New cultured solutions nutes

  • Thread starter ri420patient
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So what would be your call for those that do not have either the time or inclination to mix their own nutes? What would be your go-to nute regiment and what products would you stay away from?

Ugh... I'm such a mess right now when it comes to this question. Lol, every time I think I got it "right" on paper, real life experience throws that to that wind. I'll prob know this answer after two more grows.

As for my go to nutrient, I've never used anything other than the GH flora line. I know a lot of people make fun of it and call it 90s technology (although I think the company might have even been around before that in the 70s. I'd have to email them or go to their website and try to dig) so I never push anyone to use it but that's my go to line. I'm still working out the profiles as you know thru my other thread.

There's really no line I'd ever say to avoid. Its all just metals suspended in water. I don't respect current culture tho because they purposefully wont label weight on their bottles (even if you email or call, they won't tell you) so that the consumer can't use to plug in the values and see whether the nutrient profiles CC made are pure genius or complete horse poop .

Take any nutrient line u like, whether ur buddy made it or the label is just pretty and eye catching, and use the canna stats calculator to make your own mix . in the end, its all the same when your npk profile is on point


It's probably murder on his pump and strainer.

Haha I bet! Also, you know how I kinda come off as a jerk when I reply? Well, when I saw the picture, I thought to myself "none of us smoke roots, this picture means nothing, show us the meds!"


@DapperDon ~ Okay. Thank you. We have used SEA-0-Greene as a foliage feed. May have been a little hot. RH swings widely with our 5T air handler. 33% to 66% dehumidifier is handled by the air handler. See it at 39%to 44% It's set at 66% this is a sealed room running CO2. We run CO2 below 1000ppm. Dialing it in.


I think you may want to stop the foliar feeding. If your room is sealed then chances are that it is what's responsible for the rh swing. Once your roots are established in the UC there is no need for foliar feeding but the added water vapor being burned off by the lights will make your RH a bit off. I'm not sure what your temps are but for a sealed room using CO2 you want to keep your RH at 60 max @ 80 degrees F. with no more than a 10 degree swing. CO2 is best below 1100 ppm.


when does the swing happen? - its common for rh to jump up after lights off as the room cools


Hey RI420P, Beautiful Roots!!!

Your girls look healthy and UC Jurassic! :-)

Nice Job!

FooDoo commented on well established roots acting as a nutrient filter and I would like to follow-up.

We run UCXL16ings and have similar issues. As the plants root structure become denser and the plants become larger, the filtering affect of the dense roots seem to starve the plants toward the end of the row of valuable nutrients. For this reason, we have always put our slower developing plants closer to the epicenter - larger plants in the back of the bus.

It seems that FooDoo has experienced the root density / nutrient filtration / flow restriction issue in the UC.

We, probably like you like to have massive roots! Stalks that are nutrient autobahns! And... Dank, dank colas consistently thru out the canopy.

Have any of you experienced root nutrient filtration in UC?

And if so, have you found a solution to this issue?

Other than smaller roots - which I believe none of us want.....

Great thread!

Thank you!


I'm so uber jealous that this giant awesome room exists but is being run by people who completely have no idea what they're doing.

Imma just go hang out in the lobby and let @DapperDon try and help this lost soul out lol =]


@ZurichTheHunter that wasn't me. I've never had this issue


@ZurichTheHunter that wasn't me. I've never had this issue

Apologies, I didn't intend to imply that you had this issue.

I wrongly assumed that your "And everything in back is yellow" comment meant that you had some level of working knowledge in relation to the filtration effect that dense roots can have. Especially the impact on the plants downstream.


Apologies, I didn't intend to imply that you had this issue.

I wrongly assumed that your "And everything in back is yellow" comment meant that you had some level of working knowledge in relation to the filtration effect that dense roots can have. Especially the impact on the plants downstream.

Lol, don't give me too much credit, I'm just a monkey with google, a calculator and some nutrients .

I more so meant his, everything I guess u can say, is outta whack :x


Thanks FooDoo.

In reading thru your various posts, its clear that you are very knowledgeable about nutes and enjoy studying the subject. I would love your input on my filtration post above.
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