Norcal Outdoor Medical, Organic Forest Grow. First Grow Log

  • Thread starter BudBogart
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


It's been quiet here. I've been trying to get short video to upload but without success. It's been hot, hovering just under 100 f.
Not much to do but watch the girls grow in the heat.
I super cropped any branches getting out of control. Watered yesterday, everybody good today.
The plants in front are topping 5 feet, the ones in back have broken 7 feet.
Thanks to all the farmers here for helping get to this point.
A few pics of the girls at the end of July.View attachment 620236View attachment 620237View attachment 620238View attachment 620239View attachment 620241View attachment 620242View attachment 620243
damn hell ya


View attachment 626096 View attachment 626097 View attachment 626100 View attachment 626102 View attachment 626104 If anyone wants to rip me they are going to have to walk. I can still access it all by driving thru one garage door and out the side door. It's still way early but I want to stop lookie lues from "getting lost", looking for "where Joe the garbage man lives" and other excuses people have given for trespassing my property. I'm still gonna post my trespass/police stories. Maybe I will do that while I am waiting to get some buds worthy of sharing.
These will be the last pictures I post of the vegetative growth stage.
Yesterday I gave some fish bone meal and some kelp for p and k.
I couldn't find anything appropriate to add some n. I guess I really do need to drive into town. It's been several weeks that I have been saying I need to go.
Thanks for helping the veg portion and for following my grow. I hope we are as successful with the flowering.View attachment 626096View attachment 626097View attachment 626100View attachment 626102View attachment 626104
Sorry for the double post. I suck at this. The above leaves are my first bit of trouble in a while. On the sativa looking blue dream. Only on some new growth on some branches. Those branches have quit growing as fast as the rest of the plant.
I'm going to treat as calcium minus. If you have another opinion, please let me know.
looks like something you feed them,,that is a good burn,,does that branch have any shade during day


View attachment 626096 View attachment 626097 View attachment 626100 View attachment 626102 View attachment 626104 If anyone wants to rip me they are going to have to walk. I can still access it all by driving thru one garage door and out the side door. It's still way early but I want to stop lookie lues from "getting lost", looking for "where Joe the garbage man lives" and other excuses people have given for trespassing my property. I'm still gonna post my trespass/police stories. Maybe I will do that while I am waiting to get some buds worthy of sharing.
These will be the last pictures I post of the vegetative growth stage.
Yesterday I gave some fish bone meal and some kelp for p and k.
I couldn't find anything appropriate to add some n. I guess I really do need to drive into town. It's been several weeks that I have been saying I need to go.
Thanks for helping the veg portion and for following my grow. I hope we are as successful with the flowering.View attachment 626096View attachment 626097View attachment 626100View attachment 626102View attachment 626104
Sorry for the double post. I suck at this. The above leaves are my first bit of trouble in a while. On the sativa looking blue dream. Only on some new growth on some branches. Those branches have quit growing as fast as the rest of the plant.
I'm going to treat as calcium minus. If you have another opinion, please let me know.
tell ya this much,,i would say you got that garden pretty well dailed in ,,and i wouldnt do nothing to them,fabulouse garden,,that one plant just didnt like what you gave her,,water fed straighten it up,,but your dialed in friend,,make me jealouse i cant grow um like that,lmao damn laws


View attachment 626859
Wow, things getting out of hand on this plant real fast.
One of two main branches are affected. Stunted, woody, new growth funky and dying. Too close to flowering to hope to correct in time.
I am wondering if I should remove the entire branch, about 1 1/2 inches thick branch or would this shock the rest of the plant? Anyone know what would affect only one branch? I haven't scoped it yet...wondering if this could be from pests?
i wouldnt cut no branches this late,,how far are they


View attachment 626859
Wow, things getting out of hand on this plant real fast.
One of two main branches are affected. Stunted, woody, new growth funky and dying. Too close to flowering to hope to correct in time.
I am wondering if I should remove the entire branch, about 1 1/2 inches thick branch or would this shock the rest of the plant? Anyone know what would affect only one branch? I haven't scoped it yet...wondering if this could be from pests?
i had one couple years ago indoors though,,that bitch had one branch that the leaves did same shit,,couldnt figure it out for shit,,so i just chalked it up for a main artery and i gave it something it didnt like,,just one branch,,wish i still had picture


How did I miss this grow. Nice work. Wish I could grow outside like that.
All I can suggest is scope for bugs. Check your water source to make sure nothing has changed. Have you been on top of your preventative maintenance?


View attachment 626859
Wow, things getting out of hand on this plant real fast.
One of two main branches are affected. Stunted, woody, new growth funky and dying. Too close to flowering to hope to correct in time.
I am wondering if I should remove the entire branch, about 1 1/2 inches thick branch or would this shock the rest of the plant? Anyone know what would affect only one branch? I haven't scoped it yet...wondering if this could be from pests?

i saw your other post, and now ive seen here. thinking out loud,
could it be burnt leaves from the sun reflecting something nearby? it looks like 2 plants are affected by the picture?


i saw your other post, and now ive seen here. thinking out loud,
could it be burnt leaves from the sun reflecting something nearby? it looks like 2 plants are affected by the picture?
Thanks for helping. No, only one branch of one plant is affected. They are all out in the sun, nothing to reflect on her.
A noticeable difference is the affected branch is much stiffer, it would snap if I tried a super crop. The other branch of the plant still soft and pliant. Hmmmm,


View attachment 626096 View attachment 626097 View attachment 626100 View attachment 626102 View attachment 626104 If anyone wants to rip me they are going to have to walk. I can still access it all by driving thru one garage door and out the side door. It's still way early but I want to stop lookie lues from "getting lost", looking for "where Joe the garbage man lives" and other excuses people have given for trespassing my property. I'm still gonna post my trespass/police stories. Maybe I will do that while I am waiting to get some buds worthy of sharing.
These will be the last pictures I post of the vegetative growth stage.
Yesterday I gave some fish bone meal and some kelp for p and k.
I couldn't find anything appropriate to add some n. I guess I really do need to drive into town. It's been several weeks that I have been saying I need to go.
Thanks for helping the veg portion and for following my grow. I hope we are as successful with the flowering.View attachment 626096View attachment 626097View attachment 626100View attachment 626102View attachment 626104
Sorry for the double post. I suck at this. The above leaves are my first bit of trouble in a while. On the sativa looking blue dream. Only on some new growth on some branches. Those branches have quit growing as fast as the rest of the plant.
I'm going to treat as calcium minus. If you have another opinion, please let me know.

View attachment 626859
Wow, things getting out of hand on this plant real fast.
One of two main branches are affected. Stunted, woody, new growth funky and dying. Too close to flowering to hope to correct in time.
I am wondering if I should remove the entire branch, about 1 1/2 inches thick branch or would this shock the rest of the plant? Anyone know what would affect only one branch? I haven't scoped it yet...wondering if this could be from pests?
If @Seamaiden has time she is really good at diagnostics. And a lot more experience than me.


How did I miss this grow. Nice work. Wish I could grow outside like that.
All I can suggest is scope for bugs. Check your water source to make sure nothing has changed. Have you been on top of your preventative maintenance?

Thank you for the compliment and your suggestions. I do need to scope her, because it's isolated to one branch, it makes me suspicious. They are getting well water, not recently tested but the rest of the garden looks good. We are growing in a forest environment with a large population of all sorts of insects. We haven't used any type of prevention as I didn't want to throw things out of kilter. I will scope tomorrow. Hoping for the best.


Just going into flower.
how much do you feed that plant ,when you feed,,just saying this,,and dont take my word,,this is a highly debatable issue these day,,if you feed them 3 gallons,,take a tbsp of agriculture lime and disolve it in you water,,feed that one plant a shot,,it will balance your soil to a nuetral 7.0 ph,,im still thinking it just a finiky bitch,,every strain is difrent,,some hog some not,,other option is to swing that one plant,,by that i have had plants that i would have to swing ph higher or lower,,now this i had to do in coco,,i always feed them 6.5,,and i swing it up to 6.7,,didnt work so swing it to 6.0 and plant loved it,,in soil the soil buffers that and really you can ph water but soil will still balance it ,,so just as my boxes outside,,i take ag lime and spread just a fine layer on top of soil,,just enough to see you did and then water it in,it then buffers as it goes to bottom of box,,in your case,,i strongly think that plant is just special and need extra attention,,but as i said yesterday,,i would just feed it water,,because that sure looks like a nutrient burn,and if it continue on the same path,,i would add a teasponn or tablespoon of ag lime and water it in,just that one time,,kinda like taking a asprin for headache,,if you dig what im saying,,i had same thing ,once,,never did find out why ,just that one limb,but it turned out great and after i just gave up it still produced great buds,,just had funky leaves on that branch,,if it was threw out your garden ,i would say you have a problem ,but just one plant on one limb,,it something you did to cause it,,just saying.. put a teaspoon of lime in 3 gallon water and see what happens,,


Thanks for helping. No, only one branch of one plant is affected. They are all out in the sun, nothing to reflect on her.
A noticeable difference is the affected branch is much stiffer, it would snap if I tried a super crop. The other branch of the plant still soft and pliant. Hmmmm,
i got another tip for you with you saying how stiff the branch is,,start at end of branch and work your way down,,but take a knife and scratch the stalk ,just enough so the skin is off about 1/8 in long,,if stalk is alive it will be green ,if dead it will be brownish like wood,,i do this for pruning my roses,,doesnt have to be deep either just scrath it ,your looking for green ,,if you do this and find end 1/3 of stalk were your problem is ,is woody,,find were it is green and cut branch at the green ,,put just a tad of honey on cut it will heal as it always does,,thats how i prune my roses


This is the bberry gum that started to flower when she was transitioned from artificial light to outside. Put outside May 8th, grew quickly to five feet tall but started budding well before the June 20th solstice.
She pretty much quit growing for several weeks after the solstice but she never started to reveg which is what we expected.
The past few weeks those early buds have started to swell. No new growth, just packing on the existing bud mass. I am wondering if she will continue to fatten up into huge buds and ripen at the usual October time, will she finish early?
I hope you all have a great weekend. My back is still on the mend, no garden work except to water for me. View attachment 624870
you grow beauties brother :-)


View attachment 626859
Wow, things getting out of hand on this plant real fast.
One of two main branches are affected. Stunted, woody, new growth funky and dying. Too close to flowering to hope to correct in time.
I am wondering if I should remove the entire branch, about 1 1/2 inches thick branch or would this shock the rest of the plant? Anyone know what would affect only one branch? I haven't scoped it yet...wondering if this could be from pests?
can you test the media pH? Do you have a reliable probe? if you are going acidic you may be losing nutrients. It might not be a great idea to add more nutes before learning if the pH is swinging, since it may be the added Cations in a Calcium input would further add to the problems of CEC overload.

Has the plant been dry? Wet? Cold? Hot? If we can rule out extremes of environmentals and pH, we can say its a pest, what pest is hard to know, there are so many.

There are some pests that cause this problem where branches appear to die on otherwise healthy plants, these are borer grubs, moth larvae etc, usually tiny little maggot/ worm looking things, pink, orange, yellow in color but possibly many others too. They are so small and easy to miss, they crawl in to dark parts of the plant and chew in to the stems, this is terminal.
I have had plants that have been attacked outside by this moth larva, like a corn ear worm, they literally gave my plants Botrytis mate, it was terminal I am sorry to say. You may try to apply a bio control such as Bti ot BtK, Beauveria Bassiana, Trichoderma, used systematically it might prevent a recurrence, but i would say you probably may well notice the plant getting increasingly worse, more bud will turn brown and decay. You may just have to cut your losses and consider netting future plants to keep this moth or possible intruder off the plants. No easy task in light of the size. If you cut a branch, you may be too late if the infection, if this is what it is, has reached the Vascular system, and opening a new wound might make things worse anyway if spores are in the locale.

sorry not to be more positive, sometimes we have to accept losses, if we can know why, we can hope to mitigate in the future, this might not help today.


Good Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. BudBogart, I'm really glad to see the great support you are getting from our awesome group of members here. I believe in always removing bad leaves or branches on any kind of plant as needed through the grow. I agree with Ecompost on checking the ph level for a drop causing the burn. My biggest concern is it seems like most of your plants are just starting to flower very late in the season to properly finish. How late can you grow where you live?


how much do you feed that plant ,when you feed,,just saying this,,and dont take my word,,this is a highly debatable issue these day,,if you feed them 3 gallons,,take a tbsp of agriculture lime and disolve it in you water,,feed that one plant a shot,,it will balance your soil to a nuetral 7.0 ph,,im still thinking it just a finiky bitch,,every strain is difrent,,some hog some not,,other option is to swing that one plant,,by that i have had plants that i would have to swing ph higher or lower,,now this i had to do in coco,,i always feed them 6.5,,and i swing it up to 6.7,,didnt work so swing it to 6.0 and plant loved it,,in soil the soil buffers that and really you can ph water but soil will still balance it ,,so just as my boxes outside,,i take ag lime and spread just a fine layer on top of soil,,just enough to see you did and then water it in,it then buffers as it goes to bottom of box,,in your case,,i strongly think that plant is just special and need extra attention,,but as i said yesterday,,i would just feed it water,,because that sure looks like a nutrient burn,and if it continue on the same path,,i would add a teasponn or tablespoon of ag lime and water it in,just that one time,,kinda like taking a asprin for headache,,if you dig what im saying,,i had same thing ,once,,never did find out why ,just that one limb,but it turned out great and after i just gave up it still produced great buds,,just had funky leaves on that branch,,if it was threw out your garden ,i would say you have a problem ,but just one plant on one limb,,it something you did to cause it,,just saying.. put a teaspoon of lime in 3 gallon water and see what happens,,
Thank you for all of the suggestions ! Most appreciated.
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