Night Owls In The Garden -a Club For Evening Gardeners

  • Thread starter KiLoEleMeNt
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really like that first one stacked with Astaire/Rodgers dancing... love that swing your of my fave acoustic swing bands from the late 60's and was around till maybe the early 90's and that was Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks, just incredible acoustic swing players/musicians in that band....


@MIKEZILLA how about you mate any new news or awesome angled pictures I too like to have fun play with photos View attachment 544204as well always been somewhat of a hobbiest of photography but not limited to camerasView attachment 544205
Wussup wussup farmers?! Naw @KiLoEleMeNt no new mom and pops rolled into town saturday from down south....and been busy with them...My girls are do well....approaching week 7 and began flushing major changes in the gardem PM is @ bay...but as soon as I mention it...well you know how it goes...also been sicker than a dog...went in for a procedure this morning and once they put me under it was on! From what i hear...appearantly I threatened the doc and land anesthesiologist...Lmao! I could only imagine what I said or did...So I still have no clue what the hell is wrong with all my wieght loss over the past 2 months....However I was able to medicate my 75 year old pops that is suffering from many ailments....poor guy is barely walking....So After 75 years the man finally came to his senses and medicated with cannibis for the 1st time @ least that i know far as I knew he has always frowned upon the old mary jo he says it...anyhow it was awesome sitting him down and passing the J to him! Now i cant shake him....LMAo! Man i luv it! I also picked him up some edibles as well...It must be helping for my mother of all people to ask me to please send your dad home with some medicine...Anyhow, i think it is very cool to let them know the secret I have held all my life...I they always knew we just never spoke of it...Anyhow hope everyone is well, @keiksweat....glad to hear you getting it dialed in..thats the only interesting pic I have this week...took @ the bonsai show I went to real quick over the weekend


yes, post that swing brother! I been entertaining my mother for her 85th birthday and my brother was here too who is a remarkable keyboard and dobro player both so I got to see me Mumsy for a few days and jam like hell with my brother. Literally got blood blisters from playing till my fingers bled three days in a row. Got a few new pics from the Bluz gardens to share, two from my veg room that are going into the flower room by tomorrow night. First up is a 4 foot Purple Jones lady,(Casey Jones X Purple Urkel), and the second is a Natural Therapy created hybrid that is "The White OG X authentic G13, authentic U.S. of A hash research plant. Then thirdly, a pic of s looking into a 1 gallon cookie jar filled with Kosher Kush buds as I promised pics of some Kosher Kush buds previously that I just finished curing and I am smoking me a big RAW rolled J of right now while I commune with you my brother of the grow. Fire It Up! Let us bellow smoke vicariously from afar KiLoEleMeNt!!!.....I always said before that Sarah Palin smokes inferior weed as she can only see Russia from her house after smoking a J while I regularly see and walk around on Mars and other planets after a J of my weed.....
Love those swing vids bro! Thanks!
been waiting on a -"The white OG"- thread or even some educated talk of it but not much out there somewhere online there has to be a few atleast. I have had these for a few days now and have yet to run them #1 out of curiosity and #2 the potential for a few beans if it's nice. However I only have a couple and wouldnt want to miss my daddy's prime pollination time to get the most out of the Mommas if I am lucky enough to even get one out of them


Really liked that second video as well, the dance routine was spectacular and quite effective in actually enhancing the intent in emotion of the lyrics and music... nice tunes, liked them both...


Ahh here is something interesting...I was recently looking for the book "Secrets of the West Coast Masters by Dru West...So I found it on Amazon...hard back 1st 2 pop is 795.00 and the other was like $ 995.00...yes I daid nine hundred...So I was like went on ebay and found the same book 1st edition used in excellent condition hard back yada yada yada...I offered the guy $15 he asking 24.99...he countered with 19 I hit him with 17....He accepred...$5 dollar shipping...$22 curiosity is wondering why the book woukd be so damn ezpensive?


View attachment 544209
Wussup wussup farmers?! Naw @KiLoEleMeNt no new mom and pops rolled into town saturday from down south....and been busy with them...My girls are do well....approaching week 7 and began flushing major changes in the gardem PM is @ bay...but as soon as I mention it...well you know how it goes...also been sicker than a dog...went in for a procedure this morning and once they put me under it was on! From what i hear...appearantly I threatened the doc and land anesthesiologist...Lmao! I could only imagine what I said or did...So I still have no clue what the hell is wrong with all my wieght loss over the past 2 months....However I was able to medicate my 75 year old pops that is suffering from many ailments....poor guy is barely walking....So After 75 years the man finally came to his senses and medicated with cannibis for the 1st time @ least that i know far as I knew he has always frowned upon the old mary jo he says it...anyhow it was awesome sitting him down and passing the J to him! Now i cant shake him....LMAo! Man i luv it! I also picked him up some edibles as well...It must be helping for my mother of all people to ask me to please send your dad home with some medicine...Anyhow, i think it is very cool to let them know the secret I have held all my life...I they always knew we just never spoke of it...Anyhow hope everyone is well, @keiksweat....glad to hear you getting it dialed in..thats the only interesting pic I have this week...took @ the bonsai show I went to real quick over the weekend
That's awesome good for you MIKEZILLA!. My 85 year old mother loves to hang out in my gardens and especially the flower room smelling the different variety's and looking at their different structures that she finds interesting., and uses a hemp oil extraction on her spine fellow grower Azhden makes for Ostio and arthritis, an uses edibles I get and give her from time to time as well and send them to ABQ or drop them off myself or she takes them home ith her like today after visiting for the weekend with my brother who drove them up to hang and visit..


Other than the emotional depression stuff I was posting a while back this is really the only thing that I can concise real music ot music period these days I may be a young 32yrol but I am an old soul passed here probably three times now... only 6 more to go and times up so I have conjoined past experience into future action but it's still all muffed up ahe what ya gonna do part of the learning process and this is just one big class room we all have to deal with over and over or figure it out and move on to the next one but it never ends at least I hope it doesn't?

One more for ya @Bluzboy this one is what I came to realize is a true love song well its a love song for my life experiences/expectancy of relationships



@MIKEZILLA- I punched my Dentist and his assistant with a snappy powerful Chung Do Kwan twin cheek punch to both their faces on either side of mine from off the chair after I woke up spinning in the chair with their masked faces above me after they supposedly knocked me out to remove a really bad abscessed tooth so now I can only have, be administered nova-caine when at the Dentist and in the chair getting if you you don't like your dentist anybody here take solace I nailed one good for you....


Hahaha I remember this one. Grabbed it up rite sfter its release and tossed it out less than a year later. I think the reason is that it is a goofed book it is that expensive because of what it is and represents it used to come with two DVD two extra books and something else I can not recall however the techniques described and the photos are all in macro just blown way out of proportion all together and I wish I had never thrown it out not because of the price but because of what I know now compared to thenq that is not anything to get as a whole guide more like if your pro and want to go god like read that book lol other than that it is useless he was trying to jump people who are in the beginning please on master kung-fu in one step closer to fuck everyone's mind is what he did


LMAO! Nice yea @Bluzboy...the shit is no joke but it is...its like I finally give in to my wife and fo see the quack...1st of the Fukc had a pre judgement of my because I am sleeved down and a few on my immediately goes there in conversation...well Do you umm use hyperdermic needles? Wnd your tatoos are they old? Where did u get them? Ever been testes for hepatitis?! YOU GOD DAM RIGHT I HAVE BEEN TESTED FOR HEPATITIS EVERY GOD DAM TIME I GOT VIOLEATED AND HIT THE COUNTY AND EVERY OTHER TIME YOU FUCKERS WANT TO PRICK @ me and I fucking hate needles PRICK! So yea 1st I had to let it out and I apoplogize for my language but I am he comes out and tells my wife..." We coukd not complete the procedure because he got violent and threatening"...and continues to say thats what we experience with people who use drugs....SCREEEETCH! Hold up...BACK THE FUCK UP JACK! Where did you misinterpret I have taken myself off opiate meds that pricks like you prescribe and i use cannibis as a wellness product for my over all health physical, mental and spiritual?!?! Needless to say I frystrated...i have a sore throat from a procedure that did not gwt completed...Still clueless as to my health...I mean its simple...if he even thought there was a xhance I woukd fight him why did he not strap me down? I woukd have been ok with heart was like 50 when they checked me in...I was well meditated for this procedure as well as medicated...He came theu the door saying "good morning mr. Mikezilla please do not fight us"...its like dude if u think a local is not foing to knock me out well knock me out so u can work or strap me down...seriously...I am 110 soakingbwer right now....can i really scare these cats? Wow...i just want to know whats wrong! Grrr


Hahaha I remember this one. Grabbed it up rite sfter its release and tossed it out less than a year later. I think the reason is that it is a goofed book it is that expensive because of what it is and represents it used to come with two DVD two extra books and something else I can not recall however the techniques described and the photos are all in macro just blown way out of proportion all together and I wish I had never thrown it out not because of the price but because of what I know now compared to thenq that is not anything to get as a whole guide more like if your pro and want to go god like read that book lol other than that it is useless he was trying to jump people who are in the beginning please on master kung-fu in one step closer to fuck everyone's mind is what he did
Yea the reviews are not the best...Curiosity more than anything @ this point...


Other than the emotional depression stuff I was posting a while back this is really the only thing that I can concise real music ot music period these days I may be a young 32yrol but I am an old soul passed here probably three times now... only 6 more to go and times up so I have conjoined past experience into future action but it's still all muffed up ahe what ya gonna do part of the learning process and this is just one big class room we all have to deal with over and over or figure it out and move on to the next one but it never ends at least I hope it doesn't?

One more for ya @Bluzboy this one is what I came to realize is a true love song well its a love song for my life experiences/expectancy of relationships

I read and divine tarot. My Scot granny taught me when I was young to read the old Celt Druid version using the Celtic Cross spread and the Pamela Coleman Smith illustrated Rider/Waite deck and chart and she also taught me to chart/read horoscopes, transits, using the traditional Celt Druid way of reading your life's weather report in the stars. Use it for intuiting difficult times and part of my daily meditation and karmic direction...someone asked the Buddha once," Teacher, how many lives must I live to reach Nirvvana?", and the Buddha said" See that big tree there in full bloom with all the leaves on have to live and traverse more lives than there are leaves on that tree to evolve your karma to reach and enter Nirvana and an eternal existence there"....and I'm like, sweet Jesus, I must have like 44,00 leaves to go or something on some days....


I got Beethoven's 9th, 4th movement playing for the girls right now while I Rolland take another J break. Malcolm MacDowels' fave tune in a Clockwork Orange. The girls like that movie too. Play it for them once in a while with 2001: A Space Odyssey as well. I got to transplant 5 four footrers from #1 pots to number 7 pots and then start putting them into the flower room Tuesday through Thursday, and I got 8 rooted cuttings I am putting into #1's right now but J break with Beethoven's 9th right now. I like to try break dancing and my version of Hip Hop dancing to Classical music sometimes and get down with my bad self to Strauss or Hans Lizt here and there....shake my booty to some Mozart....while smoking big fat j's at the same time of course....I can dance to anything.....if I got big fat fucking J's to smoke to evoke that dancing out of me...Light 'em up and lets dance to that first tune KiLoEleMeNt just posted with Astaire and Rodgers dancing....J's and booty shake time at 1;09 MST on an Early Tuesday a day named after a girl that was an actress who came from my county of Weld. That's why Tuesdays are best days to to get hired too if you are a Welder according to my logic...Tuesday Weld, you can find that data on IMBD I just cited somewhere...maybe it was Wikiapedia..
Last edited:


Yea I been puffin' on some Panama Red....Crossed with Northern Lights....very interesting high from this one....Very tasty i must say! Well I think its one more nap cap off the ole J and lights out Mikezilla tonight....I have work to do in the garden and 4pclock rolls around quick! I kinda not like working....Hmmm...early retirement in the making? The doctors tried to put me out on permanent disability 18 years ago...I put in 15 years as a Fire Sprinkler Fitter, and if you know the trade you will know it is not an easy trade...maybe I should not be so hard headed and mind somebody for once! Anyhow nice shootin the chit wid u guys....its been a while...Asta la proxima ves, adios....until the next time...for all you that dont comprende...comprende?!


View attachment 544209
Wussup wussup farmers?! Naw @KiLoEleMeNt no new mom and pops rolled into town saturday from down south....and been busy with them...My girls are do well....approaching week 7 and began flushing major changes in the gardem PM is @ bay...but as soon as I mention it...well you know how it goes...also been sicker than a dog...went in for a procedure this morning and once they put me under it was on! From what i hear...appearantly I threatened the doc and land anesthesiologist...Lmao! I could only imagine what I said or did...So I still have no clue what the hell is wrong with all my wieght loss over the past 2 months....However I was able to medicate my 75 year old pops that is suffering from many ailments....poor guy is barely walking....So After 75 years the man finally came to his senses and medicated with cannibis for the 1st time @ least that i know far as I knew he has always frowned upon the old mary jo he says it...anyhow it was awesome sitting him down and passing the J to him! Now i cant shake him....LMAo! Man i luv it! I also picked him up some edibles as well...It must be helping for my mother of all people to ask me to please send your dad home with some medicine...Anyhow, i think it is very cool to let them know the secret I have held all my life...I they always knew we just never spoke of it...Anyhow hope everyone is well, @keiksweat....glad to hear you getting it dialed in..thats the only interesting pic I have this week...took @ the bonsai show I went to real quick over the weekend
sweet geezers man I would be shipping that man off with enough to make him worried about how much he is trafficking for sure no joke anyone in the elderly rely of life that can get on cannabis as medicine and enjoy it and or the way they feel while medicated needs a shit ton and add a good ten years to their life (my opinion not science or anything) and no need for apologize for language I don't remember saying anything about cursing in the rules I wouldn't iv got the worst sailor tongue ever it's bad I find myself saying fuck to my one year old (yowsa gotta stop that chit nowsa) he is going to wind up having his first full sentence be give me juice you fucking bloody kunt...... Oh lord don't let me do that phak that's a great way to make sure you get a few calls from the daycare or school or something like that anyway........

View attachment 544212 View attachment 544211 Ahh here is something interesting...I was recently looking for the book "Secrets of the West Coast Masters by Dru Wes and the other was like $ 995.00...yes
I read and divine tarot. My Scot granny taught me when I was young to read the old Celt Druid version using the Celtic Cross spread and the Pamela Coleman Smith illustrated Rider/Waite deck and chart and she also taught me to chart/read horoscopes, transits, using the traditional Celt Druid way of reading your life's weather report in the stars. Use it for intuiting difficult times and part of my daily meditation and karmic direction...someone asked the Buddha once," Teacher, how many lives must I live to reach Nirvvana?", and the Buddha said" See that big tree there in full bloom with all the leaves on have to live and traverse more lives than there are leaves on that tree to evolve your karma to reach and enter Nirvana and an eternal existence there"....and I'm like, sweet Jesus, I must have like 44,00 leaves to go or something on some days....

Ah yes this is very true and part of my belief as well however as it is not specified I do believe that you have many many locations for these "lives" to be lived out in and with many many circumstances of good and bad to say the least it is arrogant of me to even try to make sense of it just seems to introspective for us to understand in this life here is the three I pulled today as my current position of my life Wana try me on for size and analyze them see I'd you read them different from what I have??? Figured i would include the entire dra

Yea I been puffin' on some Panama Red....Crossed with Northern Lights....very interesting high from this one....Very tasty i must say! Well I think its one more nap cap off the ole J and lights out Mikezilla tonight....I have work to do in the garden and 4pclock rolls around quick! I kinda not like working....Hmmm...early retirement in the making? The doctors tried to put me out on permanent disability 18 years ago...I put in 15 years as a Fire Sprinkler Fitter, and if you know the trade you will know it is not an easy trade...maybe I should not be so hard headed and mind somebody for once! Anyhow nice shootin the chit wid u guys....its been a while...Asta la proxima ves, adios....until the next time...for all you that dont comprende...comprende?!

Bien Vas de das


@KiLoEleMeNt it seems that the purpling is isolated to one tub. 2 out of 3 plants. Possible deficiency?


@KiLoEleMeNt it seems that the purpling is isolated to one tub. 2 out of 3 plants. Possible deficiency?

Well to be honest mate without any further questions and answers yes however the fact of the matter is that it could still only be a genetic trait or even G-transformation the fact it is only in one tub could be durme to the colour only being a recessive trait. one sure way to know is just flush hard to get everything you put in completely out wait till dry of she is even darker or has gotten lighter than the old growth in that time of drying the media you know for sure it is a cross between deficiency and root binding < the most common reason for this to happen》¡¿ if you have zero change in size or color it is Klocked and if it just continues to grow and the purple is a part of this new growth most likely a trait and you should put one of each (the green & the purple) aside for further mothering or seeding as the either one may be super chronic pain relief medicine or wherever they provide help in simply could be top notch meds.


Unknown farmer
been waiting on a -"The white OG"- thread or even some educated talk of it but not much out there somewhere online there has to be a few atleast. I have had these for a few days now and have yet to run them #1 out of curiosity and #2 the potential for a few beans if it's nice. However I only have a couple and wouldnt want to miss my daddy's prime pollination time to get the most out of the Mommas if I am lucky enough to even get one out of themView attachment 544210View attachment 544210
are those hazeman? looks like his hand writing and package

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