NFT/Gutter grow and Loompa's gear

  • Thread starter Canappa
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Just caught up with the thread, sorry to read about the bad luck. I entirely understand it sucks, if anything it's the wasted time and I do agree the price raises expectations. However, with that many males it obviously becomes a lot harder to find a female keeper. Some grower out there is very happy getting almost all females... I hope you get his luck next run!

Thanks Bro, I still have the Tri male growing for future use;) I took a clone and wanted to see if it stays a tri or not.


@Canappa ,man sorry to hear about all the males.....

Seed runs are always an adventure,there's no denying that,no matter what the cost of the seeds were........

Much respect to you for handling this like a pro,and already changing over your room,and moving on!
Props to you Canappa!

Oh yeah,as far as finding stinky males goes, I've only found one MoonDawg male that had much stank at all.......
The Yeti males I found had virtually zero aroma when you rubbed the stems......

Thanks waayne if anybody know this game well enough its you bro, The way I look at it is no matter who's gear I run If I dont like I am going to say something and I do like it I am going to say something. You very well know that has got me in trouble in the past lol, But besides the fact I really am just having fun popping these beans.

but be on the look out I scored some real 70-80's Panama Red and Hawaian seeds I have some in the oven right now. I am tired of all the hype with these Og and Cookies craze going on I am on the hunt for something old and funky! A true landrace Sativa.


Thanks waayne if anybody know this game well enough its you bro, The way I look at it is no matter who's gear I run If I dont like I am going to say something and I do like it I am going to say something. You very well know that has got me in trouble in the past lol, But besides the fact I really am just having fun popping these beans.

but be on the look out I scored some real 70-80's Panama Red and Hawaian seeds I have some in the oven right now. I am tired of all the hype with these Og and Cookies craze going on I am on the hunt for something old and funky! A true landrace Sativa.

Sexual Picard


Wut up G man, that made my day bro thanks! Yeh the seeds came from a very trusted source, I am one of 3 people given the opportunity to find the funky old skool strain that I smoked the the 80's. I cant go into details about them but man I am happy to run them;) peace...

Righteous brother, Very righteous...The Chosen will be Blessed,With Dank from the Godz.. Keep me posted on that bruh, you know i suffer from Landracism..Heres to you finding some Classic funk.


Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant by "environmental issue" that is causing this @Canappa @waayne

In the wild with certain animals. The environment that the eggs are incubated at usually dictates what the majority of the sex will be. Just a thought, but I wonder if it can happen with plants as well? I remember seeing someone awhile back doing some photo-manipulations to help increase the chances of females. I believe he did a 16 on with 3 hours off, 2 hours back on, and 3 hours back off. He believed that the light interruption during the middle of the dark period helped to achieve the highest rate of females to males.

Once again, not calling anyone out on their actual environments as being bad. Just a thought to throw out there for you guys. All strains weren't created equal, lol!

And I believe that the Yetti F3 is supposed to have a variation... It wasn't IBL'd so you could decide just exactly the type of dank you're looking for. @mrtokez

If we were raising chickens, im sure that argument would hold up.. The farm has SERIOUS growers here, some of the nations tops imo. If you dont mind, flash us some of those keepers you screamed about sir..


Well things like that are good to know thanks for sharing @D9 Mafia, No harm done, we are all grown ups here learning from one another. This competition is going to bring out all the details about the strain good and bad, Thats way we joined to learn. Its still early in the game to be making bad judgement's and all I see is people putting their own personal view about their grow. Lets all be good and respect each others views;)


@D9 Mafia no,I didn't misunderstand what you said ,my comment isn't about male/female ratios.
Like yourself,I've also experienced normal male female ratios,I have no complaints there,though it seems some people are seeing a relative high number of males in their gardens.....

My issues with the MoonDawgs were the fact some phenos were tossing nanners midway through flower
After harvest I found these were sterile and did not produce seeds,but it was still a bit unnerving running those phenos indoors,so I isolated them in a separate area....

As far as the Yeti's, I experienced several small ,runt like plants,that were very slow growing.....
They lacked aroma,and were not very desirable....
The Yeti males I found had no aroma at all....and again,several were very slow growing ,and lacked vigor

I did find one Yeti pheno that is a vigorous ,potent ,high quality plant.


@Canappa ,man sorry to hear about all the males.....

Seed runs are always an adventure,there's no denying that,no matter what the cost of the seeds were........

Much respect to you for handling this like a pro,and already changing over your room,and moving on!
Props to you Canappa!

Oh yeah,as far as finding stinky males goes, I've only found one MoonDawg male that had much stank at all.......
The Yeti males I found had virtually zero aroma when you rubbed the stems......
hey waayne out of the 24 f3's I was lucky enough to find a male yeti with a very strong earthy og stink on the stem rub. Always enjoy ur budporn. Peace


@ D9 Mafia An environmental issue really are you serious, thats like calling all of us bad growers I have the best environment for my girls 24/7. I dont think it would have made a difference but I seen your set up good work on finding some keepers. But whats a keeper to you may not
@D9 Mafia yeah I would tend to agree with @TSTEW313
It seems many different growers,in different environments are having the same results .....
@D9 Mafia yeah I would tend to agree with @TSTEW313
It seems many different growers,in different environments are having the same results .....

I ran my Yetis in my perpetual flower room,they were the only plants struggling in that room during that time ,The flower room also contained several other OG 's like this Bty OG,and TK
View attachment 443714
View attachment 443716

I ran my Yetis in my perpetual flower room,they were the only plants struggling in that room during that time ,The flower room also contained several other OG 's like this Bty OG,and TK
View attachment 443714
View attachment 443716

be a keeper for me. Have you ran it and give it a full cure that's when the truth comes out if it a keeper or not in my book.

Like Loompa stated in the beginning the "odds of finding something special increase as our plant numbers grow. And then the chance to hit the lottery" why does it take winning the lottery to find a keeper? you shouldn't have to have a competition to find it IMO there should be more stable being and F3 since Loompa is not around to give us input who knows? I know I might not find the "holy grail" but I wanted something I would enjoy smoking:cigar:
Yeah, I was only addressing the male to female ratios with the environmental issues. Not sure why so many aren't finding anything that viable during the grow on these Yettis or the MoonDawgs as I am only a week into flower and have three plants in there that I am looking forward to. That doesn't mean that they will for sure be the "winning" pheno but I am pretty sure that I will have some keepers till I receive that winning pheno. And all those that entered are going to get that dank cut that they are looking for anyways. Not sure why everyone's crying about this here. You win some you loose some but I think that everyone who entered is winning in my book.

@Gamrstwin36 here's one of my Trinity OG finished shots after 6 months of cure... View attachment 443886

And here's a shot of my 10' White Super Skunk with the 15' Fire Alien Romulan behind me. Definitely not the "top" grower you claim a lot of these peeps to be, but I think I can hang indoors or out.

View attachment 443887
Yeah, I was only addressing the male to female ratios with the environmental issues. Not sure why so many aren't finding anything that viable during the grow on these Yettis or the MoonDawgs as I am only a week into flower and have three plants in there that I am looking forward to. That doesn't mean that they will for sure be the "winning" pheno but I am pretty sure that I will have some keepers till I receive that winning pheno. And all those that entered are going to get that dank cut that they are looking for anyways. Not sure why everyone's crying about this here. You win some you loose some but I think that everyone who entered is winning in my book.

@Gamrstwin36 here's one of my Trinity OG finished shots after 6 months of cure... View attachment 443886

And here's a shot of my 10' White Super Skunk with the 15' Fire Alien Romulan behind me. Definitely not the "top" grower you claim a lot of these peeps to be, but I think I can hang indoors or out.

View attachment 443887
Just so no one is fooled, D9 is infact 21" tall in real life, so those plants are not that impressive.


I wanna say the reason mostly everyone my self included bought the yeti f3's is to get something that is Close to the under dog pheno type not wanting a bunch of different variations me self personally I'm not worried about the yield at all with the gee's I have other plants that make up for that!


Well funny thing just happened, I got so pissed growing these Yeti F3s that I gave em an eviction notice two weeks ago...
and (here's the funny thing) they seemed to get themselves together after that lol it's starting to get cold outside so they came with it and have started to do a lil better!

I had all the same stuff going on too ...high m/f ratios, very slow growth/lack of vigor, runts & mutants. I tried blaming it on everything but the genes but I had to face the facts took 11 weeks of veg to get one of em in to the bloomer and it's barely 24" tall should see the runt, I got 2 confirmed females and a possible out of 7/8 germed. I'm gonna be eyeballing her closely over the next couple weeks, hope she doesn't throw any nannas and the others I hopefully can get in there soon. All my males reeked of putrid skunk so I kept the one that didn't seem as "challenged" as the others growth wise to breed with.


@D9 Mafia yes I did find a nice MoonDawg pheno
It is getting ran back thru as a clone now
This run from clone will determine whether it is going to stay around ,or whether it will get culled......
week 8
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When I see the flowers you are able to cultivate, dank, pure dank, Its good to know what IMHO can be found with the right combination of N-P-K and a touch of micros. and a whole lota experience.

Mass respect and ++Vibes


sucks to hear all the guys having bad luck with these. I personally found a pheno with the exact stank i wanted and decent potency that I think I can up with next run, flowering in a week or so. I agree with the price though, it is too steep. Thankfully i got mine before the hike! If you want keepers for under $100 there are breeders like Motarebel that offer that.

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