Obama Campaign Begins

  • Thread starter squiggly
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Yea... I am a libertarian. I am for Ron Paul but until the tea baggers come on board he may not see the white house. It is a winner take all system that needs to be changed in order to have true change. Wonder if that will happen in my lifetime???
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

True That^^^^ Percentage of Total Votes per Party Determines the Amount of Electoral Votes Recieved. Would Completely Change the Game. No More Mob Rules, The Lesser Vote Still Counts. You Know What They Say... Less Can Be More! It All Adds Up when the Less are Counted Instead of Canceled Out!


personally I view it unconstitutional as we have people that are being taxed without proper representation. But agian... just my thoughts. They try and some it into the catch me all of the "General welfare" of the people.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Agreed, "If" I did Choose to Vote Republican, My Vote From Ca. Does Not Count! Winner Take All Electoral Votes and Heavily Democratic Ca... My Voice is Not Heard and My Vote Counts for Zip...
Total Rip Off...


I for one don't care for any of our candidates. I go to get a job at a garden center and 100 applications competing with me. However the most important now in America and we get a handful of applicants all of which aren't worth a shit but some less evil then others. I for one will not be voting for Romney. I would prefer to vote for Ron paul... Buuut we all know he's not gonna win so I feel a vote for him is a waste they're gonna put in who they want anyway, I feel, that being said you have to just choose the lesser of the two evils. Do I want Obama in office? NO! Do I want Romney in office? HEEEELL NO! Ron Paul? Yes. Realistically is Ron Paul gonna win? Nope because he would run this country the way it should be and the way it should be run violates a human right or two. Does it make it right no but it makes it work, sometimes you've got to shoot a hostage or in this case a murderer or a rapist. A vot for Ron Paul is a wasted vote sorry to say it but if you disagree then your ignorant in the ways of the very country you live in. I will vote for the lesser of the twevils and just hold on andwait forbthe crash of the country. Do I want this place to fall apart? No but its gonna happen because americans would rather stand up and make sure some murderers human rights are being taken into consideration instead of worrying about the victims civil rights while he was being beaten to death and robbed. Wake up and realize your opinions do not fuckin matter to these presidents. I would also like to add that if you think Obama is fuckin this country up your wrong, granted he hasn't done much to make it better so far but that's because hes still shoveling all of Bush's shit out the front door of the white house, he's the one that buried us, now were seeing the affects of what bush did. Obama did in three years what bush couldn't imagine doing in 8, he got osama, he finished Bush's war, IS WAS NOT OUR WAR, it was Bush's war, yes they smashed the world trade centers, it was a coincedence really. Bush was gonna go anyway he just ended up having an excuse. So blame bush for the shit were in now. I hope Obama gets another 4 year's hell we gave bush 8 what do we have to lose besides more time we could be advancing our country? No ones given a shit about that so far so fuck it. Hold on and wait to see what's gonna happen. I'm voting for obama.. I had the same attitude as a lot of you guys 4 years ago "im not voting for either one of those guys" but my opinion of Obama has been changed I think he deserves a bigger chance. We gave bush the benefit of the doubt so I for one won't take that from Obama. Just Romney's policy on marijuana is enough to put my middle finger in his face. He will waste just as much money on shutting down everything that states like colorado and California have worked so hard to obtain, as we did on the war overseas. It's a waste of fuckin money people. Money this country doesn't have. Romney's idea is "were not at war with the middle east let's spend money on the war on drugs" when it should be called the war on marijuana. I hear about grow houses getting smashed up all the time. I don't hear a damn thing about meth labs being taken down.anywho I could go on about this all day as I'm sure many can. No one will ever win this argument there's to many nay sayers, to many different religions to many different beliefs and tradition and attitudes. That's what makes this a great country is we can excercise all that freely what fucks us is when it gets in our own way, it doesn't all help the advancement of the country.


Yes, they keep the accounts separate.

Those dollars never mingle with one another.

Getting rid of planned parenthood would mean more abortions--that's a fact. Specifically getting rid of the tax-subsidized portions which are meant to reduce unwanted pregnancies for the most part (and to give access to adoption programs and shit like that).

I understand that you don't like that money goes to an organization that does this--but it DOES NOT go to pay for this specific thing. It actually all goes to probably the most effective thing in this country in terms of reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancies, and thereby abortions.

There's another thing that helps great with unwanted pregnancies.. condoms. I agree with abortion, I agree that an innocent child should not he born to a family that didn't want him/her. But I believe people need to take more responsibility for there actions as well. Most of the people having these abortions are kids under 18 the shit about it is hthat the place these kids go to to have abortions is also the ones that give out free condoms, they do that because its cheaper to give out a condom then to write off an abortion on taxes then it falls into our broke ass governments hands who just prints another sheet of money and hands it to the clinic.


I'd like to add that I agree with a lot of what squiggly says.


Truth be told, we're fucked.

There's too many people out there convinced that they are right all the time--and far too many people interested in some mindless, drone-like, personal standard compromising, march against ONE-MAN.

You say he'll do all these terrible things, and then you go on to do terrible things to prove it (lie, distort information, neglect logic).

Shame on the lot of you who are only interested in being right. YOU are the problem this country has--not one guy that half of your countrymen voted for and support.



There's another thing that helps great with unwanted pregnancies.. condoms. I agree with abortion, I agree that an innocent child should not he born to a family that didn't want him/her. But I believe people need to take more responsibility for there actions as well. Most of the people having these abortions are kids under 18 the shit about it is hthat the place these kids go to to have abortions is also the ones that give out free condoms, they do that because its cheaper to give out a condom then to write off an abortion on taxes then it falls into our broke ass governments hands who just prints another sheet of money and hands it to the clinic.

Abstinence education is really helping the situation.


Super sarcasm, yes.

Abstinence is the dumbest possible shit in the world.

Educator: "One option you have is to never have sex."
Child: "No shit, Sherlock."

While we're at it, we should start walking in a straight line education, the color red education, and your parent's names education. We should also make sure to spend money on guest speakers for each education event so they can drag out the obvious for 1 hour.


Super sarcasm, yes.

Abstinence is the dumbest possible shit in the world.

Educator: "One option you have is to never have sex."
Child: "No shit, Sherlock."

While we're at it, we should start walking in a straight line education, the color red education, and your parent's names education. We should also make sure to spend money on guest speakers for each education event so they can drag out the obvious for 1 hour.

Haha nice I figured it was sarcasm I read your posts and you didn't seem ignorant enough to actually believe that.

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