keepin on pumpin out flowers and sellin them to the masses and at a much higher price than a depsensary will ever give you...

I don't get it, you want to make the most money but your upset that you can't sell it to the guys that pay the least for it in the market place.....kind of sounds retarded to me. Wouldn't you rather get $4500-$6000 and lb than $2500-$3000 that the despensaries are goin to land on? lets get mad and line up in the line that pays half of what good medicine brings on the street. Are you even sure your what you are saying or wanting?

You can get $4500 a lb pretty easy and somehow your upset that you can't sell it to a guy that gives you $2800, and he pisses and moans about that even.

I made a ton more money outside of any despensary system, grew for 14 years before i ever heard of a despensary, the despensary model cuts your profits in half, if profits are you goal, than you should be pissed about any despensary system at all, free market.

Sounds more like people are just lazy and didn't want to have to go and gin up any business of there own with individuals to support their desire to grow and sell meds. It is much easier to pic up a magazine and see where the despensary is and walk in and sell your gear to an unknown goofball behind the counter.

Why are more and more small and mid size growers pissed that they can't sell to despensaries? someone explain that one to me please..makes absolutely no since at all.... Wow my cost per unit is higher than I can get for it at the despenary, I have to get top dollar to come out, top dollar is on the street but damnnitt I am mad because I can't go get insulted, nickel, and dimed by a despensary owner that claims to be broke all the time...just don't get it.

sky high

sky high

For me, it's the combo of the 5 patient cap AND the removal of the right to sell to other patients and making such sales "illegal" under 1284 that sucks. I could care less about sales to dispensaries. It's a step backwards here to take rights away from patients for ANY reason, yet that is exactly what has happened. It's not a matter of being "lazy", it's more a matter of not feeling that I should HAVE TO pony up for ANOTHER license...a license that's very being kills other folks RIGHTS.....RIGHTS that EVERY patient had be before serious greed entered the pic and folks turned tail and started being minions for the State rather than for the patients. It's like claiming that you hate the War and the "Man" but making bullets for 'em for a living.

There will be a buncha changes in the next few months as "this jurisdiction and that jurisdiction" nixx the model or regulate it out of existenence in their communities. this will open up the "10 patient" exemption for many folks and I urge anyone who can go for it to do so.

crazy times.

s h


Where in the world did you read that? it doesn't say that at all.


Where did I read it?

That is pretty straight forward, you are not allowed to make a profit on the sale of mmj. Is anybody respecting that law? Thats not the point i'm just pointing out what the law reads.

LOL, "cost of cultivating", I'm not making this up, 1284 is just that crazy stupid. Its not going to seem so stupid when you're standing in front of the judge trying to explain yourself though.


You are allowed to be compensated for all aspects of providing, that includes your time.

I know what my time is worth, and it is well documented via work history.


So the trick is to "give" your patients the meds, and charge them for delivery, consulting, phone calls, e-mails, research, and heck, just charge them 1/10 of a cent for every breath they take, since you're working so hard to help them. THINK "ATTORNEY FEES", and you'll have no problem staying "profitable"... sheesh. How the hell did our state legislature ever think that this bill was in any way American? Our founding fathers would whoop some ass like Jesus did to the money-changers in the temple, if they came back and saw what a mess we've made of their intended system of government.
Enough to make a billy goat puke. (and those fu@$ers eat anything- including laundry left on the clothesline...). NO OFFENSE, Billy, if you happen to read this! lol


I don't get it, you want to make the most money but your upset that you can't sell it to the guys that pay the least for it in the market place.....kind of sounds retarded to me. Wouldn't you rather get $4500-$6000 and lb than $2500-$3000 that the despensaries are goin to land on? lets get mad and line up in the line that pays half of what good medicine brings on the street. Are you even sure your what you are saying or wanting?


I'd take $3,000 and let somebody else stand out on the street corner selling it all day. For me growing is what I like, dont care for the selling part.

I havent dealt with dispensaries, I talked with two of them and they didnt even want a sample, they just complained about seeing more growers than customers. Then we started getting the details of 1284 and I gave up that route.
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
Where did I read it?

That is pretty straight forward, you are not allowed to make a profit on the sale of mmj. Is anybody respecting that law? Thats not the point i'm just pointing out what the law reads.

LOL, "cost of cultivating", I'm not making this up, 1284 is just that crazy stupid. Its not going to seem so stupid when you're standing in front of the judge trying to explain yourself though.

The cost of cultivation includes the cost of YOUR TIME SPENT CULTIVATING. Personally, my time costs a lot, like $500.00 an hour!
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
So the law actually says in black and white that you can charge for cost of cultivation(which can be anything under the sun) and charge for your caregiver services(again, can be anything under the sun and all very profitable) and I'm reading it wrong? wonder everyone is confused, doh!!!

The word profit is not even referenced, so how is it prohibited? it actually says you can charge for services and all cost of production( the word "direct" or "actual" is not used either), which will include time, effort, genetics, you name it, it can be anything you want and still be in total compliance with the law.

Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
My buddy that took over my ownership percentage at the Dispensary I started seems miserable. It's really expensive to operate, even more so when you need to build a grow with it, and with all the IMPROVEMENTS required it will be difficult to recoup the investment before his lease runs out, and then he has to hope the landlord doesn't butt-rape him on the renewal. Meanwhile, it seems like a lot of patients have lost the allure of shopping at a Dispessary. And, how often do you see a really sick person at a Dispensary? Mostly it's 20 or 30 somethings hanging around squeezing the buds. My patients are mostly 50 something women, with various pain needs, and they are extremely easy to work with. If they ask for one thing and I'm out of that, they take whatever, and never complain. I wish I could have more patients, sure, but all in all it's still business as usual for me.

I do firmly believe that the day is coming when the Marijuana Enforcement Division will realize that a lot of medicine being grown by the Dispensaries is going out the back door, and people will be arrested. At least I don't have an MED Inspector wanting to visit my caregiver grow and asking to audit my books!

I don't think posting on Craigslist asking for patients can get you in trouble as long as you are looking for truly sick people. How can that get you in trouble?

Now, selling meds on Craiglist? That is asking for trouble!
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
The word profit is not even referenced, so how is it prohibited? it actually says you can charge for services and all cost of production( the word "direct" or "actual" is not used either), which will include time, effort, genetics, you name it, it can be anything you want and still be in total compliance with the law.


Excellent points, TK. Maybe the clones you used to grow the meds cost a lot! It's not like there's an auditor for your Caregiver Op............
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