
  • Thread starter FastForward
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From all I've read he's much more open to medical marijuana than McCain was, so perhaps less aggro from the feds towards state sanctioned dispensaries.

Gotta run out but will do a thorough news search to find out Obama's position on cannabis (recreationally and medicinally) and will post stuff up later on. Please feel free to share links and info here, and will summarise for all later on.

Whatever your politics are, even if you don't have any, the western world needed a change....and now we're going to get one. Let's hope it's a change for the better for MJ users.


Obama is subscribed to my youtube and my youtube is purely about cannabis lol

GO Obama Go

Thick Smoke

i agree we needed a change. honestly i believe almost any change might be good. the last 8 years have been interesting and kinda scary with the last few.
i know he has admitted to smoking and doing coke. atleast he inhaled LOL


Obama seams open enough , let's just hope he has a good shock collar around Biden's neck to keep that asshole in check . This one's for you DRUG CZAR :punch :middlefinger
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Even if Obama isn't really on the side of MMJ patients he will most likely look to cut excess spending and the DEA's budget to bust co-ops is excess.

El Barto

I don't think this issue is even on his radar. That poor guy has a lot of stuff to take care of.

But he did promise to stop federal raids on state approved MMj patients. That's a big step forward right there IMO.


I don't think he would openly support marijuana but once he takes office I'm sure we are going to see a major change :D


Premium Member
What ever happens about the weed front, I truly believe the earth can start to repair her self now that war monger is out.

Obama brings hope for the many. Not just in america. Hell look at Kenya. Public holiday!

Now we just need to oust Brown.


I heard he would put a stop to federal raids in California.


Hell yea go Obama and all of us who voted for him, but lets all keep in mind. Hes not going to just change laws for us, what he will do is listen to our case with an unbiased open-mind. All the smart pot heads better be getting there shit together now, and make sure that we explain the economic hardships and moral decay of the entire world that the prohibition of cannabis in our country has caused.



Obama & Pot:



Obama on medical marijuana
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/deadlineusa/2008/may/15/obamaonmedicalmarijuana

In a little-noticed remark in the Willamette Week, a Portland, Oregon weekly, Barack Obama indicates he's open to allowing medical marijuana in the several states that have voted to permit it.

The paper asks if he would stop federal Drug Enforcement Agency raids on the state's medical marijuana growers. His response:

I would because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism. The way I want to approach the issue of medical marijuana is to base it on science, and if there is sound science that supports the use of medical marijuana and if it is controlled and prescribed in a way that other medicine is prescribed, then it's something that I think we should consider.

RNC director Danny Diaz responds to Obama's remarks:

Barack Obama's pledge to stop executive agencies from implementing laws passed by Congress raises serious doubts about his understanding of what the job of the President of the United States actually is. His refusal to enforce the law reveals that Barack Obama doesn't have the experience necessary to do the job of President, or that he fundamentally lacks the judgment to carry out the most basic functions of the Executive Branch. What other laws would Barack Obama direct federal agents not to enforce?

I'll note that Obama neither pledged nor refused to do anything. He merely said he would review the science. I'm looking forward to debate on this issue, and hope it can be done maturely, without hyperbole or stale war-on-drugs rhetoric.

Posted: Sunday, November 25, 2007 9:33 AM

source: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/11/25/479649.aspx


AUDUBON, IA -- Obama can't seem to escape the smoke of his youthful indiscretions wafting after him on the campaign trail. Just four days after he told a group of high school students that he had experimented with drugs in high school, Obama had to admit to it again at a town hall here.

When a voter asked Obama if he was for the legalization of medical marijuana, Obama said that he wasn't in favor of legalization without scientific evidence and tight controls. Citing his mother who died from cancer young, Obama compared marijuana to morphine saying there was little difference between the two.

"My attitude is if the science and the doctors suggest that the best palliative care and the way to relieve pain and suffering is medical marijuana then that's something I'm open to because there's no difference between that and morphine when it comes to just giving people relief from pain,” Obama said. “But I want to do it under strict guidelines. I want it prescribed in the same way that other painkillers or palliative drugs are prescribed.”

But he added that he was concerned that the reasons for the use of marijuana would grow and create a "slippery slope."

"I was feeling really tense, so I needed a joint," Obama joked with the crowd of those who might try and undermine that type of system.

The question was followed up by another voter asking him, "Unlike other presidents, did you inhale?"

"I did," Obama said to loud applause and laughter. "It's not something that I'm proud of. It was a mistake … But you know, I'm not going to. I never understood that line. The point was to inhale. That was the point."

Obama Supports Marijuana Decriminalization
Jacob Sullum | January 31, 2008, 2:19pm

The Washington Times reports that Barack Obama, who told an audience of college students when he was running for the U.S. Senate in 2004 that he favored decriminalizing marijuana, still holds that position, although he opposes complete legalization. According to his campaign, Obama mistakenly raised his hand during a presidential debate last fall when the candidates were asked which of them opposed marijuana decriminalization:

When asked by The Times about decriminalizing marijuana, the Obama campaign reiterated the candidate's opposition to legalization. "Senator Obama does not believe in legalization of marijuana, but agrees with President Bush that long minimum sentences for first-time drug users may not be the best way to occupy jail space or heal people from their disease," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said.

The campaign went on to say that, as president, Mr. Obama "will review drug sentences to see where we can be smarter on crime and reduce the blind and counterproductive sentencing of non-violent offenders, and revisit instances where drug rehabilitation may be more appropriate." His campaign later stated that Mr. Obama "always" has supported decriminalizing marijuana.

Given what Obama seems to mean by decriminalization, this position is not exactly radical. About a dozen states are said to have decriminalized marijuana, which generally means that possession of small amounts for personal use does not result in arrest and can be punished by a modest fine at worst. Possession is still illegal in almost all of those states, the conspicuous exception being Alaska, where possession of a few ounces in one's home does not trigger any penalty at all. Possessing more than the limit (usually an ounce), growing marijuana, or selling it remain crimes even in so call decrim states. Still, this news gives me one more reason for preferring Obama to Clinton, a position that until now was based more on my distaste for her than any attraction to him.

Addendum: This was the question that confused Obama at the presidential debate:

Sen. Dodd, you went on the Bill Maher show last month and said that you were for decriminalizing marijuana. Is there anyone here who disagrees with Sen. Dodd in decriminalizing marijuana?

As I noted last month, Christopher Dodd's position regarding marijuana, which has been applauded by drug policy reformers, may not be as bold as it was made out to be. He said states should be allowed to set their own policies regarding medical use, a point on which all the Democratic candidates (including Clinton) agreed, and he expressed opposition to "statutes that would incarcerate or severely penalize people for using marijuana." But no state, whether it has "decriminalized" marijuana or not, makes a practice of locking up pot smokers, and neither does the federal government, so Dodd's preferred policy in this area may be pretty close to the status quo.


Hey guys... I just saw on the news that Obama said he knows he wont be able to fix the economy but he believes he will be able to "niggarig" it.:rofl


Hey guys... I just saw on the news that Obama said he knows he wont be able to fix the economy but he believes he will be able to "niggarig" it.:rofl

That was :fubarwrong and :roflfunny at the same time


Thanks for the great information Fast Forward.I believe Obama to be a capable intelligent man.I think things are really gonna look up the minute we get that Dimwit GeeeeDuuuuhhhbbbuuaaa out of the picture and White House.Peace,Ale.

GDS StonerBoy

Obama getting office was a very much needed change here in the states. He was by far the better candidate and he has a wife thats just as intelligent as he is, definitely not the case for McCain!

Now the faster we can bring this war to a close, the faster we can get our economy back on track. And the faster our economy gets back on track, the more growing gear i can afford!
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