Oh My God, He Turned It INSIDE OUT!!!

  • Thread starter ttystikk
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Am I nuts? Or, does an inside-out tree make sense to you?

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With all you have gifted to the farm and your honesty thus far it would never lead me to think your lying, only wanting to see it myself... ;) There are few on here that shouldn't be questioned when it comes to outcome, you my friend fall in that row. I'm sure you have done enough that you don't need to over exaggerate anything. Go ahead rock our minds..


With all you have gifted to the farm and your honesty thus far it would never lead me to think your lying, only wanting to see it myself... ;) There are few on here that shouldn't be questioned when it comes to outcome, you my friend fall in that row. I'm sure you have done enough that you don't need to over exaggerate anything. Go ahead rock our minds..

Thank you, that is both high praise- and an ongoing responsibility, lol.

As far as rocking our minds, I'll leave that to the plant- it is why we're doing this, right?


I really like your thought processes tty! You don't simply see something and take it as proven. You think, "how can I make that better or more efficient?" That's how i think and it bugs me that so many ppl are satisfied w the status quo...not just with pot, but in all aSpects of life! My new favorite thread!


likes to smell trees.
Very true, which is why I'm quite sure that the real key to yields with this approach isn't the tech, it's going to be all about managing the stretch and stacking phases to put budding sites across the entire canopy surface- evenly, please!- and then let them stack up towards the bulb once the plant's growth transitions.

Easier said than done. I'm open to suggestions and advice! I know my strain pretty well, I think. I know what structure I'm looking for and how to train the plant to gain it.

That structure is about 20" tall, with 4-6 main branches aimed at the corners of the canopy. At this point, I'll install the plant in the system and flip it into bloom. Once each runner gets to its objective, I'll top it to stop its progress and encourage thickening. The goal for transition is to have a budding site everywhere on the canopy surface, perhaps a hundred in total per plant. If I manage this part well, an eye popping final number is within my grasp- flub it and my yield will suffer.

you need to think "espalier"

They do it perfectly with apples.


You need to take a leader branch all the way up, and then top and bend the leaders. Side branches need to be tied down the same. You would need to flip when the leader are 2/3 to the edges, then do some serious training the next 3 weeks. I have done this outdoors against a wall with a Jamaican strain and I did great with one plant. I got her 3 feet tall and almost 6 feet wide. Wish I had a pic but it was a long time ago.


likes to smell trees.
I feel like with this system and your strain it would be ideal to fill the whole screen, and then flip... then top aggressively during the first 2 weeks of stretch, then let the plant finish stretching.

Then at the end of week three prune out all the little bullshit and sucker growth. If the plant is being exposed completely then does it matter if you top the main leads? I feel like the plant would just put the energy in to the lowers or mids at that point. 100 golf ball size flowers instead of 10 spears you know? It would be a good experiment to take two equal plants and top one during stretch and the other let it be, and compare dry weight.


This plant will stretch 2 full feet on poor nutes starting from just 16" tall. Getting bigger in time is not our problem, making sure all the gaps from stretch get covered will be.

I'll circle back to timing in a sec- first, I wanted to respond to your proposed test; I just ran it, and realized it after the fact. This stain produces far better yields And quality when more uniformly grown into many tops. The difference is 3:2 and height is also much more controllable. Thus, it became my model for this first vertical run.

I ended up with small mesh, 2x2". This limits me a bit, so I'm planning to run the stems outside and only allow buds to poke thru. I'm going to make sure the plant is growing strongly from at least four good runners before transplant, and I know this strain responds well to a judicious topping at the end of stretch, so this is my Ace in the hole for shaping.

I think you are a wise man and have walked this path recently, so I'm going to take your advice, Cap. I'll give her a couple weeks to really fill in before flip, just to make sure the canopy is full. This thing can only show its true potential if it's properly full first, right?


I think I figured out why I'm reluctant to take a lot of pics... y'all are gonna laugh at me; when I was a little kid, my dad would sometimes let me use his camera- always with the admonition that 'every picture costs money! Shoot sparingly!' Yeah, so to this very day, I get a pang of guilt every time I take a fucking free digital pic! Stupid, I know, but some things get drilled into you so deep as a kid it can take 40 years to figure it out...


Things are progressing, but as with any experiment, it has to sit on the back burner while I pay the bills!

I've scrounged up some fencing, bent it into shape, gotten my electronics and assembled the motor. Haven't built the mover or the reversing switch yet, but I'll get to it in the next few days... after the bills are paid...


I think I figured out why I'm reluctant to take a lot of pics... y'all are gonna laugh at me; when I was a little kid, my dad would sometimes let me use his camera- always with the admonition that 'every picture costs money! Shoot sparingly!' Yeah, so to this very day, I get a pang of guilt every time I take a fucking free digital pic! Stupid, I know, but some things get drilled into you so deep as a kid it can take 40 years to figure it out...
So true! I've worked with a lot of people to help them 'release' past trauma/ways of doing things that worked as kids but are no longer necessary. And I've gone through the same work myself. It's amazing how an intelligent, strong willed, well educated person can, in certain circumstances, be ruled by an event or conditioning that took place when they were a small child.

My father made a bad business decision when I was a kid and we lost everything. I fear this with any investment I make in business. Though I've done some things right, i've also lost a few investments myself and I can sometimes see how I sabotage myself because that is what I 'know' will happen. Because that is what my experience was growing up. Though about this a lot when I was spending thousands as an investment in growing pot! Er, I mean Medical Cannabis


Wow, I must really be needing a break from work since i'm starting to philosophize. Bottom line - take a deep breath... let it out, and push the shutter release ;-} We are all dying to experience our own kid like wonderment at experimenting and creating new things through your efforts and sharing.


Kind words of great wisdom, they resonate because it's hard to hear.

Thanks for the insight, I really appreciate it. There is a lot more in my life this applies to!


Still progressing... the girls I have for this are growing well, considering they're crammed in around the corners in anything but ideal circumstances! They've been moved into 10" net pot bucket lids, and they're currently pushing a yard in height. Soon, it will be time to top them and have them spread their wings around each semicircular trellis, at which point it will be SHOWTIME!


I was all set and ready to pull the trigger and put all this gear together in a room and start the blooming process... and I had a very serious medical problem. Nothing self inflicted, just one of those out of left field things, right? This is a DELAY, not a DENY, and it may yet play out well; the biggest variable is to have the plants big enough to fully cover the trellis, and a 2 week delay should solve that problem!

The good news is that given a little time, my medical condition will respond well to treatment and I'll be good as new. Maybe better. Certainly more thankful for modern medical technology...
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