Night Owls In The Garden -a Club For Evening Gardeners

  • Thread starter KiLoEleMeNt
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Wussup and welcome @Bluzboy!! Welcome to the nightowls...been catching some of ur post as of late here! Man o man You have fantastic mad skills there my friend! That Blue dream you speak of soinds like it will be dynamite....BD is one of my fav's running here now in my garden...Keep us posted on that one...very interesting to see what the Bd x SkyWlkr creates....I do hear the scene is full force out there in Colorado....I am hoping to visit there very soon....Anyhow Mad props my friend keep the images flowing.....positive vibes from N.Cal @ the edge of the Pacific

Agreed ^^^^^&&& @Bluzboy the thought just crossed my mind your not one of the people I just sent an invite to via PM or Email are you? Unless your also on the IC as well???? Sorry for not giving you a proper welcome if you were not formal invited this last Wednesday and thanks for being a part of the night owls club we need some diversity and more Owls in the Owlshouse we have here


Of course the thought of someone who said no wouldn't be much liked would they makes me wonder why you felt you needed to ask instead of just sending one out? I guess I understand that tho.




Buuuuuddddyyyyy yesss Dass perrrrty!!!! oh my these are just some of the best buds you can hope for on your first time round since young and I hail you congratulations on a fine job good sir


More pics from Mile High Colorado and the Bluzboy gardens...the last pics, Gorilla Glue#4, Vietnamese X Chocolate Thai, Lemon Sour Diesel, and Kosher Kush are what I just harvested with the recent Blood Eclipse and Rapture Full Moon and my cedar lined walk in closet converted cure room. Hope you see something you like !
Best regards to all!
Liking the look of that dream walker and cheese head.beautiful bro,top notch..


Well looks like I have a bit of another issue one this time I am glad to have.

So as I collect and gather the best of the what are supposed to be the original 7-14 strains. Then after weeding out the non contenders or the other unwanted traits or effects such as no true pheno showing or to heady no body no or vise versa I now have a ton of knowledge on how to identify but way to many mothers identified some still in question...

The overall strains to deal with are to many guess I need to flower a few possibly feminization of a few of them just so I can run them again if I feel like having the flavor back or if I want to take the time for doing a 5 way 3 time cross back to get the mom back (won't be doing this I'm sure, don't trust it once dem is fem no known option to take fem out! I think that's like saying I can take all male plants and get them to flower out properly with huge nuggs and no seed :fire:um I say:smoking:) so the next step is deciding what to get rid of and what to keep around, it seems simple enough right.

Psh... yeah.... right totally agree with that thought soooo simple lmao not at least for once in awhile now I have a problem that is exactly what I have been refering to in recent days about looking on the brighter side as often you can

these! these problems!! These problems right here!!!! these kind of problems are the good kind of problems to have and I happily accept them to the alternative! I will take this kimd of problem any day of the year.

It would seem we as a desensitized people are not the same as the rest of the world in mind or heart, spoiled like children if you will.

Then We fully aware and honest with self and Not many will admit it but life for us is simply a cake walks easy and most all have been very lucky to be born in a life of ease and extremely undeserved privilege even I am able to make it stronger better and more than one year from the remains of the others.

Lets Just think about it here in America we are blackberry other people are so tired and hungry they are black Eyed like they took a beating and its simply due to life.

Then we have the highest obesity rate of the world eating of all the world's food because we are to fat and lazy to get out and grow or Raise our own food like we donpotg and worst part of it is that about 1/3 of this food goes to the garbage untouched that's nearly half people I quit buying groceries the moment I found this out buy it one meal at a time can't say kids make it to hard I have a one year old .
We all sit by and listen to music shake our heads yes yes yall it's a mess yall. Bump bump

Whilst the rest of the world is starving the same thing goes for the trees and wildlife the only one tree that is going to be left for the youth of the futur, our grandchildren will have to be seen in a museum for money as we cut the last one down to make more money didn't you see the Lorax it ain't no joke people.

sadly we do this calling it progress but Only to turn out detrimental.
As we build more and more 50% of America is a ghost town or reposessed we are a trillion some dollars in debt to boot when i was younger and just old enough to count would hear all the time there is no such thing as a trillon that's not a real number. Probably wasn't yet but now we owe that much in gold silver diamonds and what will soon be very worthless the American dollar.

Yet for whatever reason the streets are empty with boards on all the business windows with the closed sign up everywhere and 30% of that is the only building business can be a success, if they do use it... it would fail as a business due to the depths of the "Oligarchy" "Totalitarianism" I have been witnessing recently both in government and the citizens of the country.

Sadly we all have already lost, as , no vote, no public uprising, no nothing yes nothing can stop it now.
Sorry we lost the mere thiught years ago according to the Yale University chaps democracy was dead 2012 and never coming back. So i will stay in the outworld ready for work ready for pain ready to go to the work camps and the girls are gone and the ability to create is gone and the other stuff within happiness in the same mindset of the most importance in life and death tearing up to be privileged enough to have these types of problems even though I have been ruffed up in life and I continue to grow up to the point of view where it is as easy as it is not like growing up in my life meaning she was a great way to go full time in the late 87 beginning to end up where I am this I would have to say I am shocked never had any idea what it is like being tortured until in was 7yo didn't know abandonment until 9 or the taking of peace of mind creating a new issue of abandonment until 13 have known the sweet pain of drugs since birth literally living on a drip line of morphine until I was 16 years solid and easy to use the same thing as a trillon to compare it to the end of the day makes me sic durring the night as to why I cant/don't sleep or maybe it's myself I make sic to be completely honest with my own actions... all I know for sure is this we will have to answer the phone in the morning and the devil would be the better person you wish to hear in the other end because God is wearing black and has left us all here to die for we are nothing but a bad game of Sims.

Hmm must hit that bong one to many times there Owls my bad for another useless rant but gotta go somewhere with it or it builds up until my head explodes.:drunk:
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Anywhooo hoo I was saying I have a problem with to many mothers and overall strains to deal with. I am also contemplating on putting a xxx hood and 1000w dual arc in over them as I am 720w as it is in t5's and not getting nearly the coverage I need constantly need to turn or raise them up or something like that but I do not believe that the more you light the more you can get I know this for a fact it just does not work out well so strains are on me but anyone have an opinion for the 1k and bulb I have all 3 bulbs I can use but only have 1k ballast truly wish I had a nice 6er in beer and mh instead of hps
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This is a new skeeter iv not seen one before anyway!¿ anyone know what's up with the fancy design and mutiny colours ?
20151009 043736


View attachment 541648 Anywhooo hoo I was saying I have a problem with to many mothers and overall strains to deal with. I am also contemplating on putting a xxx hood and 1000w dual arc in over them as I am 720w as it is in t5's and not getting nearly the coverage I need constantly need to turn or raise them up or something like that but I do not believe that the more you light the more you can get I know this for a fact it just does not work out well so strains are on me but anyone have an opinion for the 1k and bulb I have all 3 bulbs I can use but only have 1k ballast truly wish I had a nice 6er in beer and mh instead of hps
Go for that 1k bro! Damn those ladies sure look happy! Wish I could help you out with the excess Moms and such you got. I got lots of varieties we could trade if we were neighbors....great garden/farm work! Nice pic!


This is a new skeeter iv not seen one before anyway!¿ anyone know what's up with the fancy design and mutiny colours ?View attachment 541649
That skeeter there looks like he's probably on disability as he seems to be missing a leg or two, an accident involving a bird, UFC bout with a spider , argument with a preying mantis over a fee owed, or flyswatter mishap perhaps is my he's probably looking to buy some medical MJ from you to aide his challenges in mobility and pain relief....


Well looks like I have a bit of another issue one this time I am glad to have.

So as I collect and gather the best of the what are supposed to be the original 7-14 strains. Then after weeding out the non contenders or the other unwanted traits or effects such as no true pheno showing or to heady no body no or vise versa I now have a ton of knowledge on how to identify but way to many mothers identified some still in question...

The overall strains to deal with are to many guess I need to flower a few possibly feminization of a few of them just so I can run them again if I feel like having the flavor back or if I want to take the time for doing a 5 way 3 time cross back to get the mom back (won't be doing this I'm sure, don't trust it once dem is fem no known option to take fem out! I think that's like saying I can take all male plants and get them to flower out properly with huge nuggs and no seed :fire:um I say:smoking:) so the next step is deciding what to get rid of and what to keep around, it seems simple enough right.

Psh... yeah.... right totally agree with that thought soooo simple lmao not at least for once in awhile now I have a problem that is exactly what I have been refering to in recent days about looking on the brighter side as often you can

these! these problems!! These problems right here!!!! these kind of problems are the good kind of problems to have and I happily accept them to the alternative! I will take this kimd of problem any day of the year.

It would seem we as a desensitized people are not the same as the rest of the world in mind or heart, spoiled like children if you will.

Then We fully aware and honest with self and Not many will admit it but life for us is simply a cake walks easy and most all have been very lucky to be born in a life of ease and extremely undeserved privilege even I am able to make it stronger better and more than one year from the remains of the others.

Lets Just think about it here in America we are blackberry other people are so tired and hungry they are black Eyed like they took a beating and its simply due to life.

Then we have the highest obesity rate of the world eating of all the world's food because we are to fat and lazy to get out and grow or Raise our own food like we donpotg and worst part of it is that about 1/3 of this food goes to the garbage untouched that's nearly half people I quit buying groceries the moment I found this out buy it one meal at a time can't say kids make it to hard I have a one year old .
We all sit by and listen to music shake our heads yes yes yall it's a mess yall. Bump bump

Whilst the rest of the world is starving the same thing goes for the trees and wildlife the only one tree that is going to be left for the youth of the futur, our grandchildren will have to be seen in a museum for money as we cut the last one down to make more money didn't you see the Lorax it ain't no joke people.

sadly we do this calling it progress but Only to turn out detrimental.
As we build more and more 50% of America is a ghost town or reposessed we are a trillion some dollars in debt to boot when i was younger and just old enough to count would hear all the time there is no such thing as a trillon that's not a real number. Probably wasn't yet but now we owe that much in gold silver diamonds and what will soon be very worthless the American dollar.

Yet for whatever reason the streets are empty with boards on all the business windows with the closed sign up everywhere and 30% of that is the only building business can be a success, if they do use it... it would fail as a business due to the depths of the "Oligarchy" "Totalitarianism" I have been witnessing recently both in government and the citizens of the country.

Sadly we all have already lost, as , no vote, no public uprising, no nothing yes nothing can stop it now.
Sorry we lost the mere thiught years ago according to the Yale University chaps democracy was dead 2012 and never coming back. So i will stay in the outworld ready for work ready for pain ready to go to the work camps and the girls are gone and the ability to create is gone and the other stuff within happiness in the same mindset of the most importance in life and death tearing up to be privileged enough to have these types of problems even though I have been ruffed up in life and I continue to grow up to the point of view where it is as easy as it is not like growing up in my life meaning she was a great way to go full time in the late 87 beginning to end up where I am this I would have to say I am shocked never had any idea what it is like being tortured until in was 7yo didn't know abandonment until 9 or the taking of peace of mind creating a new issue of abandonment until 13 have known the sweet pain of drugs since birth literally living on a drip line of morphine until I was 16 years solid and easy to use the same thing as a trillon to compare it to the end of the day makes me sic durring the night as to why I cant/don't sleep or maybe it's myself I make sic to be completely honest with my own actions... all I know for sure is this we will have to answer the phone in the morning and the devil would be the better person you wish to hear in the other end because God is wearing black and has left us all here to die for we are nothing but a bad game of Sims.

Hmm must hit that bong one to many times there Owls my bad for another useless rant but gotta go somewhere with it or it builds up until my head explodes.:drunk:
Rant and rave on brother!!! I live where oil and gas can essentially just set up fracking drill sites 100 feet or less from your house, even elementary schools or playgrounds here in Weld County Colorado. Got neighbors who can light their well water out of the tap with a butane lighter and still got jackasses in that industry trying to spout that it causes no damage to the environment or water table....moving southwest closer to Boulder where they essentially just banned any fracking whatsoever and of course oil and gas is suing over the ban in that area but I'm moving there anyway as the residents in that part of Colorado will never let the oil and gas well frackers in and do whatever it takes to keep them out. Weld County is run by the biggest bunch of idjit GOP cracker nutbags and has been for 45 years or more and best way to describe Weld County is think Mississippi's, 1940. As soon as you cross to the west side of I-25 in Colorado, you are in a different state of Colorado I can surely tell you. East of I-25 where the GOP rules, still has the worse schools and worse capita per income in the soon as you cross to the west side of I-25, the household capita per income/individual income levels rise by over 20 thousand dollars a year from 24,000 in Weld to 46,000 dollars a year in Larimar County next door on the west side of I-25. Weld County is even listed as number 25 in the list of 50 worst places to live in America. Thants my rant and rave this morning bro.
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In my best crooning ape and impersonation of Robert Goulet live from "The Sands" in Vegas ala 1970:
a"Your buddddddddddds are a mannnnnnnny splendoredddddd thingggggggggggg"!
Nice work bro! Thanks for sharing!
Yea man same to you....some amazing pics you shared...


Ok I gotta share this...So i got into a little squabble with the wifey...last text I got from here was say buhbye to
Your Fing' plants....So all night @ work I was restless thinking she better not she better not...Got home this morning and they are in tact....She is still fuming tho...and fume she will!


Ok I gotta share this...So i got into a little squabble with the wifey...last text I got from here was say buhbye to
Your Fing' plants....So all night @ work I was restless thinking she better not she better not...Got home this morning and they are in tact....She is still fuming tho...and fume she will!
hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn bro, been there sweating the same threat wile working in the past after a row with spouse.....I put locks and heavy ass solid wood doors on the doors to the rooms of my gardens after "wifey" no got key to them doors or access to them rooms either and never will after threatening me with that same kind of crap from a spat 10 years she needs a jack hammer or sledge hammer she could never swing to get into those rooms bro....


Agreed ^^^^^&&& @Bluzboy the thought just crossed my mind your not one of the people I just sent an invite to via PM or Email are you? Unless your also on the IC as well???? Sorry for not giving you a proper welcome if you were not formal invited this last Wednesday and thanks for being a part of the night owls club we need some diversity and more Owls in the Owlshouse we have here
Thanks so much for the kind words and welcome. I'm a old retired touring roadhouse Blues musician and spent my life working 2nd/3rd shifts either working clubs or when gigging was thin I had to work for somebody, I worked offshifts....I get hives and cranky if I experience too much day light..prefer to sleep through it as most pro musicians do. Great to hang with you all and I now live, and still play/perform in Colorado, soon to retread the boards kickinbg out roadhouse Blues with some local Mile High players . Live about 40 miles due east of Fort Collins here in Colorado but moving soon to a more affluent progressive and liberal county soon on the west side of I-25 but staying rural. probably move down toward Lafayette or Erie rurally, looking at places in Niwot too close to Boulder. Hoping to make a buy and move by march/April of 2016. Got lots of varietys and genetics to share with anybody who wants to come by and get some in my area or if you visit here in Colorado and again thank you for that warm welcome!
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